A/N: um, I'm just going to go with human years with this story, it's easier for me. Sorry everypony .
Chapter one: Lucky Fire's first trip to Ponyville part 1
Lucky Fire woke up to the birds chirping. Last night she had ventured to the edge of the Everfree Forest to try to go into Ponyvillle, but she had chickened out once again. So she fell asleep at the edge of the forest. She didn't want to go all the way back to where she made her little home. Yeah, she'd run into Zecora sometimes, but Lucky immediately went back into her home. Not that she was afraid of Zecora, she just was way too shy to talk to her or be around anypony else.
But today would finally be the day where Lucky would venture into Ponyville and try to not be scared of anypony. So she got up and shook herself, like a dog shaking off water after it gets out of water. Then she slowly put one hoof in front of the other. Once she got into the morning sun, she put one of her front legs in front of her eyes. That sun was bright! Then slowly she put her leg down, blinking a few times to try to get used to the brightness.
She sighed and went forward. 'Mom, dad, I really hope today I get to see what Ponyville is like. We never got there and I was always scared to go there after what happened in Manehattan. I hope everypony is nice and won't be mean because I don't have a mom and dad. I'm still just a little bitty filly.', Lucky thought to herself. "Ugh, especially because I'm a young alicorn too... I wonder if they'd accept me because I'm a young alicorn?", she said out loud this time, and by now she'd reached Ponyville, and it's starting to get busy around here.
Lucky stops, and starts backing up. 'Oh no, oh no, oh no. Ponies are starting to come out of their houses. What do I do?' She then trips on a rock, only because she can't see where she's going, she's watching everypony, hoping they dont see her. So her tripping on the rock makes her come to a sitting position. She still watches everypony, but then looks down. She doesn't want them thinking she's staring if somepony looks her way. An orange pony with a cowboy hat on then looked her way and tilted her head.
'I don't remember seeing that little foal around here before. I wonder if she's new?', the orange pony thought to herself. Then she went up to the foal. "Hey, what'cha ya doin' sittin' on the ground like that?" Lucky looked up and shook her head. "N-no r-reason." The older pony smiled gently at her, "Why you're just an itty bitty filly upon closer look. What's yer name? Mine's Applejack. I got a sister your age. She's 7 and her name is Applebloom." "I-I'm 5. My-my name's L-Lucky Fire." Applejack nodded. "A shy little filly. Just like my friend Fluttershy. You two'd probably get along well and I know Pinkie Pie would become fast friends with you. She's a hyper but friendly pony."
Lucky nodded this time. Then Applejack noticed the horn and wings. Her eyes widened. "You're an alicorn? I thought only our two princess' and Princess Cadence were the only ones? Well, and the changeling princess too I guess…" Lucky shook her head. "I am too. My mama was a unicorn and my papa was a pegasus." "Was?" Lucky's ears drooped. "They were in an accident in Manehattan and didn't make it. I didn't even get a scratch. I don't know why I of all ponies made it, but I did. I probably shouldn't have survived too." Applejack nuzzled the little filly.
"I'm mighty sorry to hear that. You're only 5 you said? Whoo-wee, what an age to lose yer parents. Don't ya have anypony to take ya in?" Lucky just shrugged, "We were going to move here from Fillydelphia, but like I said, an accident in Manehattan stopped that, until the next day when I went ahead but I was too scared to come here. After the accident, I became scared of other ponies. So I went to Everfree Forest and now I'm living there."
Applejack looked at Lucky like she was crazy. "Are you outta yer tree? Why would you live in a place such as the Everfree? That place is bad news kid. You know the rumors about that place? You should come live in Ponyville. It's a bunch nicer than that forest." Applejack then shudders. "I don't know how ya can survive there. How long have you been livin' there?" Lucky then took on a thoughtful look.
"I don't know. Probably 3 months." Applejack facehoofed. Then she got a closer look at Lucky. "You're skinnier than tree branch, a small one at that, and that's sayin' somethin'. Why don't ya come with me to my place and I'll fix ya up a real meal." Lucky shook her head. "I don't want to bother anypony." "Aw shoot, it ain't a bother at all. Ya need yer nutrition to grow into a strong pony, like me. Come. I'll even show you the rest of Ponyville on our way."
Lucky looked at Applejack. Applejack smiled a friendly smile. Lucky sighed, then got to her hooves. "Ok I guess." "Yee-haw! You're gonna love my place, and my family. They're real nice. We got Applebloom, Big Mac, and Granny Smith. All my other family lives elsewhere." Lucky nodded. After a tour of Ponyville, they went to Applejack's house, and after about 5 minutes, they arrived.
"Granny Smith, Applebloom, and Big Mac, I got a new friend to introduce ya to.", Applejack said. After about 10 minutes, the three other ponies were in front of Lucky. "Y'all, this is Lucky Fire. She's 5 and she lives in the Everfree Forest. She's scared of other ponies, as y'all can see." She said that only because Lucky's now hiding behind Applejack. Applejack chuckled. "It's alright Lucky. Ya ain't gotta be afraid. They're nice, I told ya before comin' here."
Lucky poked her head out from behind Applejack. Then she stepped out from behind her. "Aww, she's cute!", Applebloom said. "Eeyup.", Big Mac said. "She's small and skinny, has she been eating?", Granny Smith asked. "Well, I don't know myself. She hasn't told me. Have ya been able to find edible food in that forest?" Lucky tilted her head. "Edible?" "It means food that you can eat without getting sick, basically." Lucky thought, "Well, actually, I've been eating grass and flowers."
"Oh, um….. have ya ever eaten blue flowers near a hut in the forest?" Lucky shook her head. "I never ate blue flowers. I always ate flowers near my place. I never got sick once. They're actually yummy." Applejack grinned. "Well, I'll fix ya up somethin' even yummier than grass and flowers. Just sit at that there table to wait." Lucky does what she's told and shied away from the other three ponies. That failed. Applebloom sat next to Lucky, Granny Smith went back to her rocking chair and Big Mac went outside to water the garden. "So Lucky, did ya live anywheres before movin' to Everfree?", Applebloom asked. Lucky nodded.
"Where?" "F-Fillydelphia." Applebloom raised her eyebrows. "Really? I heard that place is really nice, did you ever go to Manehattan?" Lucky lowered her head and said in a very quiet voice. "Yes." Applebloom tilted her head and got a confused look on her face. "Why are ya so sad?" Applejack answered this time. "Something terrible happened there, so please don't talk about Manehattan with her alright? Let's just say she ain't got parents anymore and they passed on in Manehattan."
"What happened?" "I'll tell ya, but you don't talk about it after this. An accident happened and her parents didn't make it. And Lucky, now that I think about it, I think your mama protected you with a barrier spell." Lucky tilted her head, "Why would mama protect only me and not papa too?" Applejack brought over a plate of yummy looking food and set it in front of Lucky. "Because, both yer parents wanted to protect their filly. You're their bitty filly and they loved you enough to keep you safe.
"I don't know why yer mama didn't protect yer papa too, I wasn't there but I think probably because he couldn't get to you in time and she probably knew it. That's probably why she protected you with the barrier spell. What I do know is they loved you enough to protect you. Now, eat up. Can't have you goin' hungry, 'specially because you eat only grass and flowers. They ain't really a fillin' kind of food." Lucky looked down at her plate, this food looked yummy enough.
She shrugged and tried it. "Zish ish goo Afflezhack.", Lucky said during her first bite. Applejack just laughed, "Now Lucky, if ya want ponies to understand you, don't talk with food in yer mouth." Lucky's ears drooped again and after finishing her bite and swallowing, she said, "Sorry. I never was taught that, only 'cause I never did that before." "It's alright sugarcube. Hey, after ya eat, do ya want to come meet my friends, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash?"
Lucky nodded slowly. "Alright. Take yer time though. Don't rush. We got all day." So, after a while, most of the time Applejack gently nudging Lucky because Lucky tried backing away a few times, they got to Twilight's library tree. "Hey Twilight, guess who I have with me?", Applejack said. "Huh? Who?", Twilight said, coming down from her bedroom. Most likely she was studying. Lucky saw 4 light purple legs coming toward Applejack. Lucky was hiding behind Applejack again.
Applejack looked behind her after noticing Lucky was missing. She chuckled, "Not this again. Now come on out, Twilight don't bite." Lucky raised an eyebrow. Applejack just grinned. Then the door burst open and Lucky literally jumped and dashed under a table. It was Pinkie. "I saw a foal I never seen before with Applejack! Where is that foal?" Rarity, who was behind Pinkie, said, "Pinkie, I think you scared the poor thing when you burst open the door. Now come on out little one. We won't hurt you."
Lucky slowly poked her head out from under the table. Then she saw a sky blue pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail. Her eyes widened. 'Pretty mane and tail.', she thought to herself. "It's alright Lucky, Pinkie's just being Pinkie.", said Twilight. Lucky didn't move an inch, and Twilight, as if reading Pinkie's mind, said, "Pinkie, please don't rush up to her. I think with this little filly, we have to move carefully." "Okie dokie loki!", Pinkie said.
After hearing Twilight tell Pinkie and Pinkie saying ok, Lucky started to come out from under the table slowly. "So, Applejack, what's the story on this kid?", Rainbow asked. Lucky froze. Applejack told everypony everything. After that, the ponies all looked sympathetic and looked at Lucky. Lucky started back towards them slowly. She went right up to Rainbow.
"Hey kid, I'm sorry about your parents. It's gotta stink not having anypony." Lucky nodded and Rainbow nuzzled Lucky, something Rainbow never did, to anypony. This is special though, a 5 year old filly lost her parents in a freak accident, so this would be the only time she'd nuzzle anypony. Lucky nuzzled back. "Th-thanks." Rainbow smiled. "Now you've just gotten 20% cooler and you should feel special. I never nuzzle anypony like that, no matter who they are."
"It is true. I have never seen Rainbow nuzzle anypony from how long I have known her. My name is Rarity.", said the pure white unicorn. The shy looking yellow pegasus must be Fluttershy, from what Applejack told Lucky of a shy pony who was her friend. "I-I'm… Fluttershy.", said the yellow pony. Lucky blinked. Ok, that is Fluttershy. "You've heard me being called Pinkie Pie, so… no introduction needed!" "You already know Applejack, and I, and you know the pony you're next to's name too. So, now you know us, and Pinkie….. you'll be throwing a party, right?"
"Well of course! Why would I not? This is a new filly in town. She might not live in Ponyville, but she lives close enough." Lucky lowered her head, with her shyness, she wouldn't be in the midst of all the ponies who come, if anypony else does come. "U…. um… Pinkie. I don't want a party…" Pinkie looked at Lucky like she was nuts for saying that. "Who doesn't love a good party? Are you just an anti party pony? Well, you'd love my parties. I throw the best ones."
Lucky just went behind Rainbow this time. "I'm….. I'm t-too sh-shy for a b-bunch of p-ponies to be in the s-same room as me.", she said. "Wow, she's even shier than Fluttershy, and I thought I'd seen the most shiest pony of them all, but I thought wrong.", said Rainbow Dash. Rarity went over to Lucky, who was curled up into a ball, trying to make herself as small as possible.
She hated crowds, even if she wasn't shy, she still hated crowds. Crowds frustrated her. "What's wrong sweetie?", Rarity asked. Lucky started cowering, if Pinkie started a party, Lucky would be out of there lickety-split. "No crowds… no crowds… no crowds.", Lucky said. Rarity looked up. "I think this one is claustrophobic. If she says 'no crowds' three times…. It gives me a reason to believe she's claustrophobic." Twilight tilted her head, looking thoughtful. "You know Rarity, I think you're right." Rarity smiled at Lucky, then Fluttershy went over to Lucky, also smiling.
"It'll be ok Lucky. If Pinkie knows you don't like crowds, then she might not throw a party. Um… if that's ok with Pinkie?", Fluttershy said, looking over at Pinkie as she said the last sentence. Pinkie shrugged. "I don't even know what claustrophobic means." Twilight sighed. "Claustrophobia is an anxiety disorder that involves the fear of enclosed or confined spaces. Claustrophobes may suffer from panic attacks in situations such as being in elevators, trains or aircraft. Conversely, people who are prone to having panic attacks will often develop claustrophobia. If a panic attack occurs, while they are in a confined space then they will be unable to escape the situation. Claustrophobes may also be in fear of crowds."
"Oooooh, that sounds bad. Well, I don't want that to happen to my newest friend, so I guess there will be no party. Aw man." "That there's a first.", Applejack said. Rainbow looked behind her again, Lucky's head was up, and she wasn't cowering anymore. "So… so no party?" "Nope. No party. You can come out now kiddo.", Rainbow said. Lucky stood up and slowly came out from behind Rainbow. "I'm sorry Pinkie." Pinkie immediately smiled. "That's ok! At least we met and became friends." Lucky smiled a shy smile.
"Um…. I need someone to teach me how to fly and how to use magic….. I just remembered mama and papa can't teach me because…. Well, you know." Rainbow immediately spoke up. "I can help you with flying." Twilight then said, "And I can help you with magic." Lucky's ears perked up, "Are you sure? I never even started any of both yet." "I'm definitely sure. I'll take you under my wing and teach you myself." Twilight smiled and nodded. "I'm sure too. I might not have a wing to take you under, but I'll be your teacher."
"Thank you both.", she said, a pure and genuine smile showed on her face now. "Oh, speaking of teacher, back at my home in Everfree, in my saddlebags, I have papers mama gave me for school. I went to school in Fillydelphia and mama said I would be transferred here. Where's the school?" "I'll show you where.", everypony said at the same time, then they all looked at each other and giggled. "Ok, let me get my saddlebags." "Can I come with you?", Rainbow and Applejack asked, two of the braver ponies.