Welcome to the second half! I'll just let you get started

Artemis had settled with being herself around his family. After all, she'd done enough lying in her life already, and being herself was much easier than pretending. Turns out Wally's family liked her just the way she was. Finding her brutal honesty about her boyfriend humorous and charming. And when the rest of the group collected back into the kitchen to work on the large dinner, Artemis was left to chat with Iris.

"You have to be careful what restaurant you choose," Iris grinned.

"Don't I know it," Artemis rolled her eyes, "We have to go somewhere different every time because we aren't allowed back!"

The two women laughed together while Barry made some half-hearted excuse in the background that they pointedly ignored. Wally was right. Artemis got along great with Iris, but the reasoning wasn't what the boy had in mind. The two were kindred spirits in the fact that they were both in relationships with speedsters, and could understand each other's problems. Artemis mused on the idea that Wally was not going to be pleased with this development.

"What's it like fighting with him?" Iris asked earnestly, "I know that it's tough to watch from the sidelines, is it any better when you're fighting side by side?"

Artemis looked to the side as she thought. Normally she wouldn't answer something so serious, so personal. But she reasoned with herself that Iris was different. Speedsters were reckless heroes, the ones most often injured from their impulsive and selfless acts. Both of them had the conflict of watching the men they loved run into situations that could possibly kill them. The rest of the family had moved to the kitchen to start preparing the large dinner, so no one else was around to hear what she had to say anyway.

"I guess…" Artemis paused thoughtfully, "I guess there's good and bad things about it. I can help him when I'm there; I feel better knowing that I have his back. But it's a double edged sword," Artemis's eyes drifted away, not comfortable holding the woman's gaze as she spoke so honestly, "Wally will throw himself into terrible situations in order to keep me safe. He's always got one eye on me, and it costs him,"

Iris nodded and Artemis realized who she was talking to. This was Wally's aunt, someone who cares for him. And here she was telling her that it was all her fault Wally was coming home with extra bruises.

"I've tried to get him to back off!" Artemis explained quickly, biting her lip as she tried to amend the situation. Iris placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Artemis you won't be able to stop him," She gave her a small smile, "Wally's in love with you,"

The blonde worried Iris would see the blush rising to her cheeks. It was just two sentences; that was all she had said. And yet she had conveyed so much.

"I know," Artemis whispered; showing Iris in her own way, that she loved him back.

"Artemis! Dear, I've been meaning to ask you," Mary said as she stepped out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron, "Wally's been treating you all right, hasn't he?" She eyed the teen.

The archer smirked, "Yeah, I think he meets the standards,"

"I am sorry about his manners," Mary frowned, "Lord knows I've tried with that boy,"

Artemis shrugged, "It's easy to find him, all I have to do is follow the crumbs," She heard Barry laugh in the kitchen before he appeared suddenly next to Mary.

"Or the crashes," He added before disappearing.

"He's taken you out right?" Wally's mother asked her, "On an actual date?"

"We don't really do…Normal things," Artemis pursed her lips as she thought of how to explain their relationship.

Mary looked absolutely horrified, "So he hasn't taken you out?"

"Mary give the girl a break!" Rudy laughed from the kitchen where Artemis assumed Barry had gone.

"Oh fine," The woman huffed, "Would you like to stay for dinner?" She smiled at the archer.

Artemis wasn't really sure she wanted to, but the glimmer of excitement in Mary's eye told her she really didn't have a choice in the matter to begin with, "I'd love to. What can I do to help?" Artemis asked, standing.

"Oh you don't have to help! Sit down! Relax!" She commanded, waving her off good-naturedly.

"No thanks," Artemis grinned, walking purposefully into the kitchen. She didn't do relaxing.

Iris smiled when she suddenly found Barry at her side.

"Wally was right, she is a little Spitfire," He chuckled, slipping an arm around her shoulder.

"She seems to be handling the family well," Iris noted, "Wally was worried she wouldn't deal with the family dynamics well because of her harsh upbringing,"

"Wally worries about her a lot," Barry pointed out.

"True," Iris laughed, remembering the night Wally had barged into their apartment ranting about how Artemis wouldn't wear her bandages and "How do you put gauze on a trained assassin while they're sleeping?"

"How much salt do I add?" Artemis asked; her skin growing warm from her close proximity to the stove.

"However much you like; you chose the recipe," Mary quipped happily from her position stirring vegetables, "Wally and Barry are going to eat most of that and they never complain about the taste,"

"And thank goodness for that," Iris added, making her way into the kitchen to chat, "We buy all of our food in bulk and it's not exactly quality,"

Artemis took a turn to check the bread in the oven and Mary gave a whiff of the soup the archer had been manning, "Oh wow! Artemis this smells delicious! How did you learn to cook like that?" She praised as Artemis flushed from the compliment.

"I'm the chef at home," She explained briefly, not really wishing to delve into details. The two women seemed to catch that and didn't pry any further.

"Does Wally know what a great cook you are?" Iris teased.

"No way," Artemis laughed, "I'm pretty sure he thinks any food I touch would turn to poison,"

"Well then he's in for a pleasant surprise someday!" Mary knocked elbows with the blonde.

She laughed politely but her stomach did a flip at the statement. Mary was talking as if they were engaged or something. They hadn't been going out that long, had they?

Artemis thought back to their last anniversary and realized they'd been dating almost a year and a half by now. No wonder Mary was thinking this way, not only have they been dating a while, they were pretty serious. Artemis didn't get a boyfriend on a whim, that wasn't her style.

She had to admit to herself that she had been thinking about a future with the speedster. How could she not? Wally was wonderful and sweet and ridiculous and everything she never thought she would be lucky enough to have. And he seemed to think she was wonderful too.

"So…Do you have any embarrassing stories you would like to share?" Artemis smirked.

Everyone was more than happy to oblige her.


The redhead was in the computer room in an instant, "Did you find her?"

Robin rolled his eyes, "No," Wally turned around to leave, "KF!"

"What? Until you find my girlfriend, let me worry in peace!" The speedster crossed his arms sourly.

"Chill out dude, I was just going to ask if you wanted to come with me to find out," The boy wonder smirked, walking out of the room calmly. Wally was next to him less than a second later, easily keeping up.

"You fixed the zeta tube?" He grinned.

"Yup," Robin announced proudly as the stopped in front of the technology, "Just give me a second to find out where it sent her…" He mumbled, pulling out his glove to attach to the keypad.

Wally hovered incessantly behind him, his shoes squeaking on the floor as he paced.

"Whoa," Robin breathed, his eyebrows raised. Wally's heart sunk, falling into a pit of acid.

"Whoa what?" He squeaked, sticking his face into Robin's personal space; his worst fears nipping at his thoughts.

"She's in Central City!" The bat-boy grinned, holding up his glove to show his best friend, "That will make it so much easier to find her,"

Robin paused as he watched Wally do nothing, "Dude, go,"

Wally had been reveling in the fact that Artemis was probably fine, just waiting on the other side of the zeta, but Robin had brought up a good point.

"She's probably lost in the city, isn't she?" He groaned, making Robin laugh as he set up the zeta beam to take the speedster to his city.

"It's been about two hours; I doubt she would stay still,"

Wally was immediately annoyed. How did this woman never cease to cause trouble for him? Even when she wasn't around she was causing trouble. The redhead was still thinking about this when Robin pushed him into the zeta.

"Oof!" He landed in Central with a thud.

Quickly, Wally changed into his Kid Flash costume and was about to take off when he realized it was a stupid idea. Central City was pretty large, and who knows how far she could have gone.

That was when he remembered.

Barry's supposed to be over at our house for dinner tonight! I bet he's there right now! The speedster grinned as he took off towards his house. With both of us looking, we'll find her in no time!

His mind was not kind on the run there. It plagued him with conjured thoughts of 'what if's. What if Artemis ran into one of Central's villains? She didn't know them. She wasn't even in costume! Criminals were out all times of the day here, unlike Gotham where she's used to the scum generally only appearing at night. What if she wasn't paying attention because she was lost? Artemis didn't know the city, what if she wandered into a bad section without even knowing it? What if…

"It smells wonderful," Barry complimented the nearly finished meal, "Can I have an appetizer?" He asked innocently.

Iris smirked and pinched her husband, "No you can't," She chided.

"I'll text Wally and tell him to come home," Mary announced excitedly, "I'll tell him I have a surprise wa-"


"UNCLE BARRY I NEED YOUR HELP!" Wally yelled, bursting through the front door with a panic-stricken face, "ARTEMIS IS LOST SOMEWHERE IN-"

"Baywatch, I'm right here!" Artemis interrupted him, stepping into the living room where Wally had ambushed his uncle. The speedster stared at her for a moment, his eyes wide with disbelief, hers accompanied with a delicately raised eyebrow. And then, abruptly, she was in his arms. Half-heartedly trying to stop the barrage of kisses he was placing all over the side of her face.

"Artemis! I saw you leave! We thought you were in Atlantis! Or dead! I was so worried! But it said you were in Central! So I came here! I thought you were lost! But you're here! You're here and you're okay!"

"Wally!" Artemis spoke up, gathering his focus as he smiled at her, "You thought I was in Atlantis?" She asked incredulously.

"It doesn't matter," He waved her off as he set her down, a hand still wrapped around her waist.

"Dinner time!" Mary said from the kitchen.

"And it's dinner time!" Wally cheered; his face lighting up before he zipped off to change out of his Kid Flash costume.

Artemis smirked and sat down at the table with the rest of his family, a familiar breeze warning her of his return.

"You know Wally, Artemis here helped-" Mary grew quiet and giggled when Artemis put a finger to her lips, indicating not to tell her boyfriend of her assistance in dinner.

"Wha wassat Mom?" Wally asked through a mouthful of food.

"Try the soup," She suggested.

Various conversations started up about jobs and current events as the group ate; and while Artemis still felt a bit uncomfortable at first, by the time Wally was on his third plate her nervous stomach had settled and she was joining in on the conversation. It helped that Wally had hooked his foot around her leg to keep contact as a show of support.

"Well aren't you greedy?" Artemis taunted when Wally scooped up the last of the soup for a fifth serving.

"I can't help it!" He whined, already downing a spoonful, "It's so delicious!" The redhead turned to his mother, "Mom, you have to make this more often. It's awesome,"

"I didn't make it," The woman quipped, a smug grin on her face.

Wally's face immediately turned suspicious at her action, "Then who did?"

"I did," Artemis smiled coyly, relishing the look of confusion that swept over her boyfriend's face.

"What!" He spluttered, ignoring the laughter from his family in the background, "No way; you can't cook," He pointed out.

"Who told you that?" The archer defended.

"Uh…Well…" His eyes drifted off as he tried to remember, "No one?" Wally frowned.

"That's right," Artemis scolded him with a smile, "Because I'm a great cook,"

"Babe," Wally beamed at her, "You're perfect,"

Laughter filled the air again as Artemis rolled her eyes.

"I'm so sorry there aren't any leftovers," Mary frowned as Artemis stood by the back door; her eyes snapping to her son next to her, the culprit of the problem. Wally smiled innocently.

"It's fine, really; thank you for letting me stay," The archer said, "And it was nice meeting all of you," She turned to catch the family's attention.

"Well it's so good to meet you too," Iris grinned, leaning into Barry.

"Yeah I'm sure everyone is relieved to know Wally found a girl with a good head on his shoulders," Barry chuckled, "I think Mary's been worrying about his standards,"

"What!" Wally shrieked; Mary looked rather offended by the comment, and Artemis laughed because she was thinking the same thing when she met the speedster, "I'm taking Artemis home now," The redhead announced loudly, his hand resting on the small of her back as he nudged her out the door.

"Bye everyone," Artemis waved, blushing to witness Wally's family smiling back at her with such warmth.

The archer calmly wrapped her arms around Wally's neck as he lifted her into his arms; this position was second nature to them by this point, what with Kid Flash racing her everywhere during missions. He pressed his lips to her forehead lightly in a silent warning to 'Hold on,' before he took off to the Central City zeta tube. When the speedster placed her back on her feet Artemis smirked because his hands stayed put on her waist.

"I had a fun time with your family," She smiled, her eyes mischievous.

"What stories did they tell you?" Wally groaned, his head falling to her shoulder in defeat.

"Just a few," Artemis said innocently, "But my favorite was the story of getting caught running around your house pretending to be the Flash…multiple times,"

"He's my favorite hero," The teen whined in defense, "And I was a kid,"

"Wally you were 12 the last time you got caught," Artemis deadpanned.

"What's your point?" He mumbled.

The blonde laughed, deciding to stop harassing her boyfriend and save the rest of her newfound knowledge for later arguments.

Wally pulled his face away from her shoulder and paused for a moment; and Artemis waited, knowing he was on the verge of saying something.

"So…" He started lamely, "What do you think of the family?" The redhead asked casually. But Artemis knew he was asking more than that. Yes, he wanted to know what she thought of his relatives, but it was the whole family aspect he was more concerned about. The reason Artemis hadn't met them until now was because she wasn't sure how to act around normal families.

She bit her lip in contemplation, but ultimately Artemis already knew what she thought. The problem was how to say it.

"It was a bit…overwhelming…" She shot him a look to keep him from mentioning Robin, making him snicker briefly, "But…I like your family quite a bit. They were all so…" Artemis paused, searching for the word, "So inviting. I like it, but it's kind of unusual…for me,"

Wally waited with a smile, making sure her slow and steady speech had come to an end before speaking, "I think you're a natural," He grinned, "It's just the hugging and junk that we'll need to work on,"

"Yeah," Artemis laughed, "I never learned how to show affection,"

"Well you're doing a wonderful job with me," He whispered, sweeping down to kiss her cheek.

"Thanks Baywatch," She said; rolling her eyes, but they both knew she really meant it.

"I'll see you tomorrow at training?" Wally asked; a hopeful gleam in his eyes.

"Of course; ready to get your ass handed to you?" Artemis taunted.

"Beautiful, you can handle my ass all you want," He smirked.

"I should hit you right now,"

"But you won't,"

"Maybe I will,"

"You would really hit me? Your own loving boyfr- Ow!"

"You deserved that,"

"Kiss it and make it better?"



"…Oh all right…"

Thank you for reading!

I don't consider this one of by best stories. I think it's rather terrible, actually. So please leave a review to let me know what you think.

And if you want some better quality spitfire stories, I've got more on my account here.
