Rule #3

If a classmate falls asleep, I will not take advantage of that fact and draw a Dark Mark on their arm.

During my seventh year, I played a cruel joke on Harry Potter. Yes, THE Harry Potter. Harry was two years below me.

After an early Saturday morning quidditch practice, the whole team sat in the Gryffindor common room. We were all extremely exhausted from the flying drill that we had completed. Harry, being the Seeker, had spent all morning searching for the snitch when it had begun to snow. The first snow of the season.

In the middle of the conversation, Harry fell asleep on the floor. You could say that I took advantage of him, but it was a dare! George Weasley was one of my close friends, and he had dared me to draw a Dark Mark on Harry's left forearm.

I picked up my quill and began to draw the skull and snake.

Minutes after I completed it, Hermione Granger came bustling down the stairs. She ran over to her friend to see the brand on his arm.

"Harry! What happened?" She shrieked.

"Whoa!" Harry yelped, sitting up. "What?"

"You're arm!"

Harry looked at his forearm and screamed. "What happened?"

I sat in the corner of the common room, cracking up. Harry heard me and glared. I kept laughing. "You're going to get it!" He sighed.

I ran as Harry chased me around the Gryffindor tower. We were friends, so I knew that he wouldn't actually hurt me. I ran up the stairs to the girls' dormitories, thinking he couldn't reach me there.

"Ha ha! You can catch me!"

Harry grabbed his wand and ran up the stairs after me.