A/N. so sorry for the wait!

Disclaimer: I do not own maximum ride.

At the last step, I remember something. I have to bring my xcarthian pills. What if he thinks I am a freak and will not like me anymore if he knows of my disease? What if he tells everybody? What if… I shake my head and make my way towards the door he cannot figure out I will just have to take my chances tonight. He knows all my problems but this one and I would like to keep it that way. It is for me to know and him to hopefully never to figure out. I know it is wrong to keep secrets and I do not want to but you would do the same thing. I promise you would.

I open the door to see fang standing there with his elbow bent in a signal to link them together. I conjoin our hands and cannot help but feel the tingles race down my arm.

"So where are we going?" I ask as we walk down the sidewalk.

"It is a surprise." He responds as I groan and hide my head in his shoulder as I flick my fingers half-heartedly to say, 'I hate surprises.' He gives a light chuckle when I come out of his embrace and run away from him laughing which probably was not one of my best ideas, as I have no idea where I am going. My legs are moving so fast I can hardly see them. I hear fang full out laughing behind me and catching up which clues me in to know he is very fast considering I am training in one of the best gymnastic and the best swimming place for the Olympics. Then add my fandom to soccer and I am busy and fit which makes me super fast.

I sigh, just another mystery of fang I have yet to figure out. I feel him grab me from behind around the waste taking us both down.

Unknown pov

I look over from my ice cream to see to teens racing each other laughing as the one catches the other.

"Mommy?" I ask tugging at her sleeve to get her attention.

"Yes bells." She replies.

"What is wrong with them?" I point to the still laughing couple.

"There in love." She says with a fond look on her face.

"I want to be in love someday." I tell her. She does not say anything just smiles down at me.

Max Pov

I feel my hand start to shake, knew I should have taken my pills, and just tell fang that they were vitamins or something. I might be able to hold it off until I get home. If I cannot fang is going to know just how damaged I am. I look up to see concern and something else that I cannot identify but it is stronger than caring and if I knew better I would have said it was love. I made one of my infamous snap decisions and kissed with everything I had knowing that even if I could hold the likinith over I would tell him. Maybe just maybe he could save me.

A/N. Her disease is not real and neither are the pills she is taking for the people who were going to search it. Sorry it is so short I just got back from camp and my brother's graduation is today so I need to go. Thank you for reading. I love you all and I am so grateful. R&R:)