This is my own version of when Katniss realized she loved Peeta. If someone has any comment of the grammar, I'd be glad to receive. I would love to improve some points of my English.

When I wake up and try to open my eyes I hear some sound coming from outside my window.
Fast I close my eyes again because I remembered I left my window open and I want to listen to conversation that is for some kind of reason next to my house.

''You should just let her think and not overwhelm her with it,'' says a familiar voice. I'm just too tired to think of who it could be.
''But I don't think I can hold it very much longer, I mean, it's almost been 4 months. I feel like exploding,'' wait a second, I've heard that voice a thousand times, not just in District 12 or many other places but also in my dreams sometimes. It's Peeta.

I try to slightly open my eyes, so I can look out of the window from underneath my lashes, I see Haymitch' messy hair. When I try to get up a little bit I try to make no sounds, but I fail and my blanket and mattress make a slight sound.
Peeta and Haymitch turn their heads to look inside the house. I see that Haymitch isn't that drunk that he always is, so it must be important. And Peeta, looks like he always looks like. His blond hair that has small waves in it and his incredibly blue eyes. Something is different about him, but I can't put my finger on it.
I pretend I am asleep again and they eventually turn their head away again, as they continue what they were talking about, but in whisper tone.
I have to listen very carefully, and with this sort of situation I am so glad my ear is fixed again. It was horror when I only could hear with my right ear.

''Fine, just go talk to her when she wakes up, but no funny business,'' Haymitch says when I hear Peeta sigh.
What is going on?
''Yeah yeah Haymitch, have a little faith in me. Peeta say in a sarcastic tone. I couldn't blame him, Haymitch sometimes has this habit to underestimate us, like we do everything wrong if he doesn't tell us what to do.

I hear them leave and as soon as I hear them walk around the corner I jump out of bed, slip into my hunt clothes and my boots. I quickly brush my hair and make a braid. I walk towards the door while picking up my hunting bag and make my way to the fence.
On my way I take a quick look in the bakery while passing by.
Wow, all those cakes and bread looks so good. I can't imagine how Peeta makes those decorations, must be really hard.
I can't help but think of the last time I stood here with Prim, which didn't happen since me and Peeta won the Games, since we were rich and we could have all the food we want.

''It's been a while since you came here.''

I turn around quickly, with a gasp.
It is Peeta, who said that, standing before me now with a grin.

''You scared me Peeta,'' I say still breathless of the scare.

''Oh well, sorry, I just couldn't help myself. Uh, Katniss, I need to talk to you abo..''

''Um, I was just on my way to hunt, it's Sunday, the only day to hunt with Gale, remember. I'll talk to you tonight okay? I'll come by,'' I interrupt him. I was a little stressed out because of the importance what made Haymitch sober up.

''Fine, see you then,'' He smiled, giving me a kiss on my cheek. I could feel I blushed a little so I ran fast to the fence.