One day I was shootin peopl with my space gun and like, I missed and nearly got hit in the head, but I dodged. And thn like, this turian on ma squad like shot him in the head ad I though 'OMG I can't believe he just did rthat – maybe I think hi's hot, but I can't cos he's a chikcen' and then I thort 'but his nose is like a cats and I liek cats!' But I'm Fem-shep so I finished shootin all the guys and we went back to our spacesho[.
"Thank yoy for hittin that guy B4 – I honestly thougt I was gonna get sht, but ure like really awesom and stuff so yer," I blushed.
"What ere you saying Shepard, I did not hwar cos I was doing calibrationbs." Garrus squawked like a turkey.
"NOTHING" and then I ran to my room and crieed and hit the wall cos I'm rnengade so I get mad about stuff. Liara came and asked me what was wwrong but I shouted at her cos I'm renegade. Big floppy penis came into view from my window – Garrus went on a spacce walk above my cabinm with no clothes on.
"I'M BEING ROMANTIC SHEPARD" He gobbled through the glass, mandibles pulsating erotically. I felt my huge robotic lady flaps sway gently in the space wind. "Oh Shepard, I did not know you could fly! I can too!" And he had lots of feathers.
So we started to have sexytimes on the top of the shop. I enveloped his scaly form in my impressive flaps like a mother bird protecting her young. It was like a tent.