A/N – This is my first FanFiction so please be nice. I do not own Sherlock in any way shape or form, if I did, he and Watson would get some.

Prompt:- jelly babies!

No spoilers

Final update, have gone through and corrected anything which didn't sound right and corrected all spelling mistakes, so some of you might need to reread. Tell me what you think.

Have now made it M rated just for kashi-cookie-monster so I hope you enjoy it!

And to everyone else, SherlockWatson are so hot together! Don't agree, go away!

Jelly Babies

John walks down past the sweets trying to find the right kind of gummy sweets. Today was Sherlock's birthday and John was determined to make it special. Mycroft had texted him only moments before; 'Sherlock's birthday today. He likes jelly babies.' he found them and decided to get the milk as the chances of Sherlock remembering was very small indeed.

John walks into the living room.



"Hello, Sherlock."

"Oh, hi."

John just shakes his head and moving towards the kitchen, the newspaper still open on the table from that morning.

"Did you get the milk?"


"The milk, did you get it?"


"Why not?"

"I was busy."

"Doing what?"

John looked down at Sherlock aggravated; it was hard to get mad at him. He was the biggest prick that he had come across. Which made John smile as he remembered the time he walked in on Sherlock in the shower. He really did have the biggest prick ever. It was hard to get mad at that.


"Yes, Sherlock?" Smiled John turning towards Sherlock.

"What are you smiling at?"

"Umm…." He really was so beautiful when he was confused. "Oh, nothing."

"Oh, ok."

"It's a good job that I remembered milk then isn't it?"



"Yes, and there's no need to shout."

"Yes there is." John storms into the kitchen and puts the milk away, avoiding the head and the bloody flesh filled bag. John slowly moves back into the living room taking out the jelly babies, opening them and selecting one at random.

"Ow, stop that." Whined Sherlock.

"Stop what?"

"Throwing stuff at me."

"I'm not throwing anything."

"Oh yes you are, I just saw you."

"Stop acting like a child."

"I'm not, you are John."

"Heh, maybe I am, a little."

"What are you throwing at me anyway?"

"Jelly babies."

"Mah don' li'e J'lly 'abies." Sherlock swallowed the mouthful of gummy sweets sulkily.

"Pardon?" John asked, smirking.

"I don't like jelly babies."



"Because your brother said that you like them."

"Since when have you been listening to my brother? And why have you been talking to him about what I supposedly like anyway?"

"It's you birthday today and we were talking about what I should give you."

"Is it really today?"

"Today is the sixth of January."


"You, the great Sherlock Holmes, forgot?"

"Must've deleted it from my head ages ago."


"'Why, what?" Sherlock becoming more confused by the minute.

John rolled his eyes and smiled at Sherlock. "Why would you delete your birthday from your head? Are you mad? On second thoughts don't answer that."

Sherlock rolls his head to the side in thought much to John's pleasure his did always look sooo perfect, thinking deeply. "Your birthday doesn't seem important to you?" Continued John.


"Well then we will have to do something extra special, wont we?"

"What do you mean 'extra special'? And stop smirking!"

"I've got a proposal."


"It's a sort of striptease"

"What's a ... 'striptease'?"

"You don't know?" John's smirk getting bigger by the minute.

"No, and stop smirking!"

"Basically, if I get a jelly baby in to your mouth, you have to take an item of clothing off."


"YOU walked around Buckingham with no pants on, I don't see why you should have a problem with it. Besides it might make it more... entertaining."

"No." Sulked Sherlock.

"Please, for me." Whined John.

Sherlock huffed. "Fine, so what happens if it doesn't go in?"

"I have to take off an item of clothing."

Sherlock contemplated this, fingers pressed tightly together, looking down a little so his eyes could travel down John's body. From where John was standing, Sherlock was an absolute vision of beauty. If only John knew where Sherlock was looking...

"Ok." Said Sherlock suddenly, standing up, smiling wildly. "Where do you want me?"

"Umm... Your bedroom?"

"Ok then" Sherlock strode across the flat, grinning, not daring to question John's suggestion, just in case John changed his mind. John stood there stunned, wondering how things were going his way so quickly.

"You coming then?" Shouted Sherlock down the hall.

"Shush. We don't want Mrs Hudson to hear and come up." John said, quickly picking up the jelly babies and wondering into the bedroom.

"Oh, don't worry, she's not in, besides, she would never suspect." Sherlock's grin returned, wider than before. John walked in to find Sherlock sitting cross-legged at the head of the bed, waiting for John to stand the other side of the room.

"Open wide." Commanded John.

"Aaaaaaaa..." Sherlock's mouth as wide as it would go.

"Shut up." Giggled John.


"Oh, stop being childish."

"Get on with it."

"Open wide then." Sherlock did as he was told and John threw a jelly baby into Sherlock's mouth.

"Mmm...good shot." Sherlock mumbled in-between chews.

"Well then..."

"Well what?"

"Take off an item of clothing off."

Sherlock unlaced and took off his shoe. Then threw it at John.

"Haha, missed."

"Only because you moved." Whined Sherlock.

"Yer, yer. Can we get on with it?"


Several jelly babies and a lot of giggles later, Sherlock was sitting in only his well fitting black boxers, John on the other hand had only lost both shoes and a sock. Well if Sherlock would move of course they were going to miss.

"How come you have still got most of you clothes on? I'm freezing over here." Whined Sherlock.

"Mmm...I wonder why."

"You have a good aim, probably from your time in the army and it is the middle of winter which means the average temperature is 5 degrees C."

"No shit Sherlock."

Sherlock looks up at John wondering where that just came from. He might kill people and get angry at the world and Sherlock. He might deeply care for him and always want to help but John would never insult him like that. He thought he knew everything about John, every aspect of the other man's life then he goes and does something unexpected. Which Sherlock finds... fascinating. At this point Sherlock quickly shuffles himself to find a more comfortable position in which John might not notice what was fast making itself known between Sherlock's legs.

Once Sherlock had calmed himself down enough to stand he walked over to John. "You're definitely wearing too many clothes, starting with that jumper."

"Make me."

Sherlock grins and lunges towards John. John ducks down enough to slip away, also grinning wildly, not really caring if he got away or not. Though he didn't have much chose as at that moment Sherlock grabbed his arm and threw him onto the bed, Sherlock landing on him.

"You don't get away that easily." Smirks Sherlock.

Though John really wasn't listening, he was focusing more on what was currently digging into his thigh. "Ummm... Sherlock..."

"Yes John." Sherlock smiled down at John.

"What's that digging into my leg?" John asked, he all ready knew the answer but he wanted to hear it from Sherlock.

"Me" Sherlock thrusted his hips into John to prove his point, which caused John to moan softly. Sherlock took this as an invitation and pressed his lips onto John's neck. John moaned louder, wrapping his free arm around Sherlock and tilted his head back to give Sherlock more access to his neck which Sherlock was now kissing hungrily. Sherlock started trailing kisses down John's neck until he reached John's jumper.


"Yer, Sherlock." Sherlock shivered, he loved how John said his name.

"Are you cold?" Always the thoughtful John Sherlock smiled into John's neck.

"No, it's just.."


"I love you John."

"Love you too."



"Your jumper is getting in the way of your chest."

This made John giggle. "Well, you'll have to do something about it then."

"Ok." Sherlock let go of John with his hands and trailed them down his chest to the bottom of his jumper and slid them underneath the jumper which caused John to gasp loudly.

"You Ok?"

"Cold hands."

Sherlock giggled at this and kissed him fully on the lips, putting an end to the giggling. He pushed the jumper up John's body causing John to gasp into Sherlock's mouth. At the last moment Sherlock broke from John to push the jumper up and off John. He slowly started making his way down John's body, exploring every nock and cranny, every scar and every sensitive spot that made John gasp. Sherlock was determined to know every detail about John's body. However, Sherlock was so wrapped up in John's chest that he failed to notice John's hand slipping under his pants.

"John." Sherlock breathed onto John's nipple causing a shudder to cascade down John's body and into Sherlock's.

"Yer..." Breathed John.

"What are you doing?" Sherlock tilted his head downwards slightly to try and get a better view.

"What do you think?" John asked giving Sherlock's prick a light squeeze.

"Mmm... more..."

"Magic word." John kissed Sherlock on the side of the mouth.

"Please, John, more, now." John smiles, he could never say no to that man. The way the other man says his name makes him melt.

"Anything for you Sherlock." John brought his other hand round so he could squeeze, rub and cup his prick and balls at the same time. Sherlock felt like he was going to melt, lying on top of John. Sherlock could think of nothing but the blissful pleasure John was giving him. He never wanted this to end.

"Sherlock, my trousers." Sherlock shifted himself so he could undo John's trousers and slide them down the other man's body, all the while making sure John's perfect hands never left his body. John kicked them off the rest of his legs along with his one remaining sock.

"Now my pants." Instructed John

"Yes Sir." Both of them started giggling loudly as Sherlock pulled John's pants down and they quickly followed the trousers.

"Now your pants."

"Anything for Sir." You could hear Sherlock pronounce the capital S. "Why are you dictating this to me like I've never done this before?"

"Well, have you done this before?" A blush started to creep into Sherlock's checks. "Well, Sherlock?" John brought his hands up to hold the sides of Sherlock's head so he could look into the man's perfect pale eyes.

"No." John only just heard Sherlock's barely audible voice. John smiled at Sherlock's innocent face and pulled it down to kiss his mouth deeply which Sherlock returned without hesitation. John ran his tongue over Sherlock's lower lip asking for entrance, unfortunately Sherlock didn't get the message. So John decided to do something about it. He flipped them over so John was on top and pushed his knee into Sherlock's groin, causing a loud moan from Sherlock. John took the opportunity to push his tongue into Sherlock's mouth. All this happened so quickly Sherlock didn't have enough time to react, but he didn't care, he wanted John to control the moment, to control him. This is how it should always be. This was pure bliss to Sherlock. John moved his hand down Sherlock's body, lightly running his finger tips over the most sensitive parts making Sherlock gasp into John's mouth. John just smiled back, his hand kept moving down the pale skin, grazing over Sherlock's prick making the man beneath him buckle up into his hand. He started circling Sherlock's hole with his finger.



"I've never done this before."

"I know, just relax, I've got you." Sherlock nodded, he trusted the medic lying on top of him, he trusted him with his life. John reached his other hand out and under the pillow. He closed his fingers around the tube he had put there when he went to put the milk away. He brought his hand back to show Sherlock.

"Lube?" Asked Sherlock trying to read the label.

"Yes Sherlock, lube."

"Where did that come from?"

"My room."

"When did you bring it in here?"


"Obviously. Why didn't I notice?"

"Because your an idiot." They smiled at each other and Sherlock kissed the side of John's mouth and neck as John slicked up his fingers. He started pushing one into Sherlock, slowly before pulling it out slowly then in again faster. Sherlock just gasped in pleasure and buckled his hips upwards, urging John to move faster, too weak under John's touch to speak. John added a second and a third finger, brushing against Sherlock's prostate. Moving faster and faster until Sherlock's moans and groans turned into screams, his knuckles turning powder white as they dug into John's back, drawing blood. John didn't care, because the man he loved more than anyone else in the world was falling apart under him by his hand.

"JOHN!" Screamed Sherlock making the whole room shake and causing shudders to cascade down John's body, he wanted, needed, to be inside Sherlock now. Cum covered Sherlock's chest, John gives him a moment to allow his breathing to subside.


"Yer. Want to go again?"

"What, now?"

"Yes, Sherlock, I need to be inside you now, please."

"Yes, anything for you."

"Say my name."




"Tell me you want me inside of you."

"John, I want you inside me. Now."

"Beg for me."

"John, I need your cock inside me now. I can't wait. I need you now. John."

"Magic word Sherlock." Sherlock knew John was just teasing, that the medic wanted this as much as he did but he was happy to play along. He wanted to feel under John's control.


"Say my name."

"Please John, Please."

"And never forget it." John smirked at Sherlock.

"Never." Sherlock agreed.

John shifted himself so that as he pulled his fingers out he could push his cock in. Sherlock gasped, it was John's new favourite sound, he was going to cherish it forever. He prop himself onto his elbows over Sherlock. He kissed Sherlock's nipple as he allowed the younger man to get used to the feel of him.


"Ready." Sherlock confirmed, and with that John pulled back and pushed in slowly. Sherlock found it painful, but it was pleasurable pain. It was better than tobacco, than cocaine, than opium. He never wanted this to end.

"Sherlock." He breathed onto the younger man's nipple, causing him to shudder.

"John." He bent his head down to kiss John's soft skin.

"I can't hold on much longer, Sherlock." Moving faster.

"Don't worry about me, I've got you." He bucked up into John to help him along. John whimpers and shivers as he comes so close to his orgasm. Sherlock tightens around John's cock as he close to.

"Sherlock...Sherlock...SHERLOCK!" John screamed into Sherlock's body. Sending waves of pleasure through Sherlock drawing out his second orgasm that night.

"John..." Sherlock's voice only just carried above John's pants.

"Love you Sherlock."

"Love you too."

"We should do this again sometime."

"Yer..." Sherlock already falling asleep. John slid out of Sherlock and wrapped the covers around them both to keep out the cold January night.

"Happy Birthday Sherlock." But Sherlock was already asleep, John just smiled and snuggled down next to the taller man, letting sleep take him.


Yay! Finally finished. Over 3000 words for my first Fic ever! I don't know why I didn't start writing Fics earlier.

Helpful feedback is always useful. So if you spot any mistakes please say so as I am awful at spelling (so can't spot all the mistakes myself) and have yet to get a beta.

Thanks for all the reviews so far they are really encouraging.

Also this is my sister's hamster's contribution to the fic.

ffffffftrrrraayyyyyyyyyyyuu,bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb... ###==

Don't ask, I just thought I might as well keep it, you never know, one day he might write the whole works of Shakespeare! (maybe)