Chapter 20.2

Back to reality

Disclaimer: I own nada~

AN: Hello again! Here we are in the last chapter of my Not Just a Dream! I want to thank you all of you who have read until this very chapter. I'm so happy to see 37 favs and 36 alerts. Not to mention I got a total of 53 reviews! You are all awesome I tell ya! Ich liebe euch alle! I'm really glad that this fic have made a lot of people happy but it has to end here… So, enjoy this final chapter!

"What?" all I could do was blink. Nothing else.

"You heard him, (name). We found out a way to get you back to your world." Norway repeated.

Go back? I'm supposed to happy… right? But why? Why am I feeling so sad? My mind is telling: stay! But what about my parents? (Best friend(s)' name)? The thoughts rushed through my mind. I had two choices. Yes or no. To go back or to stay. Italy gasped when Germany explained to him.

"Bella! Please don't go! Its so fun with you around here!" Italy pleaded "I will make you my family! You can stay with me forever! Right fratello?"

"Chigi… y-yeah, (name)… I guess you are the most normal person around… so… stay." Romano averted his eyes while blushing.

"I-I also want you to stay…. (N-name)…." Canada said sadly.

"Yes, chica! Please stay! You can live in my house! Forever is fine!" Spain exclaimed.

My head pounded as they all pleaded for my stay. It was hard to believe that the all wanted me to stay. After what trouble I caused for them. But then…. This is not… home… technically at least. How if my parents are worried sick of me? How if my school kicked me out for being absent for so long? How can I continue my education? Without realizing it, a tear escaped my eyes. I looked at England and stared at him as if the answer was on his face. He hadn't spoken since then. He was the only one who didn't say he wanted me to stay. You know what… If he says he wants me to stay… I'll stay no matter what. Say you want me to say Arthur. Say you want me to live with you forever! I want to be together with you always… because I fell in love with you.

"A-Arthur…" I sobbed.

Everyone looked at England giving him the 'say-it' look. England just stared at the floor biting his lip. Why is he thinking so hard? Don't you love me…. Arthur?

"You should go back." England finally said.

Everyone gasped. I looked at him in pain and burst out in tears.

"What the fuck England?" Prussia spat.

"She… She needs to go home." England avoided looking at me "Her family and friends would miss her."

"You piece of-" Prussia lifted his fist to punch England. England just stood there bracing for it.

"Its her choice. She will decide" America grabbed Prussia's arm.

"W-why? I-I love you! You bloody idiot!" I punched England's chest.

"Well, I don't. If you decide to stay you have plenty of rooms to sleep in. I don't want a pest in my house so for me, I would prefer if you go back." England simply said.

"I HATE YOU!" I slapped across England's face leaving it a big red mark.

I stormed out of the house and slammed the door. I ignored the calls from the others and walked away.

~England's POV~

I'm so sorry, love. I love you too…. But I can't afford seeing you be a country. Bloody rules. I didn't feel the pain on my cheeks. Maybe it was nothing compared to the pain in my heart. My chest is being stabbed my daggers right now. It would be best if she forgot all about us and live safely rather than being a country. Knowing the chances of surviving as such a small, undeveloped country would be very small. I would take care of her… if I don't have a boss.

"Hey, you alright dude?" America put his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"We can protect her you know."

"I know. But she wouldn't be able to handle it. Its not easy being a country so suddenly… we were a country since we were born."

"I understand what you mean. Don't you bruder?" Germany nodded.

"Ja, let's just see what she decides upon." Prussia sighed.

Scared for her not coming back, we decided to split and search for her.

~your POV~

What's the point of staying here? I thought I would stay if England wanted me. Who am I joking? Why would he love me back anyways? He's a country! And I'm just a regular human! The sun was down. I still walked along the sidewalk not caring where it would take me. I was so happy that I was here. But now, I wish this never happened. It just hurts so much. I wish I can forget. That's not possible. Even when I never meet England and just see him on some paper or screen, I would never forget about him. But now? Now I have seen him in person and even shared moments together. Forgetting him is just… impossible.

The dim lit road doesn't seem to have an end. But who cares? Its like In have a destination anyway. Suddenly, a flash of light blinded me for a while.

"Found you!" great. It was the last person I want to see.

"I have decided."

"… alright. Let's go back and you can announce it to the others."

England brought me back to his house. Everyone was already waiting for me. I took a deep breath and looked down.\

"I have decided to…. Go back."

Italy, burst into tears and wetting Germany's clothes. The others just nodded in disappointment. England… well, why the hell did he look disappointed too? Is he holding back tears? Nah, it probably my eyes trying to comfort me or something.

"Alright then. Tomorrow morning." Norway said and left with the other Nords.

"Wait, I want to go with you." I stopped them.

England gave me a disappointed and hurt look. That's what I see anyways. Denmark smiled and gestured me to come. I walked to him and we left England's house.


We finally arrived to the Nordic mansion. It was huge and all but I was not in the mood to get all excited. I just stayed quite for the whole journey even when they tried to talk to me. When they did, I would just hum, shake my head or nod. I even heard Denmark say I was more quite an intimidating than Sweden.

"So, you can stay here." Denmark opened the door for me "Norge can sleep with Iceland today."

I nodded and went inside the room. I looked around to explore a little in Norway's room. It was simple and neat. There was a bookshelf filled with magic books and fairytales.

"So, uh, call us if you need anything." Denmark smiled.

I nodded again and Denmark closed the door as quietly as he could. I lied on the bed staring at the ceiling. I'm going back tomorrow mom, dad…


I opened my eyes and sat up lazily. I set my feet on the ground and walked outside of the room. I walked along the corridor and heard some noise. In the living room, all the Nordics were seated on the table having breakfast.

"You're awake!" Denmark gave a sad smile "come have breakfast!"

"I don't need one. I'll just go take a shower and we can leave."

Their faces were plastered with sad look. Including Sweden. Although it looked scary instead. I turned o the hot water and let it wet my whole body. I was hoping that the water was warm enough to prevent me from feeling my tears trickling down my cheeks. Yes, rather than suffering from this broken heart, I rather go away and at least try to forget… I dried my body and hair and put on some clothes.

The five of them were waiting for me outside. I went in the car and Denmark drove. I watched the passing scenery as my head was only thinking of the moments I had with England. Bastard. Why can't he just get out of my mind and leave me alone? The journey seemed to be so fast. I was drove to Germany's house. Norway led us to the garden where I was when I got here.

Everyone was already gathered there. I smiled and tried to act cheerful by hugging them one by one.

"I'm going to miss you!" Italy bawled as he squeezed me.

"Yes, I will too…" I couldn't help but cry.

"Don't forget the awesome me okay?" Prussia smirked but there was something on his face that told me he was very sad.

"Of course I won't!"

"I-I wish I could come with y-you…" Canada said sadly.

"I wish I could stay here too."

I hugged all of them and went to the last person.

"Even if you don't love me, I will always do. No matter what I do to forget you." I gave a crooked smile to England.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be." I gave him a soft peck on the cheeks "I'm sorry if it hurt yesterday."

"Its okay…" I swear, he was holding back tears.

Norway and England stared to chant things and a glowing white circle formed around me. The ring was glowing brightly and it dispersed to shimmering dust. I floated on the air but my eyes were locked on England. Tears wouldn't stop rolling down my cheeks. Slowly, my vision was getting blurry. I took one last look at all of them. England's saying something to me? I… love… you… My eyes widened at this. I smiled and my tears turned to tears of joy. I shouted 'I love you' back but my voice never came out. With that, my vision turned completely black.

I awoke at my alarm. I lazily turned it off and rubbed my eyes. Did something happen? My chest… not knowing why, I felt really… happy but there was big hole in my heart. I jumped when my mom banged the door open.

"Come on young lady! You don't want to be late in your first day of your new school!"

"Yes, yes!"

I quickly got ready for the day. It was my first day in my new school. What was the name again? Right, Gauken Hetalia! Its an odd name for a school but something tells me the school is going to be awesome!


I got to my class and sat on the corner of the class. I was never the type to call out someone and try to introduce myself. It was still five minutes until the class starts. I decided to flip my notebook to a blank page and doodled on it. A shadow darkened my view. I looked up to see a boy with blonde scruffy hair, captivating emerald eyes and with a unusually very thick eyebrows. But he was very, very gorgeous.

"Do you mind if I sit beside you?" the British accent he spoke in almost melt me.

"N-no, You can sit!" I stood up blushing.

"Wonderful! Tell me your name, love." The boy smiled as he put his bad on the table and sat down.

"M-my name's (First name)! (Full name)!"

"That is a very beautiful name. I'm Arthur Kirkland, nice to meet you, (name)" he smiled.

"N-nice to meet you too!"

There's just something, something that makes me want to stay with this man… forever.

~years later~

"Oh my God! You. Look. Gorgeous!" Elizabeta squealed.

"You guys look so gorgeous too!" I clapped my hands together "And these corset is killing me! I can barely breathe!"

I was wearing a puffy, white bridal dress chosen by yours truly. It was strapless and it was a little hard to walk on it since it was so long, not to mention it has a pretty long tail as the design. But everyone loved it, so did I. But he hadn't seen this yet. I hope he likes it too.

"Of course! If it wasn't for the bride who chose the bridesmaid and maid of honor dress it won't be as beautiful! And the corset was not pulled to the maximum…." Mei smiled.

"Congratulations, (name). Your day has finally arrived!" Lili took my hand.

"I hope you will always be happy with him." Lien smiled.

"Thank you guys!" I hugged them.

Lien, Lili and Mei were my bridesmaid while Eliza was my maid of honor. Who else would other than my best friends?

"Woah, you look awesome, (name)!" Gilbert wolf whistled "If he hadn't proposed to you sooner, you're so mine right now!"

"H-he's going to be angry if he h-hears that…" Matthew laughed.

"You look very beautiful tonight, mademoiselle." Francis purred

"Aren't you supposed to be assisting him?" I raised my brow as my bridesmaid and maid of honor fixed my hair and veil.

"Pfft, Yao and Ivan can handle him." Gilbert shrugged "I wanted to see the awesome bride!"

"Hey, dudes! Get ready!" Alfred called for the groomsmen, bridesmaid and maid of honor. He was the best man.

My parents came in and hugged me. My father and I went to outside and got ready to walk along the aisle. I wrapped my arms around him as I took a deep breath. The 'wedding march' started and the doors were opened revealing the whole church. And there he was. Standing there with his cute smile. I smiled as I walked slowly looking at everyone standing. The groomsmen and the bridesmaid were all standing in a line in the side. My father let go off me as I walked up that one stair and stood beside my husband-to-be, Arthur Kirkland. I grabbed his hand and we met each other's eyes, smiling at each other.

"You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, love." Arthur leaned in and whispered.

"You are the most handsome man I have ever met~" I chirped.

"Alright, we shall begin." The priest cleared his throat.

After all the babble, the moment has finally come.

"Will you, Arthur Kirkland, take (full name) as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Arthur smiled at me and held my hand tighter.

"And you, (full name), take Arthur Kirkland as you lawfully wedded husband?"

I grinned widely and thrust the bouquet up in the air "HELL I DO!" the priest sweatdropped and coughed to his hand lightly.

"As wild as ever huh, love?" Arthur chuckled.

Peter, Arthur's little brother, came to us and held up the red velvet pillow with two silver rings on it. Arthur smiled and put it on my finger. I did the same to him. They were a perfect match and it perfectly fit our fingers.

"You may now kiss the bride." Said the priest.

I threw my hands around Arthur neck and gave him a smooth and passionate kiss. Everyone cheered. Feliciano was sobbing on Ludwig's tux and the others clapped their hands and cheered. Even my friend, Berwald was smiling so was Lukas! The bridesmaid and Eliza jumped for joy and the groomsmen and Alfred patted Arthur's back. Arthur suddenly swept me up, carrying me bridal style causing me to let out a little yelp. We all went outside the chapel.

All the women stood behind Arthur and me. I turned around.

"Are you ready?" I got ready to throw the bouquet.

I swung my arms and threw the bouquet as far I could and honestly, I was very strong that it flew away very far. That time, Gilbert was with his best friends, Francis and Antonio.

"I mean, who woul-" a bouquet landed on his hand "isn't this (name)'s bouquet?"

Francis and Antonio's faces went pale as they ran away from Gilbert. Even Gilbert's little yellow pet, Gilbird flew away.

"Hey, where are you guys going?"

Gilbert went pale as he saw a group of women running after him. They looked exactly like a stampede.


Arthur opened the (choice of car) door for me and gestured me to go in. He went in after me, sitting beside me.

"So, will you tell me where you're taking me for honeymoon?"

"Of course, love." Arthur smiled "we're going to England."

I smiled and pecked him on his lips making his face turn beet red.

"I wil have to get used to that." Arthur chuckled.

"No, I like seeing your cute blushing face~" I teased making him blush more "I love you."

"I love you more." Arthur leaned in and kissed me passionately. Now I was the one who blushed.

Now, my life is finally complete. The hole in my heart was now filled. My life seemed perfect now.

The end

AN: Honestly, I really love this chapter! But it would be better if it was PrussiaXD JK! So, did any of you suspected this? I hope this was a pleasant surprise for you! And I hope you guys liked it and thank you so much for reading until here! I'm sorry for any errors cuz' I'm supposed to sleeping now since its school tomorrow. And also, I'm sorry if there was something wrong with the wedding. I'm not very familiar with it…

So, this is the end of the fic, I hope this will be a memorable fic for you guys and I'll see you in my other fics! I'm going to make a new one real soon! Its pirate!hetalia yay! I'm looking forward in writing it~

So, leave your last reviews and tell me what you think! See you guys and thanks once again! Love ya all~