Hi , well this is my first story so go easy on me please :)

In a paralel universe, where Lucy became part of Grimoire Heart insted of Fairy Tail and ends up fighting on Tenrou island where she seeks the Abyss of Magic to make her dream come true even if she has to sacrifice innocent people will there be someone who can make her give up the wicked way she chose ?

The Abyss of magic

It was midday , the sun was shining brightly .Everyone on the airship was getting ready for battle. Well almost everybody…

Lucy Heartphilia was still asleep. She hated mornings , she thought they were just a pain in the ass, I mean having to get up, listen to the old man's complaints who in the world would like to do that every day?

However her peaceful slumber has been brutally violated by that flame headed idiot, Zancrow.

"Hey princess, time to get up" !

"What the hell, just where did you come from?"-was the first thing she could say as the lowlife kicked her off the comfy bed.

The nerve of that guy, he just laid down on HER bed.

A sigh escaped the godslayers lips.

"Come on don't act dumb, you know today we're gonna get Zeref, remember?The old geezer wants everybody to do their best and get ready for the fight."

After five minutes or so the information reached her mind , Zancrow couldn't help but comment how cute she was standing there in her nightrobe ,looking like she awakened from a 100 years slumber.

'What ?Seriously? That's today?"-asked a confused blonde.

"Yup , so you'd better hurry up, I'll go now. Master said you have thirty minutes to get ready."

After that he went out of her room and left a still sleepy Lucy behind.

"What an annoying fellow…Oh come on I have to stop talking to myself , I have no time for this."

She went to her walk in closet which was on the left side of her dark and spacy room the whole place was dark purple, her favorite colour she chose her typical dress , a black top with dark purple sleeves, it wasn't very stylish , but hey that doesn't really matter to a goth after that she looked for jeans, the torn ones were perfect , I mean they'll get ripped during the fight anyways and to complete it she got in her high heels and , perfect . Expect for one thing, she looked at her table, and picked up the tarnished silver necklace, it was her most treasured property, she got it from her mother.

The mother who died years ago, leaving the little Lucy with her thoughtless but all that changed on that day when an old guy called Hades came and offered Jude Heartphilia 2,000,000 jewels in exchange for his daughter. She still remembered her father's expression on that day, the greed was visible on his whole face, he didn't even hestitate but sold her on the same day.

As it turned out the old dude, I mean Master was the leader of the guild called Grimoire Heart, he saw her potential and wanted to train her in order to use her talent in summoning magic, she even became part of his elite troup the Seven Kin of Purgatory after one of them , a fat guy called Kain Hikaru was caught by the Magic Council, while destroying a town with Ultear and Zancrow.

After years of training she achieved an adept level in summoning magic, she could not only summon celestial beings, but all kinds of creatures, including death bodies and souls.

The thing is that Hades promised her that in the ideal world in the Abyss of Magic or the Great World Of Magic, her powers would be even strong enough to summon her mother from the dead and give her new life, that's exactly why she is gonna give it her all to obtain Zeref.

"Just you wait mom, I'll definitely bring you back"she whispered these words while clenching her fists.

But than her gaze wandered to her clock...


And thus with a scream our clumsy protagonist left her room and ran to the deck to see a very angry Master Hades….

Well, how was it? Feel free to criticize :D I'm still just a beginner but i hope u can give me lots of advice on how to make it better ;)