A/N: Hey everyone! I'm so sorry I haven't updated my other story in awhile, and I'll try and get the next chapter out soon! This is a story for the holiday challenge forum over in the "Wild Kratts Head Central" forum. For those that don't know, this is a Halloween themed story!^^ Hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it! Also sorry about the long wait and all the"drama" going on! But I didn't know it would be resolved so soon. So, again, I'm really sorry! But everything's better now I and I can keep writing!
Disclaimer: the only thing that is mine is the plot. Everything else is owned by anyone but me!XD Wild Kratts- the characters, props, and things along those terms- is owned by the Kratt bros I believe! And a thank you to SilverWaterBombadil for letting me use Kitty and her family in this story as well! They are her OCS!

Chris, Martin, and Jimmy were almost done decorating for their Halloween party later that day. The girls had gone out to get candy and other treats for their party later on that evening and the guys were having a lot trouble.

"Ow! Chris! Watch it! You're stepping on my head!" Martin told his younger brother.

Chris was standing on Martin's shoulders trying to reach the hook high on the wall to hang the streamers.

"Sorry, but I can't reach the hook!" Chris replied struggling to get it.

Martin stood up on his toes to try and make himself a little taller. It made him wobble a little and Martin had to concentrate very hard not to fall.

"How about...n-now?" Martin asked. He was struggling now.

"Perfect! Hold it right there! Ok, almost...got it..."

Martin couldn't keep himself up any longer. He started to fall back.

"Got it- Whoa!"

"Ahhh! OOF!"

Chris and Martin tumbled to the ground, pulling down some of the streamers with them.

"Chris! Get...o-off me!" Martin gasped.

Chris sat up rubbing the back of his head.


Jimmy walked in with two boxes of more decorations.

"Why are you guys just lying around? It's already 3 in the afternoon and we still have to get all the decorations up for tonight's party."

Martin and Chris exchange looks and smiled.

"Anyways, these are the last two boxes guys!"

Jimmy hands each brother a box and looked around.

The decorations look great guys!"

"Thanks Jimmy. They were a pain to put up though" Martin said rubbing his back.

Chris laughed lightly. Jimmy had a confused look on his face but just shrugged it off.

"The girls should be back soon, so you guys should hurry up and finish. Then we can all go choose our costumes for tonight!"

"Relax Jimmy. We've still got like, an hour before they get back" Martin said crossing his arms over his chest in triumph.

Jimmy was about to comment on Martin's statement when the computer started to beep signaling an incoming call. Chris ran up and answered.

" This is Chris."

"Hey Chris. Just calling to let you know Koki and I got everything for the party and we're on our way back. Well be there in about 10 minutes. Are the decorations up yet?" Aviva asked.

"Uhhh..."Chris looked back to his brother for help.

"You were saying?" Jimmy whispered to Martin in the background.

"Hehe...uh, yeah." Martin laughed nervously.

"Um...don't worry Aviva! The decorations are practically setting themselves up!"

"Err- yeah! Everything's going great Aviva!" Chris added.

Aviva gave the brothers a weird look.

"...okay. See you guys soon. Aviva out." she signed off.

"Few. That was close." Chris said breathing out in relief.

"Yeah, but didn't you hear Aviva? They're going to be here in five minutes!" Jimmy reminded them.

"Uh oh. And we're still not done decorating! Man, there's no way we can get all these decorations up in 10 minutes! "Martin panicked.

He was grabbing random decorations and pretty much throwing them around the room.

"Martin, bro, calm down! We can do this if we have a little help."

Chris holds up their creature power suits. He hands Martin his blue and black one, sliding on his own.

"Oh...ok!" Martin caught onto the idea and grabbed a few creature power disks from the station Aviva uses to make them on and ran back over to his brother.

"Here are some!" Martin said handing his brother a few. Then he skimmed through the ones in his hand.

"Which one should we use?"

"Oh oh! Why don't you use the wolf power suit? Or a lion? Maybe...the polar bear power suit?" Jimmy asked.

"Those are all awesome animals, Jim, but we need something that can get the job done fast" Martin told him.

"Hm, what about...a peregrine falcon?" Chris suggested holding the falcon disk in his hand.

"Yeah! That could work! They're fast and the can fly to reach the high places! Let's use that creature power suit!" Martin said searching for his in his stack.

"Great! Only, how would we activate it without the falcon? We don't have time to go find one!" Chris realized.

"Hold on! I've got something that might help!" Martin ran it of the main common room and to him and Chris' room.

He came back up with a blue box in his hands.

"This could help!" Martin said setting the box down on the station and opened it where Jimmy and Chris could see. It was a box of many different types of feathers.

"Let's see...owl feather...blue jay...brown thrasher...vulture..."Martin listed absent-mindedly as he dug through the box.

"Cool! What's this one?" Jimmy asked holding up a long, brown feather with white fluff on the end and lighter brown stripes going across it. The tip was also light brown. Martin looked up from his search for a second.

"That's a turkey feather." he answered before going back to his looking.

"...robin...hummingbird...ah-ha! I found it! A peregrine falcon feather!" Martin held a feather with brown and white stripes running across it.

"Awesome! But we only have about 7 minutes left! We got to move!" Chris said, checking his wristwatch.

"Right, let's do this!" Martin said, putting in the disk.

Chris also put in his.

"Activate creature power suit!" the brothers said in unison.

When the aqua-colored light faded, Chris and Martin had transformed into human-sized falcons.

"Cool!" Jimmy exclaimed.

"Ok! Now let's get these decorations up fast!" Martin said as he flew over to one of the boxes and grabbed a talon full of wolf and bat decorations.

"Right! Let's get a move on!" Chris said grabbing a few streamers in his talons and flying up to hang them.

Jimmy helped set up decorations that didn't need to be hung or put up high; a few jack-o-lanterns, along with pumpkins carved with different species of nocturnal animals, candy bowls, black and orange tablecloth, and the brownies he had made with bats stenciled on with powdered sugar decorating each.

Jimmy placed the candied apples on the table, "I'm done down here! How about you guys?"

Chris used his talons to hang the last spider decoration from the ceiling.

"Done!" he exclaimed once he was back on the ground.

Martin flew down and deactivated his suit.

"I am, but it seems like its missing something...I got it! Wait right here! He ran out of the room and came back with a pile of party games which he arranged on the table.

"Now we're finished!" Martin said looking around the room proud of their work.

"And we did a pretty good job at it too!"

Then, the guys heard the familiar sound of the Createrra's kookaburra horn.

"And just in time too." Jimmy said looking through the open door way to see an approaching dust cloud created by the all terrain vehicle.

Martin's glanced over at Chris, "Chris! You still need to deactivate your suit!"

"Oh, right!" Chris' wing shot toward the green button on his chest and pressed it.

"Deactivate!" Chris said as he returned into his self again.

The girls drove up and parked the Createrra in front of the Tortuga.

Aviva was the first to hop out, "Hey guys! We found a lot of snacks for the party!"

Koki got out and grabbed a few of the cloth grocery bags.

"I found some caramel apples!" Koki said holding up a platter covered with the sweet treat.

"Yum! I can't wait for the party!" Jimmy said sneaking over, trying to snatch one of the apples only to be caught by Koki who slapped his hand away.

"Ow!" Jimmy yelped pulling his hand back.

"Jimmy! These are for the party! You can have on later!" Koki said walking away to keep the apples out of his reach.

"Serves you right J.Z!" Aviva said, giggling at her friend.

"Me neither! As soon as we put these inside, we can go out and choose our costumes!" Martin said excitedly.

He ran up the Tortuga's ramp and back inside with Jimmy right behind him.

Chris took the last of the bags while Koki gave the candied apples to Aviva and they all walked inside as well. Martin started to put the many different types of candy in the bowls scattered all over the room.

"So, who else is coming to the party?" Koki asked setting the bags down at her station.

"Kitty said she would come with her brother. We needed to get going so we can pick them up" Chris answered as he poured a bag of Doritos into one of the bowls.

"That's great! I haven't seen her since she went to visit her family back in August. Can't wait to

see Kitty again!" Martin said recalling the day the dropped her off at the small farm.

He had spent last Christmas there, and it had been one crazy holiday as well as one of his favorite memories. He was looking forward to seeing her again. Aviva walked in with two pitchers: one of orange soda and the other with fruit punch.

She set them on the table, "Me neither! I can't wait to show her my new invention that might help her be not as tired when she uses her powers".

"Cool, Aviva! I'm sure she would love that!" Koki said.

A few minutes later, all types of snacks decorated the tables from gummy worms to Rice Krispy treats that were died orange and black with food coloring. Everything was set for the party that evening. Everyone was in the Createrra: Chris and Martin were sitting in the front seats, Koki and Aviva were in the back two, and Jimmy was leaning on the bar while sitting, facing the girls, on the backs of Chris and Martin's seats.

"Ok, so where are we going to get our costumes?" Chris asked the group.

"Koki and I saw this big costume store back when we went to town earlier. Maybe we could go there! It's only about 15 minutes from here." Aviva suggested.

"Yeah! I saw this cool witch costume I wanted to try on. We should go check it out!" Koki agreed.

Martin shrugged, "Sounds like a plan! Let's go!" He turned around in his seat and drove off towards the town in the distance.