Note: Post 'Marvels Assemble' movie (which I saw and I immediately wrote a fanfiction about) and inspired by a song.

I looked at him from across the room… I noticed him long before this night… I noticed him the first time I heard his name so many years ago. My father spoke of him fondly- in fact every conversation we had led to the captain. I was so young. I didn't expect those blue eyes… that… dumbstruck smile he gave whenever he wasn't frightened of modern society. He was just like the damn old man said- perfect.

The room bustled with pretty much everyone- how Pepper managed to get everyone was beyond me. Sure we were still together at the time but she… invited him. Cap. The man I have clashed horns with and now… I'm not sure. I couldn't think back then… and I can't think even now why he sticks in my mind.

"Geez Tony- you should look happier- Stark Tower's is rebuilt- and it's your birthday. Usually you're wandering around with a martini and seeing how many pretty young thing's you can cope a feel from." Clint spoke, happily walking over with a beer in one hand and the other loosely shoved into his pants pocket. "Heck, even Banner's getting a more social while you sit at the bar. Something bothering ya? Got competition for the groupies now?"

"I don't need to worry about a modern day robin hood, a guy with major anger issues, a man who speaks constant Shakespearian and a veteran who looks like he's just got out of the gym- No biggie." I tried to bat away Clint but there was stubbornness in him even I couldn't help but admire. And what was worse was his quick eye for observation.

At that time I didn't realise it myself but my eyesight blatantly staring back to a blonde figure in the distance. The tall soldier knew how to pull off a uniform…. Ever since Pepper invited everyone to this party, everyone dressed up- including Steve. The man knew how to dress. Even in a tacky ol' world war uniform. Was I jealous? Was I envious of how he smiled? I wasn't sure. But I never realised how much I stared. Even to this day I wasn't sure Clint could see the way I looked- was it longing? Was it anger?

A small moment passed, a moment I didn't notice until a sharp elbow to the ribs brought me back to reality. "Oooooooh- I see what's going on here. You're still holding a grudge with the Cap' aren't ya? Maybe you should have crossed him off the list when you invited him?"

"Wow- how many knocks to the head have you taken? Pepper sorted this whole party- Once again she left me in the dark… Clever girl. VERY Clever. And we haven't got a grudge… I just… still can't get over the fact that he thinks apple is a fruit…" It was a bare faced lie and I knew it very well. Clint on the other hand was still prying. Still trying his best to find out more.

"You need to work on your social skills Stark. Is this daddy issues? Everyone knows he's the guy in charge of guy over there. Go on- go talk to him. You would be surprised how much you guys are a like."

I merely snorted in reply, brushing the idiot off by grabbing myself a strong martini and retreating to Pepper's side. Like I would want to socialize with someone like Steve? At my own party- I knew I could do anything I want! But like usual- I drank a little too much… I couldn't really remember some of the evening- to Pepper's account, I was rather good. I was able to convince Bruce to do some Karaoke with Jarvis and even challenged Thor to a drinking game (which must of left me drunk in the first place- note to self Jarvis- never let me do that again.)

Later that evening, I found myself standing at the balcony- looking over New York. It was beautiful. The night sky clear and the wind was cool enough to finally get rid of my tie and unbutton my shirt slightly. It was refreshing. In one hand I had a glass of water- not sure how it got there but I think Pepper must have forced it there. But I needed it, especially as I took a few minutes just to enjoy the view. Sure the party was fun but that evening my mind was somewhere else. It was about to get worse.

As I stood there, I enjoyed the view but did not realise the sound behind me.


I turned almost immediately as soon as I heard the voice call out to me. Yet I almost turned my back on the man as soon as I saw him. It was Steve.

"Oh Cap- why are you out here?"

"I thought I needed a bit of fresh air. It's pretty crowded in there. Thor keeps insisting for someone else to drink with him. But all I keep doing is try and talk with everyone- it's a little difficult though. I'm still a little lost with some of the subjects. Thought I would get a better conversation out here." And like that he had that stupidly innocent look on his face. How old was he? Couldn't he figure out something's for himself? Even IF he was from the forties, he could at least try and use that brain of his. But no, he had to come and find me didn't he?

I merely sipped my drink and continued to look out at New York. "Remember the last time we had a conversation? It was about two months ago and everyone had split up. I don't know how Pepper found you guys but- I remember we didn't get on so well then. Hm- maybe you want to have a few rounds fighting?"

"I'm not joking Tony… You're not such a big hot head then I thought… Yeah you're pretty pretentious but I'm trying to hand out the oak branch."

"Olive Branch." I corrected.

"I know what I mean." Steve sighed and continued to stand beside me with his own drink, swallowing a hard gulp. I could already see that he was finding some difficulty in trying to talk to me. I saw that he was also troubled. Was it because of me? I was not sure at the time. "I mean just talking to you. Like… friends?"

"Friends. Oh- well- If I'm not so pretentious- let's try a conversation. Come on Cap- wow me with your best conversational skills."

And before I knew it… we were there for an hour- maybe two? I can't remember everything we spoke about but we managed to do so without starting a fight. It was rather surreal. No one seemed to bother us, no one walked out. It felt as though the balcony was for us and us only without anything to worry about. We were left to stand there and let our words fill the time. It was nice… pretty much better then talking about kicking the crap out of each other. Sure he was still as technically challenged but it was fun confusing him. Especially when it came to speaking of my latest work on the Stark tower and with my latest contributes to .I.L.D. I love the way he looked so confused. It was maliciously magical.

But eventually my mind had begun to sober and my curiosity became at its highest. Hey, two guys together, I wanted to know.

"So… Ever since you've been thawed out of that ice cube- have you set your sights on any one? Eh? No one you've set your views on?" I asked, now looking at Cap, waiting for an answer. But it took him some time. Especially as he looked like he was caught in some headlights like a deer in front of a tank. I say it took him a few seconds to finally speak, clearing his throat with a slight uncertainty.

"No." He simply replied, not going any further.

"No? Oh come on- you must have seen someone like you like. Come on, don't tell me you haven't taken a sly look at Natasha- sure she'll rip your nuts off with just a look but she is nice to watch."

Steve merely shook his head and fiddled with his glass.

"What about any celebrities? Beyonce- Katy Perry."


"Never mind…" I sighed loudly, shaking my head. "Do you want a girlfriend?"

"Of course I do. I would love to have someone… I'm just not sure who I would want to be with." He replied with the same uncertainty. "I- I know who I do like but… This time is still strange- I'm not sure how to act and how they can react to me. Already I know they just like making fun of me."

I merely scoffed and snickered, finally reaching out and patting his back. For once I felt him flinch beneath his uniform. "Come on- now-a-days it's called 'playful banter'. Don't tell Thor that- he might think I freaking love him." I tried to joke but it seemed It didn't help. Steve continued to stand there with that frown. "Well then… Tell me who it is then-"

"I couldn't." Steve tried to deter me, moving away as he continued to blush. It was fun, it still is, to see those smooth cheek bones turn pink. It's creepily adorable. "You wouldn't understand- It's getting late."

By then I should have given up by then- but where would I be if I didn't continue going further? If I didn't pursue my ideas? But no, I wanted to know. My curiosity got the better of me and I pushed him to know. Now that I think about it- I don't regret it. I never will. So I just continued to ask, I continued to poke and prod, trying to pry him out of him with everything I knew. Quietly I nudged his ribs, grinning, smirking, trying to look as friendly as possible. Still he would not budge.

It was getting late as well and we could see the party slowly beginning to quieten down and it seemed Pepper got her hands on some slow music. It wasn't from my collection, that's for sure. It was almost time for Steve to go- but I tried my best still.

"I should get going Tony."

"Oh come on Steve! Don't leave me hanging! Don't make me use Jarvis against you- It's not fair to talk about this sort of thing and leave me like a dog with a bone. That's just mean! Please? Don't make me use any interrogation methods I learnt from Fury."

Slowly I could see him breaking- but still it looked as though it was going to be difficult.

"Please Steve? You leave me now without giving me a clue and I'm just going to stalk you for the rest of your life- how long do you 'super soldiers' live for?"

"Okay!" Steve suddenly grumbled, waving a hand at me as he looked up at the clear sky. I saw in his eyes that he was thinking. I could tell he had something on his mind which could either make or break him. "But… You're going to have to do something crazy…"

"You're talking to Tony Stark- I invented crazy." I was excited now- like a school girl talking to her best friend. I never really had much time like this. It was kinda nice. "Come on- what do I have to do? Couple of push ups? Run laps? Secret handshake?"

"Close your eyes and lean your head back a little."

Now that- sounded strange. But I was, well, desperate? You could say that.

Eventually I gave in and shrugged my shoulders, putting my empty glass on the balcony and stood up straight. "Close my eyes and tilt my head back?"

"Yeah. Then you'll know…"

"Right." I was prepared. I wanted to know. It was getting to a point I felt as though I was learning one of the greatest secrets of the world. I stood, almost like a soldier with my head held back and my eyes tightly closed. I could even feel my heart thump and the arc reactor whir with all of its might.

For a second I could hear the world turn to a gentle hush. I could only hear my breathing and Steve's. I heard the slight tap of his shoe. I heard him clear his throat. I felt warmth. He was getting closer to me. For just a second I felt myself stiffen. I was suddenly- unsure of myself.

Then I felt it.

Warmth trickled over me like warm honey. It was like a spark- like the first time I connected the arc reactor to my chest. A sheer feeling of electricity. He kissed me. And it only lasted a second. But it was… I'm not sure. His lips were so soft; I could feel the nerves during that trembling kiss. Even if it was brief moment, it felt like a life time. I will never admit this to anyone.

But I liked it.

Oh I loved it.

It was perfect.

However, when I wanted to say something or said anything. I was too late. I opened my eyes and he was gone. All I saw was the tall figure walking through the crowd and away into the exit. I was left to stand there, on the balcony. What was I supposed to think? I was stunned… I was confused…

I'm not sure what to think… What am I supposed to do? … And why do I feel like this?

It's been a week since then… Now I'm unsure. I and Pepper haven't been as close as we wanted and that damn soldier has been on my mind… Why does my heart beat? … and why can't I get him off my mind…?