Chapter 39

Arthur's Ending

AN: Hi guys! At last! The final chapter of this story! Its been like what? A year that i started this? And I'm will apologize in advance that this chapter is a lil wee crappy... I'll be straight honest with you I wasnt in the Hetalia fandom while I wrote this... i kinda tried to go into the fandom again but I guess you can't force it. I'm really sorry! Anyways enough chit-chat! Lets go to the chapter!

(Name) closed her eyes as Arthur's lips slowly approached hers. She did not mind at all. Feeling a pair of warm lips on hers, her arms snaked around Arthur's neck.

'If I don't mind being kissed by Arthur, then… I love him right?' (Name) wondered, tilting her head a little.

When the both needed air, they broke the kiss, (Name)'s face flushed when she realized they were still in school. A smile crept up her lips when she felt that familiar thumping against her ribcage. So this means that she loved Arthur right? Before grabbing Arthur's hands, the thought of her sleeping over in Gilbert's apartment came into mind.

'Shit…' she cursed and sighed.

"What's wrong, love?" Arthur asked, a look of concern on his face.

"Well, you see…" (Name) cringed a little and laughed nervously, "I kinda promise Gilbert I would stay over his apartment today…"

"Oh… okay, sure. I guess I'll see you…" Arthur's face fell as he solemnly turned around.

"Wait!" (Name) tugged on his sleeve, "Come with me… I need to settle something…"

Arthur gave her a skeptical look before nodding slowly and following her to the school gate. Gilbert's face brightened up when he saw (Name) but quickly fell when he spotted the blonde Brit. (Name) waved her hand, sensing the growing uncomfortable atmosphere between the two boys.

"Hi, Gil," (Name) smiled.

"Ja, hallo…" Gilbert nodded and glared daggers at Arthur. "Thanks for escorting her here. Yu may leave now."

"Well just so you know-"

"Wait!" (Name) pushed the two apart from each other. "Gilbert, I need to settle something first."

(Name) stepped back a few steps before putting her hands on her hips.

"The two of you!" She pointed to the both. "Show me how much you love me! Now!"

Gilbert and Arthur just blinked and looked at each other. Gilbert smirked and approached (Name) proudly, snaking his arm around her waist and pulled her close.

"Wow, I didn't know you liked to show 'affections' in public…" Gilbert snickered, receiving a punch from (Name).

"Not that way you idiot!" (Name) blushed and pushed Gilbert away.

"Allow me to show how its done, stupid German…" Arthur held his nose up high, walking to (Name).

"Prussian!" Gilbert snarled.

Arthur ignored the comment and kneeled down in front of (Name).

"Ms. (Long name), to be honest, I don't know how I can show you how much I love you. But if you ask me to do anything, I will do it. No matter how much you hate, despise me, I will still love you. I never thought this kind of love really existed… but since I met you… I didn't like you the first time but I don't know what happened and I fell helplessly in love you." Arthur babbled on as Gilbert rolled his eyes, muttering 'cheesy'. "How much I love you? I would want to marry you right now if that's okay…"

(Name)'s face turned red when she heard that. So its real… no mistaking it, the thumping of her heart, the heat that was radiating from her cheeks. She really did love Arthur afterall.

(Name) looked down to her feet and smiled warmly. She crouched down to Arthur's level and smiled at him. Remembering that Gilbert was still there, she looked up to him.

"Gilbert… have you anything else to say?" she asked.

Gilbert pursed his lips and shook his head. He could see it in her eyes. If he were to try harder, it would just hurt him more. He forced a smirk and patted Arthur's back a little too hard.

"You are one lucky guy," Gilbert scoffed. "If I see her cry, I'll come after your ass!"

(Name) smiled, happy to know that Gilbert was okay with it. She was scared that it would hurt him so bad. Well, she knew Gilbert was not completely okay with it but judging by his attitude, it was a sign that he accepted her love for Arthur.

Gilbert shoved his hands into his pockets before walking away from the two. (Name) ran to Gilbert and pulled him before planting a small kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"Kick his ass whenever he hurts you, yeah?" Gilbert ruffled (Name)'s hair before walking away.

(Name) sighed and chuckled, turning around to Arthur. Their fingers intertwined as they both walked to (Name)'s house together.

"So… does this mean you want to marry me?" Arthur started.

"What? I-I never meant that!"

"So you don't want to marry me?"

(Name) averted her gaze and muttered something incoherent.

"What was that?" Arthur beckoned her to speak louder.

"I said… 'y th' I d' w' 'o…." (Name) mumbled.


"I said, not that I don't want to! Geez!" (Name) huffed, face beet red as she stomped away from Arthur who chased after her.

"I'm sorry, love! I was just teasing you!" Arthur laughed, pulling (Name) by her arm. "But do you really mean that?"

(Name) stood still for a bit before nodding once. Very unlikely of Arthur, his face brightened up like that of a puppy and hugged (Name). (Name) sighed and hugged him back, smiling.

'Well, Hetalia High… You have certainly amazed me…'

AN: Well thats the end of this story! I will now officially close this very fanfic! I hope you enjoyed reading this and I want to thank you so much for reading till here. You have no idea how much it means to me! Uh before this ends I want to say:

I love all my readers! Especially those who have reviewed every so often! I will miss reading your reviews. Your reviews make me smile, laugh. I really love your compliments. TO be honest, I really thought that this fic is a crappy fic but judging by your feedbacks, its not! Well, I have nothing else to say so I guess goodbye... I'll see you in whatever fic i wrote next huh? I dont think i would be writing anymore new fics though... I'm in sec4 now so i'll be busy preparing for IGCSE... Plus, I'm currently in the SnK fandom. Everyone is like watching it...

I wish I can still continue this but oh well, every story has an end. I'll miss you guys! Sayonara!

Ah! I will not forget this one! The answer you guys have been waiting for! the true ending is... *drumroll* Mr. Awesome Gilbert!