Abdicate - A Pokemon Drabble
And he tries, and tries, and tries again, even though he should have given up a long time ago.
Characters: Green & Red
Genre: General / Hurt&Comfort
Rated: K+
Warnings / Notes:No real warnings this time. Got inspired to do this because I'm doing the 100 theme challenge. I don't own any characters or the Pokemon franchise.

When he first started his journey, there was determination and a burning lust for success in his eyes.

When he lost against his rival, the fire burned down a bit but it was not lost. Not yet at least.

He wasn't going to lose to his wimp of a rival. There was no way hecould even match up to Green. He knew all about Pokemon, since his grandfather was a Pokemon Professor. The only real thing Red knew about Pokemon was that stupid Poliwag that lived in the lake in the pond of his backyard, and that was nothing.

When he lost against Red for the second time, he told himself that he would kick his ass and win the next time around.

He told himself that again when he lost the third time.

And the fourth time.

And the fifth time.

Just give up.

If Red's knowledge of Pokemon was lower than Green's, why was Green losing all the time? It made no sense at all. The jaded eye boy lost some sleep over trying to figure this mystery out.

Green increased his Pokemon's training. He just needed his Pokemon's stats to be higher. He guessed that Red pushed his Pokemon and had some type of secret training technique or something. He was sure to win next time.

And even when his Pokemon's levels were increased he lost anyway.

He fed them rare candies. Yet, he lost again.

Just give up.

No. He wasn'tgoing to give up yet. Instead, he picked his pace up. He was still one step ahead of Red even if he lost. He pushed himself harder and harder, growing tired from his lack of sleep and determination to win.

He was on top of the world when he became the champion. Red would be there soon to face him and boy, Green knew he was ready to win against his long-term rival. Sure enough, five minutes later the crimson hued male showed up, his stupid Pikachu on his shoulder. With a smirk, Green pulled out his Pokeball and positioned himself in a battle stance.

Just give up.

He hesitated a bit. Red's head cocked to the side in confusion. Green shook his head slightly. He wasn't going to lose this round. No, he was so sure he had an advantage.

He wasn't going to give in.

The battle lasted a good ten minutes, but the winner was obvious.

Professor Oak rushed up, ignoring his own grandson and congratulated Red. The former, five-minute champion was against the wall, falling to the ground slightly. He was tired.

He was so, so tired.

Do you give up now?

The male closed his eyes slowly, his breathing soft and quiet. He wasn't going to give up.

But he decided he would rest, just for a bit.