Author's Note: This chapter has MATURE CONTENT, and I will no longer be giving you heads up on this, so keep that in mind! FROM THIS POINT ONWARD, THERE MAY BE MATURE CONTENT





Discord was not happy. I could tell, because he was trying his damnedest to not show it. I had thought that a play would have been fun. But as I was beginning to realise, with his increasingly twitchy tail, that he did not.

There were so many ponies around, everypony smiling and talking as they tried to find places. The play was starring the foals from the Ponyville Schoolhouse, and was about - I gathered - harvest time. I opted for the back, knowing Discord would not bow low for anypony else. It would hurt his neck after a while anyhow.

"What's wrong Dizzy, don't like it?"

He glanced at me without moving his head, orange and red taking up the corner of his eye.

"It was not my first choice. But you like these, so I am happy." His sentence was punctuated with a violent tail flick, which gave me doubts about his sincerity. Everypony started to quiet down as Cheerilee took the stage to announce the start. Her big smile was easily seen from where we were and I couldn't help but smile back at her.

"And now, without further ado, Helping Hooves!"

Everypony stomped to applaud the little ones onto the stage. It was a cute story about how everypony should lend a hand during harvest time so all could eat and enjoy themselves. I laughed out loud with everypony else when the colt on stage delivered the best punchline of the story. Glancing over, I noted Discord's wide grin obviously relaxed enough to start enjoying himself. I leaned into his side when the roar died down, and felt his claw rest lightly on my back. I felt myself flush, and found it hard to focus on the play as the sun started to set. His claw started trailing nonsensical patterns all over my shoulders and I forgot about the play altogether. Lights flooded the stage as the sun went down and I shuddered as Dizzy's clawed digits found their way under my mane and onto the back of my neck.

All of a sudden ponies were stomping their hooves and it took me a moment to realise that the play was over. Belatedly, I joined the crowd as Discord retracted his claw to clap. I looked over at him and he was grinning smugly, staring at me as he clapped. He raised a single eyebrow and I snorted. We left before the crowd could trample us and headed toward town square.

"That was nice." Dizzy conceded.

"Yes it was!" I smiled, bouncing along, "The foals did a really good job!"

"I wasn't referring to the play."

My steps faltered and I looked up to see an expressionless Discord looking back at me. I scrunched my eyes, squinting at him.

"Get down here so I can smack you."

He burst out laughing and I couldn't help but join him.

"It was nice." I agreed, "Maybe one day I'll be able to catch you off-guard."

"Unlikely," He grinned, obviously pleased with the idea, "I'm always ready for the unexpected."

"We'll see." I grinned back at him, returning to my bouncing gait.

The moonlight was reflecting off the cobblestone streets, mingling with the light of open windows. Dizzy fell to all fours beside me, keeping pace. I wondered how he felt about our relationship? Granted he had been the one to start it, but he hadn't initiated anything since then. Even at the play he had waited until I leaned into him to touch me back. I frowned, thinking.

"Did I say something?" Discord asked, catching my expression.

"No. I'm just trying to puzzle something out."

"I don't know why they wore green corn either, but what fun is there in making sense?"

I had to think a moment before realising he meant the play's costumes. I nodded, not wanting him to guess my true thoughts. Did he still like me? Maybe he only thought he liked me because I got him out of stone... We were getting closer to Sugarcube Corner and I opted to walk instead of bounce the rest of the way. Discord was silent as we approached the bakery, and didn't say anything until we reached the front door. No lights shone from within, the bakery having been closed for a long time.

"Pinkie Pie," He said, and I turned to face him, and he was a lot closer than I was used to, being on all fours. "I hope our date was pleasant for you."

I nodded, "You didn't like it though, did you?"

"It was... acceptable." He shrugged, "I was around when plays were the only 'permissible' forms of entertainment."

"Oh. Well you get to pick the next date!" My smile faltered, "Do you like me Dizzy?"

"Of course I do Pinkie Pie," he tilted his head, "did I say something wrong?"

"No... I just... It doesn't feel that way. I always have to initiate affection, and I don't like that. I want to know that you want to..."

"Oh Pinkie Pie." He shook his head, "I'm... I'm just afraid that if I start..."

"I'll return it I promise!" I said quickly

"No Pinkie. I'm afraid that if I start I won't stop."

I stared at him, and he looked back for a moment before shifting his gaze. His claw rose to scratch his lion arm, and he did not return to look at me.

"I... I think you should know that I'm not avoiding your touch because I don't want you. I'm... I want you too much. I'm trying to be a gentleman."

"Are you saying..." I swallowed, "you wouldn't take a 'No'?"

"No!" He looked aghast, "I mean if we are still taking it slow and you and I get... physically intimate, I would not be able to hold myself back... you would be... I would stop if you asked, but you wouldn't and then you would... regret."

I felt tears prick my eyes as he looked up at me to finish, "I don't want you to regret our time together."

"Dizzy," I stood on my hind legs to give him a big hug around the neck, "who told you that you weren't good enough? I'm happy to be with you and if we... become intimate, I'm sure the worst would be if we were interrupted."

"Pinkie..." he hugged me back, "I feel a male starved, and I have not been intimate with anyone in a long time. I don't want to ruin what I have with you over... my manhood."

"I don't understand." I whispered, "Are you afraid that I won't... like it?"

Discord pulled away from me, glancing at my expression and taking a deep breath.

"I'm not shaped like a stallion, Pinkie."

I could not help my downward glance, even though I knew I would not see anything. Magical law of discretion. Meant that both parties would have to want it to be visible.

"Is that... bad?" I hadn't been with anypony, ever. I didn't know what shape stallions were, in real life at least, let alone a creature like Dizzy.

"...It doesn't have to be." His eyes found mine, "I just want you to know that I will only go as far as you are comfortable Pinkie."

"I appreciate that," I said, feeling the heat of a blush I didn't realise I was sporting leave my cheeks, "but I still want you to show me affection. I'll let you know if I don't like something, I promise."

He nodded, and we both shuffled our feet uncomfortably. He bid me goodnight, and gave me a kiss on the head before poofing away. I sighed, and wondered what mare he was with before this to cause him so much doubt. Or maybe... I feel my face grow hot again as I entered the bakery, maybe he wasn't shaped for coupling with a mare.

I sat on my cupcake shaped bed, wondering if I'd scared her off. Better now... before we get too far into this. I grimaced. I didn't want her to go, but I was only half of the relationship. And sex does matter in one. Maybe not for everything, but it plays its part. I thought about my member and it shone into view, sheathed. Similar to a pony, I mused, but as they say: It's what on the inside that counts. I thought of my pretty pink mare as I reached down, wanting to evaluate how I fared compared to a stallion. It rose to the occasion as I thought about using Pinkie's tail as leverage.

"Well well." I said hoarsely, trying to break the train of thought but keep my arousal. It's colour matched Pinkie's fur, but that's where any similarity to ponies ended. The head was not flat and hoof-like. It tapered, like a snake head. I flicked my tongue at the thought, my paw stroked the organ and I closed my eyes briefly. It looked like a snake that swallowed a string of tennis balls, as it bumped it's way to the base. Enough musing. I groaned as I began to stroke, it had been literal decades. I put more force into it, wondering how Pinkie would handle it.

"Oh Dizzy." I moaned softly, the heat from the shower giving me plenty to think about. I shouldn't be thinking about him like this, should I? I frowned, hell I was a consenting mare, and this was my fantasy! I nodded, mind drifting to how easily he seemed to be able to elicit a response from me. If his digits reached any lower... Incer was home, but he said he was going to bed before I went into the shower...

I turned, letting the stream hit my flank, and slide lower. I bit my lip, lowering myself onto the tile, like a dog ready to play and let my imagination run wild.


"You want me to kiss you Pinkie? You want me to touch you."

"Oh yes, Discord. More than anything!"

"As you wish my dear." He whispered in my ear, curved around my back the heat of him driving me wild. His mouth nipped at my withers, biting as he went up until he wrapped his mouth around my traps.

I groaned as his paw gripped my breast while his dexterous claw explored further. He probed my entrance, biting down a little harder when he found me ready.

"You like that Pinkie?" I murmured in the affirmative.

"Then you'll love this." He slid inside and I moaned loudly, pleasure and pain as one before he slid out and -


"Pinkie, are you okay? You've been in there awhile."

I cursed, moment definitely over.

"I'M FINE," I shouted over the spray of water, "JUST DETANGLING."


I growled and shut off the water. How frustrating. Incer couldn't have known - thankfully - but it was darn awful timing. I smiled, as I grabbed a towel. If real Dizzy was anything like the fantasy Discord... Things would be just fine.

I looked at the mess I'd made of the cupcake bed. Would Pinkie look good covered in that, or what? I grinned, cleaning up with my magic. The doubt began to creep back in as I headed downstairs. What if Pinkie became... afraid? Or she was disgusted?

I tried not to think about it. Pinkie certainly seemed open enough to being with me anyway...

A/N: A short but good one, eh? Sounds like we have some... tension that needs to be addressed ;)

I'm going to post as-is and then edit it if my betas point out anything amiss. I figure I owe you guys.