Hi this is my first story so wish me luck let's begin Tea's Secret.

I don't own Yugioh.

Tea is going to be OOC in this so don't hate me, there will also be major changes to the ancient Egypt side to this story (as said in summary). Sorry if my spelling is wrong and my grammar, I also hope it's all in the right tense.

This is the updated version, no content has changed, I just tried to improve the grammar.




Tea Prov

My name is Tea Gardner, well that's what my friends know me as. The world however knows me as Kaylian Paris, the world's greatest duelist, but I stopped a few years ago. It has been a few years later since that though. But now I am thrust in to the world of duelling again and this time all my secrets will be reviled. My history with Egypt, my rare power, my connection to my deck.


Tristan, Bakura and I were all watching Yugi and Joey duel. It was hilarious how easily Yugi was beating Joey.

"He is so cute when he's thinking," Tristan said next to me, causing me to laugh as Joey looked at his card concentrating.

"They have been at it for hours. Joey's good, but Yugi always wins." I told him smiling.

'I wish I could duel Yugi properly' I thought with a sigh, knowing that at the moment I could not.

"You see Tristan every monster has an attack number and defence number," I explained at the questioning look Tristan gave, obviously not understanding the game or the rules.

"I summon Kagemusha of the Blue Flame (800/400) good move right Yugi" Joey said with a huge grin on his face.

"Yes that is a good move, but not good enough." Yugi said playing Blackland Fire Dragon (1500/800)

"Thanks Yugi that totally wipes me out." Joey said pouting crossing his arms over his chest.

"Don't worry Joey, I only won because I have better cards than you do. My Grandfather owns a game shop, you see. If you want we can go after school; I might even be able to see if he can show us his super rare card," Yugi said smiling again, softening the blow Joey got from losing.

Jumping up Joey shouted, "we have to go!"

'I wonder what the rare card is.' I thought as the school bell rung. Sighing I headed off to Physics that thought playing on my head.

I arrived and took my seat just in time for the warning bell to go off. The seat next to me is empty, as always. Kaiba was meant to sit there, but he rarely comes to class.

Not even a minute later the teacher walked in and began the lesson. "Coal, oil and natural gas are all fossil fuel but are non-renewable types of fuel." she started and was about to continue, only to be interrupted by the door bursting open. Standing in the door way was the one and only, Seto Kaiba. The teacher turned to yell at the rude person who interrupted her lesson, but stopped when she saw who it was. Sighing she waited for him to take his seat and then continued the lesson.

After Lesson

Half an hour later the bell went and we all stood up and got ready to leave. Picking up my bag, I walk round the desk to the door to leave. However, Kaiba decided to to leave at the same time and in caused us to bump into each other, knocking me and his books to the floor.

"Watch were you going geek." He growled as I grabbed his books and stood up, handing them to him.

"Sorry it was just an accident," I said as he glared at me before walking out.

After School and Game Shop

After school Yugi, Joey, Tristan and I went back to the game shop to see this rare card that Yugi's Grandfather had.

'I wonder what the card is, and if it is as rare as any of my cards." I thought as we entered the shop.

'I don't think so My Lady,' a voice said in my head.

"Grandpa can we see you super rare card? Please?" Yugi pleaded.

"Rare card, my special card? I don't see why not," Grandpa replied as he reached up on to one of the shelves and grabbed a scruffy brown box. Turning around he opened the box and my jaw dropped.

"Here it is the Blue Eyes White Dragon, so rare it never leaves my hands." Grandpa said holding it up. Tristan then grabbed it,

"Doesn't look that special to me" he said before Grandpa grabbed it back.

"Tristan that card is priceless; there are only four copies in the world... What?" I said as everyone looked at me.

"Anyway I'm ready to trade," Joey said clapping his hands together. Grandpa turned round and placed the card back in the brown case, "Not for this card," he said.

"No course not, but for some other cool cards, to help get me started." He said looking around. He was about to ask about a card, but was interrupted by the door banging open.

"Hello can I help you?" Grandpa asked turning towards the door. We all followed, only to see Seto Kaiba standing there.

"If you can't, I wouldn't be surprised." He said.

I just stared at him, 'he must have overheard us talking about the rare card this morning' I thought to myself.

Tristan then interrupted my thought commenting that, "Doesn't he have some big company to run?" "I just came to see the rare card you were talking about at school today," Kaiba said walking in.

"Hey are you into duel monsters to, this is great maybe we can all duel together." Joey said smiling.

I just looked at him and said under my breath, "yeah right he's the best in the country." adding an eye roll.

"I think I would have more fun watching paint dry. I'm the number one ranked duelist in the country and the favorite to win the championships, you wouldn't last two minutes against me," he said with a smirk on his face

'I could easy' I thought, before hearing Joey shouting randomly and Yugi trying to calm him down.

"Now does this dump have any worthwhile cards," Kaiba said in a bored tone.

'One or two' I thought. Suddenly Kaiba ran forward saying

"Can it be! A Blue Eyes White Dragon in this dump?" Shock clear in his voice.

"Enough window shopping what can I help you with?" Grandpa said putting the Blue Eyes away. Kibia then swung his briefcase forward, and smoothly opened it "Listen old man I will trade all these cards for that Blue Eyes White Dragon."

"Delightful, but no thanks." Grandpa said, shocking me as there were some awesome and rare cards in the case.

"Fine, if you won't trade maybe you'll sell it; name your price I'll pay anything?" Kaiba said. I just roll my eyes at his idea.

"I'm sure you could, but I'm am not going to part with this card, no matter what. Good day." Grandpa said.

'I would never part with my cards, but then again my bond is a little stronger' I thought, a hidden smile appearing on my face.

"Fine, I'm out of here," and with that he picked up his briefcase and turned to walk out. As he did, I saw him look at me. I just raised an eyebrow at him in questions before he stormed out.

Next Day after School.

We walked back to the game shop after school. Joey kept going on and on about his new cards. I rolled my eyes and looked forward, only to stop in my tracks and gasp. The door to the game shop was wide open.

"Yugi look," I shouted pointing to the door. We all stopped and stared at the door. Yugi and I looked at each other before running in to the shop.

"Grandpa!" Yugi shouted, running in to the back. The phone then started ringing, no one seemed to bother with it, so I picked it up, "Hello game shop," I said.

"Hello is Yugi there, his Grandpa was paying a visit and is not feeling well, he needs picking up so please tell him to come by my office."

"Kaiba! What, what have you done," I shouted in to the phone, but he was already gone. "Guys I know where he is. He's at Kaiba Corp."

Kaiba Corp

The guys and I ran in to Kaiba Corp, just in time to see Grandpa fall to the ground.

"I tried Yugi I really tried to teach him a lesson." I heard the old tried voice of Grandpa said.

"How's the old man doing, we only duelled. Each of us putting up are best cards up as prize. I guess he didn't know who he was dealing with." I heard Kaiba say as he appeared out of nowhere chuckling to himself.

"Kaiba you should be ashamed of yourself," I shouted.

"It was fair and look what I won," Kaiba said holding up the Blue Eyes White Dragon, and then out of the blue, he ripped it up. I heard multiple gasps come from ever one, but Kaiba and I.

"My treasure."

"Grandpa's most treasured card," was all I heard.

"Yes, the Blue Eyes White Dragon is a rare and powerful card and this one won't be used against me." Kaiba said laughing.

"Then there were three," I murmured under my breath, but I know Kaiba heard me, as he just smirked at me.

"Yugi take this, I put my heart and soul in to this deck. Take it and beat that young boy," I heard Grandpa say weakly as I looked over to him.

"Grandpa, I've got to get you to a doctor," I heard Yugi say.

"Sounds like an excuse, your friends can take care of him while we duel," Kaiba said an evil smirk forming on his face.

'Duel me Kaiba and I'll wipe that smirk off in the first round" I thought angrily.

"Calm down girl, Yugi can beat Kaiba," a voice said in my head.

"Hell yeah Yugi take him, we'll look after your grandfather," I heard Joey say next to me.

"You can beat him Yugi," I said.

"Fine your on Kaiba," Yugi said standing up, "Look after him guys," he told us as we pick Grandpa up. Nodding we ran out and Tristan called an ambulance.

"Joey you go back give Yugi our support." He nodded and ran back inside.

After a few minutes I felt a rush of power and my hour glass necklace glowed, I know that Yugi had activated the Millennium puzzle.

The Duel

No Ones Prov

"It's time to duel," Yugi shout, and gold light surrounded him, a blue light followed by smoke. When it all cleared there stood Yugi, but he looked more mature. "w-wh-what?" Seto shouted, sounding shocked, before shaking it off. "Any way we will both start off with 2000 life points, the first to hit 0 loses. No direct attacks." He said.


Yami Yugi-2000

"Let's duel" they both said at the same time.

"I summoned Hitotsu-me giant (1200/1000)" Kaiba said.

A hologram of a strange beast appeared. "I think this brings the game to life more don't you agree?"

"That's how you beat my Grandpa," Yami Yugi said Kaiba just laughed.

"My turn I summon Winged Dragon Guardian of the Fortress (1400/1200)." Yami Yugi said "Real monstera?" Joey said from the side line running in.

"Winged Dragon Guardian of the Fortress (1400/1200) attack Hitotsu-me giant (1200/1000)."


Yami Yugi-2000

"Seto are you all right," a little boy with black hair said running in.

"You're good for a beginner Yugi I'll give you that." Kaiba said.

"I summon Saggi the Dark Clown (600/1500) and I combined Saggi with the magic card Negative Energy Generator tripling his Atk points. Saggi (1800/1500) attack Winged Dragon Guardian of the Fortress (1400/1200)."


Yami Yugi-1600

'I need a good draw' Yami draws 'what's this The Right Leg of the Forbidden One that's no help' "I place one card face down and end my turn."

"Pathetic Saggi destroy his face down monster. Your Sangan (1000/600) is destroyed. You're no better than your grandfather."

"My Grandpa is a great duelist. 100 times better than you."

"My turn, I summon Gaia the Fierce Knight (2300/2100). Gaia destroy Saggi the Dark Clown. Your move Kaiba."


Yami Yugi-1600

"This will be over sooner than you think. I call upon the Blue Eyes White Dragon!"

"That's impossible we saw him tear that card up," Joey shouted from the sides.

"Yugi's Grandfather wasn't the only one with a Blue Eyes." Kaiba said

"Now Blue Eyes White Dragon destroy Gaia the Fierce Knight," Kaiba commanded.


Yami Yugi-900

"Why don't you just admit defeat Yugi, if you can't take on one Blue Eyes let's see you take on two?" Kaiba laughed summoning another Blue Eyes White Dragon.

"Or I could just play this Swords of Revealing light." Yami Yugi replied.

"A desperate move," Kaiba said.

Yami Yugi draws 'what am I going to do all I have is the Left, right Arms and legs of the forbidden one and Rude Kaiser.'

"I place one card face down." Yami Yugi said.

"Pathetic I summon Judge Man (2200/1500); attack his face down card."

"I draw; I summon the Dark Magician (2500/2100), now destroy Judge Man."


Yami Yugi-900

"You've faced two now, it's time to face three. I summon my third Blue Eyes White dragon. Now destroy his dark magician."


Yami Yugi-400

'I don't think I can win this'

"Draw your last pathetic card Yugi, nothing can save you now," Kaiba said, a wide smirk on his face.

"My Grandfathers deck has no pathetic cards, but it does have the unstoppable Exodia." Yugi said flashing the head of Exodia.

"That's impossible, no one has ever been able to summon him," Kaiba said stepping back

"You tried and failed Kaiba Exodia. Exodia obliterate," Yami Yugi shouted.


Yami Yugi-400

"Go Yugi!" Joey shouted from the side

"Big Brother!" Mokuba shouted.

"Because you don't believe Kaiba you lost, it you want to win, Open your mind." Yami Yugi shouted. The Millennium eye appeared on his forehead and Kaiba was thrown off the duel arena. There was another flash of gold light and Yugi is back to his childlike self.

In the Hospital

Tea Prov

I felt another rush of power and my necklace started to glowed again. I lifted it to my mouth and whispered, "Well done My Pharaoh."

'Hopefully with Kaiba's dark half in the shadow realm, he won't be as cruel.

Then I heard two words from Grandpa that warm my heart, "Yugi won."

Thanks for reading hope you like chapter 1 chapter 2 will be up soon. Please Review anything will do ways to improve and ideas are welcome.