Disclaimer: I do not own Hunter X Hunter! If I do, I'd make Kuroro and Kurapika a real couple!

Warning:I turned Kurapika into a girl here because I don't want my parents catching me writing yaoi. Sorry! Don't Kill ME! And expect wrong spellings and grammars since I did not properly edit this! Thanks!

Story:They were forced to start from the very beginning. How will the events from the past seven years affect their feelings for each other? What are they going to do to make everything go back to the way it was? KuroXKura. FemKura. Non-Yaoi. Forced Trials Sequel.


Chapter 23

27 Years of Lies


It was a holiday so Krisu and Karin both don't have classes. Of course, the two were immensely pleased with it, especially Krisu. Karin, however, though in her usual stoic self, looked like she's carrying something heavy behind her back. For a little girl her age to look like that is something that would make anyone worry. She must have been greatly bothered by her dreams of deaths again. The girl was convinced that her dreams would come true, but she did not voice out her thoughts to her parents.

Kuroro already insisted on her that they're just dreams and it was merely a coincidence that she dreamed of Krisu's hamster's death. Deep inside, she was not convinced and since she dreamt of her mother lying on the floor and soaked in blood, Karin was even more afraid to sleep. She feared of seeing that image again. That terrible, almost horrifyingly true image of Kurapika's body lying still on the ground and bathing in her crimson blood. Blood just as red and her eyes.

Karin bit her lower lip hard until she felt it sting. She winced and then brought her finger to her lips, only to find a red liquid when she pulled it back. It was her blood.

"Karin?" a sudden voice caused the little blonde to tense up. She quickly wiped the blood off her finger and lips.

"Mama?" she called out as well, not bothering to look at her mother, who's entering her room.

"Are you okay?" Kurapika had a smile on her face, but her eyebrows were slightly furrowed, showing how much she's worrying for her only daughter.

The woman approached the girl, who's sitting by the edge of the bed, hugging what looked like the purple teddy bear that Kuroro bought for her. Kurapika sat beside her, pulling the girl closer when she tried to snuggle to her side. Karin then felt her mother's hand sliding up and down her back, soothing her tense nerves.

"Where are you going?" Karin asked, noticing that her mother is wearing a green floral dress, the sort of clothing she knew she wouldn't want to wear on a simple night.

Kurpika looked down on herself before giving her a reply. "Ah, this? Your Papa and I were invited to a dinner party by a friend. It would be rude to not accept it."

Karin hugged her mother tighter around her waist, causing Kurapika to smile.

"I wish you wouldn't leave." the child whispered. "Please don't go." she even begged.

"Karin." Kurapika whispered back, holding in a sigh. "I have to. I promise that we'll come back right away, okay?"

Though it did not convince Karin at all, the girl knew she can't change her parents' decision. She nodded slightly to show that she understood.

"Well the, it's time for us to go." Kurapika stopped rubbing her girl's back and stood up. "Krisu's downstairs for dinner. If you feel hungry just come down, okay?" Karin nodded silently again.

For one last contact, Kurapika bent down and placed a gentle kiss on her daughter's forehead.

"Smile for me, hm?"

Karin's eyes turned scarlet for some reason. Seeing her mother's gentle smile made her lips curve to mimic that gentleness.

The gentleness that she may lost forever.


Everything is set. All that's left is to execute the plan.

The Spiders, Gon, Killua, and Leorio are all ready and in position. The have done the necessary preparations for the mission. Kuroro and Kurapika are both heading towards the Myrtle Manor now, riding in Kuroro's car. The man had reverted back to his usual self, stoic and calculating. Kurapika was relieved to know that, and she trusts that he will act accordingly when he faces Greg Myrtle, the man he accuses as his mother's murderer.

It was only a twenty-minute ride, but Kuroro felt that it was the longest 20 minutes in his whole life. They arrived at the Myrtle Manor, with maids greeting them and the valet taking care of his car. They both steeped down the car and climbed the marble stairs leading ot the mansion's main entrance. Kuroro looked at Kurapika and smiled lightly. Feeling his stare, Kurapika looked back, only to notice that he had offered his left arm for her to cling on.

He grinned. "You wouldn't want Alicia to grab it first now, would you?"

Kurapika flushed lightly and took the offered arm, clinging to it tightly as if her life depended on it. Together, the two stepped inside the mansion. The maids welcomed them and lead them towards the dining hall, where Greg Myrtle and his daughter, Alicia Myrtle, are waiting.

Kurapika took her chance to observe the surroundings with her eyes. This Greg Myrtle must be a very big family man. There are practically pictures of Alicia and a green-eyed redhead, probably her mother, hanging in every wall. As they neared the dining hall, Kurapika clutched the black pearl necklace around her wrist, trusting that this item will bring them the success they need for Kuroro's sake.

They finally entered the dining hall, only to be greeted by the overexcited Alicia, who immediately jumped from her seat like a child and approached Kuroro in a sensual way that would make Kurapika think of the most gruesome way to dispose of her.

"Oh my, Kuroro!" Alicia greeted happily stopping in front of a smiling Kuroro. "How nice to see you! How are you?" she leaned forward and planted a greeting kiss on his cheek.

"Fine, Alicia." Kuroro replied, still smiling. "I believe I haven't introduced you two properly. This is Kurapika, my lovely wife."

Alicia looked at Kurapika, who was frowning slightly. "Well, nice to meet you again, Kurapika. We haven't really started on the right foot so let's start anew as friends, hm?" she then held out her hand for a friendly shake.

Kurapika looked reluctant and the offer of friendship, but she took her hand nonetheless. "Yeah."

"No worries. I desired your husband and I still do. But it seems like I have no chance since he's head over heels for you." Alicia then chuckled and her last sentence made Kurapika flush heavily.

"Alicia." a hoarse voice suddenly spoke up, and right at that moment, Kurapika felt Kuroro tense a little. But just as quickly as he tensed, he relaxed and started walking towards their seats.

"Good evening, Mr. Myrtle." The Spider Head greeted him the way he would greet anyone. "Thank you for this invitation."

"Mr. Lucifer." the said Greg Myrtle stood up from his seat and approached the two visitors, shaking Kuroro's hand when he stopped in front of him. Kurapika swore she saw Kuroro's hand tighten at that moment. "It's been a while since we last met. I'm sorry I wasn't able to attend your children's birthday party."

"It's alright, sir. I would like you to meet my wife, Kurapika, Kairo Bethel's niece."

The blond smiled at the man who looked like he was the same age as her Uncle Kairo. Aquamarine eyes met dark blue ones and Kurapika can't help but feel that there's something deeper hidden behind those eyes. Gregory Myrtle is a plain-looking man, with brunet hair and a little beard underneath his chin. He's smiling warmly at Kurapika as he took her free hand and shook it lightly.

"My, I have never imagined that Kairo's niece would be this beautiful." Greg said. "Well then, let's take our seats, shall we?"

Kuroro and Kurapika sat side by side and in front of them is Alicia and her father. The dinner started with the appetizer, and both Greg and Kuroro engaged in some business-related talks. Sometimes, Greg would ask for Kurapika's opinion about things, seeing that she's the real heir to the Bethel Corporations. But when she's not joining the conversation, the blonde had no idea how to talk to the redhead in front of her. Alicia must be feeling the same since she hasn't even spared Kurapika a glance and is just looking at Kuroro with her dreamy eyes, imagining only heaven knows what.

"I heard that you're planning to expand your business to hospital management." Greg mentioned.

"I am. Since we're already starting in the pharmacy field, we might as well enter hospital management." Kuroro replied in his business voice, smiling lightly. Kurapika knew that behind that smile, Kuroro is boiling, itching to just strangle the man in front of him.

"I see. I bet you're going to conquer that field as well. I do hope you do not enter car manufacturing." Greg chuckled.

"That's your area, Mr. Myrtle. I wouldn't want to go against you when I know I have no chance."

Their talk continued with topics regarding new plans and joint projects that both companies should do. Kurapika glanced at Kuroro's wrist watch. It's 43 minutes past nine already. Just a few more minutes and everything will be ready. Kuroro is trying his best to drag the conversation and keep the two interested in everything he says. He's succeeding so far.

Kurapika felt like the time is slowing down the more she anticipates.

And suddenly, the plan has finally started.


The windows on their left shattered, and two figures jumped inside the dining hall. Greg Myrtle acted just like the way they expected, standing up in shock along with his daughter. The guards came rushing in when they heard the commotion, and most of them that are armed targeted the two trespassers. The other guards secured the safety of the diners, pulling them to a safe place a surrounding the area.

Kuroro hid a smirk. Just according to his plan. Machi and Nobunaga are the two trespassers and without any delay, the two quickly grabbed the portrait of the late Mrs. Myrtle, surprising Greg and his daughter. Angered, Greg quickly ordered to pursue the two thieves, but before the guards can even do so, there was a sudden black out.

"What the hell is going on?!" Greg's voice erupted from the total darkness while Alicia's screaming voice echoed all throughout the hall.

When the black out occurred, both Kurapika and Kuroro used Ten and the pearl necklaces they're wearing rendered them invisible. While the commotion in the dining hall was going on, the couple slipped out from the guards' protective circle and quickly headed towards the possible rooms where they may have kept their target item. Shalnark informed them that he can keep the black out for fifteen minutes, which is already enough for the two. After the fifteen minutes, there's a 75% chance that the mansion's main engineers will come and check the control room to fix the problem.

The darkness did not bother the two and neither do the cameras since Shalnark is the one monitoring and controlling them. Although wearing a dress, Kurapika was still able to move fast because of her flat shoes. She stopped using Ten and summoned her chains as quickly as possible, letting her nen flow through it. Her eyes glowed bright scarlet and the blonde manipulated her Dowsing chain to react strongly when they pass through a place where the target item could possibly be held.

The whole mansion has a total of 45 rooms and three floors. Among those 45 rooms, they managed to reduce it down to three potential rooms; the master's bedroom, the kitchen, and the library. The minor rooms that they should pay attention to as well are the storage room and Alicia's room. To change from floor to floor, Kuroro will be using the teleportation skill.

Before the fifteen minutes end, they must finish examining those five rooms. They will have to allocate exactly three minutes per room.

Both Kurapika and Kuroro already passed through the kitchen, but the chain did not react. They also passed through Alicia's room and the library but the chains still hasn't given off any signs. All that's left is the storage room and the master's bedroom.

"Kurapika." Kuroro called out and stopped running. Kurapika also stopped on her tracks just as the man was materializing his Skill Book. He flipped its pages and halted on the teleportation skill. "Hold my hand." he ordered and the blonde quickly reached out.

But before they could even touch each other's hands, the two felt a sudden aura burst and quickly jumped away from each other. Kurapika's scarlet eyes widened when she sensed another presence not far behind her. Based on her instincts, she kicked the floor and pushed herself to the left, just when a sharp object suddenly flew past her shoulder. She barely even dodged it since she felt a slight cut on her neck sting.

Kuroro on the other hand used Gyo and was able to make out Kurapika's distant figure. Gritting his teeth, he took out two needles from his pocket and threw it at the human figure he saw behind the blonde, hitting it right through the head.

"Kurapika!" he called out again.

"I'm fine." Kurapika's reply floated up.

Kuroro furrowed his eyebrows. Was that a nen user? If so, then they knew that they were coming. They knew what they came for and made preparations just like they did. If that's the case, then did someone from their team leakedout information to them?

But the notion itself is impossible. The Spiders are loyal to him and the same with Kurapika's friends to Kurapika herself.

All of the sudden, the lights went on. Everything in Kuroro's vision was white for a moment, but his obsidian eyes gradually adjusted to the sudden change. What the hell is happening? This is not part of the plan. It's seven minutes too early before the fifteen minutes time limit.

"How bold Kuroro Lucifer!" that familiar hoarse voice suddenly came erupting. "I knew you'd be doing this."

Both Kuroro and Kurapika looked at the person standing at the other side of the hallway, only to find Greg Mytrle smirking, his dark blue eyes eyes slanting like the usual villain stereotype. He was the complete opposite of the man Kurapika met a few hours ago.

But that aside, Kurapika focused herself on the fact that their well-thought out plan just came crashing down. They have to think of another way to get out of here alive with their target item. The blonde even doubted that Kuroro would leave without his mother's preserved blood.

"I know who you are, Kuroro Lucifer." Greg announced and Kuroro clenched his fists. "The leader of the Spiders, a murderer, Aamir Ephraim's son..." the old man then clicked his tongue then grinned. "... and Etana Ephraim's beloved child."

At the mention of his mother's name, Kuroro wasn't able to hold back any longer. His quick hand pulled out another set of needles and threw them towards Greg. But then, a long-haired man suddenly appeared out of nowhere, jumped in front of Greg and deflected those needles with his weapon, a sword.

Greg laughed manically. "I know what you came here for." he said. "Your mother's blood, isn't that right? I knew from the moment Alicia told me about your son's mark that you are Aamir's missing child."

"Mark?" Kurapika whispered under her breath. "K-Krisu has the mark?" her question was directed to Kuroro, but it seems like the man had no intention of answering. His obsidian eyes are focused on one thing; killing the man who killed his mother.

Kuroro was quiet all this time. He's both fuming and analyzing the situation. Certainly Greg did not only hire one nen user as his body guard. There are others, but are well hidden. Their Zetsu is perfect, but if Kuroro tries, he could easily find them. However, he must not lose his concentration. It's not only his life that is at risk here but also Kurapika's.

"Kurapika, back me up." he ordered and flipped his Skill Book while Kurapika readied her chains.

"Oh no you don't! Attack him!" Greg yelled angrily and the long-haired man quickly lunged forward.

Needle versus Sword. Kuroro blocked the swordsman's attack with two needles, and both were trying to push each other down. Just when Kurapika was about to use her chains, six more nen user suddenly came out from nowhere. The blonde's eyes widened in shock when she recognized who those guys are. The Injuus. But they're all dead, defeated by the Spiders back in York Shin.

"Surprised?" Greg asked, overflowing with too much confidence. "Well, you won't be for long. Kill those two!"

The six Injuus all directed their attacks at Kurapika; the dog, the worm, the owl, the bat, the porcupine, and the leech. Kurapika can take down two of them if she wants to, but six at the same time is difficult. Kuroro quickly ducked and delivered a leg sweep and a kick to the gut towards the swordsman he's fighting, causing his opponent to lose his balance. Then, as quickly as he can, he turned towards Kurapika to help her while his opponent is still disoriented

Kurapika threw her Chain Jail at the Dog Injuu and jumped up, all the while the chains easily wrapping around the target despite it's agility. The Bat Injuu followed her up, but the blond is already prepared. With her Reinforcement nen, she hauled the Wolf up and threw it at the Bat behind her, causing the two to collide. She landed far from the other four Injuus that Kuroro has taken on.

"Oh? The Injuus again?" another familiar voice came up, and this time, Kurapika smiled to herself.

"You guys are late." She called out. "They're yours now."

Shalnark, Nobunaga, Machi, Phinx, Feitan, Gon, Killua, and Leorio suddenly appeared. They must have left their posts and came rushing to where the battle is. Seeing that the plan has failed, there's no need to follow it till the end. The Spiders might be even thinking that they're getting all the fun for themselves, although this mission is not for having fun at all.

"Danchou, let us take care of those guys." Phinx yelled, flexing his neck and knuckles.

Machi readied her strings, Nobunaga unsheathed his sword, Shalnark took out his phone, Feitan readied his umbrella, Gon and Killua displayed their Ren, and Leorio is getting ready to use his Hatsu.

"The Injuus? I thought we wiped them out many years ago." Nobunaga questioned, scratching the back of his head.

Kuroro backed away from the Injuus and teleported himself to where Kurapika and the others are. When he did so, the Injuus did not chase after him. He then deduced that they will only move if Greg orders them to do so.

"They're made out of nen. Destroy them all." Kuroro simply ordered and the rest obliged happily. He has no time to deal with Greg's antics now.

"Kill them!" Greg yelled again, and the Injuus quickly recovered.

The Spiders, Gon, Killua, and Leorio engaged in battle. Kuroro and Kurapika stayed back, reminding themselves what they really came here for.

"The storage." Kurapika said when she reached where Kuroro is. "We have to check there."

The man nodded and flipped the pages of his book once again to get to the teleportation skill.

"Kuroro." Greg suddenly called out before the man could use his skill. His grin then widened. "Let me tell you something interesting." he paused when he saw that he had captured Kuroro's attention. "Your mother is still alive."


Author's Notes: Hello guys! This story is still alive.. that's right! Lately, I can't find any motivation to write fanfiction. Maybe because there's no more Kurapika and Kuroro in the recent episodes. But that's okay Hunter x Hunter is still the best. And I'm going to the province for a one-month vacation. There's no wifi in the province so I might not be able to update my stories. How sad... Anyways, please read and review! Hope you enjoy this comeback.

P.S.I might put a third instalment for the Forced Series; Forced Memories. It contains short stories that I wrote in a notebook and is yet to be typed. Some stories would be set many years after Forced Beginnings.

When a guy asks Kairn as his date for prom, how will Kuroro do his interrogation to make sure his daughter is in good hands?

Krisu talks about a man who once carried him when he ran away from his nanny and gave him a candy, which became his favourite treat in the years to come. What memories will be triggered?

Story about how Kurapika was able to finish her book about the Underground River...

Those are just a few of those stories. If you have other requests, you can just review or PM me. :D

Next: How were the dead Injuus revived? And is it true what Gregory Myrtle said? That Kuroro's mother is still alive? If so, what would Kuroro do? Karin and Krisu then both discover what their real gifts are as descendants of High Ones.