*I don't own Naruto, InuYasha, or any of their characters

You wish for the power to control the world.

Opening his eyes upon hearing the smooth voice, the man who called himself Madara Uchiha gazed upon the unfamiliar dreamscape. He was standing in the courtyard of a dark, decrepit castle whose doors had rotted away. Glancing around quickly, he noticed an odd purple mist surrounding him which reminded him of Sasori's various poisons.

Narrowing his eyes, he looked back towards the castle and called out, "And what if I do?"

I can give you that power, if you so choose.

"I have no need of it. My Eye of the Moon Plan shall be executed once the last two Tailed Beasts are under my control."

Ah, but what if the two Jinchuuriki fail to succumb to you? What then?

Staring defiantly back at the castle doorway where the voice obviously came from, the masked dreamer nonetheless pondered the strange voice's question. While it was an unlikely possibility, he wouldn't put it past the Uzumaki brat to find a way to foil his ultimate plan. He had, after all, that annoying knack to overcome incredible odds.

Finally, after several moments of contemplation, he replied, "And what concern is it of yours?"

A deep chuckle resounded throughout the area. You are very clever, human. I can see that I have made the right choice. Suddenly, a pair of red eyes appeared within the castle doorway as the voice continued, You see, thanks to the actions of an accursed woman, I have been trapped here for several years. I have found a way to escape, however I require some blood that is freely given… a building block, if you will. Since I do not wish to be trapped here once more, I searched long and wide for a place where she and others like her cannot get to… leading me to you.

"And how do you know the woman who originally trapped you cannot do so once again?"

The answer is simple- she resides in a different world.

"A different world?" mused the shinobi. "Is there such a thing?"

Yes. The only positive to this damnable situation is that it has allowed me to discover that there are actually many worlds, with many different beings inhabiting them. Seemingly anticipating the next question, the voice continued, I chose to come to you with my offer because you, and by extension your world, are the best choice. Your world is filled with many beings of power, much like my former home, and I feel that I would do well there.

"So… you say that you need some blood freely given, and called it a building block. If I may ask, what would you be building?"

The eyes blinked, then slanted in amusement. A new body. My old one had been destroyed, and I find that I am in need of a new one if I am to escape this wretched dimension.

"Hmm… if I decide to provide what you need, what then do I receive in exchange?" came the shrewd question.

If you decide to accept my offer, once I am freed of this place I shall offer you an alliance. Anytime that you have need of me, I shall be there.

Suddenly, a tentacle that was obviously carrying something came out of the castle doors. As it traveled towards the dreamer, the voice stated, Take this, and when the time comes simply make sure that the blood is upon it. When it reached its destination, the tentacle turned upside down to reveal a sealed scroll.

Taking the scroll, the man who started a war realized something. "Who are you?"

Much like you, I have been called by many names. As the world around the dreamer suddenly faded, the voice finished, However, you may call me Naraku.

As the shinobi awoke, he was surprised to find the scroll that the being called Naraku had given him was clutched in his hand. Reluctant to allow the small item to fall into anyone else's hands, he decided to keep it on his person at all times… just in case he needed it.

The priestess and the daiyoukai sat next to each other as they witnessed the meeting between the two villains.

"How can we stop this?" asked the horrified priestess, who was once known as Kikyo.

The daiyoukai, who in life was known by the title Inu no Taisho, frowned as he tried to think of a solution. Not too long ago, the mother of his youngest pup had entered the cycle of reincarnation, leaving him alone in the afterlife. While he could still watch over her (which gave him the added bonus of allowing him to check in on his eldest- he couldn't help but laugh hysterically at that twist of fate), he nonetheless had found himself wishing for some company. Therefore, when the first love of his youngest arrived in this plane for the second time, he found himself offering to accompany her until she was reincarnated once more. She accepted, and the two had been traveling together ever since.

Finally, the actions of his companion's reincarnation sprang into mind. "What of the Bone-Eater's Well?"

"What of it?"

"Didn't your reincarnation use it to travel through times? What if we rig it so that it connects to this world, instead? Then, should that human summon Naraku into his world, someone from ours can travel there to defeat Naraku."

The priestess mused over this possibility. "It might work… however, who would we send? Inuyasha and Kagome are expecting their first child, so they can't do it."

"What of the monk and slayer that accompanied them?"

"They're expecting their fourth child."

"Hmm… the Kitsune kit is still too young and weak to face him alone… the Ookami is too busy with his own family… my eldest, while ordinarily a fine choice, cannot be the one to take on Naraku thanks to the unstable situation between the North and West… we can't leave this plane unless it is our time to do so… this is really bad," the daiyoukai realized, horror briefly appearing in his voice.

"If I may make a suggestion?" entered a third feminine voice.

The two companions glanced towards where they had heard the voice… and promptly fell on their knees and bowed their heads. After all, one must always show the proper respect to Lady Amaterasu.

Kikyo was the first to speak as she asked, "If it pleases you, my Lady, what is your suggestion to this problem?"

Amaterasu smiled at this request, which had the added bonus of hiding her anger towards Naraku. When Kagome had finally made the correct wish upon the Jewel, the gods decided that rather than sending the spider hanyou to Hell and risk him turning into a spirit like Sō'unga, instead Naraku would be imprisoned in a dimension that cut him off from all other beings, whether they be living, dead, or in-between. After all, while the bandit Onigumo merely wanted Kikyo's love, the hanyou Naraku had wanted power and had no qualms about absorbing others to do so… in the process forcing him to require interaction with other beings.

Indeed, that was the true weakness of Naraku- he was dependent on others to sustain his power. Find a way to isolate him, and he became so weak that even an ordinary human warrior would be able to defeat him. Unfortunately, however, he still carried a certain amount of power that was granted to him by those who feasted on Onigumo's soul… which was undoubtedly what had allowed Naraku to find the loophole that is required in any situation.

Shaking her head minutely, the goddess turned her attention back towards the two who had given the gods the inspiration they needed to find the solution to the Naraku problem.

"Instead of sending someone there through the Well, why don't we bring someone from there here?" she simply answered.

The two deceased souls' minds jolted at the mention of this third possibility. While the daiyoukai had briefly considered it, he knew that it had been outside of their capabilities to do such a thing. After all, that would require making the new world the 'home' world, rather than the 'destination' world… which was a daunting task, even for two beings of he and his companion's caliber.

Before he could point this out, however, Amaterasu trumped him by stating, "Of course, we kami will give you the necessary power to accomplish this. After all, we are quite aware of both of your limits."

Eyebrows furrowing, the Inu no Taisho inquired, "Did you and the other kami already have someone in mind?"

Nodding, Amaterasu replied, "Yes. A young female who is in love with the younger of the masked man's targets. For a long time, she had been incredibly self-conscious about herself… however, she has slowly but surely been finding her own inner strength. She will be perfect for our needs… and for your son's needs, as well."

"What do you mean?"

"War is about to come to Sesshomaru, and thanks to certain actions of the Northern Dragons he will soon find that his strength alone is not enough. He will approach Inuyasha for help, only to be rightfully turned down. After all, it is the sacred duty of a parent to protect their child, even if they're not born yet. This is where our champion will come in, for she has inherited a certain ability that will be crucial to this upcoming war."

The two companions looked at each other, then looked back at the goddess.

"So… you want to bring this girl over to our world so that she may learn what she can about Naraku, and in the process help Lord Sesshomaru defend his lands. Is that right, my Lady?" clarified Kikyo.

"That's right. I'll leave it up to you two to come up with a way to explain the situation to her, however."

"Well, then," stated the Inu no Taisho, rubbing his hands together, "What are we waiting for? Let's prepare her way!"

A/N: Yep, I started a crossover starring Hinata Hyuuga and Lord Sesshomaru! I'm going to come right out and say this: No, I will NOT be pairing her with Sesshomaru, I just think that the two of them would have an adorable friendship.