Happy Birthday to Us
Samantha Jonson, Age 23, July 30th
A young woman was humming merrily in the summer heat of California's coast, pushing a heavy trunk into the back of her jeep with gusto. She was going to be visiting her twin in London, England for their birthday, and though it was a stupidly long trip, she felt like it was more than worth it. It had been years after all, and Sevanna was engaged!
The woman was Samantha Jonson; a worker for the American ministry. That's right, the ministry of magic. Samantha, unlike her British sister, is a muggleborn witch, taken to live in America by their father. She went to a peaceful little all-girl school for witches with little-too-no magical knowledge, and grew up with the threat of a British wizarding war half way across the world.
The war was over, but it had only been about 5 years since and the British ministry was still recovering. Samantha had been far too busy because of this, the Canadian minister guilt tripping hers to help out, and despite it being in Britain, where her sister lived, she hadn't had a chance to visit sense the war ended. The war hadn't stopped her, but her job did.
She pat her vehicle, the only one that last more than a year, let alone four, without her magic destroying it, and got in. She checked her holster for her wand - Yew, 14 1/2 inches, Fire Bird essence core, very flexible -, and checked her bottomless moleskin pouch for her potions, broom, wallet, and her gift for her sister, before pulling out of the driveway.
"I'm so glad I don't have a pet." She mumbled to herself as she got onto the road. "Don't have to worry about a sitter..." Turning on the radio, her eyes sparkled when the song, 'On the Road again' by Willie Nelson. Knowing her voice was deplorable, Samantha was happy to simply hum along.
When she reached the airport, Samantha was more than a little concerned. She hadn't really thought about what to do with her Jeep while she was gone. There was no roof, so if it rained, the poor thing was doomed, and then there are birds, adolescents, drunks... Drunk adolescents...
Pursing her lips worriedly, she decided to take a risk. Looking around and making sure no one else was near, she reached into her bag for a potion. It was one of her teacher's own concoctions for muggleborn wizards and witches who would remain in the Muggle world. Dipping her fingers into the golden solution, Samantha gently rubbed it into the hood of the vehicle, watching as it shimmered blue and disappeared. It was a potion made to give technology some immunity to the residual magic that her kind gives off.
Pulling out her wand, Samantha prayed to Merlin and Morgana that she wouldn't kill her beloved jeep. Wordlessly, she cast a water repelling charm, watching anxiously as her jeep jerked and flashed its headlights, before freezing in place.
Taking out a water bottle from the bottomless bag, she splashed the side of the jeep with it, watching it harmlessly fall to the ground, having never touched the metal. So the charm worked and her jeep didn't explode. Good sign.
Walking over to the driver's side, the woman leaned over and put the keys in the ignition, feeling a rock drop into her stomach when it didn't turn on after four tries. She groaned and deflated against the side of the vehicle, extremely disappointed in her decision not to just leave the poor vehicle alone.
Knocking her head against the door she stood, lips pursed, and put away her wand. Another one bites the dust.
She jumped with a stifled scream as her engine roared to life, louder and livelier than ever before. A grin worked its way up her face. "Yes!" She pumped a fist. "Ms. Driana, you rock!"
Casting a quick disillusionment charm on the area around the vehicle, Samantha took the keys out of the vehicle and left to board her plane.
Sevanna Aron, Age 23, July 30th
Long blond hair, lively green eyes, heart shaped face, pouty lips, legs that go on for miles, and a thin waist; Sevanna Aron was a very beautiful young woman. She couldn't wait to see her sister again, but she was more than a little hesitant to have her meet her fiancé. He wasn't exactly sunshine and daisies.
Sevanna could still remember how Samantha looked and acted from the last time she saw her 5 years ago when she wasn't so busy with her job. Her hair had been stupidly long, and messy beyond belief, constantly saying she was going to cut it, and her face was never lacking that bright smile. She had been silly and immature at the age of 18, but so full of life despite the supposed war her world was going through.
It was their birthday tonight, and Samantha was due in England later this morning, using 'Muggle' transport to get here, as opposed to poofing into Sevanna's living room by magic. Which she was very grateful for, by the way; she hadn't told her soon to be husband about her sister yet.
Sevanna snuck out of her shared apartment, looking to take an early morning walk while it was still cool. Half way down the street her cell phone buzzed with her daily horoscope and fortune. Both told her relatively the same thing: Keep your wits about you and observe you surroundings with caution. Eerie. Maybe her sister was going to poof after all.
It was colder out than Sevanna had thought, and she was infinitely glad she had shared the habit of always carrying a jacket tied around her waist with her sister. Before she could pull it out of its loose knot however, a sound down one of the alleyways caught her attention. If there had been any distractions, however quiet, she wouldn't have heard it, but at this early hour of the morning, there was nothing to muffle the soft sound of crying. Looking around, Sevanna couldn't see a single living soul on the street, and anxiously shuffled from foot to foot in front of the alley. If it was some elaborate ploy, there would be nobody to help her out of the situation, and the young woman had no doubt that she wouldn't be able to save herself.
A barely tangible broken sob broke her resolve, and the blond called out tentatively. "Hello?" The sounds stopped, and Sevanna almost managed to convince herself that she had imagined it all, but she continued. "Is anyone there?" Inching forward, she saw the tip of a shoe from the other side of a dumpster, and relaxed minutely; it was far too small to be a man's, but there's always room for more people in an alley. Deciding to remain silent for now, Sevanna reached the dumpster and peeked around it. What she saw would later reduce her to tears.
Wide, watery, acidic green eyes met her own lighter ones, a small boy, looking no older than 4 or 5, staring up at her. He was huddled with his knees to his chest, one hand covering his mouth, the other clutching the fabric of his tattered, oversized jeans. He stared up at her in fear, black hair matted, red eyed, blotchy faced, battered, bruised, and bleeding. Sevanna could practically feel her heart breaking as she looked into his eyes.
She was in turmoil. What should she do? Take him to the police station a few blocks down the road? They could take him too his family. And it's not like she could take him home; Mike hated kids. Yet, as she stared at the child, she could only think of a few situations in which such a young boy, who shouldn't even be out of the house alone, would be out here in this state. She couldn't let him go home, not yet. She'd have to take him home for now. Sevanna was suddenly glad her sister was due to arrive in the next couple hours.
Eyes still locked onto the terrified vivid green ones of the boy, Sevanna knelt next to the boy and, not knowing what else to do, held her arms out, offering a hug. He stared at her awkwardly, and she lowered her arms with an embarrassed cough. Why on earth did she even try that? Instead she held a hand out stiffly. "I'm Sevanna Aron."
Once more he stared at the offering, but she simply kept it there, waiting. Eventually, he removed the hand covering his mouth and reached out to take her hand delicately. "Harry." He replied quietly. "Harry Potter."
The name sounded vaguely familiar to the woman, like a mention in passing, put she pushed the thought aside. "Well, Harry, I'm gonna take you home okay? We're gonna get you patched up, and then we're gonna figure out what we're gonna do, but your health is most important, and my sister's gonna love you, she should be here in an hour or so, and she loves kids, wants plenty of her own, but won't date to save her life. You have our family's eyes, y'know? You could pass as one of our own, maybe you're a distant relative or something?" Sevanna cut off her ramble, meant to make him laugh, when she noticed his eyes watering again. Sevanna whimpered. "Please don't cry. I'm sorry I'll shut up."
"You're going to take me to the orphanage." He whispered with such fear, and such certainty that Sevanna couldn't help but wonder what was so wrong with the local orphanage and what he had been told about it.
"I'm not going to." She attempted to pacify. "But I have to know what would be wrong with it? A really nice lady I know owns it."
"Aunt Petunia- Aunt Petunia says-" He dissolved into sniffles and whimpers as he cried quietly, burying his head in his knees unmoving.
Panicking a little, Sevanna, not knowing what else to do, pulled out her cell phone and sent out a plea to her sister, praying she was off of the plane.
little boy cryin what do I do
It took a matter of seconds before a reply was sent.
Pick him up, take him home, get him hot chocolate; I'll be there soon.
Samantha Aron, Age 23, July 30th
Of all things to start your visit home with. Samantha had received a text from her sister as she turned on her phone, stepping off of the plane, about a child that her sister had apparently found on this early morning and responded to the best of her ability
Pick him up, take him home, get him hot chocolate; I'll be there soon.
Groaning, the brunette quickly found her way to the belt that would eventually start sending baggage from the plane around. Looking around, Samantha found two employees standing around to help, and grinned when she found one to have a magical signature. She'd be at her sister's home in a matter of minutes.
Rolling out the kinks from apparation, the brunette woman stumbled out of the alley she had transported herself too. The location had been extremely fuzzy in her head, and the only thing keeping her from splinching was the absurd amount of magic she pumped into the act. Looking up, she found her sister's apartment complex just across the street. Despite the apparent situation, Samantha couldn't help but grin at the thought of seeing her sister again.
Pulling the thick dark red woolen sweater from around her waist, she slipped it over her blue t-shirt to ward off the cool England air, much colder than her home in America. Stuffing her hands in her pockets to keep them warm, she quickly strode across the street and up the stairs to her twin's shared room. Samantha had almost forgotten about the fiancé in her excitement. That excitement died before she even knocked on the door.
Hearing a crashing noise, Samantha wasted no time disillusioning herself and 'Alohamora'ing the lock on the door. The sight that greeted her made her blood boil with rage, and her magic course through her veins at an unbelievable pace.
"What the fuck is going on here?"
I can't guarantee this will go anywhere, but I figured I should post it anyways. If anyone wants it they can take it. I MIGHT write more from time to time, but don't expect anything.