Passenger 3-B
Summary: AU- Sam Wesson is infatuated with Dean Winchester, the gorgeous passenger seated next to him in first class on a plane to Hawaii. As they talk, it's discovered they have so much in common- both lost their spouses to tragedy and finally decide its time to move on.
Author's Notes # 1: This story will follow Dean as he finds love again and how he handles his relationship with family members, especially his parents as it will have several flashbacks. *** This is a Dean slash Sam story and they are NOT related ***
Author's Notes # 2: This chapter is longer than the others, but it goes by fast and hope you'll stay tuned for the others.
Rated T for language and adult/sexual situations.
A big thank you to my good friend and beta-reader, starglow71, for assisting with my many challenges in story format and grammar as I procrastinated.
In addition, I need to thank my mom, ccase13 and many others for being supportive and giving me advice.
I Do Not Own 'Supernatural', it belongs to the Eric Kripke and the CW and I'm only using them for the entertainment of this story.
Chapter One-
Sam Wesson was seated in Seat 3-A in first class, when the beautiful flight attendant with long black hair pointed to the seat next to him, cheerfully adding, "Here is your seat, Mr. Winchester."
Sam looked over to see a gorgeous man wearing khaki pants and a light blue polo shirt putting his carry-on luggage in the overhead compartment, as he casually smiled and sat down.
It's very obvious to Sam that this man was going to Hawaii on business. The man had beautiful features- green eyes, sexy lips and muscular shoulders. But the feature that's most alarming was the fact this gorgeous man had a wedding ring on, and from what it appeared, it's been on his finger for many years.
Sam suddenly realized that he had been starring, when the gorgeous man starred back.
"I'm sorry for starring, but uh…" Sam tried to search for a quick explanation. "But it's pretty obvious that you are not going to Hawaii for pleasure."
"Oh really, what makes you say that?" Dean cautiously asked.
"Well, first of all, you are pretty damn pale." Dean looked himself over and nodded in agreement, thus Sam continued. "And you carried on a small clothes bag, but you have a brief case and lastly a laptop."
So, I guess I'm either sitting next to a private detective or the nosiest passenger on this plane." Dean smirked with one brow raised, making Sam laugh.
"Yeah, that's me…nosy passenger 3-A."
"I'm Dean Winchester, aka, passenger 3-B."
"I'm Sam Wesson, nice to officially meet you."
"So, Sam, I guess you're on vacation…you know, since you're not pale and probably don't have a brief case."
"Yep, you nailed it. I'm off to the paradise islands for two glorious weeks of surfing, hiking, diving and drinking."
Dean chuckled while nodding, "I just hope that you're not gonna drink and dive."
Sam laughed extremely loud that the flight attendants peeked around the curtain from the front of the plane. "Sorry, dude, but you're damn funny. Your sense of humor reminds me of my husband."
Dean uncomfortably looked away, while Sam softly spoke. "Hey, Dean, I'm sorry, you know. I guess I should have said that I was gay, so it doesn't have to be incredibly awkward."
The gorgeous man slowly turned, looking him in the eye, "Sam, I don't have a problem with you being gay, it's just that…" Dean sighed heavily, "I used to make my wife laugh all the time and she said it was the main reason why she fell in loved with me in the first place." He sighed again, "I think this was the first joke I've made in two years. Granted it was a lame joke, but you still laughed."
They just sat there for a few minutes of aching silence, until Dean began speaking again in a much lower tone. "My wife, Jo, and her mother, Ellen, were killed in that gas explosion at the Century Mall two years ago and that was the day my life was officially over. Ever since then, all I do is wake up, shower, get stuck in morning traffic, go to work, eat a crappy lunch, get stuck in evening traffic, eat a crappy dinner and lie awake in bed trying to get me usual 2-3 hours a sleep and then the whole miserable process starts all over the next day."
"I'm sorry, that's really sad." Sam weighed in, gently holding onto Dean's arm. "But, I know how you feel, because I lost my husband too. Gabriel was killed in a motorcycle accident ten months ago and I felt a part of me died along with him. However, I soon decided to keep living my life as usual, because that is what Gabe would have wanted for me."
Sam showed Dean some pictures on his phone, creating warm smiles from both men. "See, I decide to keep going, because Gabe was the one who was gone. If he really wanted to be here, then he would've worn his helmet, not been speeding and have obeyed lane changing laws. I can't go back, but I am sure as hell going forward."
Both men wiped small amounts of tears away and sat there vaguely listening to the flight attendant announcement.
It's Dean who spoke next, as he leaned in closer. "Sam, I feel very comfortable sharing this pain with you, yet this is the best I have felt in months. It's like you know what I am thinking, but you are listening anyway. Everyone in my life has been telling me that they know how I feel and they are there for me. Those assholes don't know jack shit, but they keep cramming that caring crap down my throat and I'm sick of it."
"Dude, I totally know what you're sayin'. But you need to learn to ignore that crap and live the way you want to live."
"Yeah, right. That's easier said than done, because you don't know how fucked up my life really is." Dean sarcastically replied.
"Well, tell me all about Dean Winchester." Sam looked down at his watch, "I got plenty of time and I ain't going anywhere, therefore you have my undivided attention."
Dean smirked, "I think it would depress you, maybe you should read a book instead."
The young man shook his head and waved for Dean to start talking. "Okay, but I warned ya. It all began when I was a horny teenager in love for the very first time. I was fifteen and he was seventeen and we had been dating for three months." Dean paused, noticing his new friend looking confused, so he elaborated. "Yes, Sam, I said he. He had blonde hair and blue eyes; his name was Balthazar and he was an exchange student from London. We hit it off almost immediately and before I knew it…I was in love. We snuck around for months and then one Sunday afternoon, while I thought my parents were out of town, they found us in bed together."
Dean cleared his throat, "They freaked out…my dad was throwing punches at both of us and my mom was screaming and sobbing at the same time. My dad threw Balthazar out, threatening to press charges and then he let me know how disappointed he was in me. That night my dad made me sleep in the garage because he couldn't 'look at his perverted son'. As a result, that was the day my parents stopped loving me and I lost my first love. Unfortunately, things just got worse from there on."
Dean paused, needing a break.
"Dude, I'm so sorry. That must've been awful and I guess I shouldn't tell you how my parents took the news."
"Why, was it better or worse?" Dean asked, really wanting to know.
"Uh…thousand times better." Sam chuckled. "I told my mom and dad one night while we were playing Monopoly when I was fourteen. They looked at each other and there was this uncomfortable pause, I asked them if they were mad and they started to blush. I still didn't understand, so my mom blurted out 'we already knew; we were just waiting for you to figure it out.' We laughed for several minutes, then my dad stated, 'use condoms and don't drag me to any damn Broadway musicals'. That was it and they have been supportive from then on, until my dad died five years ago."
"Sorry about your dad, but at least he was compassionate, unlike mine." Dean admitted. "And you still have your mom's understanding too. You are a very lucky guy and don't ever take it for granted."
"Yeah, you're right and I don't. Do you want to finish your story?"
"I guess, but I liked yours better." They both laughed. "A week later, after the incident, they took me for counseling at church. The minister was nice, but he just didn't understand, so I went along with everything he suggested. About a month later, I was talking with some guy at the mall about his flyer he was handing out about an indoor rock climbing establishment that he was opening up there and my mom went ballistic! She said that he was hitting on me and I should be ashamed of 'doing it' in public and 'when will I ever learn'. She uh…"
"She what?" Sam inquired.
With a tear rolling down his cheek, Dean answered, "My mom said that 'she was tired of being humiliated by her demented son and that I needed to be locked away'. She said if I didn't volunteer for psychological help, then they would have me committed. The next day, I was admitted to a psychiatric institution and it was very scary. I really didn't want to go, but I didn't have a choice."
Dean looked away, wiping his tears. "Sorry. Anyway, here I was fifteen and locked away in this filthy place, getting electric shock everyday and medicated so much, I became a zombie. After three months, my dad finally came for a visit. It was two days before Christmas and I was extremely scared. I thought they forgot about me…you know that they really didn't want me anymore. Then I saw and ran toward him…but before I could hug him, he pushed me away and asked, 'Are you still a fucking faggot?' I was…"
Sam gasped, but motioned for him to continue. "I was so shocked that I couldn't respond and as a result, he took my silence as a yes. He said I was not coming home until I was 'fixed'; my dad turned away and walked out! I spent Christmas, New Years and my 16th birthday in that hellhole."
Dean got the attention of the passing flight attendant and asked for liquor. Sam nodded as they each take for a couple of shots of whisky.
The handsome man was looking drained, but continued with the horror story of his teenaged years.
"One day, I just decided to end it all and slashed my wrists with a sharpened toothbrush. However, it just made things worse, because now I was in a straightjacket in a padded room until spring. That is when both of my parents came in to visit me and they looked at me like I was Jack the Ripper. I could see the disappointment and disgust in their eyes, yet they pitied me too. My dad loudly asked again, "Are you still a fucking faggot?"
Sam gasped again. "I desperately wanted out of that place, so I answered no and they took me home that day. But, what I didn't know was they had moved from Topeka to Lawrence. Their excuse was my maternal grandfather sold his business to my dad, thus he could retire with his family around. The real reason was because I'm a fag who tried to kill himself in a looney-bin and they were embarrassed." Dean chuckled, "For the next several months, I was never alone. I always had my parents or grandparents watching me and I knew they hated me."
The plane at this time has slight turbulence causing Dean to jump, as Sam laughed. "Dude, if you're a traveling businessman, shouldn't you be used to flying by now?"
"No, this is my first flight in six years. I volunteered for this trip, because I didn't have to attend the…" Dean stopped and suddenly looked guilty.
"What didn't you have to attend?"
"Sam, next weekend is the two year anniversary of the gas explosion and I just didn't want to be there. When this trip came up, I knew it would be an excellent excuse to get the hell out of dodge."
More turbulence occurred and Sam can't stop laughing. However, the hottie shoots him a look of irritation and that made him discontinue, despite laughing on the inside.
"Dude, nothing is gonna happen to this plane, because I have on my lucky t-shirt." Sam pointed to it.
Dean confusingly looked at the shirt. "Are those your lucky numbers or something?"
Sam had a bitch face look, "It's the Lost numbers."
"What are lost numbers?"
"Dean, these are the lucky numbers from the tv show, Lost."
"Wait a damn minute!" Dean stared at the shirt and snapped, "You are not seriously wearing those numbers, thinking they're good luck. The fucking plane splits in half and they crash…on a freaky island! Why would you jinx shit like that? Why in the hell did they even let you on the plane wearing that?"
Sam chuckled, "It's only a tv show…a fantastic show nonetheless, but its all fake you know."
"Uh, no I don't know. It's pretty morbid that you would test fate like that."
"Dean, you don't understand. This is my lucky shirt, because I was wearing this when I graduated; when I got hired at my first job; when I first met Gabriel. I always wear this when I fly; it makes me feel confident and safe."
They nod at one another and sat in silence until the bouncy plane gets back to normal.
"Dean, what do you have planned when we land?"
"I was just gonna check in and maybe take in a few sites before going to bed early, so I can be all rested before the 8:00 am meeting." Dean softly continued, "What do you have planned?"
"Well, I'm going to my first meeting at 6:00 pm and then maybe catch a luau or something."
"Hey, Sam, I thought you said this was a pleasure trip, not business."
"It is. My meeting is with…" Sam chuckled, instantly hiding his face against the window and mumbled, "I'm going to my annual Lost fan club meeting that we have here every year."
"Sammy, you're not serious." Dean pointed out, "A fan club, really? Isn't that for teenage chicks? Or dudes who live in their parents' basement? C'mon, are you one of those geeks who like comic books and go to their conventions and crap?"
"Dean, its not crap!" He explained, "And yes…I collect stuff and go to conventions. There is nothing wrong with meeting performers from your favorite shows. By the way, it's Sam, not Sammy."
"Aww man; are you one of those, trekkies?"
Sam looked away again, giving Dean his answer. The pilot announces that they will be arriving at their destination in thirty minutes; that led Sam to ask where Dean was staying and much to his delight they are reserved in the same hotel.
The plane lands safely, subsequently the two men take a taxi to the hotel to check-in and have a late lunch. Sam asked his new friend if he wanted to come to the convention to meet his friends since he has an extra ticket. Dean laughed it off, but suddenly realized the extra ticket must have been Gabriel's and, with a big smile, he accepted.
Therefore, Sam was pleased as he was walking on the beach to the meeting with the gorgeous passenger 3-B and can't help to wonder what fate has planned for them.
Author's Notes #3: I Do Not Own LOST, it belongs to Jeffrey Lieber, J. J. Abrams
& Damon Lindelof and ABC. I'm only using them for the entertainment of this story but miss the show very much.