Awww... the last chapter! :(

Oh well, I am doing a sequel, from Annabeth's P.O.V, though.

Read, Favourite, Review! :D

As she went from Pretty, to Cute, to Beautiful…

'She'd always been cute, but now she was starting to be seriously beautiful'

Like all the others, the word just came into his mind as he looked at her, all those years ago. He had almost cursed himself mentally, so many bad things had happened and more were to come…

But he didn't.

Nor did he regret letting that word replace the past two. Not. One. Bit.

He had used it quite a bit over the number of years he knew her afterwards, because he couldn't think of a better word to describe her.

He could have used many more extravagant words in its place. Heck, he could have used all the words that all the thesauruses had to offer.

But only that one word summed her up, in the best way imaginable, too.

It wasn't too bland, nor was it too extravagant, so it fitted her perfectly.

Percy breathed out shakily, nerves taking over him; he stared up at the cabin in which Annabeth was getting ready in from down at the coast and gulped, just a few more minutes, Percy, he thought to himself.

All their close demigod friends and family were there; he saw his mother sat in the front row with Paul; both were smiling broadly at him. Annabeth's step-mother and Bobby and Matthew sat in the front row as well, Bobby and Matthew were directing an ear-to-ear grin that made Percy slightly worried, and it probably meant they had probably planned something for later.

But then the music started and Thalia led the bridesmaids in the walk, in a simple knee-length turquoise dress like the other bridesmaids. After the bridesmaids had come and gone, Annabeth was shown, with her father on her left and Tyson on her right (he was very persistent about giving Annabeth away, she happily let him in the end). She wore a simple, flowing white wedding gown, her hair was pinned up and she has a small tiara clipped in too.

She made it to the side of him and smiled widely him; she shook slightly with nerves as well.

Yes, in that moment, another word could have formed in his mind, either subconsciously or on purpose.

But, his mind stayed blank, just concentrating on the woman in front of him, staring at the priest with an excited glint in those grey eyes he had come to love more and more each time he saw them.

Yes, over the years, he could have looked through all the words that all the thesauruses in the world had to offer, just to find a bigger word.

But he didn't.

Because this one word had become, and would always be, the one that stuck-sure, she was pretty when he first met her, then he looked closer and saw she was cute as well…

But, now, as he looked at his soon-to-be wife, he realised only this one word would do.

And it never changed after that, he never even thought about it.

Because only one word suited Annabeth in his mind, it summed her up entirely: Her mind, her personality, and her appearance…


Hmm... This chapter didn't turn out like ANYTHING I have planned, the complete oppsite, actually. I had planned them to be in battle and yet the thought still crossed his mind... So how the heck did I end up with this as the end result? O.o

I have no idea! Here is the link for Annabeth's dress: http: /bridal gownss .com/ wp-content /uploads /2012 /02 /Simple- Wedding- Dresses. jpg (no spaces)