Here's another fic for 1827. Oh, how I love those two...just seeing them together gives me a sweet-tooth. Might be a bit of Allx27, but nothing too big.

Rated T for cussing, and for obvious themes.

Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own KHR and I gain no monetary value from writing this. If I owned KHR...(evil laugh) let's just say, stuff would happen.

"Is there a Sawada Tsunayoshi in here?"

Tsuna looked up when he heard his name being called and was greeted by the sight of Mitsuki-senpai standing in the class door. Her green eyes scanned the room, and she brushed a lock of her brown hair behind her ear as she did so.

"Uh, yes. That's me," Tsuna answered, already feeling somewhat anxious. When people called or looked for him it usually meant nothing but trouble.

Gokudera shot up from his seat and glared daggers at Mitsuki-senpai, "What do you need the Tenth for?"

Mitsuki-senpai smiled and placed her hands together. "He needs to come with me, Gokudera-san, because Haruna-sensei wants to talk to him about something regarding your class trip to Kyoto."

"Ah, um, all right," Tsuna stood up and made his way over to Mitsuki-senpai's side.

"Wait, Tenth! I'll go with you!" Gokudera made to follow but instead let out a chocked cry when Yamamoto grabbed his collar and tugged him back.

"Calm down, Gokudera, Tsuna's not a baby. Just let him go," Yamamoto stated sagely.

"Damn it! Let me go, Baseball-Freak!" Gokudera snarled, but Yamamoto just laughed. Tsuna sweat-dropped at his two friends.

"I'll be fine, Gokudera-kun," Tsuna forced a smile, trying to placate his raging friend, "so just wait here." Gokudera stopped struggling against Yamamoto's hold and nodded.

"If the Tenth says so then I'll do it."

Yamamoto laughed, then gave a small wave to Tsuna. "We'll be waiting here, all right?"

"Yeah," and with that he faced Mitsuki-senpai who just smiled, and with a swish of her skirt spun on her heels and began walking down the hall.

Tsuna immediately followed and swore he could hear her humming, but he couldn't make out the tune so he just decided to ignore it.

~The green that trails Namimori
Not large not small, Nami is best
Always unchanging
Vigorous and gallant...~

"Oh!" Mitsuki-senpai reached for the pouch on her waist and took out her phone, which was currently ringing. She looked at the number, then turned to face Tsuna with an apologetic smile on her face. "Sorry, Sawada-san, I need to take this."

"Uh, go ahead," Tsuna replied. Mitsuki-senpai smiled gratefully and opened the phone, quickly speaking into it.

"Disciplinary Committee Member Mitsuki speaking," she then moved farther down the hall so that it was harder to hear her.

Meanwhile, Tsuna just stared after her in disbelief. Mitsuki-senpai was in the Disciplinary Committee? She hadn't seemed like the kind of person who would follow Hibari willingly. But then again, Tsuna never talked much to his senpai, so maybe this had been her character all along. The universe had weird ways of working.


Oh, Kami! Maybe she actually was a cruel and heartless person like Hibari! But Kusakabe wasn't like that, so was he just being paranoid?


What was he supposed to do if she decided to beat him up! He didn't want to have it on his reputation that he was beaten up by a girl. He would never live it down! He groaned internally. He should have had Gokudera come with him after all! He was going to die!


Tsuna shrieked and put his arms over his his head protectively, "Don't beat me up!" Mitsuki-senpai just stared at Tsuna in surprise before laughing.

"Oh, Sawada-san, you kohai can be so funny sometimes," she giggled, placing a hand over her mouth. "But you don't need to worry. I'm not here to beat you up ."

But you still beat people up! Tsuna shrieked in the depths of his mind.

"Actually, it turns out that Hibari-san is now handling the affairs to the Kyoto trip, so we're going to go see him instead of Haruda-sensei."

"Oh, okay," Tsuna smiled in relief until what she said sunk in, "Wait! What? We're going to see Hibari-san?" At Tsuna's panic-stricken face, Mitsuki-senpai just smiled reassuringly.

"Don't worry, Sawada-san," she smiled, "I was told that Hibari-san is in a particularly good mood today, so there's nothing to fear."

"That's good...I think." Tsuna knew from experience that when dealing with Hibari it was always a life or death situation. Mitsuki-senpai giggled again and began walking towards the Disciplinary Committee room.

"Come on, Sawada-san. It wouldn't be good to keep Hibari-san waiting," she called back. At the thought of annoying Hibari Tsuna immediately caught up to his senpai. After a moment or so of walking, Tsuna decided to voice the question that he'd been wondering about.

"Hey, Mitsuki-senpai? I don't want to seem rude, but why was your cellphone ring the Namimori aanthem?" Mitsuki-senpai glanced at him over her shoulder before giggling again.

"Oh, Hibari-san made it a requirement that all members needed to have that for their cells. I don't mind that much since it's a little cute, but most of the guys find it really annoying but don't say anything since it'll annoy Hibari-san." She giggled some more, "I remember one guy complained to Hibari-san and that was the end of it. It was a little funny, actually. But it was sad since the guy ended up having to leave Namimori for his own safety. I liked him, too. But what Hibari-san says goes!" Mitsuki-senpai guffawed while Tsuna just stared at her in shock.

Being in the Disciplinary Committee alone seemed like it would be a life-death situation. But to Mitsuki-senpai she made it out so that it was something like playing tag, but with the use of weapons and possible casualties.

"Well, here we are!" Mitsuki-senpai motioned at the door in front of her with a huge smile on her face. But, to Tsuna, the door was a doorway to hell, and inside was the devil just waiting to throw impending doom over this poor little lamb.

"I'll announce that we're here." And before Tsuna could stop her she opened the door and poked her head inside. "Hibari-san, Tsuna-san is here!"

"Hn...lead him in," was the reply of the devil that came out from this hell-hole. Mitsuki-senpai's head popped back out and she grinned broadly at Tsuna, unaware of the complete and utter terror he was feeling right now.

"All right, Tsuna-san, you can head in," Mitsuki-senpai opened the door and Tsuna numbly walked inside. Once he was completely inside he turned his head back only to see Mitsuki-senpai closing the door behind him, with her outside.

"Mitsuki-senpai!" He whispered fiercely, and ran to the closing door. "You can't leave me alone like this!" Mitsuki-senpai scoffed, then let out a light chuckle.

"Pish-posh, Tsuna-san. You know Hibari-san doesn't like crowding. Besides, I said this before didn't I? He's in a good mood, so he probably won't bite you to death." And with that, the last ray of hope that Tsuna had was torn away when the door shut.

You're wrong, Mitsuki-senpai! This is Hibari-san we're talking about, not a dog! Tsuna let out a shaky breath and turned around so that his back was against the door.

As usual, Hibari was sitting at his desk, but this time he was reclining in his seat with his legs drawn up on top of his desk, and there was the slightest of smirks on his face. Hibird was roosting on the crown of Hibari's head and at the sight of Tsuna let out a little chirp.

Continuing around the room, Tsuna glanced at the window directly behind where Hibari sat. If Tsuna had to, and was lucky enough, he could jump out of there if he had to escape. It'd hurt, but anything was better than being bitten to death by Hibari.

But what really surprised Tsuna was in the corner of the room was a small group of people. Upon closer examination Tsuna was horrified to see that there were three disciplinary members holding a chair up which was upside down. Tied to the chair was a boy, whom Tsuna didn't recognize.

The boy's face was all bloody and bruised and when he opened his eyes and saw Tsuna, he mouthed Run away before one of the disciplinary members punched him across the cheek in order to shut him up.

"Herbivore," Tsuna tensed up at being addressed and turned to face the leader of this horrible, horrible cult.

"S-so, you're in charge of the class trip now, Hibari-san?" Tsuna could feel himself shaking from his toes to his nose. Hibari grunted in assent.

"Yes, because that worthless teacher of yours was unable to properly keep track of the students' applications, and is always slacking off. I have to deal with her later...Besides that, regarding the class trip to Kyoto..." Hibari snapped his fingers and was instantly brought a folder from the cabinets by one of the disciplinary members. Said member bowed away as Hibari took it.

Hibari opened it and ran through the pages until he found the one he was looking for. "According to're not signed up to go on the trip because of your grades right now. Horrible grades, which by the way, are tarnishing the reputation of my school."

"Uh..." Tsuna blanched. What was he supposed to say in a situation like this?

"So...I've decided that the best solution would be to enroll you in some private tutoring to get your grades up so that they are somewhat adequate," Hibari tossed the folder down onto his desk and glared at Tsuna. "So, starting after school you are to report right here so we can do some...private tutoring."

"B-but...wait...with you?"

"Of course. Who else would it be, Herbivore?" Hibari propped his head up on his hand and smirked. Tsuna felt like he was having a panic attack.

"But what if I don't want to do this!" How had he ended up in this situation?

"You don't have a choice, Herbivore," Hibari stated matter-of-factly. "Besides, the baby believes that this would be beneficial for you as well."



Oh, that baby.

Tsuna turned to face where that voice had come from and was surprised to see Reborn lounging on top of the filing cabinets. What was it with sadistic people and lounging?

"Reborn! You can't seriously expect me to go along with this willingly!"

"Who said that you had to be willing?" Reborn replied. "Besides, you've been slacking off a lot lately, and Hibari is the best person to help you raise your grades."

"But Gokudera-kun can do that, too!" Tsuna argued. He needed to find someway out of this before it was too late!

"Gokudera lacks discipline and he's unable to properly teach you," was Reborn's reply.

"But-" Tsuna was cut off when there was a flash of silver and he shrieked when a tonfa embedded itself in the door right next to his head. Shaking terribly he faced the owner of said tonfa, who was exuding a murderous aura.

"Herbivore...are you saying that I'm incapable of teaching you?" Hibari growled, eyes flashing with anger.

"W-what! N-no! I wasn't! It's just that-" Tsuna was interrupted when a little foot connected with the side of his face, sending him crashing against the door. Tsuna slid down against the door and groaned, nursing his hurt cheek.

"That's enough, Dame-Tsuna. Now go back to class before I decide to hurt you again."

Tsuna didn't need to be told twice. After opening the door he crawled out as quickly as he could, shutting the door behind him. He just wanted to get out of this hell-hole as fast as he could, since it turned out that two devils had shown up.

Reborn watched his student as he escaped and sighed. What was he going to do with that dame? Deciding to just put Tsuna through hell when he got back home he spun on his heels and faced Hibari who was frowning down at him.

"You know, Hibari," Reborn began, "I didn't think you'd so readily accept to help tutor Tsuna. I didn't even have to bargain with you or anything. What's the catch?"

Hibari sighed and reclined more in his chair, "There is no catch, Baby. I only want what's best for Namimori and improving that herbivore's grades will be better for everyone...Now leave me alone, I have some business to deal with."

"All right then," Reborn jumped to the window and got Leon to shape-shift into a parasail. "I'll be expecting good results from you, Hibari." And with that, Reborn shot off, disappearing into the distance.

"Hibari-san," Hibari looked at the disciplinary member who was addressing him. "What we should do with this guy?" He motioned to the boy whom they had tied to the chair.

"Hn...go deal with him somewhere else. I want to be alone right now."

"Yes, Hibari-san." And with that, the three disciplinary members dragged their victim out of the room and somewhere where they wouldn't be disturbed.

Hibari breathed through his nose and glanced at Tsuna's file which was still on his desk. He flipped it open and began browsing through it, not really trying to find anything in particular.

The herbivore really had horrible grades, though. Hibari would be doing a favor to society tutoring him. He stood up and walked over to the window, which was still open.

Upon feeling the breeze blow past him, Hibird shot up and flew off of Hibari's head, circling a bit before landing on the windowsill. He glanced up at Hibari, and when Hibari nodded Hibird took off into the sky.

Now Hibari was completely alone, and excluding the soft sound of the wind blowing through and the rustle of papers all was quiet. This was his favorite part of the day. When everything was peaceful and all of the delinquent students had been dealt with already.

Now all that Hibari had to look forward to was tutoring the herbivore after school. He was actually looking forward to that. He wanted classes to be over with already.

Here's a fact, free of charge: any Ocs in this story will only have one time appearances. I don't plan on making any of them essential to the story's plot.

On that note, do you guys like the story so far, and would you like me to continue?