Please note the change in rating. It's there for a reason.
Two weeks pass, and Ziva never mentions what happened at the club, proving that she can't remember a thing. Because she is still acting normal around him, the perfect agent and poster friend. And he has a hard time forgetting how sweet her lips tasted, how light her body was, how good she fit into his arms. It's distracting at work when she is saying something and he can't hear it because he is busy staring at how her lips move, and his behavior has earned him more head slaps in the last two weeks than in six months. Tony noticed, but Ziva didn't, so he doesn't try harder to get over it. Because if she were to ask what is going on… well, he would rather shoot himself dead than tell her the reason for his recent fascination with her lips.
He's just decided he'll do some free writing when there is a knock on the door. He considers ignoring whoever it is, but Jethro gets up and starts barking and whacking his tail, and Tim groans, because the only time the dog reacts like that is when it's Ziva at the door. With Gibbs he whines and retreats to the bedroom, DiNozzo and Abby are merely worth a raised head, but something about Ziva always has him get excited and happy. So McGee resigns himself to an evening of entertaining and trying to hide the physical evidence of what her close proximity does to him.
As soon as he opens the door, Jethro almost knocks him over and tries jumping up at the Israeli, who gives a surprised laugh, turning her face from the dog's tongue.
"Jethro, no!" McGee scolds him, pulling him back by his collar and stepping aside to let Ziva in. She strokes Jethro's fur and gives Tim a smile.
"It's okay-"
"No, it's not, he's not supposed to jump up and lick people." Tim shakes his head. "Bathroom, Mister." he tells the dog, dragging him as the dog tries to get back to the living room, whining. Tim locks him into the bathroom with his food, knocking against the door when Jethro tries scratching it. The scratching ceases and he can hear another low whine before there's a soft thud, indicating that the dog has laid down. He sighs and goes back to the living room.
"Sorry about that." he apologizes, and she waves it off.
"It's okay, I like him, and he doesn't bite or anything." she assures him, taking something from her bag and extending it. Confused, he stares at the alcohol meter.
"You said I could ask again, if I was sober." Ziva tells him, making him swallow thickly. So she does remember. Oh boy.
"No." she interrupts him. "I'm sober, but I doubt you will believe me, so I will take that stupid test and then we will go from there." she insists, giving him a mild glare before testing her breath and then shows him the result. Sober, she didn't have one drop of alcohol.
"Where did you even get this thing?" he wonders, furrowing his brows slightly. Ziva shrugs.
"Borrowed it from NCIS. But that doesn't matter, I didn't come here to-"
"You stole government property?" Tim squeaks. "Do you have any idea what they'll do-"
But her lips on his interrupt him, and after a moment of complete surprise, he gives in and kisses her back. She presses against him and he wraps his arms around her, trying to get her even closer. Before he really knows what they are doing, she has already unbuttoned his shirt and is pushing it off his shoulders before raising her arms so he can pull her top off. They come together in another hurried kiss again, stumbling towards his bed. He lands on his back on it, Ziva falling on top of him, and he groans when her thigh presses against his erection, clenching his eyes shut. She breaks the kiss, chuckling and kissing down his throat to nuzzle his collarbone, her teeth lightly scraping over his skin. She's not wearing a bra and he can feel her small breasts brush his chest, making him shiver with want and lust. He opens his eyes again, watching her.
"I can hear you thinking." she mumbles against his skin, looking up at him, her hands reaching for his jeans and deftly undoing the button and pulling down the zipper. He sighs at small feeling of relief that gives him, burying his hand in her curls.
"Ziva, we can't do this." he whispers, stroking the soft skin of her back with his other hand.
"I dare to disagree. We are doing it already." she says, a flicker of mischief in her eyes. Before he can say something more, her hand is in his boxers, cupping him and he groans, his hips rocking into her touch. She chuckles again, letting go of him and moving up so she is hovering above him, face to face, her fingers toying with his hair. "I don't care about the consequences at work, Tim. I am sober and I know who you are, so stop over-thinking and arguing and just enjoy it, please." she mutters, brushing her lips against his in a softer caress, unhurried and almost romantic.
"I can't." he mumbles, unable to stop himself from responding to her kiss at the same time. His hands slide down on her back, resting on her rear and pressing her into him. Ziva shudders and gives a soft gasp at the feel of his erection, rocking her hips. "I don't want you to regret this, I can't lose you over a stupid mistake, and having sex-"
"I don't want to have sex, Tim." she tells him, pulling down his pants and boxers before getting rid of hers. "I want to make love." she whispers as she straddles him, reaching between them to join them. He closes his eyes, holding his breath briefly. He feels her shuddering against him again and she hides her face in his neck briefly, her breath hot and fast against his skin. His hands come to rest on her hips as she starts moving slowly, rocking against him, and he can already feel the pressure building. He kisses her again, hurriedly this time, and she responds in just the same way, soft gasps falling from her lips every time they move against each other. He holds her thigh and turns them over so she is lying on her back beneath him, looking up at him with dark eyes, but there is something else there besides lust, something that has him hoping that this isn't a one-time-only thing, that she's being serious. Her legs wrap around him and Ziva arches her back. He kisses her breasts, first the right one, then the left, flicking his tongue over her nipples and she moans loudly, trying to get him to move faster. One of her hands in tugging on his hair, the nails of the other scratching down his back, adding a small amount of pain that almost drives him over the edge.
"Right behind. You. Oh!" she gets out between breaths, pulling him up for another kiss and just as he reaches between them to flick his fingers over her clit, she suddenly yells his name, nails digging into his skin and he can feel her clench around him in her orgasm, and he lets her pull him over the edge, collapsing onto her, completely spent.
He has to catch his breath briefly before he has enough energy to roll off her. Ziva groans at the loss of contact, tugging herself into his side, panting heavily. Her hand comes to rest on his chest and he can feel his heart racing.
"Wow." he mutters, unable to remember the last time he had sex this incredible. Ziva's chuckling again, kissing his chest before resting her head on his shoulder. His arm wraps around her instinctively, and she snuggles even closer, giving a content sigh. Once he gathers his courage, he looks at her, and gives a startled sound of surprise. She is resting, completely sated and relaxed, her eyes closed, a small smile playing on her lips.
"Didn't I tell you to stop thinking?" she mutters, not even bothering to open her eyes.
"Yeah." he returns, drawing a deep breath. Ziva's eyes flutter open and she looks up at him through dark lashes, her eyes soft and intense.
"Then stop doing it." she demands, reaching up to stroke his cheek. Tim closes his eyes, turning his face into her touch. "I'm not going anywhere, Tim." Ziva mutters, leaning up to kiss him gently before reaching down to bring the comforter up to cover them. Then she rests her head back on his shoulder, closing her eyes again. He watches her, running his hand through her messy curls, careful not to tug at them. "Tim…" Ziva warns, and he sighs.
"Sorry, can't help it. It feels like a dream." he whispers.
"I promise we will talk. But not tonight." Ziva says slowly, yawning and rubbing her nose against his skin, her body relaxing further. "Let's just hold each other tonight, okay?"
Tim blinks before pulling her even closer.
"Okay." he agrees before closing his own eyes, drifting off to sleep with a satisfied smiles playing on his face.
Thank you guys so much for all the alerts and faves and reviews!