Chapter 15


Aria T'loak self-styled queen of Omega was feeling good. Reapers were destroyed and she had a very defensible station. The one thing that was bothering her is that she owed shepard a favour for getting her back into power on omega. She did not like that. She had to figure out a way the clean that slate clean. She wanted to be able to call him for a favour in the future but she wanted it to come on her terms. And right now she got confirmation that two small cerberus bases in the terminus systems have been destroyed by forces loyal to her. She confirmed that they copied the data they captured and now she had something to give to shepard. Now she only needs a reason to find a way to get him to visit Omega again. And this cerberus data she has will be a way.

Captain Neso Shepard and his wife Ashley were able to get two weeks of and they went with their sons to their ranch on planet Intai'sei to be with Ashley's family. That was great for them while they waited for Alliance Intelligence to come up with another cerberus base location.

Eslis System, Terminus systems

Eldaar Task Force was recharging it's hydrogen tanks as they waited to proceed with their next plan of scouting of this new galaxy. It seemed that this galaxy just went through a war. Lot of systems in this area of the galaxy had scars from the orbital bombardment. Seems more than likely that Eldaar might have to enlighten this galaxy to ensure peace and prosperity.

Oleg Petrovski new chief of Cerberus was smiling. He had lost alliance pursuit for now allowing him time to reorganize Cerberus and ensure that their operations that survive damn shepard purge were more or less viable. He was a looking forward to spending time with his daughter. She did come through for him and rescued him from alliance custody.

Admiral Steven Hackett was reading reports from alliance fleet. Alliance fleet was almost at it's pre citadel battle strength. Also after the reaper war they were also allowed on the same rung as turian fleet for dreadnoughts.

Commander Neso Shepard was finally able to relax and enjoy time of with his family. He was also very happy that his lovely wife Ashley was able to spend time with her mother and sisters who seemed eager to spend time fussing over the twin boys he and Ashley created. He just smiled as he looked at the women that were part of his family. Few years ago when he was a soldier in N7 program he did not see this side of life coming at all. He did not mind this aspect. He was finally able to set roots somewhere and start a family with a worthy woman. Hopefully the rest of the galaxy will be able to let him enjoy it. But he new that was only wishfull thinking. Soon enough there will be some problem that required his attention and he and ash would be on their way to rescue galaxy from her woes.

Urdnot Wrex was very happy the way krogan alliance was progressing. He was also happy that krogan got a council seat. And with restoration of the old city Krogan alliance finaly had a proper capital. But what he did not like that his people were being watched by salarians again. He was very aware that they were up to something. Salarians were up to something always.

Tuchanka Kurn valley

Salarian STG 2665 was 15 member squad send by dalatress Linron to keep an eye on krogan population. Salarians were worried that krogan population wold explode once the cure was found and used. But they were wrong. Krogan population only had a small increase so far. That surprised salarians. They were expecting a resurgent krogan empire. So far it was not happening. Effects of the genophage were still felt. There were still limited supply of fertile females and increase in live births was good. But the fresh batch of fertile females had to mature and krogan were extre,ely protective of the future generation of fertile females.