It was a mere three or so minutes later that Minato walked in the Hokage's office, as instructed upon his arrival at the building. Even so, people had already gathered in the room, terse exchanges betraying a sombre mood. A man that he recognised to be Uchiha Fugaku was standing close to the Hokage's desk along with Sandaime, looking over a scroll. Shikaku was also present, leaning against the nearby wall, arms crossed and chin dropped low, apparently in thought. Two other shinobi were going over a different set of documents at the other end of the desk, their grey button-down uniforms pegging them as appointed under the Konoha Intelligence Division.

All five people paused as he entered, their looks varying through surprise, stoic indifference or exasperated amusement, all of which most likely on account of his speed. But it was Sandaime that he addressed first, as was owed his rank.

"Hokage-sama. I saw the signal." He said, inclining his head in respect before doing the same for the others in the room.

"Ah, Minato, quick as always, good." The older man said, casting a look at the Nara as he did so. "It appears to me that most jōnin will be here shortly as well. I leave the additional organisation in your hands, Jōnin Commander."

Shikaku pushed off the wall, perhaps a beat slower than expected, bowing his head in respect.

"It will be done, Hokage-sama" he said, but for some reason Minato was willing to bet all the ink in his sealing kits that what he had truly wanted to say ran closer to the likes of troublesome.

With that his dark-haired friend turned to go, casting Minato a quick look as he passed him, most likely headed to address the people who will undoubtedly respond to the signal issued – jōnin level alert. The blonde was just about to follow him, being a jōnin and thus under Shikaku's command himself, when Sandaime's voice cut him off.

"Stay, Minato."

The door closed behind him with a quiet click, just as the older man stepped forward to introduce everyone.

"I'm sure you know Fugaku-san. This is Katashi Yuu, head of the Torture and Interrogation Division" Sandaime started, indicating towards a tall, well-built man with thin drawn lips which gave him a permanent sour look, "and Haya Fumiko of the Intelligence Division's Analysis Team." He continued, gesturing to the only woman present in the room. "And this is Minato Namikaze, Jiraya's apprentice."

A wry smile had appeared on Fumiko-san's lips as she regarded him through thin-framed glasses.

"Oh we know who he is, Sandaime-sama. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Konoha's Yellow Flash. Even if under circumstances such as these."

"The pleasure is all mine… Although, I apologise, but I haven't been briefed about the circumstances you speak of." Minato said, turning back to Hiruzen Sarutobi with a questioning look.

"Fugaku-san, if you will?" Sandaime said instead, turning to the Uchiha heir who had remained silent until now, and the man nodded, facing Minato with the expressionless look of one used to briefing shinobi on a daily basis.

"An hour ago, the Konoha Police apprehended a man suspected of illegal activities, later assumed to be a plant or an infiltrator for an enemy village. He was caught alive. Copies of a number of classified documents were found in his possession, as well as notes about parts of the village's active roster and war efforts."

Even though he had expected something of the sort, given the collection of people present, Minato still couldn't help sucking in a breath upon hearing it confirmed. Infiltration was not as uncommon as many civilians thought, especially during war time – he himself had been quickly convinced by manner of demonstration from Jiraya that it could be done, often times much easier than people thought. But high-level infiltration within shinobi divisions, which would grant access to classified documentation, was a whole different thing and required expertise, planning and organisation, if at all possible.

"His affiliation and motivations are still unknown" the Uchiha continued levelly, "but we can assume he was gathering information for one or more enemy villages. The job could have been issued by a Kage or he could have acted on his own, planning on selling what he found. We still don't know."

"And we don't know if he acted alone." Minato said, his mind already a step ahead as he grasped the repercussions of such a discovery.

Hadn't he and Jiraya acted together before, coordinating when carrying out high-risk Infiltration missions? The job required support from outside or, ideally, inside the target location and often involved a partner, or a team… or a network of informants.

In other words, this could be quite bad.

It was Sandaime who confirmed.

"Indeed. Which is why all jōnin still in the village were signalled tonight. Shikaku is directing the search efforts, while Danzou Shimura has assumed control of ANBU for the time being, in my stead. If this infiltrator has any allies, we'll root them out."

Minato nodded, realising at once that he was, in fact, probably not going to join the search after all. He was valuable in a way that very few people in the village were – he had been trained by an Infiltration Specialist.

"Has the man said anything?"

It was Yuu-san who answered him, eyebrows mashing in distaste and Minato had the strange notion that the man would have spat on the ground if he had been standing anywhere else but in the Hokage office.

"Not yet. He's being held with us and my best are working on him, but he's a tough cookie, that one."

"He's been trained to withstand physical interrogation techniques, Katashi, I'm telling you." the woman said in a tone that suggested she had made the same point a number of times by now.

A grunt met her words, the man apparently quite undeterred and Minato could only guess at what "his best" were doing right now to test Fumiko-san's theory. He had to suppress a shiver, doing his damnest best not to think of another situation, not too long ago, when he had been the one interrogated across borders.

"You've sent for Inoichi Yamanaka?" Sandaime interjected and the woman was quick to nod.

"Him and his team. We'll be at the ready if T&I don't manage."

There was a hint of smugness in her voice, an underlaying certainty that said men would indeed not manage, providing her with the apt opportunity to constantly greet Katashi Yuu with "I told you so" in the foreseeable future.

It was commonly assumed that T&I would be a last resort, what with Konoha possessing Interrogation specialists such as the Yamanaka clan. But Minato had quickly learned that the Yamanaka mind-walking technique was in fact costly and quite dangerous, not only to the one being interrogated but to the caster as well. One could never know what mental barriers and defences a shinobi might have in place. In that sense, endangering one of your own men, especially a member of one of Konoha's esteemed clans, would always be the actual last resort. Even if knowing that Inoichi was an expert at what he did, Minato still hoped it wouldn't come to that.

"I assume you already have a guess at why I held you back, Minato." Sandaime went on, regarding him shrewdly, "I'm appointing you under Haya Fumiko's Analysis Team for the time being. The Intelligence Division currently hold all personal possessions, documentation and notes found with the infiltrator. You will also have Fugaku's detailed account of the events around the man's capture. We need to find how he broke into Konoha, how long he has been here, who sent him and who he's reporting to."

"You know what they say – it takes an Infiltrator's mind to catch another." Fumiko-san said and grinned, displaying a set of brilliant white teeth.

"I hope I can assist you well."

"Very well then, you know your assignments. Fugaku-san, you may return to Police HQ when you're done with the Analysis Team. Ensure civilian safety at all times and prepare for potential evacuation if the situation escalates."

The Uchiha heir nodded, stoic as ever, and for a second Minato wondered if he had ever seen the man look anything but impassive at best.

"Report directly to me if you find anything of note." Sandaime-sama said finally, just as there was a knock at his door. "Dismissed."

They filed out of the office, passing a hurried shinobi armed with a handful of scrolls.

Fumiko-san lead the way, apparently taking them to the Intelligence Division building for a needed debriefing. The gist had been explained to him, but a lot had been left out – where had the man been caught and how? What had he done upon discovery? Had he tried to contact anyone? The documents suggested he had been gathering information, but what if…

His mind painted another scenario, a worrying thought worming itself in his head mercilessly. Konoha had been infiltrated before, some six years ago and it hadn't been to gather information at all. It had been to capture a certain someone that he cared for very much. Surely this had nothing to do with that incident? He had to squash the sudden impulse to find her, find her now, and make sure she was safe. He could do so easily, using the kunai he had given her – a thought that had occurred to him even earlier that day when he had considered finding her for different, rather selfish reasons. He had quickly discarded it then, disgusted with himself for having even entertained the possibility. Such invasion of her privacy would be absolutely unacceptable.

But what if…

He shook his head, casting the thought aside. Pointless worry would get him nowhere – the man had been apprehended, so even if this had been his goal he had failed. And Kushina wasn't a child anymore – she was more than capable of defending herself, especially within a village on high alert.

"How do you fare with interrogation, Namikaze-san?" Katashi Yuu interrupted his thoughts, eyeing him curiously as they exited the Hokage building.

"Depends which side of it we speak of." he said and the man barked a laugh.

"How do you fare on each end then?"

"Well on the enduring side… but I assume everyone says so until they crack."

"Indeed. And on the actual interrogation side?"

"Rather less well, but probably still better than I would like." Minato said with a barely-concealed grimace and the man's answering smirk had a sharp edge to it.

"It ain't for everyone, but I'd guess your reputation alone would be enough to instill terror in the ones we ask."

"Hands off, Katashi. Sandaime-sama appointed him with me." Fumiko-san said, sticking a tongue out at the T&I specialist and sparing Minato from having to respond to that particular comment.

Fugaku Uchiha said nothing, but Minato could somehow feel the man stealing glances at him from the corner of his eyes every now and then. He realised that, despite sharing a friend and probably having heard quite a bit of each other, they hadn't really met. Perhaps he was curious about his fiancée's teammate of old. Or perhaps he was trying to figure out why Konoha's Yellow Flash, famed for his ability to off an army, seemed to dislike the idea of torturing people.

Minato could only sigh. It would be a long night indeed.

Hideki-san was already at the gate when she showed up, apparently decided to leave at first light, same as her. He was just signing his name in the register when she approached.

"Ah, Uzumaki-san! I thought I'd get a head start. Thwarted again." he called out as he saw her, but she barely registered his words.

There seemed to be an almost inaudible hum in the air, a static charge that put her senses on edge. She stilled, casting her senses out, fixing the open gate with a look. The very air ahead felt thick, impenetrable in a way she was intimately familiar with. The man at the registration desk smiled knowingly as he followed her look.

"The barrier's up." She said to no one in particular, needing no confirmation.

Seal barriers were her expertise after all.

Of course Konoha's detection barrier was up at all times. But this version of it, the chakra-intense one which solidified and barred leaving or entry, was only activated at the gates when needed.

"Eh?" was Tarou's eloquent response as he threw a quizzical glance at the gate.

"Konoha's on lockdown, save for shinobi on officially appointed missions." The man at the desk said by way of explanation, scanning Tarou's mission assignment scroll a lot more intently than guards usually did.

"What's happened?" she asked, instantly on alert, turning back towards the village at once and scanning the streets and rooftops as if whatever threat had caused this would suddenly manifest itself.

She could feel Tarou tense up beside her also, still eyeing the invisible barrier and trying to see what couldn't in fact be seen, as intended.

"Classified." The guard said with a shrug as his hands brought a cigarette up to his lips. "Hey, don't give me that look. I don't know myself, jōnin level clearance. I just do as I'm told."

So that was why Minato was nowhere to be found last night - he had been called to duty, to deal with whatever problem had arisen. And having the village sealed off for those inside could only mean one thing for said problem – intruders. Infiltrators gathering intel? Assassins? Or perhaps…

For a second her mind flashed back to an empty house mid-spring, sunset casting shadows along the walls, shadows that writhed and moved and morphed into figures and rough hands which grabbed her and dragged her away from her home.

She shook the temporary discomfort away, hand balling in a fist instinctively. Oh let them try again, by all means.

"Uzumaki-san? Are you well?"

"Hm? Oh, yes, Hideki-san, sorry about that." she called back, reluctantly peeling her gaze away from the calm streets behind and turning back to the guard. "No chūnin aid requested?"

"Nope. There've been no casualties or anything, doesn't seem to be too serious. I guess they're just being careful, what with the war and all that. Last I heard they had it all under control."

She bit her lip, hand hovering over her leg pouch where she had tucked away the mission assignment scroll. What if it was serious? What if something happened while she was gone? Wasn't she supposed to be in the village to protect it when needed? But if Konoha really was in danger they would have mobilised all chūnin on active duty too.

"I'm sure it'll be fine, Uzumaki-san" Tarou said beside her and she realised the hesitation must have spilled on her face. "Besides, the runs need to be made. We've been assigned."

She knew he was right, objectively. But it was hard being objective when those you held dear might or might not be in danger. Yet someone had to do the runs… and if it wasn't her, it'd be someone else who could be useful here instead.

"I know." She said finally, handing her scroll over to the guard with a resigned sigh.

The man was as sharp as a kunai's edge.

Haya had expected him to be clever – you don't just get picked as an apprentice to one of the legendary Sannin for no merits at all – but just how quick-witted he was had taken her by surprise. He assimilated and analysed information with lightning speed, making connections and leaps of logic that she quickly found herself nodding along to.

She had had to quickly re-evaluate her initial observations. Truth be told, Minato Namikaze didn't really look very threatening; his reputation preceded him, which was exactly why she had expected someone vicious, lethality spelled out in their looks and sharp features. The handsome youth before her had been far from that idea and she had found herself almost writing him off as not-threatening. Him, Konoha's Yellow Flash, the man who had killed hundreds of enemy nin.

She had to check herself twice.

Now, hours later, the man was proving that army-felling skills were not his only asset as he sat calmly across Inoichi-san, bouncing ideas off each other as they scanned their notes. They had managed to cover all of the documentation on the case and track where the information could have come from, but it had been through Minato's insight that they had managed to connect certain scribbles the man had made to supply-line skirmishes that had occurred close to the borders throughout the last few months. The informer had been feeding someone information and Iwagakure seemed to be the likely source.

They had already narrowed down the possibilities on how long the man had been in Konoha and it was becoming more and more apparent that, thankfully, he hadn't had access to higher level documentation as his expert Henge had only gotten him that far. Until the night of the Yozakura. Until he had thought it wise to access restricted files while shinobi were distracted. But the Uchiha were never slack, not even on a night of festivities. He should have known better, for someone who seemed to have been in Konoha for months.

"If we assume it's Iwagakure and track their military moves… They haven't been too obvious, but they started making some clever choices about three months back. They hit some supply lines that they shouldn't have known about. Jiraya-sensei actually mentioned something when we last spoke… he suspected they are being fed information down the line, but an infiltrator in Konoha proper…" Minato was saying, seemingly talking to himself as he leant over the notes, his chin propped over his folded hand.

Haya really didn't intend to do so, but she found herself observing him curiously more often than not. He was peculiar. He looked like a different man altogether when he was in thought; a small furrow would appear on his forehead as his eyebrows mashed together and his eyes would narrow, an almost stern look entering his face. When he jotted down notes he did so neatly, his hands moving in sure, confident strokes. She thought she quite liked how he wrote. He exuded an air of quiet certainty, that of a man who could assume control and do so cleverly.

He would be a real asset to the Intelligence Division. And to her team in particular. She found herself wishing that he'd enjoy their partnership. That he would ask whether he could transfer after this was all done. Or whether he could assist her team more often, as an outsource specialist. She thought she wouldn't mind working with him more often at all.


Crap. Had he caught her staring?

"Hm? Sorry, I spaced out for a second. Say that last bit again."

"I was asking about that list of shinobi with access to the information gathered by the infiltrator."

She shook her head as she glanced at the watch. A little after sundown. They had been at it for almost a day.

"It's a big Division with many sub-sections and the low-level clearance files could be accessed by many-" she started, but was promptly cut off by the door slamming open.

Katashi was back, a clear glower on his face, lips drawn in a taut line.

Haya grinned. Inoichi sighed, getting up from his chair and stretching.

"My turn then." he said, heading for the door in a firm step. "Let's see if we were right, Minato."

It had taken her a little over a day to reach the outpost, even if it wasn't too close to the hard border.

She had stopped briefly in the night after parting ways with Tarou, the man heading to the South West quadrants. She hadn't intended to pause, but the previous sleepless night had caught up with her. Her break had lasted no more than two or so hours, confusing dreams bouncing in her head furtively as fantasy overtook memory and mixed with worry. It ebbed at her, all through her trip. It had pushed her forward as she maintained a steady pace.

Things were fine, surely. But she would be back in Konoha faster, just in case. And if she got to beat Tarou to it, well all the better, ya know.

So late morning found her high up in the trees, sitting on the rough camouflaged porch of Konoha's Central West outpost, having reached it in her own record time. The two chūnin stationed there were all smiles, as they always were when visited on supply runs – any news from home were welcome and they kept throwing leisurely questions at her as they sipped on tea, freshly arrived with their new supplies.

It was a pleasant day, sun filtering calmly through the leaves as the light breeze tossed her hair about, refreshing on her heated skin after the lengthy run. It would all have made for a rather enjoyable time, if she hadn't been politelytrying to get out of the conversation for the last half an hour.

"Did they light the lanterns down by the river again?"

"They did. It was pretty, but people were drinking too much as usual, ya know."

The man on her left laughed. He had shoulder-length brown hair, pulled back in a low ponytail at his nape. His look was open, unguarded, strangely at ease even though they had met not an hour ago. Kushina thought she rather enjoyed their quippy jokes and casual banter.

"That's what Hanami's for. I wish they'd send us some sake with these bloody supply runs too, the prunes."

She had to smile, rolling her eyes at his enthusiasm.

"You got that right, Ryota. Man, if only I had been back home… You know, last Hanami I went out with Nakoe-chan for the first time." the other shinobi was saying – was it Hako? – through a wistful look.

"Oh here we go. I've only heard this tale about a hundred times, you know…"

Hako threw a light punch at his shoulder.

"'S not my fault you've never been near a woman."

"You wish."

"Well, I guess I'll head back…" she edged, making to get up in their distraction.

"Awh, but you haven't even met Kaede yet. She should be here soon, she was just doing the morning rounds. I'm sure she'll be happy to see a new face."

"I would love to meet her too, but I shouldn't take long, I had another mission lined up-"

"Was it Hako's brash language that put you off? Pay him no heed… I'm sorry to say I've gotten used to it on this appointment."

"Hey now!"

She couldn't help but chuckle at their easy camaraderie. Ryota had just playfully thrown an arm over Hako's shoulders, forcing him forward and rubbing a fist rather forcefully over the man's hair, when a rustle from the trees ahead paused them all.

"Ah, there she is! About time, Kaede, you almost missed our guest!" the "aggressor" called down as he spotted the newcomer, releasing his friend just as the woman jumped up to the platform rather ungracefully, after having put up an obvious burst of speed.

Something's wrong, was Kushina's first instinct as she saw the flushed cheeks, betraying her hurry, and her eyes, now narrowed in a serious look. The two shinobi beside her straightened up as well.

"I'm a clone. Kaede spotted some unusual activity in quadrant six, stayed to investigate and sent me to inform you before she engaged. Something seemed off, there was an unauthorised seal."

The atmosphere shifted within seconds. The men who had been languidly joking mere moments ago were suddenly on alert, all levity gone from their posture and looks.

"Tell me all she saw on the way there. Hako, stay on post, I'll go help her." Ryota was saying quickly as he checked his weapons pouch, arming a short kodachi at his waist.

"I can assist. I do well with seals." She found herself saying, despite herself. It was probably nothing, but…

The brown-haired man nodded.

"I won't turn down aid, even if it's not in your mission parameters. Let's hope it's noth-"

A strained sound broke off his words as the clone before them suddenly convulsed, hand shooting up to her chest. And then, in a puff of smoke, she disappeared.

The shocked silence lasted but a minute.

"K-Kaede!" Hako called out, taking a furtive step ahead, face as white as a sheet. "She- she just-"

Alright, it definitely wasn't "nothing". She's dead, was the first thing that passed through Kushina's head and she bit her lip against it. Or unconscious. Let her be unconscious.

"Hako. Stay on duty." Was all Ryota said and then he was a blur, jumping amongst the trees.

And with a chakra-infused leap Kushina shot off after him.

"Should I start with the good or the bad news?"

"Start by sitting down" Minato said, passing his friend a glass of water.

Inoichi looked… exhausted. He hadn't slept through the night, Haya knew for a fact, but even then she doubted that a sleepless night could make such a stark contrast in one's complexion. The Yamanaka heir had shadows under his eyes, his skin appearing damp and ashen under the fluorescent lights of the office.

She knew his technique was taxing and, much as she loved rubbing it in Katashi's nose, she would have actually, secretly, preferred not to resort to this. Because, unfortunately, she had been right – judging by the time it had taken Inoichi to break through, the infiltrator had indeed been well-prepared.

The Yamanaka near-collapsed in a chair beside her, taking the glass with mute gratitude.

"We were right." He started hoarsely, clearing his throat. "He's been here for awhile. And he did act alone, at least within the village, which is why Shikaku's teams and ANBU didn't find anything… there was nothing to find. He got complacent though, thought the place wouldn't be as well guarded during the festival. So good news is, I know who and where he's reporting to."

She grinned and was just about to congratulate her teammate when he turned to his friend (for friends they must be, if they were on first-names basis), a solemn look marring his pale face.

She could practically feel Minato Namikaze tense up with Inoichi's words.

"But…?" he prompted.

"But his next report was due some hours ago. They might suspect his capture by now. And they'd probably clear out by the time we get there."

Something was telling her there was more unsaid between them as Minato's eyes narrowed, a determined look entering his face.

"Tell me."

The place seemed off. It had taken them some time to find the precise spot without the clone's further guidance, but she had no doubt this was it. She was no tracker and Ryota had claimed to have minimal experience himself, but it didn't take an expert to notice the obvious signs of a struggle in the snapped twigs and oddly felled bushes around.

And in the apparent calmness all about.

No blood, she signed in Konoha standard, inspecting around carefully, senses strummed out on high alert.

No blood, he signed back in agreement and she couldn't help noticing the slight shaking to his fingers as he did so. And no footsteps.

It should have been a good sign, but… There were ways to hide tracks. And there was something not quite right. It was both noticeable and not. If they hadn't known something had happened to Kaede, they could have easily assumed that there had been a wildlife skirmish. The place looked cleaned out almost, void of human traces. As if Kaede had never been here.

But it had to be it.

Seal, she signed and Ryota nodded, stepping about soundlessly, looking for glyphs or symbols or really anything out of place.

It took her the better part of fifteen minutes to find it and that only because it had responded to her touch as she had started inspecting more riskily, imbedding her touch with chakra as she went. It wasn't the most subtle way – depending on the seal design, it could alert the caster. But it also made the signs appear when previously hidden, much like a certain otherwise invisible seal on her person. And time was of the matter here, with a missing teammate on their side.

"Here" she mouthed quietly, but it was enough for Ryota to shunshin by her side.

It was well-hidden, on the underside of a large overgrown rock, small and mostly unnoticeable unless specifically looked for. She had to wonder how Kaede had found it in the first place. Had she accidentally touched the boulder with chakra-infused hands? What for? And even then, would she have noticed the brief flare in a seal if she wasn't familiar with what she was looking for?

Or had she seen something? And what?

Ryota was crouching beside her, inspecting the signs critically, hand balled in a fist.

"Bastards." He breathed through grit teeth. Because really, if he had held any hope that the whole thing might have been a misunderstanding, the enemy seal before them quickly evaporated his doubts. "I haven't seen one such. Have you?"

"Not exactly like this one, but I can make sense of it." she said, scanning the kanji before her, a heavy feeling settling in her stomach.

Oh it was bad alright.

"What is it?" he asked, looking about, ever on alert.

But it wasn't around that he needed to be looking. It was down.

"It's a seal to bar and hide entry. Probably to an underground base."

A sharp intake of breath was all the reaction Ryota allowed himself as his eyes widened with the information presented. Neither of them were sensors; there was no way to judge the scope of their find on the spot, not without going in blind. They could observe and wait for reinforcements, of course, but Kaede…

She could see her companion deliberating, weighing their options, weighing protocol and risk against attachments. And she already knew what would come out on top. Because really, if it had been Hizashi or Sakumo or Kakashi or Tsume or Mikoto or Inoichi or Chouza or Shikaku or Shibi or really any of her friends… If it had been Minato… she wouldn't have even stopped to talk it through.

"Can you open it?"


"Kaede's probably in there." he said by way of explanation and she could tell from his tone that if she couldn't indeed bust the seal, he'd bust the boulder itself.

"She might be. And it might be a trap, ya know."

"Are you telling me to leave her behind?!" the man hissed back and she smirked.

"Not at all. I'm telling you what we should prepare for mentally when I open this door, ya know."

The man stared at her with evident disbelief.

"I… forgive me, Uzumaki-san, I… thank you." Was the mumbled response and despite the tension she grinned.

"Don't sweat it. But maybe send a clone to Hako-san while I work this out."

It turned out to be simpler than she had initially expected, the seal proving very little of a conundrum in her hands. It was a mash-up of common elements, a crude imitation with little original thought behind. It did its job well, but was no cypher – it took her all of five minutes to break down its elements and she found herself on the ground, lying on her back as she produced a brush from her pouch, unclasping the ink vial in her armband and deftly dipping the tip. She could feel Ryota's eyes on her as she did that and Kushina had to wonder if he thought her mad.

Well, it was what it was.

The quickly scribbled kanji about the seal did their trick as intended – activating at her touch and destabilising the seal between. And hopefully disabling any alerts upon its activation. A low rumble reached her ears and she shot up, body tensing at the ready as a seemingly ordinary patch of dirt nearby receded with a mechanism, revealing a crude narrow tunnel and a metal ladder descending down in apparent darkness.

A kunai had replaced the brush in her hand as she halted in anticipation opposite of Ryota, both of them stilling without taking their eyes off the hole. The seconds it took to confirm that the seal activation had probably remained unnoticed felt much too long.

So the base was either abandoned or this particular entrance was unobserved, their enemies deciding that the inconspicuous seal was protection enough. Kushina wasn't sure which would be best.

Moving in. Support. Ryota signed as he approached the tunnel soundlessly, throwing one last look down before disappearing down the ladder himself. Bracing herself for the worst, the redhead followed suit. She could have groaned as her eyes adjusted to the dim light, coming from a flickering light source down a tunnel. One of many.

She had expected a bunker. Perhaps a large bunker at best. But landing at an intersection between four corridors was way more than she had mentally prepared for.

No way was this made now. The place felt old in a way that a temporary base wouldn't. The walls had been carved meticulously, displaying detail that a make-shift camp would never have. Whoever was here was probably using something prior made.

Her eyes met Ryota's and she very deliberately did not sigh as she saw the resignation there.

"It's not a good idea." She mouthed, knowing it would fall on deaf ears.

"We're not sensors and she could be anywhere. She could be hurt. We don't have time. We should split up." He said, confirming her suspicion.

And she hated that he was right. She looked around, casting her senses out as much as she could. She couldn't hear anything in particular, but there was a light source further down…

"Fine. Be careful. Do not engage enemies if you find any, unless absolutely necessary. Meet here in an hour if you don't find anything of worth. If I'm not here, leave and make back for the outpost, do not look for me, ya know."

"And if things go bad?"

She smirked.

"We'll follow the sound of the ruckus, ya know."

"I told you so."

Katashi grumbled. The woman was impossible at times. Actually, come to think of it, she was impossible a lot of times.

"Your golden boy barely made it as well."

"Yamanaka-san may not look it, but he's tough. I had no doubt he'd crack it. You know, I think he might even outdo his father one day."

He crossed his arms, muttering uncertainties. He had nothing against Inoichi Yamanaka, but he did so hate losing a bet, even an unspoken one.

"Where's he anyway?"

"Last I saw him, he disappeared with Minato-san to report to Sandaime."

"Minato-san, huh… Weird guy. Wouldn't have pegged him as a flee-on-sight."

To his surprise, Haya actually giggled at that.

"Oh, Katashi. You have no idea."

She didn't know whether it was a good or a bad thing that the base appeared to be very much not abandoned, she thought, as she pressed herself behind a corner, pulling in her chakra close and tight, undetectable for the shinobi passing on the other side.

She had counted more than fifteen in this section of the tunnels alone. They were probably, most likely, more.

They wore no affiliation signs, but whoever they were, they were no friend of Konoha's, that much was clear as she overheard snippets of conversations about intel being thrown around, precious intel on the Land of Fire's wartime activities.

Oh this was very bad indeed.

And the two of them were greatly, hilariously outnumbered. She suspected she should be happy that so far no one had mentioned intruders; she wasn't sure she would be able to avoid active pursuers in the base's narrow corridors if they deliberately started looking for her. She had briefly entertained the thought of offing enemies as she went, but it would only take so long before they spotted operatives missing. And she didn't think Ryota and she could take them on safely, not when they possibly had a hostage. And then there was gathering intel… not a bad thing to go for, all things considered.

But first – Kaede. Unfortunately, she had heard no one mention prisoners, nor had she found anything resembling holding cells. In fact, she seemed to have ended up in a supply section, if the rooms full of rations and discardable tools and scrolls were anything to go by. She hoped Ryota was having more luck than her.

The enemy nins' steps receded, their voices echoing dully in the distance and she took a breath to steady herself, pushing away from the wall and pressing onward as silently as she could, a whisper against the edges of the corridors she crossed.

There were torches lining the walls, their light flickering ominously against the damp stone, and licking at the shadows all about. The smoke coming off them made her eyes water as she circled about them and it was only through a concerted effort of will that she held back her coughs. Whoever thought torches were a good idea for underground secret bases must be a moron. Then again, they would be incredibly effective against intruders if they made people choke halfway through their unexpected infiltration mission.

The corridor opened up ahead, going through a natural wider part of the caves, a line of thick columns holding the tunnel ceiling to prevent collapses. The distant constant rhythm of dripping water reached her ears, reverberating in the wide open space. She wasn't sure why she paused, steps halting beside a large column, hairs standing on end as she stilled by its base. She felt rather than see or hear, something or rather someone approaching ahead, their massive chakra quantities palpable even to a non-sensor like her. And their chakra felt cold and sharp and menacing, heavy in the air all about, almost suffocating her with each breath and near rooting her in place.

Which must be why what happened next took her entirely by surprise.

She edged back soundlessly, making to retreat when there was a quiet stir in the air behind her, a sudden presence when there had been none before, and her eyes widened just as a hand clamped over her mouth, stifling her surprise. Someone pulled her sharply behind the column beside her just as she lifted her one free arm in instinct, elbowing her assailant sharply in the ribs.

A barely-audible huff of pain reached her, right by her ear, and she froze, staring ahead dumbfounded as recognition flickered within her. She would know this chakra anywhere, even pulled in tight as it was now, impossible to detect if she hadn't been forcefully pressed against him, as he held her quietly, out of sight.

She stilled beside him, feeling adrenaline crash through her as the sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the cavern behind them, uneven, hinting at someone favouring one foot over the other as they slowly passed. And with the sound went the overwhelming sense of threat that had first made her pause in alarm.

Only when it had receded in the distance, did his hand slowly lower from her lips, the man behind her exhaling a pent-up breath which tickled her neck and she had to suppress a shiver. Slowly, disbelievingly, she turned around, looking up at him in the dim light to confirm she hadn't imagined it all.

Minato was looking at her through an exasperated look, worry, relief and incredulity mixing in the darkened blue of his eyes as his hand hovered uncertainly by her side, ready to pull her in close again, out of sight should another threat appear.

"I suppose that was well deserved." He mouthed finally as he brushed fingers against his ribs through a pained smile and she winced.

She had spared no force with that one punch.

"What… what are you doing here?"

AN: And here's the next one, I hope you guys enjoy! Yes, I know, I'm evil – vice, thy name is cliffhangers :D

I do so love me some unexpected meetings in the line of duty scenarios! I apologise, I know this chapter was a bit heavy on the OC presence, but I figured Konoha is a pretty big place and it just sounds improbable that our main characters hold all the posts everywhere and Minato and Kushina interact with no one else… In any case, I hope I've managed to make them at least a bit believable and somewhat entertaining to read.

Just to note, yes, I'm aware Kushina's official shinobi rank is jounin as per the database. She just hasn't obtained it yet. There's time :)

And by the way, what's up with torches in underground bases? I mean don't get me wrong, they make for excellent atmospheric setting, but the smoke would probably choke everyone before the climatic battle even starts :D I couldn't help bringing it up…

Anyway, that aside, thank you for all your lovely messages and for your kind reviews! I'm so happy to know you guys still enjoy my work! I would love to answer your questions in your messages, but when they've been written by a Guest account I can't pm replies so I apologise! Know that if I could, I absolutely would! As always, your reviews and ideas are much, much appreciated, so thank you for taking the time!

Also, mush alert and… ahem… other alerts… in following chapters, so check this space. And speaking of, next chapter hopefully coming next week.

Ja ne~


Henge: Transformation Technique