A/N: What's this? another Ao no Ex fanfic? from me? Haha

Well hope you guys enjoy.

Rin stomped out of the cram school classroom infuriated while holding a paper bag, leaving a smirking Kamiki, Bon, and Shima, with a worried Konekomaru and Shiemi, and with an indifferent Takara, and Yukio, who left the room soon after Rin did.

Rin went back to the classroom

"Why are still wearing your uniform?" Bon asked irritably

"Shut up! I-i... I don't know how to wear these." he replied holding up the paper bag. Kamiki scowled crossing her arms and approached him pulling him out of the classroom, she brought her bag along.

Several minutes later, Kamiki went back in the classroom smiling triumphantly.

"Eh? Where's Rin?" Shima raised a brow.

"Rin! Come on! Show them!" She pulled in Rin

All eyes widened at the sight of the half demon. He wore the true cross female uniform that perfectly adorned his slim physique, black long socks that went up to his thighs, the left side of his hair was pulled back by a white lacy ribbon, Kamiki also applied a light make up on his face; the foundation and powder accented his perfect white skin, the eye make up made his ocean blue eyes sharper and looked bigger. Rin looked down seriously embarrassed with a deep blush on his cheeks making him look like a shy school girl. A real girl for that matter. They stared... and stared.

"UWAA! RIN-CHAN SO KAWAII~!" Shima jumped and hugged Rin, he swatted the pink haired using his Kurikara

"Don't you guys know how embarrassing this is!" He yelled at them

Bon smirked, "Heh, it's your fault for taking on that bet."

They nodded.

...flashback to yesterday...

"Alright, today I will mention your rankings in class, perhaps knowing your rank will motivate you to work harder." Yukio announced while holding a folder.

"Starting with the top 1, Ryuuji Suguro...second, Kamiki Izumo...third, Takara...fourth, Miwa Konekomaru...fifth Renzou Shima...Sixth Moriyama Shiemi...and last... Rin Okumura.." He said the last part with dissappointment

Rin felt annoyed and upset, but not much on the upset part, he's fully aware that he's weak academically.

"Nice idiot, you got the rank with the highest number." Kamiki taunted the fuming demon

"Gah! I'm more of a practical learner just so you know! And I can get a higher grade than you guys in tests if I wanted to."

"Oh really?" Bon added fuel to the fire.

"well...yeah..of course I can!"

Yukio cleared his throat, "Okay, enough of that. We'll start classes now, be sure to pay attention, i'll be giving an exam tomorrow."

Bon and Kamiki gave Rin and evil smile. "How's about a bet? If you manage to get a higher score than ours, you win. If not, we win."

"Che, fine." Rin crossed his arms

"Loser has to do whatever the winning team says."

..end flashback...

And so, due to him losing miserably, he has to do what the two wants, which was cross dress for a few days. Convenient enough, Kamiki already brought the first outfit, which was a school girl. Much to everyone's surprise, he actually looked like the part. Even with a very flat chest, Rin looked like a normal girl, not even a tomboy but a real girly girl...which was freaky.

"Happy now?" Rin huffed and put his hands on his hips.

"YOU'RE SO CUTE~!" Shima made his attack again only to be hit brutally the second time.

Kamiki walked over to her seat, Bon came up to her and whispered.

"Hey, I wanted to embarrass the guy by making him look like a drag not make him look hot as a girl."

"Yeah...I didn't expect him to look great too." She grinned at him "You gotta admit my makeup was good."

Bon sweatdropped.

They all hustled back to their chairs as soon as they saw the door open and in cam a teacher. Rin sat down in his usual seat next to Shiemi, he can't help but feel awkward since the girl is smiling at him weirdly. All the more that he wanted to sink down to his seat and be eaten by the ground and stay there forever.

"Alrighty children, we'll go to the exercise room to do a practical test." Tsubaki-sensei said, he was about to lead the class out when someone caught his eyes

"Oh hello there young lady, are you a new student?" He charmingly at Rin making him feel all grossed out.

The others laughed hard, "Ahaha! Rin! The teacher is checking you out!" Kamiki hollered

Tsubaki-sensei raised a brow, "Oh? Okumura-kun? You didn't tell me you're a girl."

"I'm no girl! It's just for a bet!" Rin yelled at the teacher

"Young man I don't care what kind of hobby you have but I will not allow you to yell at a teacher." He wagged a finger at him, warning his student.

Rin quickly looked away, pouting. "Hn, yeah, i'm sorry."



"You're so adorable~!" Tsubaki-sensei glomped at Rin nuzzling his face on his chest and got swatted by the Kurikara. Today the sword has been very useful at keeping pervs at bay.

The teacher has been hit a little too hard and got knocked unconscious and was dragged away by the medical personnel.

"Nice going, Rin, now we have no teacher." Bon scowled at Rin who has a Shima attached on him, since Rin didn't want to hospitalize another person, he just let the boy clung onto him.

"Well it's his fault! Stupid teacher!"

"Rin, it's just because he couldn't help it, you are cute as a girl after all." Shiemi smiled at him.

"Mah, whatever.."

Soon after, the door opened, Rin gulped knowing all too well who it was. Yukio. The moment he entered the room the students went back to their seats, except for Rin. He wasn't able to move an inch feeling all the pressure of the world on him. Worried how his brother would react.

'oh man oh man... Yukio is looking at me...in girl's clothing...surely his tiny respect for me is gone...gosh..no...Kami-sama why do you hate me so much...?' Probably because you're Satan's son, Rin? Well anyway, he just stood there, shaking under his brother's emotionless stare, feeling tears welling up at the corner of his eyes and his face getting hot.

The others just watched the scene amusingly, it's like one of those manga moments wherein the girl is tensed under the gaze of her crush or something. Kamiki chuckled to herself. Never did they know that she was a fujoshi, she has always fantasized about the twins going at it. Bon and the other guys could feel the evil aura emitting from Kamiki, and shuddered.

"Rin. Is something wrong?" Yukio smiled normally at Rin

"N-n-n-nothing..." by now the crossdressing boy is trembling so much

"Then go back to your seat for a while, i'm just gonna announce something." He said kindly to him

"I-i..I can't move...too...n-nervous...and...embarrassed..." He held his hands in front of his chest and closed his eyes as he tried to stop his tremors.

Yukio chuckled softly, "Don't be feel like that Rin. You're cute." He said patting his head as he passed by his brother walking in front and center of the class.

"Hnyaaah!" Rin let out a weird cry as he collapsed on the floor kneeling, his face was burning with a very visible blush.

'w-w-whaaa...Y-yukio...thinks...me.. is...CUTE...? h-he's not ashamed...of me..?..nyuuu...ish thiss..real..?' He said in his mind, Rin was sure he's not making sense even in his own thoughts.

Everyone just ignored the Rin who was currently having a nervous break down.

"Since your supposed teacher, Tsubaki-sensei, has been knocked out, I will take his place in the meantime." Yukio said. The students nodded and made their way out.

Shiemi knelt in front of Rin, tilting her head trying to see his face,

"Ne, Rin, we're gonna go now." Rin didn't answer, she made a worry face

"Don't worry Moriyama-san, I'll take care of him." Yukio smiled, she nodded and left.

The taller male knelt in front of his brother.

"Nii-san, get up now."

Rin looked up at him, his face wet with tears. He looked like a mess, but still adorable.

"...I can't move my legs, Yukio..."

Yukio looked pass him to see his legs, he nodded.

"It seems like your tremors has worn your muscles out. Don't worry it'll be back after a few minutes, but we can't wait that long right?" He said gently to him

Rin sniffed, "Now what?"

His brother held out both hands, the smaller hesitated to take it, but did it anyway. When he took hold of Yukio's hands with his, the younger's smile grew. He pulled Rin's hands then placed in on his shoulders then he wrapped his arms around his brother's hips pulling him up as he stood carrying Rin up. He held the older's thighs and made it hug his waist then he positioned his arms under Rin's butt.

Rin blushed feeling awkward in so many ways being carried by his younger brother in such a position.

Yukio chuckled, "You're so light nii-san." he walked out carrying his brother

"Yukio...I don't like being carried like this..." Rin whined as he rested his chin on Yukio's shoulder refusing to look, he wanted to struggle out but his legs are denying him to.

"Oh. We have no choice now, do we?" He replied blankly

"But I feel awkward."

"nonsense, just pretend we're hugging."

Rin pouted and stayed silent. Yukio was casually walking along the hallway when he almost slipped, he quickly gained back his composure though his hand accidentally grabbed hold of something that shouldn't be touched.

"nngghh~...Yukio,Where are you touching?" Rin hissed at him

"Sorry, my hand slipped." He removed his hand from his tail

Finally a few minutes they were at the door to the exercise room. Before they entered, Yukio let down Rin. The demon was glad he could use his legs again.


now what? do i continue?

NOTE:I might take long in updating all my fics . Cos I have to work on my manga now. hehe

my other fics.

-Family Meet

-More oniichan

-and now this fic right here

I'll update a little over next week :)

Thank you