A.N~ I'm sooooooo sorry it took so long. I have so much homework! Exams are starting soon and I have a bunch of projects due, so I had no time. I really should be doing homework now, but I figured, I only have one chapter left. It seems cruel to make you guys wait.

Thank you all for reviewing!

Chapter 13

This wasn't an unusual sight for the inhabitants if Ikebukuro to see Shizuo Heiwajima sprinting down the street, his head whipping from side to side almost desperately, calling out the usual name.


The ex-bartender in question rounded the corner and made his way to the informant's apartment and rammed his way thought the doors - refusing to wait for someone to let him in.

He took the stairs two as a time, his heart pounding in his chest. He was almost there, almost close to the informant he had sworn vengeance on only a few years ago.

He couldn't exactly pin point the time when the thought of Izaya leaving Ikebukuro would tear him apart like this, but he didn't care. All he knew was he wouldn't let Izaya get away from him that easily.

He ran down the hall, breaking down Izaya's door down, not even bothering to knock. "Izaya!" He called desperately, only to find the apartment empty. Shizuo froze in his place and stared at the empty desk before him. Izaya had taken his computer. The furniture was still in it's original place, but all of Izaya's work was gone and that was the important part. Izaya was gone.

Shizuo made his way to the desk and slammed his hands down, shaking the table with the force and gritted his teeth. He had just ruined everything.

Mairu would never take him back after what he'd done - though to be honest, he didn't want to go back - and Izaya was already gone.

He sighed sliding down to the floor, his hands still clasp tightly to the edge of the desk. He turned around, so that his back was rested against the desk and stared out through the shattered remains of the door. "Izaya..." He whispered to himself. "How could you just leave me like this?"

After what seemed like hours, he finally pulled himself off of the floor, and made his slow walk out of the abandoned apartment.

He stopped suddenly, hearing something crumple under his feet. He lifted his leg and found himself staring at a piece of paper folded neatly in half with the name "Shizu-chan" printed on it. He cocked his brow. The note must have been on the door before Shizuo had knocked it down.

He sighed, grabbing the piece of paper and opening it. He bit his lip as he noticed the familiar writting of his ex- arch nemesis;

"You won't have to deal with me anymore Shizuo. Not anymore. It wasn't my intention to ruin your wedding, but you can imagine I'm quite pleased by how everything turned out. :P Just a little pay back for what you did to me.

Tell Kuriri she can stay here if she wants. Everything will be paid for so don't worry~

I would tell you I would miss you, but I wont. Not after everything. Just forget me Shizuo. Looks like you'll finally get what you wanted all those years.

Maybe we'll meet again someday.

Izaya Orihara"

Shizuo dropped the letter, this had all been a ploy Izaya had came up with for revenge all along. He gritted his teeth. The stupid flea.

He sighed. It might have been a prank to Izaya, but the feelings he had, the painfull ripping at his heart was real. He was in love with Izaya Orihara, the renown informant of Ikebukuro, the flea that had ruined his life, and stole his heart.

Shizuo looked back at the letter on the floor and made his way out of the apartment.

Shizuo leaned back in his chair and stared up at the ceiling. A lit cigarette hung from his lips, encasing him in a veil of grey smoke. It had been only a month since the wedding and he had heard no word from Izaya. Kuriri seemed to have warmed up to Shizuo after the wedding disaster while Mairu wanted nothing to do with him - which was expected.

He really did feel horrible for leaving Mairu at the altar like that. If he could, he would make up for it. Though he knew now - and probably for a very long time - she would want to be alone.

Shizuo closed his eyes, his mind wandering back to the crimson eyed informant. He wondered where he was, if he was safe, who he was with. All those questions and more came to Shizuo's mind everytime a thought passed about the informant.

"You can't leave your house a mess like this."

Shizuo turned his head to the side and Shinra who was glaring down at him with disapproval. The ex-bartender shrugged. "Doesn't matter. No one comes over anyways."

Shinra pouted. "That's no reason." He said, picking up empty boxes of cigarettes off of the floor and tossing them into the trash. He sighed, looking back at Shizuo. "Are you going to tell me what happened at the wedding and what's making you act like this?"

Shizuo shrugged. "No."

The underground doctor sighed. "I thought you would be happy after Izaya's sudden disappearance. You're more miserable than ever." Shizuo flinched at Izaya's name, feeling the familiar pain in his chest knowing that Izaya wasn't ever coming back. "You know you can't blame Mairu for being mad. You were the one who left her."

Shizuo simply sighed, lighting a new cigarette.

Shinra sighed. "Are you ignoring me Shizuo?"

The ex-bartender leaned his head back to stare at the ceiling again.

The underground doctor sighed. "That's it," he started. "We're getting you out of the house." He declared, pulling Shizuo up from his seat.

Shizuo sighed. It couldn't be worse than everything else that had happened.

Shizuo made his way down the street, kicking up dirt as he treaded on. Shinra skipped in front of his giddily, a motion that reminded him of the informant's bubbly personality. He smiled softly and followed close behind hsi friend.

He wondered how long he would be able to keep this up before the face of the crimson eyes informant finally faded from his mind, He wondered how long it would be before he would find someone again.

He sighed. All he needed to do was get through these first few months. If he could do that, he would be fine, he convinced himself, though he didn't believe it at all.

Izaya and Shizuo weren't ever made to be together. Shizuo knew that. Shizuo was a temperamental debt collector, with too much strength for his own good. And Izaya was a informant who found all of his entertainment in torturing innocent people, whose soul purpose in life was to make said debt collector crazy.

But then why did it feel so right to be with him? Why did it hurt so much to be away from him if he didn't need him? Why did he miss him so much?

Shizuo sighed, his heart aching again as he scanned the crowd in front of him. His eyes widened as he caught a glance of a fur coat passing by. He blinked his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things. He was sure it was him. The fur hood bounced playfully as the man skipped through the streets, his head held high carrying a Russian Sushi bag in his hand.

"Izaya..." Shizuo whispered.

Shinra turned around and blinked his eyes. "What was that Shizuo?"

Shizuo looked around frantically. He couldn't lose Izaya again. He wouldn't. His heart pounded in his chest, where would Izaya go?

"Shizuo?" Shinra repeated.

Realization hit the debt collector as he watched Izaya disappear into the crowd. He ran through the crowd desperately as Shinra called after him.

Izaya sat on top of the penguin slide and stared off into the sunset before him. He sighed, taking in the scenery. He had returned to Ikebukuro for work, and it was not nearly as easy as he thought it would be. Of course it was just his luck that he would run into Shizuo.

He sighed, pulling out his switch blade and examining it. He pouted, balancing the blade on the tip of his finger, almost wincing as a crimson pool began to form around the blade. He removed the blade from his finger and pulled up his sleeve, observing the faint marks - the only evidence of his childhood pain.

The informant winced as images of Shizuo flooded his mind. It hurt to think of the brute. He frowned, placing the knife next to one of the faded marks. All it would take is a swift move of his wrist and the pain would be gone. Everything would be over.

He grinned. Of course the informant would never do something like that. He had too much to live for to do something so -

His words were cut off by hard thump to the head. "Idiot."

Izaya looked up to gaze up at hazel eyes above him. "Shizu-chan?" he asked, not sure of what else to say.

Shizuo sighed, sitting down next to the informant. "What do you think you're doing?"

Izaya pouted. "I wasn't doing anything Shizu-chan. But thanks for hitting me."

Shizuo frowned, yanking Izaya's hand and pulling it towards him. He lifted up his sleeve and ran his fingers along the faint lines on his wrists. He grinned, his finger's intertwining with the informant's. "It was you...wasn't it?"

Izaya pulled his hand away and hugged it to his chest. "Shut up Shizu-chan." He all but whispered. It was hard being so close to the brute.

Shizuo smiled, "I guess you meant it when you said you wouldn't miss me. I can only imagine that you hate me again."

"Stupid Shizu-chan." Izaya growled. "You don't know anything." He pushed at him, nearly knocking him off of the slide. "Of course I don't hate you. How could I? I never actually did."

Shizuo pulled back, slightly shocked by Izaya's confession. "Izaya..."

Izaya's face turned crimson as Shizuo stared down at him with a look of pure happiness. He turned away and pouted. "Stop looking at me like that, it's creepy."

Shizuo smiled, grasping Izaya's chin in his hands and tilting his head up to meet his lips. "Maybe I don't hate you either."

Izaya pulled away slightly and blinked his eyes as if making sure it wasn't a dream. "This is going to make it awfully hard to go back home." He whispered against Shizuo's lips.

The debt collector leaned in closer as Izaya's hands tightened around his. Shizuo's lips connected with his again, earning a smile from the informant. Maybe he would stay in Ikebukuro after all.

A.N~ Wow. It's hard to think that it's over now (this is the first story I've ever finished). Well thank you to everyone who reviewed and added this story to their favourites and story alerts. It really meant a lot. Anyways, I'll be writing another story soon I hope! So till next time, BYE GUYS!