I have never been a person who was afraid of things. I could stare my problems in the face and concur them; except spiders, they freak me out. When I was ten I got up on stage and sung my grandmothers' favorite song "I Will Survive". When I was thirteen I climbed a tree in the park and tried jumping to the next tree, I didn't make it. Only broke my leg. I turned sixteen and was arrested for throwing eggs at the principals' house. My parents were pissed. After I turned seventeen I snuck out of my house at midnight and ran to the party down the block. I was thrown out just in time for my parents to catch me, yippy. The point is I was fearless or stupid, however you wish to see it.

After I was twenty-five I moved to the amazing city in Delaware. Washington DC is my favorite place on the planet. I visited when I was in high school and knew I had to get back someday. I loved the museums, the gardens, the memorials, and the white house. The hustle and bustle of the city was where I belonged.

I was partner in a small two man company called Riverbed. It was an antique shop. I loved Jake, he was my partner. I met him in the end of college; he was a wealthy son of a business man or something. His father died last year and he was now trying to run two companies.

As far as I knew everything was fine until I walked into work Monday morning. A man in black was standing over Jake kneeling on the ground. Jake looked up in fear, he was pleading for his life. The man chuckled at Jake's attempt then pulled the trigger. Jake was shot in the head. His body slumped over and blood as dark as night filled the carpet.

I gasped covering my mouth in horror. I could not believe Jake was dead. The man turned and sneered. He raised his gun to me. I could see it; my life was going to end.

"I didn't see anything" I said backing up.

His finger moved to the trigger and then he was falling backwards as glass shattered and the loudest sound ever broke throw behind me. He let out a yelp and took off running.

In the next moment ten men came running in. They crashed through my doors and windows to the shop. About eight men went running after the man. Two men pulled me out of the building and into a car. The car was a huge black SUV; the windows were tinted.

"Ms. Swan, Ms. Swan." The man beside me said. I looked over at him. He had small brown eyes, tight lipped mouth, and caramel skin with freckles all over his face.

"Ms. Swan, you are safe now. You can relax." He said

I sat silently in the car. I couldn't believe what just happened.

After we pulled up to the building I was ushered in. I was put in a room with a table and two chairs. I sat down quickly. I felt lightheaded.

"Ms. Swan I'm Agent Adams" the caramel man said.

"I want to see your supervisor" I said tilting my head up making my red chin length hair bounce around me.

He looked at me for a moment. "Um…it doesn't work that way Ms. Swan"

"Excuse me." I asked in disbelief. "I want to see the person in charge, you and your crazy men tore my building apart, and you broke my doors and windows. Countless antiques were broken" I said standing up leaning over the desk. "Then you take me god knows where!"

"Ms. Swan please calm down. I know this must all be a bit much right now."

"Don't give me the damsel in distress label. I am fine!" I screeched and got in Agent Adams face "Your damn goons destroyed my shop!"

"Ms. Swan..." he started in an angry tone but I cut him off

"How am I going to run my business, pay bills? Christ, you ruined most if not all of the furniture!"

"Ms. Swan, you need to calm down…" Agent Adams started when the door opened. A female in a suit walked in and told the Agent yelling at me to leave.

"Ms. Swan I'm Rosalie. I am very sorry for your loss. Jake was a good man" Rosalie was a tall, striking woman with blond hair to her shoulders. Her brown eyes were warm and soothing. I sat down in the chair and actually started crying. Jake was dead.

"His father ran an underground trafficking company. When Jake was left the business he turned it right over to us here. He was a good man. We all here are sorry for your loss" she handed me a tissue.

"I'm sorry, I don't usually cry, I'm not a crier" I choked out. "I just, I can't believe this is happening"

"Ms., the man who killed Jake, was a hired hit. The people and the hired hit man are going to want you dead. They are after you. We are going to move you Ms. Swan"

"Move me, wait what?"

"We have a safe house for you until we get the guy."

"But, no I can't leave, my company"

"You will die without us Ms. Swan. He is a hired hit"

"No, no, no, no, no" I repeated until I was told they were bringing me to my house to pack. I had twenty minutes to pack two bags. I was scheduled to leave in an hour.

I was brought to my apartment by two agents and a driver. They walked with me to my room.

"Twenty five minutes" One said

I pulled out my bags and started packing everything I could stuff in the bags. I got ten comfy pants, three jeans, two dress pants, and five skirts. I couldn't even count the shirts I got in the bag, but I only got three sweatshirts in the bag. I was depressed. I packed ten different shoes and managed to shove a photo album in my bag in the last five minutes.

"Let's roll Ms. Swan" one man said. As we walked out of the building I got this sick feeling.

One man opened the door for me and one got in the driver seat and the passenger seat. As I climbed in a bang rang out. The man opening the door stumbled forward.

"Ahh, oh my gosh" I cried. He pushed me in the car and slammed the door. The car took off speeding down the road.

"Wait the man was shot" I cried to the men up front.

"They are after you, we had to leave. He is a trained agent he knows how to get out of situations like this. We called backup for him"

"But" I said

"You don't need to worry about anyone but you"

I was driven to a small town not far from the city. The two guys introduced themselves, the tall gangly one was agent Chong and the short fatter man was agent Van Robbins. Van Robbins drove us to a hotel for the night. I was told I was to board a plane in the morning. I still had no clue where I was going. I was told to stay away from windows and not to answer the door. They took my phone and laptop away from me. I think they got rid of them, well I'll tell you something, the government will buy me new ones then.

"Here Ms. Swan, this is your room. We will be right outside and in the morning we head out." Chong said quietly to me.

I sat in bed all night. I couldn't sleep. It was around five in the morning when I heard the men outside talking. I could hear three voices. Chong was giving directions to somewhere. Van Robbins was arguing saying it was in the opposite direction when the third voice said something.

"Thank you, you've been helpful really" I had been moving closer to the door during the conversation. I looked out the peep hole and saw the man, the man that killed Jake talking to my agents. The man was turning away when he dropped the map from his back pocket. Agent Chong picked it up telling the man to wait up. As that happened the man turned and shot Van Robbins. His head hit the door and blood was everywhere. Chong was fast though, the man, the killer got a shot out but Chong didn't look injured as he fired and hit the man in the chest. The man fell over and remained motionless.

Chong fell to his knees clutching his side then. He pulled out his phone and called someone.

"Agent Chong are you okay" I asked swinging open the door. Agent Van Robbins body fell to my feet as the door came open

"Get back in the room" Chong yelled at me. In the next five minutes everything changed. Agent Addams was back ushering people everywhere. There had to be three dozen FBI people and cops around. I was taken to a car similar to the other SUV I was in.

I was driven to an airport out of state. They loaded me on a plane with six people. Agent Adams was there, but the rest I didn't know. One was a lean women with dirty blonde hair pulled tightly in a ponytail. She had a suit on and guns strapped to her. There were two men sitting far from me chatting about a game. An older man was seated near me. He had a blue suit on. His hair was all white and his white wrinkly face made me calmer somehow. He reminded me of a grandfather. The last man was standing by Adams getting paper work. He looked the youngest out of everyone on the plane. He had a dress pants on and a nice shirt but had a FBI jacket on instead of a suit jacket like the rest. His hair was messy, like he woke up from bed and came on the plane, it was brown. He turned sighing and looked at me. His eyes were big sad green ovals. He blinked and took a seat next to the grandfather man and handed him the papers.

"Ms. Swan" Agent Adams said coming up behind me.

I turned and looked at him. He sighed and told me we were landing in a few minutes.

"Where are we?" I asked

The grandfather decided to answer me when on one did.

"We're home now Ms., we are in the fine state of North Dakota."

"Dakota" I blanched "I…I" I scrunched up my face and crossed my arms like a child. "I can't believe this" I whispered under my breath.

"Believe it Princess" the younger man said and the older one shoved him.