Percy POV
The camp had come all dressed in their camp t-shirts with added armor, not enough to say were going to pulverize you but, enough to say if you want to fight were ready.
I was still dressed in a Togo, but I had taken of the purple cape, because I didn't want to offend Jason. It was on my arm though so he would know who replaced him.
I still had my camp half blood beads, I had checked my hair several times, because the truth was my heart was beating out of my chest, I was going to see Annabeth again and I couldn't wait.
Frank and Hazel stood right behind me with the rest of camp behind them.
We could see the ship it was docked. The Greeks my family, the people I would die for were coming; marching forward.
I was worried what they would think of me, why hadn't I looked for them, how I could have forgotten.
Plus Jason the praetor of Camp Jupiter was on that ship. I was wondering what he would think about me stealing his job in little over a week of being at the camp.
That's when I saw her, she broke free from the crowd. She was moving forward in a quick walk, that's when my legs started going.
I was worried she would hit me for being gone so long, but I saw her beautiful grey eyes, and the long blond hair and in that moment I knew that I was complete.
"Hey seaweed brain" I had a feeling everyone could hear us. "Missed you wise girl" Then I kissed her, she kissed me back and I have got to say this was our second best kiss ever. Time seemed to slow down.
That's when the wolf whistles and cat calls from the Greeks started. I pulled a part. "Hey guys" I saw them all the faces of my family Travis, Clarisse, Jake and the rest of my old family. They all ran over in a collective group hug.
Then Clarisse hit me "You big idiot do you know how long we have been searching for you, messed things up for us" I laughed only Clarisse would be mad at me.
"Sorry it wasn't my choice. Um, so this is camp Jupiter." That's when a guy my age stepped forward, I knew instantly that was Jason Grace he has the same look as his father, the eyes.
He went towards his friends they embraced and said hello. It was the hardest for Reyna, because you could see the awkwardness.
I was still holding Annabeth's hand when I said "Why don't we all talk we have a lot to share." They nodded since there were so many extra people, we went to the field where the war games were held and they all sat down, Greeks on the left Romans on the left.
Annabeth whispered "Good luck, you can do it" then she sat down with her siblings me and Jason were the only ones left standing. We nodded at each other he noticed the cape. But he looked at me as if you want to go first so I nodded.
Standing in front of so many people it made me feel like I was back on Olympus. It's not a good feeling having twelve all power full beings debating whether or not to kill you but here goes nothing.
"So Hera/Juno wanted the camps to get together so that the seven greatest demigods would get together and fight Gaia, but she knew that the bad blood between the Romans and the Greeks may not let that happen. That made her decide to take two leaders for the camps and trade them. Jason here went to Camp half-blood right away to free Hera from her cage and build the Argo II along with convincing the Greeks to trust him. I have been asleep for the past seven months"
That shocked all the Greeks, but a girl from the Aphrodite cabin said "That explains why nothing was in the news about some kid terrorist" that got everyone laughing including me. The Romans looked confused, but I continued.
"Hera thought I would be too much of a distraction, I would try to find you and vice versa so she woke me up in and I quote Rome's hour of need so that I could gain your trust."
That's when Octavian joined the conversation "when did Juno say this?"
I looked at him and said "When I was coming back from Alaska I prayed to Hera that I would get her back for this she appeared in my dream and we talked."
Octavian looked pissed. But before he could continue I spoke. "So I think we should all focus on the prophecy seeing as it is our greatest problem. Jason"
"Hey guys I know what you're thinking but the Greeks are not our enemy at all. When I was lost and didn't know who I was they took me in no questions, they trusted me even when they found out I was Roman, and they will fight for you as much as me, if any one of you showed up at their camp they would take you in."
The roman expressions started to change. "I know you think there different, but they aren't that different, they fight as hard and as great, since you've seen Percy in action you should believe that."
A few chuckles came from that comment. "We have an enemy that is a way bigger threat. This time we will know when we are fighting side by side."
That's when the leaders from Camp Jupiter and Camp Half blood got up and nodded to their people "We are agree to keep the peace" they all said at once.
"So why don't we eat and the seven of the prophecy talk while Reyna sets up the rest of you guys" I thought that was a simple thing but everyone looked at me like I was crazy Octavian shouted over the crowd getting everyone's attention
"Who are the seven and how would you know"
"Easy the ones who went on the quest to save Hera Leo, Piper and Jason then the ones who unchained death me, Hazel and Frank. Hera told me the last one would be the one I trust the most in a fight".
I knew that wasn't what she said exactly but it was the only way to convince them that it was Annabeth.
"So that means it is for sure Annabeth." People nodded and all made their way with Reyna leading them. So I knew they would be in good hands.
Now it was time to see the seven demigods who I would be fighting with.