A Different Kind of Girl

Chapter One

Sometimes I don't feel like I was ever a human. It has been twenty years since I was one, but from my viewpoint that's not a very long time at all, especially when you're staring down eternity. I was made vampire for my special ability, and no other reason. There may have been another one someday, perhaps it would have been affection, or maybe even love, but I didn't get the chance to find out if that would ever happen. No my story started at a vampire Summit ironically enough, I was there working for the Queen of Louisiana. I was twenty six going on twenty seven when I was turned. You are probably wondering why a relatively young human woman was working for vampires, and it's like I said, my special ability, I was a telepath. I had always regarded my ability as a curse, it made growing up 'normal' impossible, and I had never had a relationship before I met Bill. Imagine fucking someone when you can hear every thought in their head? It wasn't fun so I was a virgin when I met him. Some might say that I was head over heels in love, and I would have agreed. At least I would have until I found out he was only with me because of his Queen. Regardless of the fact I became vampire six months after the summit in Rhodes simply because I was useful.

It was perfect timing from their standpoint, the explosion, the chaos, no matter the fact that they would have died without me. I was declared a missing person, and then officially declared dead, which I technically am I suppose. I was brought back to New Orleans where Sophie Anne made me fit to her standards, or at least as much as she could. I was kept on a strict diet, made to exercise daily, grew out my hair until it was waist length and then turned. I was as perfect as you could get for someone with my figure, I was still roughly a size six but that's only when I cheat on my diet. My body was in perfect condition, Sophie Anne couldn't abide ugly people so she made me look as super model as possible before I was turned, and when I say super modely, I mean Victoria's Secret, not runway just to be clear. Every inch of my body was waxed until I was hairless except for my eyebrows and hair. You might think that after all the trouble that was put into making me look 'perfect' she would have turned me herself, but no I was given to Andre who had never had a child before.

Let me describe Andre for you, he is pale all over, blonde hair, blond eyebrows, pale eyes, pale skin. He's also short, he has a demeanour about him that makes him seem taller, but no he's short and nothing but platforms or the stretching rack would make him any taller. He was Sophie Anne's child, and had been with her since she found and rescued him from abusers when he was a child. Oh that's another thing I haven't mentioned, Andre is at the most fifteen, or at least that was the age he was turned at. Anyways, Andre was to be my maker and I was not pleased, not only was I going to be forced to heel to him, and thereby Sophie Anne, since he was so devoted to her, but my entire family thought I was dead.

I was different back then, I don't know if it was just spirit or if I actually thought I would get what I demanded if I stomped my foot for long enough. I believe I still do have a temper but all the fight has been torn out of me. The first couple of years where the worst, I was a southern belle, I had been a virgin before Bill and was relatively new to the whole dating scene, although I had had other sexual partners other than him. Mostly I was naive, I thought the world was a bad place, hell I knew it was but I deluded myself into thinking I would be able to keep myself and the people I loved safe. I succeeded on one front, I kept the people I loved safe by not running to the closest camera crew I could find, and that was how they trapped me. I realize now that if I had in fact done that, there would have been nothing they could have done, it would have been impossible for them to cover up multiple deaths, especially considering that they were linked to me.

Sophie-Anne wasn't a bad person really. She did the best she could without really understanding why I was always so angry with Andre and her. Sometimes I wish I really had died in Rhodes, I wouldn't have to go through all of this, but a lot of people I cared for would have died that day as well. Quinn and his sister would have died Bill, and Pam and him.

I find myself rambling, and that was not intended, I only have one more thing I'd like to share before we get into the story, my name is Sookie Stackhouse, I am a telepathic fairy vampire and I am about to become a maker for the first time ever, not with someone I chose no. With my cousin, who the last time I'd heard about him was six, who is now my age, who will now have to stay here with me and my golden manacles. This is the first time in twenty years that I have been allowed to see my kin, this is the first time in twenty years where I will be going to the Summit with my maker and Queen. This is the first time in twenty years where I will be able to see him.