Seven Deadly Sins: Pride

Seven Deadly Sins: Pride

The angry waves lashed the bottom of the cliff face, tearing away clods of dirt and hunks of rock. The wind, wild and frenzied, added to the destruction of the rock face that had stood for countless aeons. Dark clowds loomed overhead, the only spector to the lone figure on the cliff.

Thunder rumbled, and lighting danced from the crowd as the figure stood, hands cletched so tightly he risked breaking his own fingers. His muscles were as taunt as a crossbow's bowstring, every single one of them tightened up to the point that they risked the possibility of cramping up and causing the figure incredible pain. But the figure didn't care, and if anyone could have somehow overcome the gigantic waves of force that were coming off the man, they could have seen it in his eyes. The determination in them was an inferno of desire, unrelenting, unwavering, unstoppable.

Vegeta felt the power coursing through him, felt it burning within his organs, his veins, his very being. And he knew that the moment he had been waiting for his entire life had arrived.

Risk total destruction…





Then Vegeta lifted up his head and screamed, a scream of incredible pain and torment, and yet one of total and utter exileration as a dozen bolts of black and gold lighting shot from the dark clouds above and enveloped him, carressing his body like a lover, as the power coursed through him, tore through him, enveloped itself in every fibre of his being. The cliff face below him crumbled into dust from the force coming off of his, and before the ocean could rush in to fill the void that Vegeta's transformation was wrecking apon the earth, the water itself was blown back, billions of tons of liquid evaporating in seconds as the crator continued to grow beneath the screaming saiya-jin.

Then everything was filled with light, and the world shook.

And then…there was silence. Nothing broke the quiet. Not even the gurgle of water rushing in to fill the hole beneath Vegeta, because there was no water left. It was gone, altered into its gaseous state by Vegeta's might.

Panting and gasping, Vegeta slowly opened his eyes. He blinked.

And then he raised his hands, staring at them, in wonder and disbelief. He blinked, slowly again.

"I did…it. I did it."

Vegeta's eyes turned to the rest of his body, looking at the fur that now resided on his arms, his chest, and around his tail. But it wasn't red fur, it was a brillant gold. And on his head, Vegeta's black hair whispered as a slight breeze flowed through the magnificent black mane, the ebony locks that now grew all the way down to his feet.

Vegeta looked apon his new body in amazement.


Vegeta cletched his fists, calling apon his new power, feeling it flow through him and watching the charred rock beneath him crumple even more from the waves of force it gave off.

"At long last, I have the power that I dserve as the prince, the king of the saiya-jin race! Ultimate power is mine! I have become the true Legendary Super Saiya-jin!"

"Then why don't you prove it?"

Vegeta whirled around, his hair swirling around him, and his eyes locked on the man who had spoken to him. His eyes danced with glee, and his mouth curved up in an arrogant smirk.

"Kakarott. It is good that you came to me. I was going to go hunt you down instead."

"You gave off so much power, I couldn't resist coming. " Goku said, his arms crossed and his eyes locked into an expression of deadly seriousness. Vegeta's smirk grew even more arrogant, if such a thing is possible.

"Well Kakarott, the day has finally dawned. At long last I have surpassed you. I never doubted it for a second, that I, the prince, could surpass a third-class baka like you! I am at the highest level a saiya-jin can achieve, the fifth level of the super saiya-jin state! I am the only one to achieve that level, and with it, I shall defeat you and prove my supremcy, once at for all!"

"You have tried for years, Vegeta. What makes you think you can do it now?" Goku said calmly.

And then he screamed as red energy erupted out of thin air and consumed Goku, and when it abated, he stood in SSJ4 state. But his figure and appareance was dwarfed by the sheer magnifence that Vegeta presented.

"To the final battle Kakarott! The one I have waited for for decades! THE ONE THAT WILL PROVE THAT I AM THE BEST!" Vegeta screamed, and zapped forward.

Goku couldn't even react, as Vegeta hit him so hard his head nearly flew off. He zapped backwards so quickly the air lit on fire, nearly lighting him on fire as well.

Stopping, Goku held his aching jaw and looked with angry eyes at Vegeta, who floated there, tail lashing the air as he smirked again, radiating arrogance.

"Take your best shot."

Snarling, Goku thrust his hands to the side and a massive ball of blue brilliance appeared between his fingers, pouring forth beams of destructive power.

"KA-ME-HA-ME-HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Goku scramed, before he threw a ki blast the size of a building at Vegeta. The blast enveloped him and he vanished in a explosion beyond comprehension. The earth quaked beneath the power.

Panting, Goku watched as the smoke cleared.

Vegeta floated there, not a hair out of place. He hadn't even bothered to block.

"Was that your best?" he smirked.

Goku growled and zapped forward, pummeling Vegeta's face with punches. Again, Vegeta didn't bother to block, or even react, as Goku rained blows against his face and body. Goku didn't stop, burning himself out until his blows became slower and slower, and until he could barely float, gasping for air. He hadn't done anything to Vegeta at all.

"Pathetic." Vegeta said, and then brought his fist forward into Goku's chest. Goku face contorted in pain, and he let out a gasp of pure agony before blood burst from his mouth, splattering on Vegeta's face. Vegeta continued his attack with a knee to Goku's midsection, and the saiya-jin doubled over with a whiny cry that was as unlike him as it was for Vegeta to be humble.

"At last you are doing the right thing and bowing to me." Vegeta said, and lacing his fists together, he brought them down on Goku's back, sending the SSJ4 saiya-jin into the ground like a rag doll. The impact created a huge crator as the sheer force of Goku's landing blasted rock aside.

Vegeta smiled and brought up his hands, and the air began to hum and the sing with power as a golden and black battle aura exploded around him. Goku lay limply at the bottom of the crator, not moving and seemingly unable to.

"This should have been done a long time ago. It may take a while, but fate always comes through." Vegeta said, and then brought his hands together at the wrists and aimed them at Goku.


The gigantic bolt of energy exploded from Vegeta's hands and blasted at Goku, and then every one of Vegeta's senses was filled and overwhelmed with light as a roar loud enough to swallow the world blasted through his ears, nearly deafening him. He shook his head and cough slightly at the mammoth dust cloud that enveloped him. Waving his hand, he quickly blew it away and looked down.

The crator seemed to have no end, stretching off into the distance seemingly forever. Vegeta's eyes scanned the ground for a long time, and then a surge of pure joy filled him. He couldn't see or sense Goku anywhere.

"I've done it! I've done it! I have finally defeated Kakarott in mortal combat! At long last my supremacy is decided!" Vegeta crowed to the air. Sucking in a breath of air, Vegeta slowly floated down to the ground.

"Well Kakarott, I must admit you were the most worthy and greatest foe I have ever had. But all good things must come to an end. But for your gift to me in being a great rival, I will show mercy on you and your family. The Namekian dragon balls have not revived you yet, I will go there and return you to life. In the end, it will be more saitisfying to see you and have you know that every time you look at me that you lost when it was all on the line."

Nodding his head, Vegeta levitated back up into the air and flew off into the distance, heading home. His main goal in life was finally acomplished. Now he could finally be at peace with himself and spend the rest of his life with his family. Victory and glory on the battlefield was one thing, but if the Agony incident had taught him anything, it was that family could be a thousand times more rewarding.

Vegeta began to get an inkling that something was wrong when he glanced down and noticed that all the trees in the forest below him had been uprooted. His curiosity was piqued, and Vegeta flew down to investigate. With Kakarott finally defeated, he would need something to fill his remaining years.

"Odd…it's like they were all knocked down by an incredible force…but I'm at least a thousand miles from the site of my battle…how could they…could it…?" Vegeta said, before he launched himself back into the air, trying to figure it out.

Then his sense of something being wrong deepened as he came to a small town and saw that every building in it was destroyed, as if something had knocked it over like they were matchsticks. His disturbed feeling growing, Vegeta flew down to investiagate again.

And found an abbatoir. The streets were covered with dead bodies. Men, women, children, of all ages and kinds were scattered everywhere. It was as if the city had been hit by an atomic bomb that gave off no heat or radiation, for all the bodies Vegeta found had been utterly pulverized, splattered everywhere, causing the streets to run with rivers of gore. The few bodies Vegeta had managed to find were virtually sacks of liquid, everything within them pounded to mush with their skin barely keeping it from spilling out and adding to the slaughterhouse the town had become.

Terrible fear seized Vegeta, and he blasted back into the air flew towards the city where Capsole Corp resided, his worries on how to tell his family that he had killed Goku vanishing in an uncontrollable surge of terror. The terror only grew as he passed over other towns and areas. Although he zapped by them in seconds, he could see that everything was destroyed, annihalated. Each sight pushed him to fly faster.

And then he was home, and his heart sank in a black pool of despair.

"No…." Vegeta croaked, as he looked at the ruin of his house. Everything was destroyed, even Bra's little treehouse she had built when she was young. Despair gave way to panic, and Vegeta leviatted back up and flew around the house in a slow circle, looking, desperately looking, and hoping with even more desperation.

Then he saw them.

Vegeta stopped dead in mid-air, and then as if his powers of flight had suddenly been robbed from him, he fell to the ground and collasped on his knees, looking with sheer horror at the sight of his family laying there. They had been having a picnic. Now they would never be doing anything again.

"No….no….." Vegeta said in a more tearful and mournful tone each time as tears bubbled at the corners of his eyes. "No…what did this…what did this…"

"You did."

Vegeta whirled again, getting to his feet in mid-turn, and his eyes widened in sheer surprise.


"Indeed, my prince." Said Goku, as he stood some distance away, arms again crossed. There was no emotion in his eyes. Vegeta was torn between grief for his family, ripped from him again, and fury and desperation that what Goku had said was not true.

"What…how did you…how did I…?"

"How did I survive? By knowing you, Vegeta. By knowing just how you acted, how you felt, and what you desired more then anything." Goku said, looking apon the grief and horror-wracked saiya-jin. His magnifence was gone, replaced by a more vunerable look then he had ever had before.

Vegeta stared, trying to form words.


"I knew you, my "liege". I knew that you would never be saitisfied with the power you had. You would never be content with knowing you were second best. You had to keep going. You had to keep reaching for new heights. And I knew that eventually you would cross the line that even I dared not to cross. You see, I was on the verge of what you are now, once. I never stopped training. I could have reached Super Saiya-jin Level Five as well. But as I looked apon it, I understood, and drew back. But I knew you would not. Your ability to understand the consequences would never be able to overcome your desire to be the greatest. And that is what has happened, Vegeta. When you hit the level you are at, the power you gave off…it was simply too much for the planet to bear. You emitted a wave of invisible force that swept across the planet and destroyed everything in its path. Every living creature…every man-made structure…everything was destroyed. I couldn't even protect my own family. In becoming supreme, you murdered this world, Vegeta. Even your own family."

The sheer realization of what his acension had done began to wash over Vegeta, and he fell to his knees, his hands held helplessly out in front of him.

"But…how did you…?"

"Survive? As I said, I knew. I knew this was inevitable. So I gathered the Dragon Balls, and I made two wishes of Shen Long. One was for the immortality you once craved, Vegeta. I can't be killed. Not by you. Not by anything. Thus I survived your ascent, and your attack. And the second was for a barrier to be created around this planet, a barrier that serves one purpose. To keep you locked on this dead planet, so you can't leave and cause Armageddon to other worlds. So you can't try to become a dictator of life. It will exist as long as you live, Vegeta. Even with your power, you cannot break it. It will only disappear when you die, and die you shall, Vegeta. You can't wish for immortality like I did. You destroyed Dende and the Dragon Balls along with everyone else, Vegeta. You are imprisoned here. Only I remain on this planet. Once you are dead…I will be free…but until then…I will watch over you until you are dead."

"No…no….NO…" Vegeta agonized, cletching his hair with his hands. Goku's face broke out in a cruel smirk, and Vegeta realized with horror that it was the same look he had worn many times.

"But look on the bright side Vegeta. You may have destroyed everything you cared about, may have left yourself to spend the rest of your life with your worst enemy…but you have achieved your greatest goal! You have become mightier then I, the true Legendary Super Saiya-jin! Tell me, Vegeta, is your saiya-jin pride finally sated?"

As the true depths of the cost of his desires finally sank into Vegeta, he screamed to the heavens.


Trunks was never sure what happened. He had been in the middle of a discussion with his mother and best friend with his last word being "sprinkler" when he felt a sudden abrupt rise in his father's ki.

Then a horrified scream emitted from from the living room where his father had dozed off, made even more terrible by the fact that there were very few things that could horrify Vegeta. Trunks leapt to his feet along with his mother and best friend, already knowing what had happened. His chair banged to the ground and he charged into the living room.

Vegeta was on his feet, ki crackling on his hands. He had destroyed the living room table in aoutburst of sheer horror, but Trunks could see he was finally calming down.

As Vegeta's eyes focussed on the group of three people, the ki faded. Wordlessly, he suddenly reached forward and enveloped his son in a powerful hug of relief. Trunks was expected it, but he wasn't expecting how tight it would be.

"Ah, father! You're choking me!" Trunks gasped. Vegeta let his son go and hugged his wife, abet with more care.

"A nightmare?" Goten asked.

Vegeta nodded.

"That was in relief and my way of saying sorry that I underestimated just how bad those dreams were. Now I know, and don't expect me to hug you you baka!" Vegeta added at the end of his sentence, looking at Goten.

"Didn't expect it anyway." Goten said with a slight smirk.

"You were right, Trunks. It was like I was there…and it was like someone was dregging up a deep desire of mine and using it on me…to…"

Then Vegeta's hand suddenly snapped up and apparently seized the air next to his shoulder. The sudden abrupt movement startled the three people near Vegeta, whose face had contorted into an expression of rage and saitisfaction.

"Got you!" Vegeta said, as he brought his other hand and cletched it around the bottom of his fist. Trunks felt his father's ki rise slightly.

"Got you…got what, Vegeta?" Bulam asked, leaning forward to try and look.

"Along with my power, my senses have also been raised considerably from all my training. I felt this little bugger remove itself from my ear, it was attached it there. It was trying to get away, and it was pretty damn fast, but not fast enough. I just hope I didn't squash the damn thing, it was so small." Vegeta cursed, and then opened his hand as he formed a translucent ki bubble.

"My kami." Bulma said. She could barely see it, but it was there, a tiny dot buzzing around the ki bubble, bouncing off the surface as it tried to get away.

"What is it?" Goten said, leaning forward to try and get a good look at the dot, which would be impossible unless he had a microscope.

"I don't know, so let's…" Vegeta began, and then he cursed as he and the group suddenly saw the dot vanish.

"What happened?" Trunks said as Vegeta dispelled the ki bubble.

"My ears are better then yours, and even I could barely hear it. It disentigrated, on it's own power."

"Like a self-destruct mechanism…" Goten said, and then looked up as Marron joined him. Soon, Bra also joined the group, and explanations were quickly exchanged.

"But if it destroyed itself…that would mean it's mechanical…dear god, could something that complex be so small?" Marron said. Vegeta looked at his wife.

"Bulma, get on the phone and call everyone. I want to see who else had these nightmares. And then I want to get to the bottom of it."

Some time later, the whole Z Gang had gathered at Bulma's house, and sat around on various chairs and couches in a circle. Gohan sat in the head, trying to push away nostolgia. The last time they had all gathered like this, it had been after Agony had been defeated. Gohan did not like to remember those times.

"Ok…Is everyone here?"

"Everyone important." Goten joked. It fell flat, and Goten did his own falling, the kind into silence.

"Ok…from what I know…there have been several nightmares. All were so vivid that they seemed to be real…so real that when you finally woke up, you checked to make sure everyone who appeared in your dream was ok. Now…everyone who has had a nightmare, raise your hand."

The seven who had suffered the dreams did. Off in a corner, Goku watched with a pondering look.

"Ok, we'll start with you, Trunks. Tell me your dream."

Trunks did so. Gohan scribbled some notes.

"Ok, little brother."

"Don't call me that." Goten said, and told Gohan his dream, which caused some chuckles until Goten got to the cannabalism part, which effectively silenced the crowd. Gohan wrote some more notes.

"Videl, sweetie…I know it was bad…" Gohan said.

"It's ok, Gohan. It's just a dream. It can't hurt me any more." Videl said, and told her dream. There were some disturbed looks around the crowd.

"Ok, Bra."

Bra told her dream. More disturbed looks.

"Ok, Krillian. You had one, right?"

"Uh…yeah…" said the former monk, looking uncomfortable and fidgeting in his seat. Next to him, Eighteen also looked uncomfortable.

"Well, what was it…"

"Um…I'd rather not say…it was rather…unpleasent…" Krillian said.

"Well Krillian, I need to compare all the dreams so I can try and find a link…here, why don't you write the dream down and only I'll read it…" Gohan said, passing Krillian another notepad and a pencil. A quick use of ki powers later, Krillian passed back his written description. Gohan read it, his eyebrows raising several times.

"You're right, that is pretty bad." Gohan said. He wrote some generic notes that only he and the couple would understand, and then crumpled up the paper and burned it.

"Ok, then there's my dream…" Gohan said, describing it as he wrote it down. "And finally, Vegeta."

Vegeta told his dream. Gohan scribbled his last notes.

"Ok…speaking on behalf of all of us…all of these dreams involved us either hurting the ones we love or seeing them get hurt…and all of them seem to harp on some hidden flaw, or old desire, or something that we would feel bad about…classic psychological warfare…but it could all be concidence…until Vegeta caught that…thing. Tell me Vegeta, are you SURE it was mechanical?"

"I'm sure baka. I've destroyed things both organic and robot. They make different noises when they're burned. It was mechanical. Trust me." Vegeta said.

"Well…besides that, I can't think of anything…can anyone else?"

There were some suggestions, but Gohan discounted them for lack of evidence. Eventually, there was general silence.

"How about you, Toussan?" Gohan asked his father.

"I can't think of anything Gohan…I didn't have a nightmare…neither did Chi Chi…unless you count that one I had about Agony a few months…but these all happened within hours or minutes of each other, and they were caused."

"What I'd like to know is what kind of sin could we have commited to deserve this…first Agony…then that crazy David…then this…" Chi Chi began, before her son cut her off.

"What did you say Mom?" Gohan said. Chi Chi looked perturbed.

"Uh…I said I wondered why all this tragedy keeps happening to us…what sin did we commit…you know Gohan I thought I raised you better…it's not nice to interrupt your mother…"

But Gohan wasn't paying attention. His eyes had taken on a look of deep thought.

"Guys…I think I see a link…have you ever heard of the seven deadly sins?" Gohan asked the crowd before him.

"Um…I think I have…they're part of that religion called Christianity, I think." Bulma said.

"I don't care where it came from! What is it?" Vegeta half asked, half yelled. Gohan picked up his notes again along with his pencil.

"According to the religion, they're supposedly the worst things a person can do…the worse ways a person can feel, live, etc…now let me see…" Gohan said, looking over his notes.

"Videl…your dream…envy, that's one of the sins. Vegeta…pride. Definitely pride."

"Hey!" Vegeta said.

"Vegeta, I didn't give you the dream…Goten, you were gluttony."

"I'll say."

"Krillian…yours…lust. Definitely lust." Gohan said, causing several of the males to cast suspicious glances at the midget. Krillian gave an embarrassed smile and avoided their eyes.

"Me…sloth…that's another word for laziness…"Gohan explained as he wrote it down. "That leaves Bra and Trunks…and Trunks, from your dream, I will say yours was wrath. That leaves Bra, and that means her sin was greed. It all makes sense. All of you had a dream that reflected one of the seven deadly sins. That's the link."

There was silence. Finally, Goku spoke up.

"But what could it mean…why would someone give us dreams that reflected these seven deadly sins?"

Gohan was silent again, but he finally spoke.

"I can think of just one reason. This sins supposedly reflected something in us…and according to Christianity…to fall to these sins is to damn yourself to hell…and eternal torment."

"Indeed, Gohan, indeed." The figure said as he watched all the Z Fighters. "But you still don't understand the true reason…you never would be able to. Hell is cloest thing you could use to conceive of what is about to happen. But all good things must come to an end. I'll be seeing you soon, Zen Warriors, especially you two, who will be honoured to serve the higher purpose of granting me godhood. Soon. Soon."

The figure pressed one of the few buttons he had not pushed on his panel, and the image vanished. Slowly, the dark room was illuminated with light slowly, revealing the figure.

It was a man, in the midst of transfering from the years called middle age to the years often called the "twilight" of humanity. The figure had dark black hair that was streaked with some grey, dark hair that seemed to lack any oils whatsoever and yet not look ill. The figure also had a beard of the same black, also faintly spreckled with grey and cut close so it was left with a faint goatee. The figure had a short but hooked nose, and thin, colourless lips, and large eyes filled with intelligence and something far more menacing. The figure wore a light blue shirt that was covered by a black coat, a coat of thin cloth that might have been recognized as lab coat had it been white.

The man would have also been seen to be wearing black slacks and loafers, but you could no see his legs. The man sat in a modified wheelchair, leaving only the body above his midsection exposed. The figure had long fingers with closely cut nails, which were attached to arms that were not muscular but also not dilapidated. The rest of his body was concealed in the chair, hiding his legs. The figure would much prefer it that way, for those limbs had detiorated into thin, brittle sticks.

The figure raised his right hand, revealing that three of his fingers on that hand were not organic, but instead a cold, polished metal. He pressed a button in the panel of the wheelchair he had been manipulating for so long, and a small sheet of metal slid shut over it as another one slid back and offered him more buttons. The room he was in consisted of a lone window that showed the dark, stormy night as best it could, and a lone door that stood behind the man. In front of him were several computer banks, which had been, until recently, occupied with showing the man the effects of his dreams on the Z Fighters. Now they sat silent, waiting to be used again. The man liked it that way. He had built them, and it existed only to serve him.

The man was about to press some of the buttons on his new panel when a beeping sounded from behind him.

"You may enter." He said.

The door slid open, and a young woman walked in. She appeared to be in her early twenties. She had closely cut blonde hair placed in a severe style, and a slim and well-muscled body. She wore a featureless red and black full bodysuit, with simple boots. She was a lovely woman, but she did not smile, or show anything except total and utter obediance.

"Master." The girl said, kneeling and lowering her head. The man in the wheelchair smirked to himself, and pressed a few buttons on his new panel. With a slight whirring noise, the extensions of metal that had kept the metal chair on the ground retracted, leaving the chair floating several inches off the ground. Pressing another button, the figure slowly turned it around to look at the girl.

"Yes, Belinda?" the man asked, his fingers lacing themselves together as he looked apon the young woman, who kept her head bowed, her obediance never faltering.

"The Gateway is finally complete, my lord. We need only a few minutes to charge the power source, and then we will be ready to leave."

"I see. And you are sure that will arrive at the right place?"

"We have checked the cordinates a dozen times over, my lord. We will arrive there, in one piece, ready to carry out our mission."

"Good. Have my…allies been told what I have requested we all do once we have arrived?"

"Yes sir. We were as careful as possible to make sure that they sounded like a group of tasks that needed to be shared mutually…instead of orders. We know how severely you stressed that…but even then there were some…problems."


"Natalie is dead. The vampire…he killed her. And the hybrid almost did the same with Nicolle, but it appears he had a cooler head, and held off. Surprising, I thought Ally would be the most likely to die, since she had to inform that…brute…but he was surprisingly eager to do his task."

"Hmmm, unfortunate. But there is little I can do. Is William still refusing to do his task?"

"He claims it is beneath him…but he will do it, if it helps him get what he wants. I guess killing one of my sisters was enough for him to work out his rage."

The man sighed and turned away, his brain engaged in thought.

"Ah William…your mission was given to you because your kind are supposed to be the masters of the night…of the shadows…and yours requires stealth. I was honouring you…but with your mindset…especially after having that chip in your head for so long…well, I suppose it is not set in a way for you to realize that."

"Master, perhaps we SHOULD change his task. He wants something more suited to his tastes? We should give him that distraction mission…see how long he lasts when confronted with one of the warriors of this planet."

"Indeed." The figure chuckled. "But I can't do that. I made my promise to him, I shall keep it…even though he can only think so small to want to kill that woman…what was her name?"

"The Slayer."

"Ah yes. Well, different strokes for different folks…is that all?"

"No sir. My other information is that Trisha has returned from her mission."

The figure turned his head in some surprise.

"She did?"

"Yes sir. She is rather injured though. Do you wish…?"

"Yes, send her in."

Belinda raised herself back to her feet, once again not meeting her master's eyes, and left the room. The man in the wheelchair turned his chair back around to face the door and waited.

Then another woman entered the room. She wore a simular outfit and had her hair cut in a simular style. While also lovely, her face was marred by several cuts, and her arm had apparently been in the midst of being bandaged when she had been called. Her leg appeared to be even more damaged then her arm, but she still kneeled. Her dark brown hair was streaked with dried blood.

"My lord…"

"Well, Trisha, were you successful?"

"Yes my lord. I successfully managed to plant it…she hurt me pretty bad but I did it…the Wildcard is in place…I never want to see that woman again, she's the most monstrous horrible…"

"Ah yes Trisha, that is enough. You kept your silence?"

"Yes my liege, I lied on what caused my injuries. No one knows besides you and I."

"Good." Said the figure.

Then he pressed a button on his panel, and yet another one slid open, this time by his left hand. The noise attracted Trisha's attention, and she looked up.

"My lord?"

Then the figure pressed a button on the new panel, and suddenly a tube extracted itself from the front of his wheel/hoverchair and fired a bolt of blue energy. Trisha screamed as the bolt snaked out and wrapped around her, lifting her off the ground as the stench of burning flesh filled the air.

"MASTER…! WHY…!" Trisha screamed in agony.

"As you said, Trisha, no one knows about the Wildcard except you and I. And that's one too many for me. I'm afraid you have become an inconvience to me. Too bad for you."

"MASTER, NO…AIIIEEEEEYAAAH!" Trisha screamed in torment before her flesh burned off her bones and her skeleton burnt to ash. The door snapped back open and Belinda and another girl, this one much larger then the blonde and with thick slabs of muscle covering both her arms and legs rushed in. Belinda held a small protectile weapon, the amazon held a huge metal weapon that looked like a cross between an axe and a spear.

"My lord…?" said Belinda.

"Trisha failed in her mission. I will not tolerate failure. You know that Belinda, Angela. She should have as well, but she dared to return. Are all your fellow Valkyries ready?" the man in the wheelchair asked the woman known as Belinda. Belinda lowered her eyes.

"Yes master. We have been ready for a long time. Give the order and we will gather and summon your allies, and then we shall go."

"Yes. One last thing. Have you sent the…package…to the Failure?"

"Yes. He should have received it by now."



The man turned his eyes to the huge amazon woman who had accompanied, and the woman also cast down her green eyes.

"Yes Angela?"

"I must ask…the Failure thinks you are dead. You know that if he hates anyone more then…her…he hates you. Is it truly wise to not only tell him that you are alive, but you have been watching him all this time, and this has allowed you to learn how to travel between dimensions?"

The man's eyes suddenly filled with anger.

"Are you questioning me, Angela?"

"No my lord…I know that whatever you do must have some reason…" the amazon said, her eyes alight with fear.

"Then you should know why I sent that package to the Failure! He was supposed to be my grandest creation, and instead he turned on me, turned on everything I tried to teach him, and in doing so he took my legs! This information I sent him…he will come after me…and I will break him…break him in a way even he can't conceive of. I am sorry Angela, but one thing I tolerate even less then failure is stupidity! You have disappointed me dearly!"

"My lord…forgive me…but the warriors of this world are so immensely strong! The last thing we need is if the Failure comes after us…what if he brings his…"

The man sighed.

"Even now you question me."

Then the figure pressed a button, and yet another panel opened and slid a small thin pistol into the man's hand. Angela's eyes widened in terror as he grabbed the gun.


Then the man shot the huge woman right between the eyes. As destroyed cerebal tissue, flecks of skull, and blood splattered on the wall behind Angela as she fell to the ground, the man reinserted the pistol into where it came from and turned his eyes to Belinda, who stood, her eyes full of fear.

"Do you have any doubts of your own on my methods, Belinda? Do you wish to question my utter supremacy over you and your fellow Valkyries?"

"N-N-No, Master." Belinda said, lowering herself to her knees and lowering her forehead to the ground. The man made a noise of saitisfaction.

"Angela was a fool. I should have realized it. The Failure is a loner. He WILL go alone. Alone, he is helpless…and I can break him…yes, break him…" the man's said as his eyes sparkled with cruelty. But there was something going on behind that cruelty, a continued turning of the wheels, something hiding behind the desire to destroy that was even more ambitious and even more terrible.

"Come Belinda. It is time to go. It is time for you to aid your master to become the new force of Creation…the new Creation itself!" the man said, and pushed a button on his chair, leviatating over the dead legs of Angela and floating out the door. Belinda raised herself to her feet.

"Yes, Master Vagane! My life exists only to serve you!"

"Of course Belinda. That is the way it was meant to be." Dr. Vagane said with a cruel smirk.

The DBZ World barely survived the consuming madness of Agony.

Can it bear the ATROCITIES of Vagane?

Atrocities: The Sequel to Consuming Madness

It's coming. And it will consume you.

(And before I get any questions on who the hell this Dr. Vagane is, go back and read Consuming Madness. Specifically, go read Chapter 5, Erik's speech after the Agony battle on Kami Tower. Then you'll know. You'll know all too well. And Nik Nak…well, you were right to a degree.)