Hi guys! My name is Sophie and this is my first fanfic, I hope you will like it. I apologize in advance for any spelling or grammar mistakes, english is not my first language.
Don't hesitate to give reviews! Enjoy! :)
Disclaimer : I do not own Glee or any of its characters.
The Weather Is Fine
Chapter 1
Rachel's POV
Today had started as a good day, I hadn't yet been met with an ice cold slushy and despite the fact that I still had to be in the same room as Finn and Santana the whore, I decided to be professional and civilised. To be honest I'm still expecting her revenge after my pole comment last week, but I will not live in fear.
As for Finn who humiliated me at the kissing booth, I realised that I absolutely don't need him and in fact am in the process of erasing him from my life, my mind and my heart.
Yes, of course fooling around with Puck was a mistake, but if he's not willing to forgive me even after what he did with Santana, then maybe he's just not worth it.
I've decided instead to dedicate myself even more to my studies and of course to the Glee Club. To do so, with Principal Figgins approval as well as Mr Shuester's, I've been working after school in the auditorium, trying to find the perfect set list for regionals.
Between my perfectly execute vocal warming and my meticulous search for the perfect song I realised I had forgot most of my sheet music, three boxes to be exact, in my car.
You could think that I might be scared in an empty high school on a Friday night where even the smallest sound echoes through the corridors, giving the impression that a man with a chainsaw is coming after you, but in fact, I love it.
It feels safer than it ever did to me. No cheerleaders, no corner slushies, no whispers, no staring. Just me, my music, and all the time in the world to think.
And right now, I'm thinking that I have to go out in the pouring rain to get my sheet music and frankly, I'm really not up to it.
Quinn's POV
Today was the worst day. I don't know what to do. I've been in my car for the past 2 hours trying to figure things out.
Finn or Sam.
Two great guys who apparently both love me and are both willing to do anything for me. And now I have to choose, when really, I don't want to.
Why do things always have to be so complicated? I mean why can't I be simply in love with the person I am with, without constantly having to question my feelings or his feelings.
Is it stupid to think that God might be punishing me? Yes, it's stupid.
I need to stop blaming everyone else for my mistakes, that's the old me, and I'm trying to change. Still I'm cheating once again on my boyfriend.
What is wrong with me!?
Before I could decide whether to stay here for another hour or go home, my eyes caught on someone, running in the rain to get to a car.
Who the hell goes out with a weather like that!?
It's been said to be one of the strongest storm of the year, I am actually glad my mom is out of town, otherwise she would have killed me for not coming back home right after school.
When that crazy person, whoever that is, started coming back towards the school she was carying three boxes, the whole thing being taller than her, she started losing balance and struggled to stay on her feet with the wind blowing like crazy and the soon to be fallen boxes in her arms.
Don't be a jerk Quinn, help someone for a change, maybe you will feel better about yourself.
I got out of my car, and was instantly whipped by the cold wind and the sharp rain, this was really a shitty weather. I started running towards the stranger, but unfortunately got there to late to prevend the boxes from falling, revealing the face of someone who was anything but a stranger.