Hey guys! First of all, I'm going to warn you now-this is unlike any story you've ever seen before. And let me tell you why- I did the weirdest thing imaginable with this story. First, I randomly split the Victorious characters into pairs. Second, for each pairing, I picked six random words from the dictionary (yes, a non-electronic dictionary! They still exist!); three for what they're doing before they get trapped, and three words for how they get trapped. I will tell you these words at the ends of the first couple of chapters. And yes, the story lines will be very… interesting.

I apologize if this story turns into a train wreck. I am writing way out of my comfort zone here so I can improve and expand my skills as a writer. This has been very hard for me to write, but I hope you'll still enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Victorious. Lord knows what I would do if I did XD

"Betsy, Betsy! Come quick! Another patient has just arrived!"

A girl with raven black hair in a white blouse and a long blue skirt rushed into the army tent, almost tripping on the hemline of her skirt as she ran. She wiped her forehead, damp from the summer heat, and quickly stuffed a white nurse's hat on the top of her head. "Sorry ma'am! I lost track of time!" she said breathlessly. "Miss Claire Evans told me to go on break."

Her coworker frowned at her. "You know she's just out to get you! Ever since her husband died and she went off on the crazy train, she's been trying to get you fired!"

"I know that, but what am I supposed to do about it? She'll snitch on me if I don't listen to her orders! She's the boss's pet, for heavens' sake!"

Betsy sighed in frustration. "So who's the patient?"

"Union soldier, colored male, five foot eleven, 30 years of age, Regime 31. Was bayoneted in the shoulder and is bleeding pretty badly. He is currently unconscious from the large amount of blood he has lost and from irregular contractions in his heart." Elaine gave her the patient's status report. "Stupid nigga didn't even have a rifle to protect himself with."

Betsy gasped. "Elaine! Don't say that about the colored! We're part of the Union, not the Confederates!"

"Yeah, well we need someone to blame for losing the battle," Elaine muttered. Betsy's ice blue eyes shot daggers at her, and Elaine backed off. "The patient is waiting for you. Report back to me on his status so we can determine if we should treat him or not."

And with that, she walked out of the tent. Betsy turned towards the sick entrance, which was covered with dirty pink curtains. She took a deep breath, tried to ignore the smell of sweat and blood wafting through the crack under the curtain, and pushed the curtains apart. On the first cot on the right laid a man in a blue army suit, blood soaking the left side of his bed. His dreadlocks, even pulled up in a ponytail, were still visible under his wide, muscular neck and his matching army headgear. Betsy's heart stopped and she froze in place as she realized who it was. This man is Gary Spencer, the guy that she had had an affair with a year ago and had never stopped loving him since.

"Gary?" she whispered softly, still in shock. She walked over to the side of his bed and felt his wrist. No pulse. She placed his hands on his chest and waited for his chest to rise and fall; it never did.

"Gary! Wake up! Don't leave me!" she cried, tears starting to pour down her face. She frantically did some CPR on him, but it was too late. The man that she had mistakenly rejected (for fear of her reputation) was gone.

She choked back sobs and laid her head down on his chest, the tears soaking his still-warm shirt. "I never got to say goodbye," she wept into his shirt. "I love you and I always will." She stayed there as Elaine and her boss watched the scene disapprovingly from the curtains. And then the stage was covered in darkness.

"CUT!" the director yelled, and the lights immediately flicked back on. "Great job everyone, that's a wrap! The first show is tomorrow at 10 a.m., but you all should be here by 8:00 to get into costume and rehearse one last time. Break a leg!" He walked briskly out the theater exit, chatting into the Blacktooth in his ear.

Andre hopped off of the cot and unbuttoned the blood-stained jacket he was wearing. Man, it is hot in here! You'd think a top-notch theater like this would at least have air conditioning, he thought to himself. It was the middle of July and the theater must have been at least 85 degrees inside. They had been rehearsing all with only a lunch break and two water breaks, and he was starting to soak the long-sleeved garments he was wearing. He went to his dressing room and changed, hanging his soldier costume in the huge walk-in closet.

He whistled a happy tune to himself as he got ready to go out for the night in New York City. Yes, he was in the Big Apple- and on Broadway, for crying out loud! Sikowitz had connections with the director of the new play and had made a deal with him that had circulated throughout Hollywood Arts for days- two students would be sent to represent Hollywood Arts and they would get the chance to star in the play! Of course, everyone had to audition first. Andre was so excited when he heard that he had been chosen because he never thought he was that good of an actor. He thought Beck would at least have beaten him to it. But now, he's the one living the good life, not Beck; and for some horrid reason, that made him happy.

Meanwhile, still in the theater, Jade quickly took off her nurse's cap and stuffed it into her duffel bag. She grimaced and checked her head for any signs of lice. Man, she hated sharing hats with people; who knows what kinds of germs they carry? Besides, people also sweat in the hats! How disgusting is that?

She, too, went to her dressing room and changed into a strapless black dress and high heels. She put on a spiky black necklace and skull earrings and scowled as she looked into the mirror. Perfect. She looks scary and beautiful at the same-and that's exactly the impression she wants to make on people.

However, she also wonders if it will be enough to please everyone. Ever since she broke up with Beck two months ago, her I-don't-give-a-shit attitude has faltered, and she struggles with finding a guy that could mend her broken heart.

Jade was ecstatic when Sikowitz first called her and told her that she had been chosen to go on Broadway to represent Hollywood Arts. However, she was a little crushed (yet again) when she later found out that she was only chosen to go because Tori couldn't make it. Mr. and Mrs. Vega were out the weekend that the play auditions started, and Tori couldn't drive herself because she doesn't have her driver's license yet, and Trina had refused to drive her for some obnoxious reason (as usual). Of course Tori Vega had to get everything- but not this time. This is Jade's time to make something of herself.

Still, she couldn't help but feel a little bad for Andre when he found out about the replacement. She knew Andre had a hidden crush on Tori- the look on his face had said it all. He wanted to spend a month alone with Tori, not with mean, bitter Jade, the ice queen.

Surprisingly enough, despite the little conflict, she and Andre had bonded while working on Broadway. Jade realized that Andre wasn't as annoying as her other "friends" and Andre began to see a new side of Jade- not the closed-up Jade that could make a person beg just by giving him a menacing glare, but the Jade that actually had a personality- the Jade that Beck had originally fallen in love with.

Andre was still putting on his leather jacket when Jade sauntered into his room without knocking. Andre smiled to himself; he was glad that they had become close enough friends to do stuff that friends would normally do.

"Hey, nice job in the play today," she commented, sitting down on the red and black couch and plopping her feet on top of the coffee table.

Andre looked confused. "I didn't say any lines, though."

"Exactly." Andre was offended at first, but was reassured as she gave him a playful smirk. "You ready?"

"Let's do this," he said and opened the door. "Ladies first." She blushed a little bit and mumbled a quick "thanks," as she walked briskly out the door with Andre hurrying to catch up behind her. Even though he had been this way with her for two weeks now, she still wasn't used to the fact that people were being nice to her. It reminded her of the times when she had a real family, before her mother died and her father became an alcoholic. It made her soften up a little bit, and she couldn't help but hate the fact of anyone seeing a weaker side of her.

Actually, they had fun hanging out on Friday nights, she had to admit. She and Andre would always do different things each night and they took turns picking what they wanted to do. Last Friday, Jade picked a horror movie that made Andre "wake up screaming in the night," as he had complained to her the day after. Tonight was Andre's turn, and he chose to go to a fancy restaurant. They talked, goofed around (including Andre dancing behind an unsuspecting waiter and Jade videotaping the whole thing while trying not to laugh), and eventually crashed at Andre's hotel room.

The sound of people screaming in pain and gunshots came from the TV screen. Since Andre picked their hangout for the night, Jade insisted that she pick the movie. Andre grimaced as he watched two women get stabbed in the chest by a gang of psychopaths.

"Can we please not watch this?" Andre said, clutching his knees with his hands and rocking uncomfortably back and forth.

"Oh come on, it's just getting good! Don't be such a baby!" Jade said and playfully pushed Andre's knees. They were both sitting on the queen size bed watching the movie, and Andre marveled at how relaxed Jade looked as person after person got killed in disgustingly gruesome ways.

"Here it comes…" Jade murmured in anticipation as one psychopath raised a scythe at the main character, ready to slash its throat.


"Seriously? That was the best part!" Jade yelled. "And I paid $5 for that movie, too! Way to ruin my night, Mr. Announcer Man!"

"Geez Jade, calm down!" Andre said and awkwardly patted her shoulder in reassurance. "This might be really important, considering that this is a movie that we rented and it's not appearing live on the TV…" He trailed off, suddenly becoming a little worried. This was very unusual. Since when did news reports interrupt rented movies?

"Whatever," she muttered grouchily as the anchorman continued to speak.

"We have just been alerted that there is a murderer on the loose in New York City. The cops believe, through careful observation and reasoning, that the possible suspect is a concierge that works at the La Mer hotel on 43rd Street."

Automatically, both Jade and Andre's mouths dropped wide open. The La Mer was only a couple of blocks away from where they were staying.

"He… he wouldn't come here… right?" Andre said, playing with his fingers nervously. Jade shrugged indifferently, as if the whole thing was no big deal- even though deep down inside she knew it was.

"The police advise that anyone within a 3 mile distance of this hotel should keep their doors and windows locked at all times. They suspect that the criminal is armed and dangerous since they found a person dead from which appears to be a severe brain injury from the blow of a blunt object. This is Channel 10 news wishing you a safe night."

Jade quickly turned off the TV and the two of them just sat there, not saying a word.

"He's not going to come here," Jade finally says, getting up to get a glass of water.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because this is a luxury hotel. They probably have security guards and cameras everywhere. And it's late at night, and lots of people are out partying. Why would he show up at a place where he can clearly be seen?"Jade explained matter-of-factually.

Andre just sat there, digesting what she had just said. It made perfect sense, but still… He couldn't help but get that uneasy feeling in his stomach.

"You're right," he said, attempting to laugh it off. "Besides, we're just two people out of thousands in the city. What are the chances that we would be the victims?"

"See? I'm always right. You should listen to me more often." She drained her cup of water and threw the small Styrofoam cup into the trash can. "I'm going to go home, it's getting late." She started heading towards the door but stops suddenly in her tracks.

"Oh, you're not going anywhere," a deep voice answered her. Jade's heart froze and blood starts to pound through her head. She turned towards Andre, who appeared to have the same expression of fear on his face.

"Please tell me that was you who said that, Andre," she whispered softly. Andre shook his head slowly, his dreads bouncing off his shoulders wildly in all directions. At this point, he was too scared to move.

They heard the silent picking of a lock coming from behind Jade and she realized what is happening before he does. Before she was able to run and hide, the door burst open and a man in black grabbed her by the waist, covered her mouth with his hand, and dragged her into the bathroom.

Okay so here are the words I stumbled upon in my random search of the dictionary. See if you can guess where I had implemented them throughout my story:

Systole: The time period when the heart is contracting.

March: to walk with regular, steady steps of equal length, usually in a group or military formation (this is where I got the Civil War idea from)

Hemline: the bottom edge of a skirt, dress, or coat

Brain: I'm sure you all know what a brain is by now lol. If you don't… then you obviously don't have one.

Concierge: chief assistant in hotel: somebody who is employed at a hotel or apartment building to help the guests or residents, e.g. by dealing with luggage, making travel arrangements, or delivering messages

A posteriori: relating to or derived by reasoning from observed facts.

I know, aren't they weird? Whatever, hope you still enjoyed it! Especially the cliffhanger at the end ;). Beck and Robbie's sticky situation will be up next. Reviews would be amazing! :D