This is my first Fan Fiction. It has cursing, violence, and male/male relationships. If you do not like any of those things than please do not read it.

I do not own Star Trek and make no money from this. I'm just playing. I also seem to take an obscenely long time to update… Sorry.

Chapter 24

Jim sat watching the steady rise and fall of Spock's chest. Bones had sent word, by way of a young nurse in training, that Pike had awoken up and that they were discussing the possibility of surgery to remove the remaining Bord Tec from the Admiral's spine.

T'Pau had gone to find a bunk for the night a half hour ago. She had promised to come back to check on Spock after she had rested, but as Spock didn't need more blood transfusions she planned to return to the Vulcan quarters.

Jim couldn't even argue since he knew how delicate their collative mental heath was. The others relied on her to help focus their meditation. There had already been a few reports of Vulcans leaving their quarters and acting strangely before being pulled back by the Vulcan guards. T'Pau had said it was due to the shift in the ship's population.

The influx of new refugees had set off a chain reaction of paranoia and xenophobia that had led to several small riots which had in turn led to all the decks being put on lockdown with security teams patrolling every hall. Things had calmed down, but the emotional atmosphere was still volatile and the telepathic and empathic races were suffering because of it.

Jim forced himself to get back to work, rather than stare gormlessly at his unconscious lover, and began sorting though another set of reports from engineering. Scotty had teams working on the outside of the ship, attaching securing parts of the savaged ships over airlocks so they could be used as living spaces, additions to the life support systems, and storage.

He let the data roll over him as he lost himself in report after report.

The next time Jim looked up Spock's eyes were open and he was looking at him. He was still pale and the shadows under his eyes were still dark as bruises, but his eyes were open, clear, bright, and the most beautiful things he had ever seen.

"Spock," Jim couldn't keep the slightly panicked note out of his voice as he leaned closer, "How are you feeling? Are you pain?"

A small smile flittered around Spock's mouth before he shook his head slightly. "The pain is minor and easily ignored, however I am dehydrated," Spock's hoarse croaking voice was the single most beautiful thing Jim had ever heard.

"I'll get you something to drink," Jim said, standing up suddenly and almost falling as his leg cramped, "Shit!"

"Jim! You are hurt!" Spock sounded very openly upset which surprised Jim into sitting down again so he could see the Vulcan's face.

It looked like Spock had tried to sit up, but fell and ended up sprawled sideways nearly falling out of his bunk.

"I'm fine," Jim soothed as he gently pushed the older male back onto the bunk, "Pike and his crew brought Borg nanites on board, but the ships been scrubbed and we're clean. Teams are going to run a few more sweeps before we announce the all clear. So other than the scrub, which you have had by the way, I'm the same as the last time you saw me. I'm fine. You're the one that was shot through the chest."

"It was not my intention to be injured during the away mission," Spock said as he shifted into a more comfortable position, "however the damage is minor when compared to what it would have been had a human crew member been struck in the same area."

Jim laughed. He couldn't help it. It was just so good to hear Spock try to logic Jim's worries away. He laughed and laughed until his eyes were streaming tears and he was sobbing and shacking and clinging to Spock's hand as if he would disappear if he let go.

"Fuck Spock I was so worried," Jim sobbed between breathless hiccupping gasps, "You were hurt and I couldn't come to you, I couldn't be with you. Then Pike was hurt and the damn fucking nanites were on my hands and you were in surgery. I couldn't see you and I sent you to that fucking ship. I…"

His ramblings were cut off by a soft Vulcan kiss being brushed over his lips.

"James." Spock brushed more kisses over Jim's face and neck before weaving his fingers into Jim's hair at the base of his skull and pulling him into a gentle human kiss, "I remember you soothing me in my mindscape. You held me and caressed me until I was calm and strong enough to meditate. I am unsure how you were able to meld so deeply with my mind, but I know that without you I might not have had the will to heal or to even try. I was lost in the pain and fear and might never have found my way back. I am here because you were here for me when I most needed you. Thank you, t'hy'la."

Jim sighed out a small sob and let the Vulcan's cool hand pull him until he was laying along the edge the bunk, face buried in the curve where Spock's shoulder met his neck. "I love you."

"I cherish thee."

Jim let the closeness and soothing familiarity wash over him as he felt more then heard a deep rumbling purring reverberate thought him.

"Damn it Jim."

Jim woke with a start and would have fallen off the edge of the bunk if not for two sets of hands grabbing him, one behind him the other in front.

"That was unnecessary, Doctor," Spock's calm voice murmured, brushing cool breath over the back of Jim's neck. Spock and he had somehow turned while he was sleeping and now the Vulcan was pressed along Jim's back, his face buried in Jim's hair.

Bones only cursed and pushed and pulled until Jim was sitting on the edge of the bunk, leaning uncomfortable forward so as to not crack his head on the upper bunk.

"I know how much you love to be big spoon Spock, but Jim can't stay here," Bones grumbled.

"Why not?" Jim asked with a yawn, he wasn't trilled with being woken, let alone being separated from Spock again so soon.

"Because you were nearly falling off the side of that bunk and Spock shouldn't be on his side like that!" the doctor growled, "He's going to reopen his wounds laying like that, and you," he pocked Jim's shoulder with one boney finger, "need to have your bandages changed. I found a bunk, that's actually big enough for two, that we can sleep in tonight."

Bones ignored Jim's sullen glare as he waved a nurse over, "I'm about to administer a light, Vulcan approved, analgesic to this patient, but before I do I need you to bring another blanket or two."

"There are no spare blankets," the nurse, a young woman Jim had not seen before, grumbled, "He'll have to settle for what he's got."

"I didn't ask for spare blankets. I just said blankets. What he's got isn't going to be enough, he'll get hypothermia," Bones argued, "it's cold as an Andorian ice field in here. He's only all right now because he had human hot-water bottle. But now Jim's leaving so he'll needs blankets."

The nurse glowered, but nodded before turning and stalking angrily away.

"I also require food and water," Spock said idly as he took Jim's bandaged hand, pulling at a loose end and tucking it securely back into place. "And I do not believe the Captain has eaten properly either."

"Food, some water, and then a painkillers all-around," Bone amended tiredly, "but Jim still can't sleep here so don't even think about cuddling up again. That medical bunk really is too small for two grow men."

"Yeah fine," Jim yawned, "I'll get the food and you can make sure I didn't brake Spock."

Bones waved Jim away, already engrossed in scanning Spock and muttering darkly about 'damn fools'.

Jim grinned and brushed a Vulcan kiss over Spock's cheek before turning to look for the nearest replicator. He hadn't made it two steps, painful, before a hand on his shoulder stopped him.

"Hold on kid," Bones muttered, pulling Jim around and pushing a small bundle of ugly plaid cloth "Here I got you something."

Jim took it and held it up. The bundle unfolded into a pair of pants, soft and worn pajama pants, in the ugliest pink and green plaid Jim had ever seen.

"Were did you get these?" Jim asked astonished. The waiting list for clothes was incredibly long, even for ugly plaid clothes. Even more, in fact, since any pattern took extra energy to replicate and so weren't made.

"You can't keep them forever," Bones warned as he waved at the ugly/magnificent pants in Jim's hands, "I borrowed them from Nurse Wander for you. He said you could wear them until you can get your spare uniform. And it's better than seeing you walking around in your underwear."

"Thinks," Jim said as he pulled the older man into a tight hug. "I missed having pants."

"Just put them on already," the doctor groused, "No one wants to see your skinny ass."

"I disagree Doctor," Spock commented mildly, "I found Jim's state of undress quite aesthetically pleasing."

Bones rolled his eyes, but didn't comment.

Jim grinned and sat down on the edge of Spock's bunk to pull his new-ish pants. They were a little big and he had to roll the cuffs up so he wouldn't stand on them, but it was nice to be decent again.

"Son of a!" Jim bit off as his muscles seized as he tried to stand making him fall back and crack his head on the upper bunk.

A hand wrapped around Jim's hip holding him on the bunk.

"Have you harmed yourself Jim?" Spock asked, his hand brushing soothingly over Jim's twitching thigh.

"No, I'm fine," Jim muttered rubbing his head were a small bump was rising. "Ouch! Bones!"

"Just a muscle relaxant," the doctor said as jabbed a hypo into Jim's neck while Spock held him captive.

"No teaming up on me!" Jim grumbled as he rubbed his neck, "Now if you'll let go of me Spock, I'll go and get our food."

The arm around his waist squeezed and Jim felt Spock shift closer, rubbing his cold nose into the small of Jim's back.

"I am finding it difficult to maintain optimum internal temperature," Spock said as he cuddled into Jim's spine. "Your warmth is intoxicating, Jim."

Bones waved his tricorder over Spock then Jim. "You're both colder than I would like, but not dangerously so. Some warm food would help."

"Well that was subtle, thank Bones." Jim grinned, "I'll just get the food then, shall I?"

"You do that," Bones mumbled as he started pulling supplies out of his shoulder bag.

Jim gave Spock's hand a light squeezes before drawing away and standing. The pain was manageable now thanks to the hypo Bones had impaled him with.

Jim shuffled his way through the rows of bunks to the replicator.

By the time Jim got back, awkwardly balancing three steaming bowls of gruel and three mugs of hot water, Spock's bunk had been pulled out and propped up and McCoy was tucking a silver thermal blanket around the Vulcan's legs.

"Little help here, Bones?" Jim called softly. He had seen several people glaring at him as he walked by, both to and from the replicator. Obviously they had been too noisy earlier, Jim thought guiltily.

"There's this bright new invention called The Tray," Bones said teasingly as he took two of the bowl and handed them to Spock, "you could have used one, you know."

"Tried to, but the computer wasn't having it," Jim sighed. "The replicator surged midway through the third helping and had almost materialized the gruel without the right half of the bowl to hold it."

Bones grunted as he took a mug and bowl from Jim's left hand, sank to the floor, and started eating. "I've had a few problems like that, power failures or sudden surges. Scotty was working on it, but there is nothing to be done. There are just too many people putting strain on the system."

"I know," Jim sighed as he sat on the edge of Spock's bunk, trading one of the bowls Spock was holding for a mug, "I've read the reports. I'm thinking of add a deck wide ration schedule to your sleep schedule, but I don't want to start a panic. We really don't need any more riots."

The three of them ate in silence.

"How is Pike doing?" Jim asked just to break the silence.

"He's fine, stable. The filaments are inert at the moment, but they are self-repairing so I'll have to remove them soon." Bones sighed, looking down into his bowl, "Good news is the cluster is fairly low on his spine, bad news is it's deeper then I originally thought."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that if everything goes perfectly Pike will need a cane for the rest of his life, if something goes wrong," Bones shrugged not meeting Jim's eye, "if something goes wrong and he survives then he'll need a wheel chair and/or whole ton of medical equipment that we don't have anymore."

"When do you plan to start the operation?" Spock asked as he set his bowl aside and cupped his mug between both hands for warmth.

"I have the next two shifts off to rest then there will be a few planning meetings with the rest of the surgical team," Bones said as he set his bowl beside Spock's. "That should take the better part of a shift itself. Maybe another shift to rest and prepare than the surgery which will be at least sixteen hours long if things go well."

Silence fell again. Jim finished eating and set his bowl beside the others.

"Well Jimmy boy, time to change your bandages then sleep," Bones said as he pulled Jim's hands onto his lap and started unwrapping.

Jim closed his eyes and settled back to let the doctor work. Whatever Bones had given him earlier to dull the pain was wearing off. His hands were starting to ache and his leg felt tight. The doctor pulled his mug from his hands and begin unraveling the bandages.

Jim felt Spock brush a soft Vulcan kiss across his newly un-bandaged fingers, sending sweet shocks dancing up his arm.

"You need rest, t'hy'la," Spock said gently as he brushed kisses over his fingers. "As do I."

"You're right," Jim sighed drowsily. Bones had finished rewrapping Jim right hand but was taking his time checking over the scars on his left. "Hey Bones? Would you mind taking the dishes back for me?"

The doctor looked between them and nodded, "I'll let you lovebirds have a moment to yourselves. No cuddling!"

Jim watched Bones walked away before leaning in and resting his forehead against Spock's, "Will you be able to meditate without me?"

Spock nodded, bushing their noses together softly as he did, "Our meld earlier stabilized my mind greatly. I believe I will be able to reach the first levels of independent meditation without difficultly."

"Good," Jim kissed Spock softly before leaning back far enough to look into Spock's eyes, "that's good. But you'll let me know if you need me?"

"I will, Jim."

"Yeah," Jim sighed and leaned in for another kiss, "I just wish I could stay."

They sat in silence, sharing kisses, until Bones came back and dragged Jim off to bed.

AN: Yeah, I've been a bad Bunny. But then again I always am so… Try, try, and try again.