'Tis be a reason that Kendall wears a skirt people. I just dont throw these thing in for the hell of it. Its all symbolic so haha,I win.
"Carlitos, are you and Jamie still going to the party with me tonight?"
Carlos,who was talking to Logan at the end of the school day,almost jumped right out of his skin when he felt lanky arms wrap around his torso, only relaxing when he saw that it was only Kendall. The blonde had ran up behind him, and now had his chin on Carlos' shoulder,and arms wrapped around Carlos playfully.
"Yeah we are. When are you coming to get us,Kenny?"
"Mm,around eight. Do you wanna come to Logan?" Kendall asked, flashing the brunet a beautiful smile.
Logan grinned at him. "Sure. Why the hell not?" he asked to no one in particular, Kendall leaned forward and kissed the brunet on the cheek gently.
"Yay! I'm so glad your coming,Logan! I can so tell that we're gonna have so much fun together!" He chirped, happily, grinning at the brunet sweetly. "James and Carlos will probably just abandoned us the second we walk into the house, find some room and fuck each other til dawn."
Logan snickered as Carlos frowned at Kendall, slapping the blondes ass as if he was James or someone that he was dating, Logan raised his eyebrows in question but didn't voice his question.
Kendall swotted at his arm, and delivered a small peck to Carlos' lips that he returned.
Logan couldn't truly help himself.
"Whats up with all of that?" Logan asked them.
"With what?" Carlos wondered with raised eyebrows.
"The kissing and the ass hitting?"
They both laughed at him. "Its just something me,Kendall and James have always done with each other, we've always been all touchy feelie," Carlos said with a chuckled.
"Slapping each others ass and kissing each other?" Logan asked.
"Yup. That's how we roll,Mitchell.' Carlos said, he reached forward and slapped the brunet's ass, the boy screeched and slapped at Carlos' hand, Kendall laughing lightly at the older male's reaction.
"Dude,dont even touch me ass! You've been there two many times in my life!" Logan snapped.
"We didn't even have sex that much, only like...thirty times in five months." Carlos said with a nod, Logan raised his eyebrows, asking himself who the hell had taught this boy math.
"That's not a lot to you?" Logan asked, questioning the Latino's sanity.
"No,me and James have way more sex then that. Your more like Kendall, we didn't have tones of sex when we were dating, he was more into snuggling and hugging and all that cutesy shit." Carlos said with a tone of distaste in his voice.
"You and Kendall dated?' The brunet asked, eyebrows forwarding.
"Yeah,and he dated James too for a few months before me, they didn't have that much sex either,but guess what Logie, Kendall is a little prince in bed, he'll rock any dude's balls." Carlos chuckled as he was slapped in the shoulder by a pissed off looking Kendall.
"I'm not some whore!" Kendall objected.
"No! Of course not sweetheart...your just a complete slut."
Kendall gasped. "I am not."
'I love that your in denial. Jett,Steve,Guitar Dude,Tyler,Wayne Wayne,Shane,Wally,Curt,Dak,Dustin, JJ, Jordon,Matt, Josh,David,Barnett,-"
"Okay! Okay! Shut up!" Kendall snapped, he was frowning,looking upset. "I'm a total whore okay! Shut the fuck up!" The blonde burst into tears and walked away from the scene,
"I'm gonna go after him. Be at my place at seven thirty so we can go to the party." Carlos said,before he turned on his heels and ran after the blonde,calling after the blonde as he rounded a corner.
Logan frowned, something about the scene bothered him. One minute,Kendall was so happy and light, the next just due to a single word he was in tears, there was something there Logan could tell, perhaps a secret that wasn't so much a secret in the school walls, something Logan didn't know,but something he wanted to know,because that look that had flashed in the blondes eyes when Carlos had referred to him as a whore,it just...it just did something to him,made his heart twist in a knot.
At seven thirty on the dot Logan was on Carlos' door step, ringing the door bell over and over and over again, getting a bit more impatient the longer that it took for someone to answer the door, he had been standing at the door for a good five minutes when finally, Carlos dressed in some tight purple briefs and a dark blue tank top answered the door,
"Dude put some clothes on," Logan said in disgust as he pushed his way threw the door, eyes landing on James walking out of the kitchen, eating a cheeseburger and wearing nothing put a pair of dark red boxer briefs.
"What the fuck guys? Couldn't you at least wait until we get to the party," Logan said as he covered his eyes, nose scrunching up.
"Carlos needed comforting," James said, he came up behind the brunet and wrapped his arms around the brunet, Logan screamed and punched James, pushing him so hard he almost fell on his ass.
"You guys are so fucking gross! But some fucking clothes on will you!" Logan said, completely grossed out by his best friends behavior,
James and Carlos snickered and ran right up the stairs to get dressed for the party.
The Party scene is really long,so I decided to end this here. BUT! There is some Kett smut next chapter so I hope that you forgive me for this short as hell chapter.
Lots Of Love,