A/N Hey guys! My friend got me really into the musical Next to Normal, and every time I hear "Superboy and the Invisible Girl" I picture Rose singing this about Scorpius. So I finally wrote it out! (at 3 in the morning :P )

This is probably gonna be a two-shot with another song from NtN. I suggest listening to the song before reading! (I took out diane's part because it wouldn't make sense)


I own neither Next to Normal or Harry Potter! Oh well….

This was it. The ball of the year. The one we've been waiting 5 years for. We've all been waiting for it, dreaming of, anticipating it. Tonight lives would be changed. The fates would have their way with us tonight, and we would let them because, hell, what the fuck did we care. This was our defining moment. Our one true moment of school that would override all the others until graduation next year.

At least, that's what we're told by everyone older than us. "Don't screw this night up, or the next 2 years will be utter hell." As sixth years, this is like our debut and our chance to show the seventh years and teachers that we are the next best thing.

"Scorp! For fucks sake, change already! Or we are gonna be late. We have the hottest dates tonight, so don't go screwing this shit up. This is real."

Maybe I should explain. My name is Scorpius Malfoy. Yes, as in Draco and Astoria Malfoy's one and only child/son. I am the prodigy. Something I can't live down. The fame, not the infamy. Thanks to the great Harry Potter, (and I'm not just saying that because he's my best friend's father), my father was cleared of all charges from the war. Now, I'm simply known for my looks, my smooth talking, and my not so small fortune.

But I'm not bragging.

Ok, only a little. But hey, when you've got it, flaunt it.

As aforementioned, my best friend is none other than Albus Severus Potter. Yeah, our names aren't the greatest, but the ladies don't care.

For the past five years the two of us have been living it up like no other. We are our own legends, made our own names, and have basically ruled the school, with some help from James Potter and Fred Weasley, but hey, minor details.

I've been gaming at the top of my class from the very beginning. Well, almost the top. There just this one blip on my way to the top and she goes by the name of Rose Juliet Weasley. Again, minor detail. She's so obsolete and off the radar that she might as well not count.

Rose Weasley, well it's hard to describe Rose. She might be my best friend's cousin and the one person who could beat me in anything academia related, but she keeps to herself, it's easy to forget she's there. All you need to know it that she has this bush of auburn hair that is unimaginably frizzy and kind of crooked teeth.

She is nothing like the rest of the Weasley/Potter gang. They are all loud mouth, obnoxious, funny kirks that always have a good time and are the center of the party.

But you would never catch my dead dating one of the Weaslettes. Sure, they're all great girls, but I know how crazy/moody/violent they can get, plus the male Weasleys like me enough but they'd kill me in a heartbeat if I so much as looked at one of the girls in a romantic way.

No, I would never ever ever date a Weasley. Being best friends with one, or rather half of one, is a handful enough.

But I'm rambling.

The main thing is this huge dance tonight. We've only been about a month back at Hogwarts, so it was time for our debut ball. It was our time to shine and show everyone what we are made of. Kind of. Basically, it was to show the adults that we clean up pretty nicely, then once basically all the adults are gone, we show the seventh years how hardcore we can party too.

The ball is supposed to be a masque, just for fun. And tonight, Al and I have scored the hottest dates. Jenny Zabini and Kathy Wood. Though they got around, there is no denying they were the hottest girls at Hogwarts.

"Bro, let's go already!" Al yelled.

"Okay, okay. Chill dude." I responded. As we head out the dormitory door, I give myself a once over and give my reflection an approving nod. Good to go. Maybe I'll get lucky with Kathy tonight, cause who can deny a Malfoy, especially when they try to look good?

Kathy and Jenny were wearing possibly the shortest dresses possible, while still being able to get away with it. Damn, they looked hot tonight. Look like a fucking is in my cards tonight.

"I get the dormitory tonight, Al. I've already told Justin," I whispered to him. There being only 3 boys in Slytherin in our year tends to work to our advantage.

"Fuck you! I was gonna take it. Damn it, now I have to figure some other sleeping arrangements out."

"Take the Room of Requirement"

"Can't. On weekends, it's all Rosie's. Mainly cause she doesn't go out anywhere."

"Seriously? Well, sucks for you. Have fun finding a place! Ha!"

Al attempts to punch me but I dodge, and we're on our way up to the Great Hall.

The moment we walk in the door (masks on, of course), the girls start squealing and pointing at everything. Ignoring them, Al and I seek out a table to lay claim to.

"Music better start soon, otherwise I'll die of boredom and squealing girls." Al sighs.

"Couldn't agree more. That'll be the only thing to get me through tonight. Who is performing?" I ask.

"Um, I think it's actually just a DJ tonight. But I overheard Professor Longbottom talking about an opening act. A signer or something?"

"Dunno, but they better be worth it."

We sat around, drinking punch and eating some h'ordeuvres, willing the music to start. As the final late comers filed in, the lights started dimming and the lights were on the stage, in the area where the staff table usually was. I'll give it to the decorating committee; they sure know how to swank up the place.

Headmistress McGonagall climbed up on stage and took the mic.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you all look stunning tonight, I must say. Dashing. Well, I know you are all anticipating the night to begin. So we'll kick it off! Before we let our DJ take over, we have a very special performer for you this evening. This is her first performance, but she wanted to perform especially for you all tonight. It's one of our own, but in the spirit of this being a masque ball, she has requested to go by RJules. Without further ado, let's bring her out!"

And then she emerged. This ethereal goddess in a beautiful, white ball gown and an intricately detailed black wired mask. With her beautiful golden red tresses falling down her back. Who was she?

And then she spoke, with a voice like an angel.

"I am only doing two songs tonight, so you can all enjoy your night sooner rather than later" she said with a dazzling smile that showed she was joking around, trying to lighten the mood. She must think she'll be bad. That's impossible.

"They are both from a muggle, American musical. So just bear with me," she flashed her smile again. What are these strange feeling I'm getting. It's as if someone is squeezing the air from my lungs and my heart will burst. I don't even know who this is!

"This song is for a specific person. I hope he knows why I'm singing it to him. Hit it," she tells the DJ.

Great, there's already a lucky guy in this crowd who knows who she is and that she's dedicating a song to him. The lucky bastard.

Superboy and the Invisible Girl
Son of Steel and Daughter of Air
He's a hero, a lover, a prince
She's not there.

What is this song? And why is she singing it? I'm so confused. Why would someone want to sing about being invisible? This is making no sense. But I'm enraptured by this beautiful creature singing. Her voice is like an angel sighing.

Superboy and the Invisible Girl
Everything a kid oughtta be
He's immortal, forever alive
Then there's me

She looks conflicted up there. Though with a song like this, it's no wonder.

"No. Fucking. Way. It can't possibly be her!" My head snaps around to look at Al. His eyes are glued to the girl. It's a concentrated, calculated, confused look he's giving her. "But who would she…?" his eyes shift to me for less than a nanosecond. "No. Impossible. But if she was…. Why?"

His questions aren't making any fucking sense! What the hell is he on about? Why did he look at me?

"Al, what the fuck are you on about? Do you know who that girl is?" I glance at her and it's hard to tear my eyes away.

I wish I could fly
And magically appear and disappear
I wish I could fly
I'd fly far away from here

"Al, who is she? I need to know," I whisper, begging him. I hope Kathy can't tell everything that's happening. No, she's too busy whispering to Jenny and some other bimbo. God, next to the beauty on stage, Kathy looks like nothing but trash. I'm gonna have to avoid her the rest of the night.

"Oh, I don't think I should be the one to tell you, Scorp."


Superboy and the Invisible Girl
He's the one you wish would appear
He's your hero, your savior, your son
He's not here
I am here

How the hell am I supposed to figure out who this girl is? I've never, ever seen her before.

Take a look at the Invisible Girl
Here she is, clear as the day
Please look closely and find her before she fades away

She is putting so much emotion behind this song. It's starting to affect me. I feel like…like she's singing about how she feels invisible next to this guy. That no one cares about her, only him.

I feel terrible. She should never feel that way. Can't she see how beautiful she looks? I don't even know her, but I know that every boy must feel that why whenever they see her. Of course I haven't, I've never seen her before.

Superboy and the Invisible Girl
Son of Steel and Daughter of Air
He's a hero, a lover, a prince

Her eyes have been closed this whole time, like she's too scared to open them.

I've been staring directly at them for the whole song.

And in an instant, her eyes snap open and are glued to mine, as if they knew exactly where I was. As if, she was singing to me…. As if…. She was singing…. To me…

She's not there
She's not there

Even from where I am sitting, I can tell her eyes are the perfect shade of ocean blue. But I can see that there is a storm raging in them.

And I know. She's singing not only to me, but about me.

She's not there
She's not there

She's not there…

Where have I seen those eyes?