A/N: I just wanted to say before you read and get offended that this is simply an idea I had while thinking about Heroes. This isn't meant any hate in either direction, I love Heroes, I love Twilight. Just thought it would make an amusing story. Hope you enjoy it!
Time was running out.
Feet pounding on the Italian cobblestone-covered streets, Isabella Swan panted, her legs aching. She struggled to push herself forward, clumsily stumbling over the stones as well as her own two feet.
She had to get to him before it was too late.
Edward. Her beloved Edward. Her soulmate. The one she desired more than anything to spend the rest of eternity with.
He was a vampire and refused to turn her. Still, their love lived on. Then one day, out of the blue… he had decided to leave her. It killed her, and she was depressed for months. All of the pain he had put her through, that she felt she had put him through… but none of that mattered right now.
She blindly shoved through the red-cloaked masses, their eyes all shooting angry glares her way. She did not care. She simply had to get to him before it was too late. Time was running out.
She paused for a moment before decidedly shoving through the parade, momentarily interrupting the band that was playing. They too glared and muttered foreign words at her lack of manners as they resumed their song.
She continued obnoxiously shoving bodies out of her way, desperate to get to him. As she came to a gorgeous fountain, she stopped and thrust herself onto its ledge. Looking up at the sky, she acknowledged the clock looming over her. Ten seconds to noon.
Her eyes shot down directly below it to see her beloved, shirt unbuttoned, foot stepping onto the cobblestone step below him. Eyes closed, his shirt landed on the ground behind him, already forgotten.
"Edward, no!" she bellowed, her words unheard as the voluminous noise of the parade and the crowds consumed them.
Her foot slammed into the water, and she dramatically dove across the fountain. She slipped as her footing once again connected with dry ground. Time seemed to move in slow motion. Her cries grew frantic, the panic building up inside her, the sweat now coming down her face in buckets.
She was going to make it… she felt it inside. Her heart pounded with anticipation as she flew towards her beloved.
Suddenly… she was back across the fountain where she had halted moments before. Confused, she glanced up at the clock. It was now ten seconds past noon. Nobody else seemed to notice the dark cloaked figures dragging Edward off, back inside the building towards their masters.
She was preparing to run to his rescue when she felt a pair of cool arms wrap around her. "Bella, Bella, no," she heard Alice saying into her ear. "It's too late. You were too late."
"No!" Bella screamed, "I can't be!"
Two young Japanese men standing not but fifteen feet away peeked over their shoulders, watching this small scene unfold. The girl with the pixie cut dragged the brunette away from the other vampires, away to safety. Presumably back home, back to a normal life without vampires. Goodbye, Twilight Saga. The small man with glasses smiled slightly and sighed with a mixture of relief and satisfaction.
His friend, however, looked confused. "Hiro, I thought you said you would only use your powers for the good of mankind."
The young man with glasses smiled once more. "Trust me, Ando. This is."
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