A/N: Hi guys! Well, this is my first ever fanfic, so let me just start off by saying that I am a HUGE Delena fan. I have been reading TVD fanfics for TVD every day since the show started, so now, I think I'm ready to give it a try. I should warn you guys though, this prologue may seem very crazy and difficult to understand, but understand now that I am a sucker for happy ending, and don't make any assumptions. After all, I am very well-known for being absolutely insane and unpredictable sometimes : ) One thing to know for now: Katherine and Elena do look similar, but not exactly the same. So, here's another warning. This fanfic will be rated M all the way for LOTS and LOTS of lemons, smut, blood, gore, and all that other FUN stuff. Remember, the more reviews, the faster I will update !

Disclaimer: I do not own, nor am involved with TVD or any of the characters. Only this story is mine.

Insanity is Beautiful


"So why did you do it, Dr. Gilbert?" Dr. Caroline Forbes sat at her desk, staring at what was once one of Mystic Falls' most renowned psychiatrists, Dr. Elena Gilbert. Elena kept her head down. Her long hair was loose and wild, most of it covering her face. She glanced at her wrists and ankles, which were handcuffed to the seat she was in, facing Caroline's desk. She was told that she'd have to sit several feet away from the desk as a safety precaution; apparently, they didn't want to risk a repeat of what happened just several weeks ago. They thought she'd go crazy again. The handcuffs had given her red marks on her olive toned wrists, but she refused to grimace at the pain. Her prison clothes had an uncomfortable stench to them, though she did realize that she had gotten used to it after a few hours.

"Dr. Gilbert?" she heard Caroline ask again, but she remained silent. A lot was going through her head. To be quite honest to herself, she had often wondered why she had done it, too. But in the end she always knew why, and she'll stick to it, even now.

"Ms. Gilbert?" Caroline exclaimed, a bit louder. Elena instantly snapped out of her trance and narrowed her eyes at Caroline. "Really?" she smiled softly at her former boss. "Since when are we on a last name basis?" Dr. Forbes' eyes softened at her friend. Suddenly, she was at a loss for words. She glanced at the two officers near the door. "Will you give us a few minutes, please?" she asked. The two officers looked down at her sternly. "We have strict orders-" "And I have strict orders to get her to talk for the record! I'm sure your commanding officer wouldn't want to hear that two of his most prestigious officers are preventing me from completing my given assignment, now would he?" Elena glanced at the two officers, who looked completely traumatized. She grinned to herself; she always knew Caroline had it in her. The two police officers reluctantly walked out the office and closed the door behind them, leaving the two best friends and doctors alone.

Caroline stared at her friend, who held her gaze softly. Caroline stood and faced the window, turning her back to Elena. Elena leaned back into the chair and looked around the office. She had lost count of the number of times that they had spent girl talks, lunches, dinners, and much more in this room. She would have never thought that the last time she'd be here with Caroline would be as a prisoner in an asylum, the same exact asylum she had worked in for four years.

Caroline sighed softly. "Do you remember when we first met? Those two girls were bullying me in the cafeteria. It was my first day of school in the first grade. I was the new girl in the middle of the school year. I already was a target, and I had the blood stain on my new shirt to prove it," she chuckled as she stared out the window, reminiscing. "You came and started to beat the shit out of them, and all I can do was watch. And I thought to myself, "God, she's amazing. I hope we can become best friends." Little did I know that my wish would come true. We became sisters." Caroline glanced back at Elena, who was staring at her softly. "We still are, right? Have you truly changed?"

Elena stared at her, silent. Caroline let out a sigh of annoyance and walked away, behind Elena. Elena stared at the floor. "Care…" she spoke softly. "I haven't changed completely. You know that." Caroline, happy that she finally spoke, came around and knelt in front of her, placing her hand on Elena's knee. "What I know, Elena, is that you never do anything without thinking through first. So why? Why did you do it? Why did you kill him? If you had any problems, you should have come to me! What the hell happened?" Elena stared at her. "Caroline, I can't tell you," she whispered. "At least not yet. But remember that you're right; I never do anything without thinking first. Remember that, no matter what happens. Can you do that for me?" Caroline nodded slowly.

After a few seconds, she stood up and walked back to her desk. "Elena, I was able to talk to the mayor, and he's allowing us to take you in while we're waiting for the trial." Elena giggled. "Please, everyone's already decided that I'm guilty. The trial's just collateral damage."

Caroline smiled softly. She couldn't help but enjoy her sarcasm, despite the fact that it may have not been the right time for it. "I will be taking you in as a patient, since your lawyer wants to plead…innocent due to insanity." She pauses. It was difficult for her to be here, talking to her friend and former coworker as a patient who is charged with murder.

"Elena," she starts, but is interrupted by a loud knocking outside the door. "Dr. Forbes!" A loud voice, clearly belonging to Dr. Jameson, Caroline's partner, called out. "Did you get the confession for the record?" Dr. Forces glanced at Elena, who looked at her with a sad smile. "It's okay, Care," she whispered low enough for no one outside the door to hear. "Let them in. I'm ready."

Caroline swiftly gave her best friend and new patient a big hug. "Whatever it is you planned, I hope it works," she whispered against Elena's ear. Elena smiled to herself. Caroline always managed to know and trust her, no matter what happened. Caroline took one last glance at Elena before opening the door and allowing the two officers and Dr. Jameson in. "Did she confess?" he asked again. Dr. Forbes nodded. "Yes, she did." He looked at Elena, who gave him a hard glare. She never liked him. He was a bastard ever since she rejected his offers to go out with him in front of the whole staff. She only put up with him for four years because he was a coworker. Other than that, though, she highly resented him. "I want to hear it myself," he sneered, giving her a disgusting smile. He came closer to her until he was inches away from her face. "Sir, you shouldn't-" one of the officers started, but Dr. Jameson held up his left hand to stop him in his tracks. "Elena," he said slowly, never taking his eyes off her gaze. "What did you do?" Elena smiled slowly. "You really want to hear it?" He nodded. She opened her mouth. As if to reply to his question, but instead surprised everyone by spitting on his face. He stumbled back, wiping her spit from his face. "Don't take it off," she laughed. "You look better that way."

Dr. Jameson came at her and slapped her across her face. Everyone remained silent, but Caroline could feel the anger boiling inside her. Elena chuckled, unharmed by the blow, and settled further back into her seat. Her grin and cold gaze at Dr. Jameson never faltered. Caroline smiled to herself. She realized that Elena's appearance and attitude reminded her of a certain blue-eyed patient they once had. "Dr. Gilbert!" Dr. Jameson hollered at her. She rolled her eyes. "No need to yell. I'm right in front of you." She tugged on her handcuff. "I'm not going anywhere." Dr. Jameson smiled. "Ms. Gilbert," he said in a normal voice. "Why are you here? I'm not asking again." Elena leaned forward as she glanced at everyone in the room. It was difficult to say, but she had to follow through. Otherwise, all this would have been for nothing. She had to follow through the plan, no matter what. She recalled what Damon had told her just several weeks ago:

"Elena, you have to be cold. Show absolutely no emotion, no regret. They might go over the details with you, and trust me; it will be gory and bloody, but you can't let them win." Damon stood only a few inches away from her, his face showing more seriousness then she had expected. She rolled her eyes, despite this. "Damon, I am a psychiatrist. I do know how to lie and trick people." Damon smiled at her. "Don't think they won't use that against you. They will try ever single attack, and-" Elena stopped his lips from talking anymore and kissed him. Without hesitation, Damon wrapped his arms around her and pressed her against him. After a few minutes, Elena reluctantly drew back. "Damon, I got this. I'll be ready. I won't let you down." He smiled at her. She looked stronger then she'd ever had before. "Well, alright then." Damon grabbed the knife and placed it in her hand. He held out his arms and stepped back and gave her one of his wickedly, sexy smiles. "Kill me. And don't be afraid to have fun with it."

She gathered all her strength and allowed the words that she had spent a long time practicing in saying to flow out of her mouth. "I…Dr. Elena Marie Gilbert….killed one of my patients…Damon Salvatore." She grinned at Jameson. "Happy?" He nodded and laughed. "I never would have thought that you would stoop to this level, Gilbert. Killing one of your patients in cold blood? And he was doing so well…" His voice showed little sympathy towards Damon. He turned around and started to walk out of the room. He stopped in front of the door and turned back to her. "Your first session with Dr. Forbes will be tomorrow morning. Guards, show the lovely Elena to her new room." The guards uncuffed her from the chair and walked her out the room.

Before leaving the office, Elena glanced at Caroline and then at the chair. Caroline knew that meant something, but she remained confused long after she was left alone in her office. As she was turned to walk back to her desk, something caught her eye. There was a small white piece of paper behind one of the legs of the chair that Elena was sitting on. It had to belong to Elena; Caroline had swept her office herself several hours before Elena came. Caroline walked over to the chair, read the note quickly, and smiled. She tore the note up and put it in her pocket. She was right; Elena never did anything without thinking it through first. Looks like Caroline wouldn't use her car tonight.


Elena was placed in her room, which was a windowless room with three solids walls and a large, see-thorough door. She sat on her bed in a fetal position, her back against the wall, facing Dr. Jameson. He smiled at her. "Well, I must say, the clothes and setting fit you perfectly." She rolled her eyes and ignored him. "Well, Elena, not to ruin your mood, but I'm going to away for a few days. I have to go to New York for personal matter." She snorted. "Please! We all know that you're taking your secretary, Vicki Donovan, who you've been fucking for the last few months, on a trip. It's no secret she has always wanted to go to New York. But I must admit that I'm happy for her. After all, every dog should have its day," she grinned again. Dr. Jameson rolled his eyes. "Well, then, do you have anything to tell me before I leave?" Elena knew he was only asking because it was procedure, but she froze and shut her mouth. Dr. Jameson rolled his eyes and walked out the room. He waited until the guard locked her door. It was then that he started to walk down the hall that Elena stood up and pounded on the door. "Jameson!" she hollered. He turned back to her and came closer to the door. "What?" Elena smiled. "I do have something to say." "What is it then?" he pressed. She smiled and glared at him, and hissed before breaking into a wild laughing frenzy, "Insanity…is beautiful."


Elena lied on her bed after Dr. Jameson left, patiently waiting. After a while, she fell asleep. Hours later, right before midnight, she awoke to a small tapping on her glass door. She looked up and smiled. "About time," she giggled softly. She got up and skipped to the door, pressing her hands against the door. "Finally you're here!" Alaric smiled at her. "Sorry I took longer than I thought." He stopped and raised his eyebrows at her. "You've looked better," he chuckled lowly. Elena rolled her eyes. "These last few weeks haven't been exactly luxurious for me." He grinned, and glanced down the hall. "The coast is clear. I brought the keys, and Caroline already turned the alarm off. Jeremy's going to be waiting for us. Are you ready? Remember, there's no going back after this."

Elena smiled. "Let's do this."

A/N: Next chapter, we're going to start taking a look back in order to see what lead to this part of the story. If you want me to continue, you know what to do.