Once again, my lack of writing sucks.

But aside from that, I never quit a story, even when there are 10 months between chapters (now I'm sure that won't happen.) but I decided to write a quick chapter.

Lexi: I am so grateful for your review, I immediately started this chapter because it meant so much to me that you liked it so much.

Peeta and I are walking through the Seam, towards the Hob. Our hands are melted together fitting each other perfectly. I feel like walking on clouds when I'm with him.

My hands squeezes his, which makes him squeeze back and I giggle.

He turns to me and cups my face "you are so cute when you giggle," he stares at me "you are so beautiful Katniss, I love you" he says sincere.

I stand on my toes and kiss him "I love you to" I say with my nose pressed against his.

And with that we walk into the Hob. I see Greasy Sae trading and selling her stuff when she spots us and her jaw drops.

My cheeks turn red. We make our way towards her and the closer we get the harder my cheeks glow.

"Well, well" Sae starts "what happened to you lovebirds, suddenly so affectionate?" She asks curious.

"We uh," Peeta starts "she helped me.. And I helped her and well.." He stutters like a guy who's meeting the very strict father of his girlfriend for the first time.

"He helped me with my nightmares and he well.." I look up to him and smile "he startled me with his personality and of course his cute appearance."

We just look into each others eyes completely disregarding the fact that Sae is eying us. When I realize that I jump back and look at my feet.

Peeta just blushes and rubs the back of his head making his hair a mess.

Sae laughs "all I have to say is that as lo g as your happy Katniss, I am happy." She turns around and then looks back at us "there are some people waiting for you over there" she points to a spot not to far away from her supplies.

I see 2 people standing there but I don't know who.

My hand slides out of Peeta's and I walk to the spot, very curious.

When I am there I can finally give the people a name: Delly and Madge.

"DELLY! MADGE!" I yell. I haven't seen them in so long! They've been to district 5 to keep a low profile.

They turn around and face me, right away a smile appears on both their faces.

We give each other hugs and end with a huge embrace.

"How are you guys?" I ask them still glad they're back.

Delly pinches my shoulder "are you kidding? We're great, aside from the fact we'd been gone from our best friend in like 5 months!"

Is it really been that long? Unbelievable.

"I'm happy to see you again Katniss" Madge says softly but politely as she always does.

I pull her in for a hug "I missed you to, Madge" I smile.

She chuckles when she stands back "wow, you hug me? You changed how so?"

I blush and quickly look back to Peeta, who's standing there still talking to Sae, looking very cute.

His hair is more messy because of the wind and his white shirt matches his blue jeans perfectly. It's so casual but it fits him.

When I look back at Delly and Madge they seemed to have followed my gaze.

They then look back at me.

Madge smile grows "Peeta? The bakers son? You like him?" She asks giddy.

I blush even deeper "come," is all I say and lead them towards Sae and Peeta.

I see Peeta look to me with a concerned but curious look.

When we reach them I take his hand and turn back to Madge and Delly, who are just staring at me.

"Madge, Delly, this is Peeta" I say uncomfortable "my boyfriend" I say hesitantly.

A moment they just gaze at me, probably wondering; Katniss Everdeen a boyfriend? Really? No way!

The thought makes me smile.

Then they both start screaming and jumping up and down "WOW KAT! CONGRATULATIONS!" They scream hysterical "AND HE'S HOT TO!"

I blush and see Peeta rubbing the back of his head, with a gorgeous smile on his face.

"Kiss her already lover boy!" Delly yells, which makes Greasy Sae jump "she's melting away just looking at you boy!"

He blushes and looks at me, but then leans forward, giving me a passionate kiss.

When we break the kiss Peeta decides we go to the bakery and insist on baking us cheese buns, saying its my favorite.

This makes Delly and Madge go 'aaaaaaw' almost the whole way through.

Peeta grabs my hand and gives me another kiss.

I never thought I'd be this happy, lucky to have this boy.

I have a lot of ideas again so another chapters will follow, also suggest some things!I will be posting another story about Ron/Hermione on high school soon. I already have 8 chapters done. See y'all next chapter! Love you guys!