Me: Hello~! I got bored and this just popped into my head. it's probably gonna be about 2, max.3 chapters. ENJOY~!

Kaito's P.O.V.

"Luchia, she's just a friend!" I cried out frustrated, running after my girlfriend. Luchia got jealous again because I was hanging out with a friend of mine that happened to be a girl.

"It's not my fault when you have girls constantly trying to get your attention!" she shouted back.

I sighed heavily. "Come on, you get jealous way too often!"

"Oh yeah? So you're saying that you won't get jealous if I hang out with other guys?" YES!

"No," I lied. I knew very well that I will definitely get jealous if she started hanging out with other guys except for me. But my stupid pride got in the way.

"Oh really? Ok, Mr. Popular, let's see if you really can."

"What do you mean?" She was really confusing me.

"I mean, why don't we see if you will get jealous. Starting tomorrow, we're taking a break. I can hang out with other boys and you can hang out with other girls. We'll see who admits to the other that they are jealous first," she explained. She seemed determined. "So what do you say?" I thought about this for a moment. In school, no guy would dare come near Luchia. They all know that she is mine. Thinking that I had the upper hand, I agreed.

"So when does this start?"

"Starts tomorrow and we'll see who gets jealous easily," and with that, she walked into her house. I chuckled at her childish behaviour. This was going to be easy.

Next morning…

Luchia's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning, instantly regretting my bet with Kaito. I knew he was going to win, but sometimes, it seemed like he doesn't care about me. It seemed like he could always find a replacement. I quickly got dressed and headed to school.

"Luchia, wait up!" Hanon called from behind. I waited for her to catch up.

"Ohayo, Hanon," I greeted.

"Something wrong?" Hanon asked. Now you can see why she is one of my best friends. I told her everything that happened yesterday and how I made a stupid mistake.

"No, it's not a mistake. You have to show him. I'll help you," Hanon encouraged. I raised my eyebrow at her. "Leave it to me!" The school bell rang and we hurried into the classroom. The teacher walked in 5 minutes later.

"Class, today, we have a new student." Whispers erupted from the class.

"I wonder if it's a girl or a boy…"

"I wonder if they're hot or not…" The teacher clapped her hands and everyone fell silent.

"Please treat him nicely. Come in Souma-kun." Wait, Souma? Where have I heard that name before? My thoughts were interrupted when a tall, brown-haired boy stepped into the class. He had messy brown hair and emerald eyes. He had a huge grin on his face.

"Yo! The name's Souma, Kukai Souma. Nice to meet y'all!" he introduced cheerfully. Kukai, Kukai as in my childhood friend? He looked around the room until he met my eyes. His grin grew wider. Is that even possible?

"LUCE!" He literally jumped on me and tackled me to the ground.

"Ow, Kukai, GET OFF OF ME YOU BIG OAF!" He got off of me and pulled me into a hug.

"I missed you," he whispered.

I smiled and hugged him back. "I missed you too, Kukai."

Narrator's P.O.V.

Kaito watched as Luchia hugged the new kid. Who the hell is he? He felt his blood boil, but then he remembered their bet. He restrained himself from punching the kid. Keep it cool, Kaito. He's probably just a nobody. Boy, are you wrong…

Me: Tell me what you think! Oh and Kukai Souma is one of the characters in Shugo Chara! I just felt like adding him in, since he's like me favourite character. REVIEW!