(A/N: Here is a story I've been working on since my absence. Here is the prologue and if you want to read more please review and tell me what you think. Hope you enjoy.)

His eyes drooped as he fought to stay awake. His whole body hurt and he was so tired but he couldn't let his guard down. It didn't matter anymore though. He was already used for what he was needed for so he had time to recuperate for at least two days.

The cold steel of the metal shackle around his ankle was starting to cut into his skin again. There was nothing he could do about it as of right now but bare the pain as best as he could.

The sound of footsteps above his head made him nervous and scared. Maybe they were going to come back for a second round. He wouldn't be able to bear the pain if it happened again.

There were more footsteps and the door to the basement was kicked in. He pulled himself into the tight corner not sure what was happening. Flashlight's shined in his face and he winced at the bright light.

"El," a soft voice said and he looked up, confusion in his blue eyes as he came face to face with the one person that he had hoped to see again. He moved forward but the sharp pain in his back made him growl in pain and curl back up into himself.

"I'm here," the voice said and they brushed his hair back and he relaxed as best he could.

He was going home.