
There are many things that piss me off, for instance when someone loots through my personal chocolate stash that I worked my ass off to pay or, when someone called me a girl due to my semi feminine physique, or the cocky grin I was getting from a grease covered, goggle eyed dumb shit right at this moment. Though I am getting way too far ahead of myself, so I'm going to start at the beginning.

I am Mihael Kheel otherwise nicknamed as Mello, in my family I am the eldest and only son. My parents, despite my girlish appearance raised me to be a hard ass, but brilliant man who would make any father proud. Or so they thought. I hadn't meant for them to know of my strange fetish, it just kind of unveiled itself. Though my carelessness did not contribute a positive factor…

You see, I'm quite slender and short for a man, and as a child I resembled a little girl with tresses of old and blue eyes to follow and was often gifted the term 'pretty'. It was merely an accident I stumbled upon my strange fetish, but you see… My greatest pleasure aside from chocolate, is dressing in clothing traditionally worn by a dominatrix.

There, I admitted it… And one particular afternoon I had assumed that I would be home alone for three hours, a perfect amount of time for me to dress, admire myself, and then bury the clothes far away in the box of my closet where no one would dare think to look, much less think I'd be hiding anything but the latest Play Boy stashed away in the corner. Unfortunately as it is, I had chosen my parent's bedroom, the one with the full length mirror to admire my latest fashion statement. As I poked and prodded at the low riding tight black leather jeans, I did not hear the front door open, nor did I hear my father's heavy shoes walking up the powder blue carpeted stairs, I did not hear the door handle turn, but what I did hear was the following…

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOIJNG"! And that is how we get to the present time, I have been shipped away to my creepy uncle's care to hopefully reprogram me to be more manly. Because what's more manly than an auto repair shop that's run by a socially handicapped whacko, his jerk off of a son, and apparently this cocky bastard grinning at me now.

"Well it's not often your kind wander in here". My kind? What the hell does this grease monkey mean by that?

"Anyways you look really lost and confused, is there any way I can help you, miss"?


I slowly set the ice pack against my cheek and winced. Currently I was sitting at L's worn kitchen table, the blonde glared menacingly at me from the doorway.

'It was a honest mistake! You didn't have to hit me so hard".

"Bastard". He spat, I in turn grinned.

"You know, I don't know where you're from, but around here people generally don't go punching people in the face if they accidentally misinterpret their gender". My cheek throbbed and sighed pushing up my goggles to the top of my head with my right hand, my left hand was currently occupied at the moment with refraining my cheek from swelling into an ugly purple mess.

"So, your L's nephew"?

"Yeah, what's it matter to you, Bastard"?

"I didn't expect you to be so pretty… I mean I heard you played for the other team, but come on man"! In hindsight I really should have just introduced myself, and then kept my mouth shut, though of course I didn't totally think that through. My punishment for my motor mouth was a nasty punch in the left eye that was probably already darkening into an ugly bruise that would maim my face for weeks.

"Alright, alright I admit I deserved that".

"Damn right you did, you bastard"!

"By the way L's nephew, my name is not Bastard. It is in fact Matt Jeevas". I grumbled while transitioning my ice pack from my cheek to my eye, it was already beginning to swell shut. I glanced over to the doorway, expecting some sort of name to call him by, but was greeted with nothingness. Apparently he had gotten bored, and left. What an ass hat… The sound of shuffling greeted my ears and I glanced over to see my odd boss followed by his equally odd son enter the room. L looked at me, his finger rested at his lips, and his panda eyes wide and studying, and then the corners of his mouth rose into a grin that made my stomach churn.

"I see you have met Mello".