I own nothing. Marvel owns these characters.
Yeah. Another romantic drabble. I'm just a sap like that.
It's about Natasha feeling lonely and accidentally finding a certain archer to comfort her.
Filling The Nothingness
There was no sound. No sound at all. It was worse than a prison. A cave with drips and flemmy guards would have been preferable to the edgy Natasha. Her room had been created strong and sound proof for her comfort an ease of mind. She didn't feel very comfortable or put at ease. She tossed and turned, tangling her sheets. As she listened the noiselessness took on a shrill ringing noise. It was the noise of nothing, of emptiness, of being alone. She was filled with the nothingness. The shrill noise asked her why she was alone. Why she had nothing? It hissed nothing in her ear. Natasha bolted up panting and sweating.
She punched her pillow until she deemed it a suitable shape and lay back against it. She focused on slowing her breathing and did the exercises she had learned in her training to fall asleep quickly and get a quick rest midst a string of action-filled days. But the technique was designed to help block out noise. She got up from her bed and paced the floor. She needed something to fill her emptiness. Maybe she would try target practice…
Natasha was the only avenger on SHIELD's flying fortress at that moment. The earthbound Avengers came and went on missions since their first huge battle. Since then things had been for the most part quiet. And too quiet for Natasha. She preferred when she was constantly bombarded with missions and assignments. She liked to be so busy she wouldn't have to slow down and face the nothingness. She jumped at every lead and mission available to her. Natasha was the fortress's most frequent flyer.
She staggered out of her room, happy for the hum of central heating, the distant clicking of agents' boots and the beeps of alarms and boxes whirring away. She got only so far before remembering that she couldn't ruin her reputation by walking around the ship in a tank top and boxer shorts. Natasha staggered back and stood outside of her room, dreading the brief submergence into nothingness to change. She told herself she would hum to keep the noiselessness at bay. And tell nobody she had ever done such a girly and babyish thing.
Her wandering eyes landed on Clint's room though. He wasn't there she knew but perhaps he had left a jacket…She shook her head. She was being childish. But faced with her door and the nothingness behind it she drifted closer to his door. She would never admit how desperately she needed a scrap of him to comfort her.
Natasha gripped the cold handle and tugged. Beep-beep-beep-beep-beep. The alarm grew louder with each beep. A keypad lit up a bright red but she had no idea what his security code was. She leaned against the door. With each beep she was closer to being discovered by the SHIELD agents and being forced to explain to Fury why she was in her pajamas trying to enter Clint's room. A part of her wanted to dash back into her room and crawl under the covers in shame. But she would have to face the nothing and the security breech would…
The door opened and she found more than a scrap of Clint. He looked at her with a bewildered stare before punching in the long code quickly. He angled his body to hide the code and Natasha found it odd that he minded her seeing it. For a moment, lapsing out of her ashamed, stunned state, her spy instincts clicked on again. She found a position where she could observe his tapping fingers with out seeming to. He made a mistake and the beeping grew louder. Clint grumbled under his breath and started punching the keys again. She only caught fragments.
Their codes were required to be an obscene amount of digits. She definitely caught amidst numbers part of her name and a few dates they had had memorable missions together on…Not that she made note of them! Just that she remembered the dates of all her missions…
He finished entering the code and the alarm stopped. Groggy Clint retreated into his room and motioned for Natasha to enter.
"So…Your code."
"What about it?" She paused.
"So I'm not allowed to know it?"
"What were you doing at my cell?" He seemed eager to change the subject.
"Cell is right." She seemed eager to avoid it. She looked around.
"What did you need?"
"I didn't know you were here. I thought I was the only one on the ship."
"That still doesn't answer what you were doing here." Natasha looked at Clint in that moment with eyes that she only had for him. He understood. They always understood each other.
"Welcome to my cell."
They crawled into his bed together. His warm breath and constant heartbeat filled her nothingness. She loved Clint. She loved him more passionately than she had loved anyone that had ever lived. She didn't have to display that passion constantly though like most others seemed to (not to say she never had). She had seen how the other foolish Avengers acted with their girls. Clint and her were perfect for each other because they acted simply like companions most of the time. And that's all she needed to fill her world: his companionship.
Still she edged closer to him. She touched her hand against his muscular chest and felt his heart beat under her small fingers. She leaned her forehead against his chest and felt his beating heart race and slow again to be constant. Steady. She needed that constant steady beat. She needed it to make herself feel whole. She had sworn a long time ago she would never need anything, get attached, because it could be taken away. But somehow that muscled archer had slipped under her defenses. He wrapped his strong arms around her and they fell asleep.
Not a highly original idea I know but it felt perfect for them. I tried to not make them to OOC. I think Natasha has a softer side especially around Clint so I wanted to delve into it a little.
I swear in the coming drabbles I'll give the other characters some love. I'm thinking of a Captain America one with…
Ideas/Suggestions welcome!