Welcome back! So excited to put this story up. I only know a little bit of what I plan to do so it will be interesting to see how this story develops. If you have any ideas please share! And if you have not read the first two parts of this story you probably should because you'll be very very lost and confused about a lot of things. Please review and of course enjoy.

"You two have cause so much drama in our department. Put me through so much shit!" he said as he tightened his grip on my neck. My eyes felt like they were going to pop out. "I hope you two have fun in hell." He raised his arm and stabbed me with the metal pole. I felt my ribs give way. As I breathed in I felt like I was drowning. As I exhaled blood flowed from my mouth. There was so much pain that I became numb. He took out the pole and dropped me to the floor. I stared straight not wanting to move. I was going to die. Sam crawled into my line of vision as Sarge disappeared.

"I'm going to inject you too." She said.

"No, Sam." I blurted out. Who knows if it was actual words. I was too weak to move or protest further as she stabbed the needle into my arm. The cooler liquid flowed into my arm. Sarge walked back over to her and threw her against the wall closer to the elevator. My eyes closed and darkness enveloped me.


"Maddie wake up." I heard John's voice say.

"Come on, John." Sam said from farther away. I felt something under me and then I was separated from the ground.

"Let's get out of this hell hole." John said. I felt us go up. We were in the elevator. I could see brightness from the outside. It was morning. "We're all going to be all right." John said as he adjusted me. "Almost home."

The brightness increased as the elevator stopped. I squinted my eyes open, everything was a blur.

"Freeze! Come out with your hands up!" Someone said. I looked at the blurred black objects in front of me.

"I am Staff Sargent John Grimm, this is Medical Sargent Madison Jones. I order your men to stand down." John's voice bellowed from above me.

"Stand down!" the man said as he walked over. "Where is the rest of your team soldier?"

"They're gone. They're all gone its just us." John said with as much strength as he could muster.

"Alright. Lets get you guys to a hospital and get ya cleaned up." the man said.

"Doug?" John said as he blur turned around. "Thanks." The blur nodded and continued walking away. I felt my body be placed on what I assumed a gurney.

"I'm fine just get them both to a hospital." John said.

"John!" Sam's weak voice said.

I felt a small prick in my arm and felt a tingling sensation through my body and then darkness.