(A/n: HERE I GO! Haven't heard from me in ages, right? And I am DAMN SORRY about that, I haven't forgotten you all nor my fan-fictions! To be honest I have been thinking a lot about new ideas, but because of finals I couldn't find the time to write anything. This here is an older story idea which I have modified and which has plagued my mind, so hence, I started writing it in the little free time I had and here is my first update! Chapter one is up too, this is just a small prologue, a little taster ;D Proper story starts in chap 1.)

Disclaimer: do I need it?

Don't forget to check out my other stories such as Case Closed! That story WILL BE CONTINUED IN SUMMER! PROMISE!




He closed his eyes for a second before sighing ever so audibly. The awestruck eyes surrounding him were intensely glued to his stature and left him quite uncomfortable, even though he should have been used to the obsessive mannerism of the little girls around him. They could not bring themselves to gaze past him, as he ever so leisurely strode by, eyes black abysses of blank emotions, impossible to be deciphered by any humankind, and that at his age.

Don't get me wrong, he was not always like that; quite on the contrary, he was a loving little boy, with a great passion for many things, but especially for the mysteries of this world. He would wondrously ask questions in the most innocent of manners, appearing all too charming and sweet to be denied the correct answer. But right now, as he was approaching a lone park at the edge of the city to play some football with his newly found friend, a cerulean eyed, cheerful boy, he was everything but happy. The constant giggles and muffled noises of excitement forced a vain to pop up at the side of his head. All these girls, not leaving him alone, although he looked no different from any other boy with his black T-shirt and white hooded jacket with the simple, dark jeans underneath.

He was only eight years old, how was he to understand the female gender with all this dark sparkle that he felt it gave off? He could simply bring no great respect up for the girls around him. In his eyes they were plainly and precisely summarised with one easy term: annoying. And that is what they would always be to him.

"Oi! Come on, we wanna play!" The cheery blonde called with a never-fading grin on his face as he waved an arm enthusiastically at the raven-locked boy, who's eyes brightened up ever so slightly, nonetheless unnoticeable to his peers, at the sight of his new friend.

"Sure!" He called back, deciding to take an eager sprint towards the compromised horizontal field that resulted to be a perfect place to play football.

The chasing after the monochrome sphere with all the excitement and concentration that came with it allowed him to ignore the squeals of admiration that surrounded him almost immediately as he began to dribble. But his companion came up with an all-too-powerful kick of the ball right towards him, and with a slight slip of his foot caused by the flat, moist grass, his kick increased in strength and caused for the football to take a flight of a good three-hundred meters towards the tree-filled region of the park, until it rolled out of sight.

"Jesus! Did you have to kick it so hard?" One boy complained with angered eyes, only causing the blonde to grin sheepishly and scratch the back of his head innocently.

"Sorry, didn't mean to! I'll go-" but before he could turn around to chase after the ball that, due to his fault, had landed too far outside of the self-designed football field, he noticed the raven-haired kid to have disappeared within the small "forest" of closely placed trees.

He jogged along, enjoying the emptiness of his surroundings. No excruciatingly annoying girls around, no squeals and giggles and looks of awe marred on lying faces. He nearly forgot about the reason he had entered the forest because of all the tranquillity. Yet as he spun around in a quick search, he saw the black and white, muddied ball, having rolled down towards a clearing in the forest which was covered in rainbow coloured, extravagant flowers that elegantly curled and bowed in all directions. What took him by surprise, however, was not the large blooming cherry blossom tree in the middle of this make-shift garden, of which the petals were swaying like rain in the wind and stroked his face when a gush came chasing towards him. No, it was the small girl in the middle of such a meadow, looking confused and taken aback by the ball next to her.

The boy decided to watch her for a while, astonished at the extraordinary hair colour she possessed, which was barely a tone lighter than the petals dancing around her, as if performing a ritual. She wore a pink, simple dress and a crimson flower of some sorts within her hair was adorning her features. She stood up, tilting her head from side to side with a faint smile on her face as she picked up the ball, leaving her miraculous garden of Eden, so he seemed to describe it on the inside.

It was at this moment that he decided to step forward and make himself noticeable, unused to the sudden shyness that showed up as he was about to speak. But he seemed to need no words at the moment, for the girl took notice straight away of his ominous presence, gazing up with startling emerald eyes that seemed to pierce through him like spears, causing him to hold his breath for a second longer than usual.

"Is that your ball?"She asked calmly and with a slight smile still adorning her features.

He nodded, his eyes betraying his dumbfounded gaze. She slowly walked towards him, keeping the eye contact as she reached out to hand him the sphere with a grin on her face "Here you go!" she chirped happily.

He hesitated for a moment, seemingly in trance, before thankfully taking the ball and, dare he admit, smiling back at her. He was not sure what he should do in that fateful moment. His expected move would be to return to his friends and continue the tenacious match of football with them, as they were expecting his reappearance any time soon. Yet he felt like just staying there, watching her presence, as she seemed to riddle his mind more and more by every second that ticked past.

She giggled, but differently to the way all the other girls did; hers sounded heart-warming. She picked at the flower in her hair, taking it out with great care and holding it towards him, resulting in him having to stare wondrously at her.

"So that your pain may go away and you can smile again." she said with childlike innocence, once more confusing him and causing the boy to quirk an eyebrow.

With her index finger she indicated towards a fine scratch-mark that was present on his cheek, probably having occurred when he had fallen onto the ground a while ago after having missed his chance at kicking the football successfully because of one of the other kid's quick tackles.

He took it gratefully and with a faint blush on his cheeks, "T-Thanks...no need for that, it looks better in your hair."

Another sweet giggle erupted from the pink-haired child.

"May I ask what you're called?" he questioned still with a faint blush present.

"Hmmm, call me Rosalia" she said, not stopping to smile at him.

"Rosalia? Is that your actual name?" He seemed surprised, Rosalia seemed so...non-Japanese.

"No, but I don't like my actual name. I get bullied because of it."

He was confused as to that, but instead of inquiring further and eventually worsening the friendly relationship, if they even had one yet, with this girl right now he accepted it, a delicate smile once more present from his side, "Alright! Then you can call me Kuro."

She tilted her head in confusion, "And that...is not your proper name either I guess?" She grinned as she voiced the last part of the sentence.

"N-No...but, it sounds better!" He scratched the back of his head and Rosalia smiled a little more, "Okay then, Kuro, do you want to play with me?"

Without much hesitation, Kuro agreed to the invitation.

Little did he know was their friendship going to last for such a tragically short period of time.

(A/n: Short prologue done! Off to Chapter 1! Thanks for the read *bows*)