"Looks like today is just going to be another boring day," Kadaj sighed.

Yazoo looked over at his brother and shrugged his lean shoulders. "Well, I think this is nice considering the last battles we've gone through have been quite tedious."

Kadaj huffed and sat down next to one of the large oaks. "I just don't want to be bored all day. By the way, where the hell is Loz?"

"Now that you mention it, where is Loz?"

"Brothers!" the two vampires heard as their other brother came rushing into the forest.

"There he is," Kadaj smiled, getting up from where he sat, but he frowned when he saw that his brother was covered in injuries.

Once Loz came up to his brothers, Yazoo asked shocked, "What happened, brother?"

"There, there are two vampires outside our home. But, brothers, these aren't normal vampires. They're stronger than normal and faster too," Loz said shakily.

Kadaj and Yazoo looked at each other concerned. Kadaj spoke first. "Loz, go and tell Sephiroth about our intruders, and we'll try to hold them off the best we can."

Loz nodded and rushed off towards the area is brother was currently staying in.

The other two brothers turned as they sensed two beings approaching their home. Kadaj tensed. "They smell odd, Yazoo," he said as he crinkled his nose.

"Yes, they do, brother, but we can't let that scare us."

"Who said I was scared?"

"Who says you shouldn't?" someone asked, making the two brothers turn to see the two vampires that had attacked their brother. A teen with black shaggy hair stood next to a girl with long, slightly spiky, raven black hair. Both of them starred at the brothers with blood red eyes boring into them.

"Who the hell are you?" Kadaj growled.

The boy tilted his head to the side and smiled. "Is that any way to treat your guests?"

"Not when they attack our own brother!" Yazoo snapped.

"So touchy," the girl laughed as she began to walk towards the brothers, her dark trench coat flowing past her dark jean covered legs. "That kind of brotherly love makes me want to vomit."

"How dare you," Kadaj said as he began to lunge for the girl's throat only to be stopped by Yazoo. Kadaj looked to his brother in shock, "What are you doing? They attack Loz, Yazoo!"

"You were the one who injured Loz, weren't you?" Yazoo said to the girl who smirked.

"I glad at least one of you brothers are smart," she said. "Yeah, we don't see the point in ganging up on someone; it isn't as fun to kill."

"You might want to watch yourselves," the boy said to the two vampire brothers.

"That's it!" Kadaj yelled as he went for the girl again, Yazoo being too late to stop him that time. Kadaj swiped at the girl who merely sidestepped past him, kicking the back of his knees, causing Kadaj to stumble towards the other vampire boy.

"I should have told you not to trigger her instincts," the boy said with a grin.

"You damn brat," Kadaj growled.

"If you'd just tell us where we could find your leader, then it would have saved both of us a lot of trouble," the girl sighed, scratching the back of her head.

"They don't have to," someone said, making all the other vampires turn their head towards the newly emerged voice. Sephiroth then came out of the shadows with a stern look on his face. "Tell me who you intruders are," Sephiroth said, eyeing the two red eyed vampires.

"How rude of us to not introduce ourselves," the boy said. "My name is Greif."

"And mine is Pain," the girl said. "And just who might you be?"

"I am the leader of this pack," Sephiroth answered.

All of a sudden Grief began to burst into laughter. Everyone but Pain seemed surprised by the boy's outburst. Slowly Greif began to calm down, wiping away tears that started to form at the rim of his eyes.

"What's so funny?" Sephiroth asked.

"Sorry," Grief gasped, "it's just that our master told us this pack's leader was a hideous creature that should never have roamed this world. I mean, but I don't believe you're that revoltingly ugly."

Grief began to snicker until Pain slapped him in the back of the head.

"You're an idiot," Pain sighed.

"What the hell was that for, Pain," Grief whined, grabbing the back of his head.

"That's not their leader," Pain said, motioning her hand towards Sephiroth. "This guy is one of the pack members, probably the firstborn, standing in for their real leader. Am I right?"

Sephiroth didn't say anything but just glared at the girl.

"I'll take your silence as a yes," Pain said as she began to walk by Sephiroth.

"Where do you think you're going?" Sephiroth asked, reaching out to Pain. Before he could even touch her, however, Pain struck out at him, sending the man across the forest, causing him to slam into one of the trees.

"Brother!" Yazoo yelled as him and Kadaj went after the girl vampire only to be stopped by Greif.

"Sorry about this, but you're both just getting in the way right now," Grief said, grabbing both males and roughly throwing them into a farther area away from Pain and Sephiroth.

"Damn," Sephiroth grumbled, lifting himself up from the ground only to be knocked down again by Pain kicking him aside and then taking off in the direction he came from just moments ago. She can probably smell mother,

Sephiroth thought as he got up to run after the girl. Sephiroth took off in a fast pace run until he came upon a horrifying scene to him. He saw his bother Loz lying on the forest floor with some gashing wounds on his chest that was spilling out blood. Suddenly Sephiroth heard a blood curdling scream coming from in front of him. He looked to see the girl vampire latched onto his mother's neck, sucking out her blood.

His mother gave another scream, and Sephiroth leapt forward. "Mother!" he yelled.

The girl detached herself and slipped past Sephiroth's claws, so she landed a few feet away. She wiped the blood that was trickling down the side of her mouth. "Much obliged, Jenova," Pain said with a smile.

Sephiroth hissed. What are you? Jenova gasped out to the other vampire's minds. Why have you done this to me?

Pain kept smiling as she leaned forward, Sephiroth crutching in case she attacked once more, but he stopped when he saw two large black wings suddenly burst from the vampire's back. The feathers began to spread, and Pain leapt into the air. "You'll find out from my master soon enough," she said and then disappeared.


"And that's all that happened," Sephiroth sighed, putting his head in his hands.

Cloud put a hand over his own mouth and stepped closer to Sephiroth. "I'm so sorry, Sephiroth. How are your brothers and mother, and is there anything we could do to help?"

Sephiroth lifted his head with a slight smile on his face and reached out for Cloud. He grabbed the blonde by the waist and buried his face into Cloud's stomach. "Thank you so much for caring about me, Cloud," Sephiroth breathed against Cloud's shirt.

Cloud blushed and slowly stroked Sephiroth's head in a tender gesture. He turned when he heard Zack hiss and pull him out of the other man's grasp. "Zack," Cloud said, his mate wrapping his arms protectively around the blonde.

"So if your pack was beaten so badly," Zack growled, "then what are you doing here?"

"I came here to warn you," Sephiroth said. "I smelled them when I came into town, and I doubt they came here for the town's attractions. No, these vampires are here for blood, but I don't know whose."


"And that's all for today, class," the teacher said as the last bell rang to signal school was over.

Roxas began to stretch his arms when he felt another pair wrap around his chest. He smiled and leaned back to see a certain redhead grinning down at him. "Are you glad schools done for today?" Roxas asked.

Axel leaned in and kissed the blonde lightly on the lips. "I'm glad it's over so I can spend some one on one time with you," he said.

"And who says that's going to happen?" Riku asked, walking up to the two.

"I say so," Axel growled. "What are you going to do about it?"

"Well, I-" Riku began.

"Actually, Riku," Roxas interrupted, "I think I'd like to spend some time alone with Axel."

Riku looked taken aback as the small blonde stood and took the redhead's hand, leaving the classroom. "See you around, Riku," Roxas smiled over his shoulder. Axel then cocked his head to the side and stuck out his tongue, which made Riku roll his eyes at the childish act.

"That was quite surprising what you did back there," Axel said halfway through the hall towards the exit.

"Well it was the truth," Roxas smiled. "I feel like I haven't had much time to spend with you after that day, so I want to be with you longer. I," Roxas stopped in his tracks and turned to face his mate. "I want to get to know you more, Axel."

Axel smiled and cupped Roxas's face in his palms. "We have all the time in the world, my Roxy. I want to get to know more about you as well," he said, dipping down to capture the blonde's soft lips.

Roxas slowly began to wrap his arms around to tangle his hands in the spiky red hair, pulling Axel closer. Axel smiled in the kiss and lifted Roxas off the ground, making the blonde squeak in surprise, backing his face from Axel's only to have his lips captured again with the redhead slipping his tongue inside. Roxas moaned softly as the two continued their little make out scene in the privacy of under a flight of stairs next to them. Axel pushed the blonde onto the wall in order to lift him up, having Roxas wrap his legs around Axel's waist.

"I love you, Roxas," Axel breathed next to Roxas's ear in a husky tone that sent shivers down the teen's spine.

"I love you too, Axel," Roxas gasped as he felt something rub in between his legs. "Wha-" he breathed and then gasped once more feeling the same sensation hit him again.

"Does that feel nice, love?" Axel asked.

Roxas blushed but slowly nodded, making Axel smirk and slip one hand under the blonde's shirt. The blonde's breath hitched as he felt his mate's hand dip into the back of his pants.

"Ugh, would you two just get a damn room already?" a girl asked.

Axel turned and smiled as he saw Kairi standing behind the two with her hands on her hips. "Yes, miss president of the school's committee. Oh wait; we don't have one, do we?"

Kairi rolled her eyes. "You two may enjoy this, but not everyone enjoys the sight of this," she said, looking the two up and down.

Roxas suddenly blushed so much that Axel was scared that he wouldn't have enough blood to support the rest of his body since it was all in his face. "So-sorry," he mumbled, sliding off of Axel.

"Well, I guess we'll continue this elsewhere," Axel smiled, taking Roxas's hand and rushing off.

"A-Axel, what are you?" Roxas stammered as he followed the redhead.

"We're going to spend some time together," the redhead grinned.

Outside the two sighed once they made it a good distance from the school. A nice breeze came in and Axel collapsed on the ground with Roxas smiling next to him. "What a nice day out," Roxas said, taking in a long breath of air. "It's just beautiful, isn't it?"

"Not as beautiful as you," Axel smiled.

Roxas snorted and began to laugh softly.

"What's so funny?"

"It's just, that line was just so corny!"

"Well, I'm sorry for that," Axel said.

"No, no, it was sweet of you, Axel."

"I'm glad you think that way," the redhead said, leaning into the blonde to capture the pair of soft lips.

Roxas was about to close his eyes until he caught a glimpse of something, or more of someone, out of the corner of his eye. A girl about who looked a few years older than Axel was crouched down, petting a large light brown dog on the side of the swings in the park. She smiled softly as she continued to stroke the dog's brown fur. Roxas then made eye contact with the girl, her dark eyes matching her long raven black hair. She stood and began to make her way over to the pair with the dog trailing closely behind her.

Axel turned when he saw the girl as well. "Hello," he said with a smile.

The girl nodded and said, "I'm sorry to bother you both, but I wanted to ask if this dog is yours. I just found her a little bit ago at the same time you two came here."

Roxas shook his head. "Sorry, but we don't have a dog."

"Well that's too bad. Oh, my name is Mato by the way. I just moved here a few days ago for a job opportunity," Yomi said, sticking out her hand.

"Nice to meet you, Mato," Roxas said, shaking the girl's hand.

"Likewise," Axel said.

"That's too bad about this dog," Mato said sadly. "And she's so sweet too." The dog rubbed itself against the girl's leg and licked her hand. "I should get going. Maybe I'll find this dog's owner soon enough. Sorry about interrupting you two. I must say I'm quite jealous of your love for one another."

Roxas blushed. "You, uh, you don't find it weird that we're both guys."

Mato smiled. "Why would I think that? We're free to love whoever we want, right?"

"I think I like this girl," Axel smiled.

Mato giggled and turned around. "I guess I'll see you both later."

"Wait a second," Roxas said. "What will you do with that dog?"

Mato shrugged, "I guess I'll just keep looking."

"How about you come with us back to my house, and we can see if anyone at my dad's office lost a dog."

"I'm not too sure you'd want me to come along with you."

"What do you mean?" Roxas asked, tilting his head to the side quizzically.

"Well, I doubt your boyfriend would want me around since I'm uh," Mato paused.

"Since you're a vampire?" Axel asked plainly.

Mato nodded silently as Roxas blushed in embarrassment. "Oh," he said, "I couldn't tell."

"It's alright," Mato smiled. "But if you could take this dog here, though, that would be great. I don't have a lot of room in my apartment right now."

"Sure," Roxas smiled back, patting the grass for the female dog to sit beside him.

Once the dog plopped herself next to the blonde, the girl turned to leave. "I'll see you around sometime I guess. Thanks again for taking her."

Roxas waved back to the girl and then turned to Axel once she was gone. "That girl was nice, wasn't she?"

Axel frowned but nodded. "Yeah, she was, but she seemed a bit off."

"What do you mean?" Roxas asked.

"Her smell was different from the other vampires," the redhead shrugged. "Maybe it was just my imagination. Now, where were we before we were interrupted?" Axel smiled as he leaned into his mate to capture the other's lips again.

Roxas gasped slightly in surprise as he felt Axel's tongue trace his lower lip. He jumped when he felt Axel chuckle next to him. "What's so funny?" Roxas asked.

"I just love it when you gasp in surprise every time I lick your lips. I also think it's cute that you still blush after every time I kiss you," Axel smiled, caressing Roxas's face in his palms.

"You talk too much," Roxas said, leaning in for another kiss only to be stopped by his phone going off in his pocket. The blonde looked down and frowned at whose name showed up. "It's my dad," Roxas said. "He just texted me and said we need to get home now."

"Then let us be off, my blonde prince, for I don't want thy father to smite me," Axel said in an accent.

Roxas was about to say something but shook his head and stood as Axel and their new canine companion accompanied him back home.


Cloud began pacing back and forth quickly waiting for his son and mate to return home where he knew they would be safe.

"Cloud," Zack said with concern in his voice. "Cloud, you need to calm down."

"How can I when I know my son is out there with some crazy vampires on the loose?" Cloud exclaimed.

"He should be fine. Roxas has Axel with him after all."

"But if these vampires took down Sephiroth and his family, then who knows what they're capable of," Cloud sighed, putting his face in his hands. Then Cloud felt a pair of arms wrap around his body. He turned and nearly jumped when he saw Sephiroth leaning into him.

"I can look for him if you'd like. I'd do anything for the one I desire the most," Sephiroth sighed into the blonde's spikes.

Zack growled and yanked Cloud out of Sephiroth's grasp. "Remember, I said if you tried anymore stuff like this then I'd throw you out."

Sephiroth put his arms up in defense and smiled. "It wasn't like I was molesting your love, right? Besides, it's fair since you two aren't even mated yet. Maybe Cloud just doesn't want that because he thinks you're bad in bed, which I wouldn't blame him for that thought."

"Fuck off," Zack hissed.

"How rude of you to say to me, Zackary. Haven't you even asked what Cloud-"

"I would like it if you kept things like that to yourself," Cloud said, shocking the two from the interruption. "If I want to sleep with anyone, it would defiantly be Zack and only Zack. I would never sleep with someone who talks like I'm an item to them."

Sephiroth starred wide eyed as the blonde's face became red with anger. He smiled as he found that face more erotic than threatening. He reached out and twirled his fingers through those soft blonde locks he always wanted to touch. "Maybe one day you'll realize what you truly desire."

Cloud smacked the man's hand away. "I already have thank you," he said, moving closer to Zack.

The raven was about to say something until Roxas and Axel came through the door with a dog trotting behind them. Axel frowned and pulled Roxas behind him when he saw Sephiroth. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Sephiroth merely scoffed and leaned closer to the redhead. "Why, do you think you can beat me without someone dying this time?"

"How dare you," Axel growled.

"Dad," Roxas said, "what's going on? Why is Sephiroth here?"

Cloud sighed, "He came here because his pack was attacked by a pair of red eyed vampires not too long ago. He said they're here in the town right now, and I was worried about you two."

"We're fine, dad. Nothing happened."

"I'm glad to hear that."

"What's with the dog?" Zack asked.

"Oh, we met this nice girl named Mato, and she asked if we could watch this lost dog for her. We also kind of found out she was a new vampire that moved here recently," Roxas smiled.

"Maybe we'll be able to meet her soon. It's nice to have more kind vampires around these days," Cloud smiled back.

"Yeah, she was super nice about me and Axel being a couple and-" Roxas was about to say more but a knock came at the door.

"I'll get it," Axel said as he moved towards the door. Once he opened it, he saw Mato standing before him. "Oh, hello, Mato."

"Hi," Mato smiled. "Sorry about dropping by, but I needed to say something to you guys about meeting up to discuss the dog situation. I went back to the park, but you were gone. I kind of had a scent of your boyfriend, so I followed it here. I hope that wasn't too rude of me," she blushed.

"You're fine," Axel said. "Why don't you come in? We were just talking about you to Roxas's dad."

"Okay," the girl chirped.

The two entered and Axel stepped aside to introduce Mato to everyone. "Guys, this is Mato. The girl Roxas was talking about just a bit ago. She came by to talk about the lost dog we have."

"Hi, Mato," Roxas said kindly.

"Hello, Roxas, everyone," Mato nodded and looked around until her eyes rested on Sephiroth standing near her. "Well, hello," she said. "And who might you be."

"You," Sephiroth growled.

"Huh?" Mato said confused.

"You witch!" Sephiroth howled as he lunged for the girl who merely stepped aside quickly to dodge the attack. "I'll get you back for what you did!"

"Sephiroth, what are you doing?" Cloud yelled.

"She, she's the one who attacked my family, and she's the one who wounded Mother," Sephiroth growled. "I would recognize that scent anywhere."

Mato shivered and shrunk back from the larger vampire. "I, I don't know what you're talking about. I haven't done anything!"

"Cut the bullshit, witch! I can smell Mother's blood all over your wretched body."

"Mato?" Roxas looked shocked. "Mato, is that true, but I thought you were a nice vampire."

Mato sighed, "Guess I can't beat a vampire's sense of smell, huh? And here I thought I got that putrid smell off my body," she said, looking down at herself. "Well, whatever, so you want to take revenge then I presume?"

Sephiroth hissed and crouched down, "I'll rip your heart out and give it to Mother as an offering."

Mato laughed, "Just go ahead and try to-" but she was cut off when she was slammed into the far wall across the room. She blinked and spat out some blood, looking up to see Zack above her in a second, kicking across the room to another wall.

"Just remember that you're dealing with more than one pissed off vampire," Zack smirked. "I have some business with you and your kind, red vampire."

"Please, call me Pain," Mato, or Pain, smiled; standing as if the kick had no damage on her. "Plus, I have some business with the two blondes in the room."

Axel, Sephiroth, and Zack hissed at the young vampire before them.

Pain smiled again and waved her finger in a gesture as if the vampires were bad kids. "Now, now, try not to destroy your house too much, okay?"

Sorry about being like dead there for awhile. I've been pretty busy with life and all that jazz, but thank you guys sooooo much for your reviews! They make me want to write more and more so uh yeah keep on keeping on :]

Me: We're done?

Sephiroth: Took you long enough.

Me: Why do you enjoy being so mean? Don't you know that words are like toothpaste and once you say something mean, you can't take it back?

Sephiroth: Your point?

Me: *Collapses*

Roxas: Sephiroth, why'd you do that?

Sephiroth: Because…

Axel: Is it because she won't let you get it on with Cloud? Man I feel for you. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't put my-

Cloud: YOU'RE PUTTING WHAT IN MY SON? Wait, did I just say… *Blushes*

Zack: Haha Cloud you're just too cute *kisses*

Cloud: What was that for?

Zack: Happy late Father's Day, love! *glomps*

Sephiroth: *Glares*

Axel: He looks pissed

Roxas: Rose, what should we do?

Me: *Thinks* I've got it! Hey look, Seph, it's Pain!

Sephiroth: WHAT? *takes off running*

Everyone: See you next time