((NOTE: I don't own Naruto, and if I did I would be writing the books not fan fiction.))

Tobi xx Deidara 3

Tobi walked through the forest humming a song to himself, and smiling behind his mask. "What a beautiful day it is outside! I wonder where Sempai is…" Tobi thought to himself speaking about Deidara. The two were partners so to speak, and had a dysfunctional friend-ship. Tobi thought everything about them being friends was how it was supposed to be. So being his usual care-free self he began to skip through the forest disturbing the leaves and several animals nearby. Near by a squirrel chattered angrily before running up its' tree. Tobi slung a Kunai high up in the tree, and the squirrel came down, Tobi had hit it dead in the king. "Tobi is getting better with Kunai!" Tobi declared happily.

"Not good enough." The voice of Deidara behind him startled him. "You would have hit it further down the tree if you had been on point." Deidara said tossing a kunai into the tree and knocking the first one to the ground. Tobi stood happily looking at his friend, "Deidara-sempai is so good with weapons. It almost scares Tobi." Deidara had a small smirk come to his face, "Well if I scare you perhaps there is something between your ears." Tobi looked confused and stuck a finger in one ear, "I don't feel anything Sempai." He said looking worried. Deidara couldn't help but let a small chuckle go, "I'm not surprised." Tobi was still confused but walked to where the two Kunai lay and picked his up tossing the other to Deidara.

"How many times have I told you not to throw those unless you mean to kill?" Itachi said with a hint of annoyance in his voice. "Itachi-sempai, Tobi did kill see!" Tobi said proudly holding up the bloody squirrel corpse. Itachi just sighed of boredom and looked over to Deidara. "What are you doing out here?" Itachi asked casually. "Someone had to watch him." Deidara said with a shrug. Itachi nodded and began to walk the other direction. "Itachi-Sempai doesn't like Tobi very much." Tobi said with a frown behind his mask. The child-like ninja was very sensitive when it came to people not liking him. "Itachi doesn't like anyone." Deidara said simply looking at Tobi.

That made Tobi feel a little better, but he thought that Itachi must be lonely. "Are you ready to go home?" Deidara asked. Tobi shook his head, "No I want to stay out here for a while." Deidara let out a sigh but agreed. "Alright then, we can stay outside, but there is a storm coming." Deidara warned. Tobi began to shake a little, "Deidara-sempai Tobi doesn't like storms." Deidara frowned, "Well then we need to start heading back."

As if on cue the wind began to pick up, and thunder could be heard. Tobi jumped and ran to Deidara grabbing onto his cloak tightly. "Tobi is scared; Tobi can't go anywhere when he's scared." Tobi said, and his legs were obviously locked. Then the rain began to pour down on the two, and Tobi began to shake like a leaf.

Deidara grunted from his weight but seeing how afraid the child-like ninja was he didn't complain. "Alright then looks like we're going to have to make a shelter." Deidara said grabbing some heavy fallen trees and bending them, he pulled off leaves covering the soaked wood in it. He crawled into the shelter with Tobi still on his back. Inside the shelter it was cold and wet. Tobi was shaking out of fear, and he pulled off his cloak sitting it down on the ground underneath him. Now at least he wouldn't get his pants wet. Deidara pulled off his cloak as well putting it besides Tobi's and sitting there with him. "I'm scared Deidara-sempai." Tobi said, and suddenly a rush of compassion washed through Deidara. "It's alright Tobi I'll take care of you." Tobi nodded and pulled the other Ninja against him holding him there for comfort. Deidara looked down at the Ninja and wrapped his arms around them as the storm began to get worse and worse. It seemed as if it was going to rain for days.