A/N: Writing these helps writer's block! :D

E.T.- Katy Perry


The frenzied couple immediately burst into the dimly lit room. The large window that made up an entire wall showed a magnificent view of the dark city night, lighting up the otherwise black atmosphere with constantly moving, multi colored, neon lights. The one who seemed to have the most control of the situation pushed the smaller one against one of the metal walls, ignoring the plush bed in the corner of the lavish suite.

Moans of encouragement began as the smaller one was ground against, lips at his white neck. "A-Ah... ooh yes..."

The larger, dominant one growled and thrusted clothed hips against the other, more groans and pleasured noises coming from the both of them. Franticly, clothing was shed to the floor, until the two forms stood bare, still eagerly pressed against each other as hands roamed and mouths collided.

A groan of pain and a hiss of pleasure; the beginnings of rolling, rocking movements; mewls and rhythmic grunts; sobs of ecstasy; a loud scream of pleasure and a muffled moan; soft panting and then whispers of names.


The lights in the room flickered on, showing the extremities of the obviously expensive room with a one-way view of the city; the hovercrafts passing by could not see inside, nor was any noise from them coming into the room. Against the wall opposite the main door was the couple. The large one was a human male, tall and broad, with golden hair and soft blue eyes. There were brown robes at his feet and a discarded belt with a silver rod attached. He was leaning against the other one whom he was holding up, breathing slowly, eyes closed and a blissful expression on his face.

The other male was slender and lean, messy light blonde hair sticking to a sweaty face and large eyebrows. His strange, neon green eyes were half-open, thin fingers carding through the other's golden hair as he caught his breath, tiny fangs visible through pale parted lips. His cheeks and the nipples on his thin chest held a pink tint that contrasted with pure white skin. Silk robes of metallic silver lay below his feet, which hovered off the ground as the other held him up, along with a thin, silver, circular band.

"Alfred..." the small one breathed, white feathered wings rustling behind him. "... oh... I missed you..."

"As did I..." Alfred pressed a kiss to the ivory skin in front of him. "... Arthur... mm, my Prince..."

Let It Burn- Immediate Music

The lion's fur was soft, Arthur thought dimly as he gently ran his fingers through the golden pelt. Much softer than he would have expected. Especially around the mane.

Lights were everywhere. Heat was all around. Noise was constant.

But the lion... the sweet lion that had its jaws around Arthur's middle was solid and warm and even though Arthur could feel sticky hot liquid running down his torso he didn't mind.

So soft.

Arthur had the sensation of movement, and he felt his limbs move as they were tugged and pulled and played with by the forces of gravity, waved around like a puppet as he was carried away. His head was muddled and his tongue felt thick, and everything was disorienting as the lion swept him away and ran away with him, teeth sliding deeper into his body,. He wanted to laugh, and at his attempt he could feel a bubble of something burst at the corner of his mouth- he couldn't taste it.

And the lion had him tightly in his grasp, so tight, so painful that it was so mercifully numb... Arthur looked into the lion's eyes, to thank it for the relief, for taking him away, but instead of the yellow eyes of a cat, Arthur stared into a blue rivaled only by the clearest of prairie skies.

His breath caught in his throat. Alfred?

The lion dropped him, and Arthur fell. He felt into a dark, deep abyss were he could do no more than fall, his arms reaching up for something to catch him, falling and falling...

Until his eyes opened and he was once again looking in blue eyes.

"He's awake!"

Sleepsong- Secret Garden

"Lay down your head... and I'll sing you a lullaby... back to the years of loo-li, lai-lay..."

Back and forth, side to side... breathe in, breathe out. Arthur's slender fingers softly combed through soft golden curls.

"And I'll sing you to sleep, and I'll sing you tomorrow... bless you with love... for the road that you go..."

The moon and stars reflected a soft light on the ceiling, slowly spinning and casting a glow upon the fair skin of gently rounded cheeks and slowly closing green eyes. The warm weight in Arthur's arms increased bit by bit as the stirring began to cease.

"May you sail fair to the far fields of fortune... with diamonds and pearls at your head and your feet..."

A small hand gently enclosed around Arthur's finger, a gentle coo emitting from rosy plump lips. Arthur smiled, continuing his swaying, his voice lilting and dipping as he slowly moved around the room.

"...and may you need never to banish misfortune... may you find kindness in all that you meet..."

Unexpectedly, a large set of arms wrapped around Arthur's waist, and a broad chest pressed against his back. The new addition moved and swayed with Arthur in his little dance, warm breath ghosting over his ear as he saw a hand tanner and larger than his own tenderly brush the little face in his arms, which sleepily turned towards the touch.

Together they sang: "May there always be angels to watch over you... to guide you each step of way... to guard you and keep you safe from all harm... loo-li loo-li lai-lay..."

It seemed that the newly added presence finally brought the ultimate comfort, and with two voices softly singing her to sleep, the baby fell asleep in her parent's combined embrace.

King of Anything- Sara Bareilles

"And just who the bloody hell are you supposed to be?"

Alfred blinked and for a moment could do nothing but stare at the figure sitting stiffly on the edge of the bed. He couldn't even lower his sword, simply standing perfectly still in stunned silence, until he managed to make his jaw move with the utmost effort.


"Isn't that what they all think?" The person scoffed and stood, arms crossed in a tangled up pretzel. "Save a damsel in distress, sweep her off of her feet, blah blah blah. Well, you might as well find another tower guarded by another dragon. Thanks for coming, sorry about the inconvenience, goodbye."

Alfred gaped. "Uh-"

"Unfair, isn't it?" The voice sniffed. "That's life. Now hurry up and leave, I'm in the middle of a good book."

"But... the Princess-"

"How thick-skulled do you knights come nowadays? There is no Princess! Just me. The Prince. The MALE who no knight exactly feels like recusing. So thanks! But GO AWAY."

Alfred, beyond startled, began to feel a bit of annoyance. He had not spent most of his life studying foreign languages, spending hours on complicated maths and geography, working with all different types of bad-tempered animals; to simply be told that after traveling half the continent, "too bad"!

"Now hang on," he finally lowered his sword and stood up straight, frowning at the young man. "Are you or are you not the royalty residing in this tower?"

"I am," The Prince rolled his eyes. "I promise I don't have an attractive girl around you can take away instead."

"Well, boy or girl, I came to rescue someone," Alfred took a few determined steps forward, noting the surprised look on the Prince's face. "And boy or girl, living in a tower the rest of your life doesn't sound so great. So... come with me. You're not exactly what I expected to find, but regardless, you seem to need a hero."

Skyfall- Adele

"... your mission, if you choose to accept it."

Jones looked at the seemingly normal IPhone 4 placed in front of him. He made no move to reach for it, and instead moved his gaze up to rest on his superior. "Do I have a choice?"

Kirkland's left eye twitched- a habit, Jones had noticed, that tended to appear when the boss was annoyed. "Of course you do. We all have a choice, Jones."

Reaching out, Jones took the phone and flipped it a few times in his hand, leaning back in his chair and scanning Kirkland up and down a few times. "Hmm. That seems too optimistic for you, Arthur."

"That is inappropriate conduct!" Kirkland immediately snapped. "You will not address me as anything other than my surname while within the walls of this building."

"Does that mean I can call you Arthur outside of it?" Jones grinned at the irritated look that passed over Kirkland's face. "Or maybe when I'm not directly addressing you?" he pretended to look at the phone in surprise. "Why, Arthur looks smashing today, doesn't he?"


"Or maybe if I was addressing not you, the noun, but you, the adjective? 'Wow, he sure looks Arthur today!' or 'that show was so Arthur last night!'"

"Jones, this-"

"Oh, what about if you can't hear me? Like, if I whisper your name so you can't hear it, even if I am addressing you? …, you look nice today! New suit?"

"Jones! I-"

"I hope I can call you Arthur when we're not doing our job. Maybe if we're off duty, but still in the building? You gotta give me some guidelines here, I'm really confused about what I'm gonna call you when we have quickies in your office-"


Jones stopped talking and simply smirked at Kirkland, who looked furious with himself. "I-I... that is to say, Jones-"

"Mhm." Jones stood and pocketed his fake IPhone, then turned to leave the office. "Mission accepted... and I'll see you at dinner tonight at six...? I believe that's what we planned. Have a nice rest of your afternoon, Mr. Kirkland."

The last thing Arthur Kirkland saw was Alfred Jones' grin before he was gone.

Where's My Angel?- Metro Station

"So... how long are you gonna stay invisible?"

Arthur nearly jumped out of his skin at the voice directed towards him, and barely managed to keep himself concealed. He gaped at the young man, extremely confused. Who was he talking to? It couldn't be him! Surely not! No one could possibly resist-

"Seriously, come on. I feel like an idiot talking to a wall."

Arthur floated backwards as discreetly as possible, his elbow brushing the dresser as he did- he winced at the tiny clatter it made.

It was apparently all Alfred needed, because suddenly, large hands were pressing against Arthur's chest, pinning him to the wall as the sound alerted him to Arthur's location. He struggled in vain to get away, then realized in alarm that his invisibility spell was dying, and he could only look up with large eyes at the startling blue irises in front of him as they focused on the now apparent being.

"There you are." Alfred sounded pleased with himself, and he moved his hands to instead hold Arthur up by the upper arms, fingers brushing the white toga. He looked him up and down, frowning a bit. "I wish you would quit hiding from me."

"B-But..." Arthur stammered, uncomprehending, his heart tugging painfully. "You shouldn't... they said that you wouldn't..."

"Remember?" Alfred's eyes softened, and Arthur nodded mutely. "They said I wouldn't remember you anymore?"

"Y-Yes..." Arthur whispered. "... they said that I couldn't be your guardian angel... if you knew about me..."

"Yeah..." Alfred pressed his forehead against Arthur's, voice quiet. Arthur's wings fluttered helplessly. "But I guess they underestimated me, huh?"

Arthur slowly wrapped his arms around Alfred as the American lowered his hands to his waist, hardly daring to believe it. "... it didn't work? You remember me...?"

"Of course I remember..." Alfred smiled gently, and Arthur tightened his hold on him. "I guess even the power of angel's isn't enough... when you love somebody."

Conversations with My Thirteen Year Old Self- P!nk

When America opened his eyes and saw himself, he knew he was dreaming.

America was over three centuries old, and he knew that he no longer looked to be a boy of thirteen, so as he watched the knobbly-kneed colony walking towards him amongst a field of golden wheat, he felt his heart wrench. His younger self had a look of terrible sadness, and as he looked upon the approaching teenager in his too-big blouse and breeches, he almost turned and ran from the memory of his youth.

"You're me, aren't you?" The colony looked up at America as he reached him, slouching slightly in the discomfort of his gangly, rapidly growing form. "In the future."

"Yeah," America said, looking down, a breeze blowing his hair back. "I am... we are. The United States of America."

The colony's eyes misted over. "We aren't a colony, then."

"I think you know the answer."

America watched as his younger self deflated, hunching over slightly. He watched as his own hair played about in the wind, his own eyes shone in sadness, his own past stood in front of him. He saw the red ribbon that he once wore tied around his skinny neck, the one that England gave him, watched as it rippled in its movements.

"...you're angry," America said. "You're lonely... and the world doesn't care."

His younger self looked up again.

"You have no teachers or guidance, and you feel as though you're walking alone," he continued, shifting his gaze up at the endless sky. "England is gone for years at a time... you cry at night when no one else is home. You laugh in order to hide- don't look like that, you forget that I've been you... you want to run away from your youth, go forward... but you're scared."

America then focused back on himself and opened his arms. Immediately, the colony ran forward into his embrace, thin arms wrapping around the broader, bigger torso of his future, shaking as he cried. America hugged him tightly, offering comfort that wasn't real, comfort he knew he never really received, but feeling absolutely obligated to give it anyway.

"I promise you..." he whispered into the colony's hair, closing his eyes. "It isn't always this bad. The pain is real, and it will get worse before it gets better- but it DOES get better. Don't you ever lose your passion, or the fighter that's inside of you... you're never alone. You are thousands of people, and one day you will be millions and millions, all of them, across lands that you haven't discovered yet."

America let out a breath as he felt his body begin to wake itself, subconsciously aware of a small, warm body breathing softly in his arms back in his bed, back in his house...

"England will forgive you... he'll understand, because you will always love him, and he will always love you. So don't give up... don't try to grow up yet... just give it some time."

Carry On- F.U.N.

Alfred decided that Arthur's laugh was beautiful. He loved the way that his green eyes sparkled and his nose crinkled up, the way that his eyebrows drew together and his entire small frame shook with the sound of his mirth. When Arthur laughed, Alfred felt compelled to laugh too, but this time he didn't, and just smiled fondly at him.

"What?" Arthur looked up at him, still smiling a bit. "You're looking at me oddly."

Alfred grinned and shrugged, gripping Arthur's hand a bit tighter, swaying them gently in time with the band. "It's nothing."

Arthur raised his eyebrows and smirked, the kind of mischievous smirk that he only wore when he'd had just enough to drink to get him tipsy, but not drunk. His pale cheeks were flushed slightly, almost hiding the adorable smattering of freckles. "Oh really? It must be something."

Alfred shook his head, spinning Arthur gently away from the bar, further into the throng of dancing couples. "You wouldn't believe me."

"How do you know if you don't tell me?" Arthur teased, moving his hand from Alfred's shoulder to the back of his neck. "C'mon..."

"Your laugh," Alfred finally admitted, quirking a smile at him. "I love it. It's beautiful."

"You're right, I don't believe you." Arthur rolled his eyes and Alfred laughed loudly over the live music. "Git."

Alfred was still grinning as he looked down at Arthur, who had now flushed some more from embarrassment. He held his waist a bit more firmly, leaning down to press their foreheads together. He closed his eyes and smiled, knowing that Arthur was doing the same.

And then, quite suddenly, realization hit him. He pulled away a bit, eyes wide, expression incredulous.

Arthur looked up at him with a bit of alarm. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong," Alfred realized aloud, breaking into a huge grin. "Absolutely nothing."

"That's what's with your stupid expression?" Arthur asked dryly, then blinked as Alfred pressed his lips to his in a brief peck.

"I love you! I love you, Arthur!"

Let Me Take You To Rio- Carlinhos Brown

Arthur closed his eyes and let the last heat of the setting sun warm his bare skin, allowing his body to move with the beat of the music blasting through the sound system. He felt the whole crowd of people moving with him, a mass of bodies swaying and dancing, like the surges and crashes of the ocean just a few feet away. He felt the still-warm sand shift under his toes, and he raised his arms above his head, hips swiveling around with the beat.

The presence of another person moving very close to him was soon brought to Arthur's awareness, but he didn't stop moving, just breathing quickly in and out as the dancing took his breath away, smelling the salty breeze. Unless this person disrupted him, he didn't mind.

It didn't take him very long to realize that this person was actually moving with him, matching his movements and responding in turn, rolling with each movement the Brit made. It seemed he had a partner to dance with now, and he moved closer, not opening his eyes, letting the other move closer as well until they were almost brushing.

Arthur opened his eyes then, but his dance partner was behind him, and he watched the crowd of people move with the music, rocking his body with them. His partner stepped closer, and Arthur felt hips press against him, lightly grinding, but the smooth, rolling movements were perfect for the song, and he began grinding back a bit. He felt large hands rest on his waist, pulling him back in order for their bodies to dance together with more ease.

"You're pretty good," Arthur called over the music, his own hands running down over strongly sculptured arms. "What's your name?"

"Alfred," The young man's voice was light and tenor, clearly not intoxicated, which was a relief. "And you?"


"You're not bad yourself, darlin'."

"Hmm. How about you shut up and keep dancing?"

Alfred laughed and needless to say, the two ended up doing a different dance later in the evening, and many more after that.

Home- Phillip Phillips

The house was beautiful, a cottage more than anything, constructed of brick and built up from a ground covered in lush green grass and sprouting with purple wildflowers. The windows were small and surrounded by deep brown shutters, the beige curtains covering any activity from the inside. The cottage was surrounded by the forest, the shade created by the leaves casting a dappled pattern over the structure.

Behind the house lay a garden, with vegetables and flowers and not a single weed in sight. Laying in the garden, surrounded by the fruits of his labors, Arthur Kirkland had his eyes closed, breathing deeply- asleep. He wasn't alone, for Alfred lay next to him, also asleep, one arm flung over Arthur and a leg entangled between his. His glasses were askew, hair a mess, the golden color threaded with the yellow of Arthur's.

Alfred was clothed but for his shoes and socks, while Arthur was covered only mildly decently by the large shirt he had put on to garden in, his pants and underwear thrown off the side somewhere. Obviously, the gardening had been put off in favor for some other activities.

Alfred snorted and shifted a bit, his nose nuzzling into Arthur's neck, who mumbled and turned his head a bit to unconsciously accommodate Alfred. They moved simultaneously, and a breeze passed by, stirring their hair and causing Arthur to sneeze in his sleep before whimpering and snuggling closer to Alfred, who tightened his one armed hold on him.

Newly settled, the couple resumed their snooze, fingers intertwined, sunlight glistening off of the two matching golden rings around the corresponding fingers.

Home was best found in one anothers arms.


E.T.- Star Wars Universe! Alfred is a jedi, therefore unable to love anyone (:(...), but he's having a secret affair with Arthur, the Prince of an alien government somewhere.

Let it Burn- Basicly inside Arthur's mind when he's about to die. BUT HE DOESN'T! :D

Sleepsong- No, it's not M-Preg... unless you want it to be. S'up for interpretation, but Alfie and Artie have a baby, whether through M-Preg or adoption or whatever :3 (For my girlfriend: CHARLIEEEEEE!)

King of Anything- Hehe, Alfred is a Prince who goes to rescue a Princess! Except when he gets there... Artie ain't female.

Skyfall- I know it's a James Bond song, but I had just watched Mission Impossible 4 when I wrote this, so it's basicly that xD

Where's My Angel- Arthur and Alfred are in love, but Arthur is guardian angel and isn't allowed, so they wipe Alfred's memory of him. Or so they think.

Conversations with My 13-Year-Old-Self- America dreams of his colony-self.

Carry On- Alfred and Arthur are dancing at a bar and Alfred suddenly realizes: he's in love!

Let Me Take You to Rio- Arthur is visiting Rio and is dancin' it up at a party when he meets an attractive dance partner... :3

Home- Alfred and Arthur are married and Alfie sexs him up in the garden. xD

Bai bai!