Just a tiny littlsped rabble spurred by the latest episode, Reading if Fundamental, 7.21. It got all kinds of gooey shipy feelings going. So, this is Meg's POV. It's the first time I've really written her so I'm not quite sure how well I did. Comments are much appreciated and loved!
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural. This is just all in good fun. (Although if Kripke or the CW wants to negotiate for the rights, I'm completely open. ; D)
What could she say? Lost causes were her thing. Yellow Eyes, Lucifer, they were all consuming. A fanatical, almost religious, devotion to their cause. Of course, they didn't seem like lost causes at the time. Victory seemed assured. It was written, and therefore it shall be. No one actually expected the boys to be able to stop all of it, not even themselves. But hey, they did, and now she needed a new cause.
Crowley, or rather sticking a knife in his throat, seemed like the perfect one. That smarmy, double crossing, power hungry dick, who seized control after Sam hurled himself and Lucifer down into the Pit. He had the audacity to call himself King. Unfortunately, all of her supporters were killed in the attempt that ended in Crowley's faked death. Sometimes, she would look at Castiel and simply marvel over how that one angel could have deceived them all. It was demon worthy behavior.
And maybe killing Crowley is a lost cause. After all, the only person really in her camp is herself. And maybe Castiel. Her Clarence. Her ang – no. Not her angel. Definitely not her angel. No matter what he said about her thorny beauty or whatever. Yeah, maybe she stayed with him while he was comatose, and yeah, maybe she killed the demons instead of turning him in, and yeah, maybe she killed Hester before that angelic bitch killed Clarence. But he wasn't her angel. She did all those things because she needed the power. That was it. That was all. Nothing more. Nothing less.
But then again, lost causes were her thing. Clarence certainly was one of them.
I think I have a longer author's note than the actually drabble. There's something wrong with that picture.
Review? : )