((Note: Sorry about the long absence from FF. I'll be updating several stories as I have time. ~Shy no Jutsu))

"I never thought this would be a happy place." Ino said dawn spreading its finger tips over the horizon. It seemed neither of them could sleep, so they had kept watch in the tall trees surrounding the cave. "You're telling me." Sakura said there were light circles beneath her eyes. The sun began to peek farther over the horizon, and spread through the forest. The birds began to chatter, and sing. "Someone's going to be grumpy." Sakura said with a groan. Ino looked at her with curiosity in her voice. "So you two have been on all night missions before?" Sakura nodded, "Not many, but let's just say I know that Naruto isn't generally a morning person." They could see the mouth of the cave from their watching post. "Well we might as well head back I'm just about hungry enough to eat a bat."

Jumping down from the branches Sakura noticed that where Naruto had been sleeping was empty. Her eyes widened slightly. Who would want to kidnap Naruto? She wondered silently. Ino wasn't far behind her, and noticed the empty sleeping bag as well. Sakura ventured into the entrance of the cave, her green eyes searching the darkness. "Naruto?" She called her voice echoing eerily off the walls. There was no reply, but she could hear footsteps coming through the woods. She rested her fingers on the pouch for her Kunai. Ino turned looking through the trees to see if she could spot the blonde ninja coming their way.

The footsteps got closer and stopped, "I swear if this is another one of his jokes I'm going to kill him." Sakura said her voice low. Dread knotted in her stomach, as she looked over the land-scape. "Get down!" Ino shouted. Sakura heard the whirr of a kunai slice past her ear. "You?" Sakura screamed as she could clearly make out the shape of Itachi standing in the forest. "I could have easily hit you from such a short distance. It seemed your team isn't as strong as I had heard." Itachi's deep voice rumbled. Beside him stood Sauske unscathed, "Let him go!" Sakura said her voice dropping to a near growl. "Oh I'm not keeping him prisoner, am I Sauske-kun?" Sauske smirked watching the anger and pain on Sakura's face. "Not at all." Sauske said with a smile at his brother. "What did you do with Naruto?" Ino said her voice dangerous. "He isn't hurt. Come with us willingly and he won't be." Itachi said. Sakura and Ino exchanged a look, and approached the Akatsuki member, and their former team mate.

"Traitor!" Ino shouted at Sauske. Sauske grabbed her from behind, and pulled her arms behind her back. "You sons of a bitch!" Ino screamed at them both. "Gag her." Sauske said looking at Itachi. "With pleasure." Itachi responded taking out a piece of fabric and putting it inside of her mouth, and tying it tightly. He then bound her hands and put a blind-fold over her eyes. Sakura stood still in horror, with tears stinging her eyes. "How could you? How could you!" She screamed flying at Sauske with a Kunai in hand. As she flew towards them Itachi moved in front of his brother and slapped her with such force she flew back a few feet. While she lay on the ground Itachi wrapped his legs around her stomach, and knocked the kunai from her hand. He wrapped her hands, gagged her mouth, and blindfolded her. She began to struggle in his grasp, and he grabbed her head and slammed it to his knee. Sakura was dazed enough for Itachi to grab her and begin to drag her through the forest. Itachi reached his hand into his cloak and pulled out a small communication device. "Slash his back." He said. Sakura began to struggle again, trying to make any noise. "Don't move!" Itachi hissed and Sakura stopped in fear of being injured again. "Now if you hadn't tried to struggle Naruto would have been fine." Itachi said his voice flat and emotionless. Sakura felt her eyes sting with tears, as they fell against the black fabric of her blind-fold.

Madara and Deidara lay on the floor of the tent. "Do you think we can head home today?" Deidara asked looking at Madara. "Yeah, I'm sure the Akatsuki are worried about us." Madara said rolling his eyes. "Aw come on, they aren't that bad." Deidara said looking over to Madara. "Please tell me that you hear that too." Madara said looking at Deidara. Who nodded, he heard footsteps through the forest headed their way.

"What the hell is that?" Sauske asked seeing a small structure that blended in almost perfectly with the forest. "Come on let's go check it out."