Disclaimer: I still don't own Danny Phantom, Fenton or any of its related characters or themes this is FANfiction...

AN: To all my reviewees of the 1st, this is for you: jeanette9a , Belinda Star Sabrina Maxwell , Sillvog , CreativeNotes , LemonTree , , xSerenityIsn'tAlwaystheAnswerx , ColdBloodedFalicity , Carolina36 , Mermaid's Magic, phineashiccup, Kazi and Kate... thank you so much for your reviews! I really appreciate them and I hope you'll love this new chapter ;)





2nd Gear



Everyone knows that feeling of your shirt ever so slightly riding up your back. You just know. You can literally feel the fabric slowly giving way to the feeling of air. And, usually it's not terrifying. It's usually more of an annoyance. An inconvenience. Not something to be terrified of. Not something that's… exciting.

Danny Fenton swallows hard and tries to ignore the feeling. He groans into his pillow, deciding not to let this phase him. Not anymore. He'll just ignore it and it'll go away. It has to. Please…

Only, what happened yesterday was still fresh in his mind. The mirror. That pull.

He was pretty sure he wasn't losing his mind. Everything else in his life was the same.

But, it also wasn't.

He could feel the slight tug of the elastic of his pants and his hand instinctually grabs at it. And he sighs when there's nothing to take hold of. It was just him. Just his imagination, it had to be.

He could feel the weight of something slowly coming to rest on his hips. It wasn't exactly uncomfortable, which somehow makes it worse. He swallows hard and adjusts his weight a bit, hoping to be relieved of this feeling.

'Really?' are the words that fill his thoughts once again, 'Are you that anxious, Danny?'

Danny curses into his pillow and pulls the sides up and over his ears, intent on muffling out the voice. That voice that seems to draw goosebumps to his skin like no one else ever could. That husky whispering voice that seems to break down whatever self-control he has.

He shifts again, trying to shift the weight off his hips because it's starting to become uncomfortable for all the wrong reasons.

And that's when it starts.

His breath hitches the first time when that slight rocking motion to his hips were felt. It was a small gasp but an audible one and he literally dives into his pillow to muffle the next.

'Don't be so shy… I want to hear you…' the voice echoes through his mind.

"N-n-no…" is all that Danny manages to stutter out before an unintentional moan escapes him.

"Danny are you okay?" his mother's voice was suddenly heard from outside his door. She knocks patiently.

"I'm fine! Sorry!" he quickly answers, trying to sound as normal as possible.

"Are you sure?" she asks again, "Did you have a bad dream?"

The weight on Danny's hips shifts and he bites down on his tongue to stop himself from groaning. He quickly takes in a breath and clears his throat, "Yea, but I'm okay…" he does his best impression of a yawn, "'Night, Mom!"

He can hear her walking down the hall again and finally releases the breath he'd been holding. His arms were shaking and he tries his best to push himself to a sitting position. He swallows hard and tries to steady his erratic breathing, but it's useless when that feeling won't stop.

That same voice resounds in his mind once more with a low chuckle, 'Aren't you enjoying yourself…?' and, as if to punctuate his words, that magnetic pull draws the young man's hips back down once more, as if to show him who's really in control.

Danny jerks back and scrambles backwards, almost falling off his bed. He could feel the sudden rush of cold air into his lungs, a stark difference to the heat he'd been experiencing until now. He gulps down a few breaths and fans his shirt, hoping to somehow centre himself or, at least, calm down the burst of adrenaline coursing through his veins.

'You don't have to hold back, Danny...' the words echo through Danny's mind and he feels cold fingers start slowly running over his stomach. He crosses his arms tightly around his waist only to protect himself. He fights off that tremble of excitement for a moment, only to feel himself inadvertently tilting his head to allow for a cold caress to brush against his neck. And damn it, it feels so good. He tries weakly to brush it off but this time his self-control fails him.

So, he doesn't even bother to stop that feeling of a kiss gracing his collarbone. That cold but oh so alive feeling of an icy caress turns into more. He does squirm a bit though. He does feel that definite blush creeping up his cheeks when he decides he'll allow it, just this once.

'I told you, we weren't finished.'

It was a long night.





Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it ;DDD